Does "ELO Hell" exist?

Does "ELO Hell" exist?

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Metaphorically speaking, yes, it does. Specially on those with shitter mindset.

It's just an excuse by silver shitters to hold on to so they can continue to believe they are really good but it's their team that holds them back.

>Inb4 bait
It's the truth faggots, git gud


Your channel used to be decent, now you're just an Overwatch and Blizzard whore shill

Well yes, anything can exist in the wonderfull place that is your imagina t i o n a n o n

So it's the videogame equivalent of being friendzoned?

we all in it.

I guess there's always gonna be a skill level where you are just a little bit better than everyone else but not good enough to carry alone a.k.a Elo Hell.
You will get out of there eventually but it will take a lot of time.

In a dumb ass way, yeah

>Is it real
Kinda. But most of the time i realized i was lacking and only called my teammates out when i had gold elims and damage. I took the "git gud" advice to heart and made it to upper plat from 2200

>He made it to upper plat
This is good how exactly?

You got me runnin you little snake in the grass.
One of these days you're gonna break your glass.
Don't bring me down.
No no no no no.
I'll tell you once more, before I get on the floor.
Don't bring me down.

Don't bring me down, Bruce.

Do other MOBAs apart from LoL use the Elo rating system as well or has the term "Elo hell" transcended its literal meaning?

No ELO Hell doesn't exist.

Mediocre Hell does.

Yes, 'elo hell' is a real thing. its your skill cap. your inability to get better. to get out of 'elo hell' you need to get better.
Blaming it on your team is just an easy way of avoiding the truth that you are shit.

if your teammates are shit, then odds are that your enemies are shit. basically, you are the deciding factor. if you aren't shit, you can climb out of "elo hell". but because you are shit, you can't and you instead blame elo hell.

>be bad at a video game
>blame your team for every lose
>delude yourself into thinking you're better than everyone else
>spout garbage like "ELO HELL"

This can be