Sup Cred Forums, what are some good games that will fuck me up with their stories...

Sup Cred Forums, what are some good games that will fuck me up with their stories? Just basically any game that has at least decent gameplay and a good story. List of games I've played that I think fit this criteria:

>Alan Wake
>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>BioShock 1 and 2
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>Dark Souls 1,2,3
>Darkest Dungeon
>Dead Space 1 and 2
>Dragon Age: Origins
>Dragon Age 2 (fight me, nerds)
>Elderscrolls: Morrowind, Oblivion
>FEAR 1 and 2
>Fallout 2
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Mass Effect series
>Metro 2033
>Resident Evil 1 thru 4
>Saints Row 1 and 2
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
>The Walking Dead: Seasons 1 and 2
>The Witcher 1,2,3

Is there anything I'm missing from this list? I'm looking for any and all suggestions. What's a great game to play that would fit in with the rest?

Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

That gamer guy was pretty cute :3


>fable 1 and 2

wow, in alphabetical order huh

Running through my steam library, desu

KoTOR 1 and 2 and VtMB

KoTOR is a good one, forgot I played it

The Suffering and The Suffering: Ties That Bind

Silent Hill 1-4.
Especially if you liked old RE games.

You can grab them all for PC from these following links, and get them look and run great on modern machines using this guide pic:


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

Got anymore games that begin with "d"? jesus...

here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.

The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.

alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.

You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures.

>Some general protips
-never play below Normal difficulties.
-adjust down the in-game Brightness setting.
-crank up the volume!
-explore places.
-do not try to kill everything that moves. Especially if you have room to just run.
-turning off the flashlight = very effective.
-replaying each of the SH games is very recommended, for multiple reasons.

>The Darkness 1 and 2
>Darksiders 2
>Dead Effect
>Dead Island
>Dead Island: Riptide
>Dead Rising 2
>Dead Rising 2: Off the record
>Deadly Premonition
>Deadly Profits
>Dirt 3
>Divine Divinity
>Divinity 2
>Don't Starve
>Doom 3
>Dream Machine
>Dying Light

it's a popular letter, major companies are always looking to give us the D

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

>alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics
You really outta add to this that the software render in both ePSXe and PCSXR is kinda meh. If someone wants to go that route, they outta use Mednafen.
>You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures.
This is semantics really, but PGXP is really more of an add-on for PCSXR

Enjoy your time in the town of SH!

>You really outta add to this that the software render in both ePSXe and PCSXR is kinda meh
How´s so? It works perfectly fine, and looks pretty much how it should on a real-deal console too.

>If someone wants to go that route, they outta use Mednafen.
and suffer the horrors of that mess? Fuck no!

>but PGXP is really more of an add-on for PCSXR
nope, it´s a fork of it. And already has surpassed the PCSX-R in every single way too.

PCSX-R momentarily had the benefit of GTE Accuracy hacks, but even ePSXe´s latest version has that now. And ironically, it also packs better accuracy than Mednafen now too.

That being said, SH1 is one of the easier games to emulate properly nowadays, be it in a "native" or "enhanced" form.

>How´s so? It works perfectly fine, and looks pretty much how it should on a real-deal console too.
Fine is the keyword there. The software plugin is ancient.
>and suffer the horrors of that mess? Fuck no!

>And ironically, it also packs better accuracy than Mednafen now too.
This isn't true. I await you to post those test results, where ePSXe used settings made to game the accuracy testing, but can't actually play games.

Games don't have good stories.

>The software plugin is ancient
And "old" suddenly means "bad"?
Maybe there´s just nothing to fix?

Mednafen is terrible mess. That´s what.

>this isnt true
Oh, but it is. Your beloved tests are not the only truth.

Besides, none of that matters when running SH1, or many of the other "big title" games of the console. If you want any kind of enhancements, Med-fuck ain´t gonna provide them.

>And "old" suddenly means "bad"?
Maybe there´s just nothing to fix?
I won't trust your judgement on that friendo. I've lurked these threads before, and seen you unironically defend ZSNES too with the "it just werks" line.

>Mednafen is terrible mess. That´s what.

>Your beloved tests are not the only truth.
What the fuck other truth is there? How are you personally gauging accuracy then?

>Mednafen is terrible mess. That´s what.
Sorry you can't into dragging and dropping and literally just werking

>I won't trust your judgement on that friendo
that´s alright. I don´t trust the sanity and tastes of anyone using Mednafen either.

>unironically defend ZSNES
maybe I just don´t give a fuck about literal online memes of a backwater imageboard? The thing runs my entire ex-SNES library just nicely.

yeah, the fact that a random Linux-faggotry core ended up being one of the most hyped things this year definitely is ironic.

>How are you personally gauging accuracy then?
by playing the games, and comparing the results to the real deal originals, perhaps?
I don´t give a fuck HOW it is achieved. The results are all that matter.

I´m sorry that you are happy with a literal PSXfin 2.0.

Oh wait, the original had a proper GUI... never mind!

Good gameplay:
>Metal Gear Solid

Janky gameplay:
>Deadly Premonition

>just nicely

>yeah, the fact that a random Linux-faggotry core
We aren't even talking about Retroarch here.

>maybe I just don´t give a fuck about literal online memes of a backwater imageboard? The thing runs my entire ex-SNES library just nicely.

Mednafen is highly accurate, unlike psxfin.

oh look, it´s THAT Kirby example again...

what if I don´t want ""accurate""?
What if I want 4K + shaders + filters + fixes of literal PS1 limitations and flaws?

>What if I want 4K + shaders + filters + fixes of literal PS1 limitations and flaws?
Then you use PCSXR-PGXP. ePSXe has no place for use anymore.

>What if I want 4K + shaders + filters + fixes of literal PS1 limitations and flaws?

Use the fork of mednafen in RA. And hey, you get a GUI as well that way.

>oh look, it´s THAT Kirby example again...
>Ugh stop proving me wrong...

For that last one though fine. But it still doesn't make Mednafen a mess. It's still the most accurate psx emulator.

I'd like to add at least Drag on Dragoon 3 to the jank list, if not all of them.

Woah, you just made my night user.

>oh look, it´s THAT Kirby example again...
Sick deflection bro.

Check this:

Just like when we were kids, eh?

>And "old" suddenly means "bad"?
>Maybe there´s just nothing to fix?

PS1 emulation was not perfect in 2008 when they stopped updating.

From personal experience.

The entire lore and backstory, leading up to the ending(s) is fucked up in a beautiful disaster kind of way.

>Far Cry 4
A fantastic representation of how all sides have their own evils.

>Golden Sun
This one would take too long to explain and be riddled with spoilers.

>Metal Gear Solid 2
Nobody is in the right, and everybody's being played. Shame about the sequel(s).

>Tales of Xillia 2
Ludger had a hard life.

just like I remember it

>Then you use PCSXR-PGXP.
exactly. That´s what my webm is from.
However, if you want max speed and compatibility, it´s hard to beat ePSXe.

>Use the fork of mednafen in RA
How about fucking no?
You RA / Medfucks are literally the worst.

>My ONE game does not look EXACTLY the way it should = you are wrong!!
stay mad. I don´t even play that game.
And Mednafen is a prime example of devs being literally butterfingers in user-friendliness and staying up to date with fieatures.

I´m not downloading that.
Nor would a slightly off-tone sound of a fucking Mario´s pipe sound somehow make the emulator obsolete or "bad".

it was perfect enough for SH1.
I don´t give rat´s ass about some Nipponese special title #432 that may not run properly.


Only game I can think that lets you actively commit genocide

You´re welcome bruh!
This stuff´s also been posted on the /vr/´s SH thread, so remember to look up the guides + links from there if you ever need them!

It lets you play it in browser

>ONE game
Oh come on
You can't possibly be this retarded
You know it's more than one game
Just because I give pizza as an example of a food with cheese on it doesn't mean it's the only food with cheese on it.

Mafia 1

>stay mad. I don´t even play that game.
Oh wow. You're straight up that asshole who says "works for me :^)", when everyone else is having issues. Put on a trip I can filter already.

>Nor would a slightly off-tone sound of a fucking Mario´s pipe sound somehow make the emulator obsolete
Yes, it absolutely does when you have several other options out there that don't have these nearly decade old issues. Shit, ZSNES doesn't even the benefit of higher compatibility anymore. It lost that years and years ago to both snes9x and bsnes/higan. It's only advantage is it's ability to run full speed on a decade old rig. Same with ePSXe, to a lesser extent.

Ace Combat Zero

I remember when I was a znesfag too. Good thing that discovering other emulators (because Secret of the Stars was unplayable on znes) made me realize how shitty it is

>backwater imageboard
Take it back, europoor

The Cat Lady, Yume Nikku

is this the ed edd n eddy version?

LISA: The Painful RPG

Go play Killer 7 right now. You will thanks me and yourself later.

Also Nier and Drakengard 3. You don't need to play the previous games, but play Nier before DoD3.

Play the Metroid main games.

It's "ought to" dude

delet DIS

You don't keep your books/movies/video games/etc in alphabetical order, you barbarian?

Drakengard Series. you just had to type "decent gameplay" though, so I can't really think of anything else. Someone might as well post the chart if they have it.

Far Cry 2 is right up your alley. It starts grim and only gets grimmer. Very different tone to 3 and 4.

>ding dong
>not dong ding
garbage comic

Yeah a whole bunch
Dick Girls
Dick Chaney Simulator
Dick Girl Simulator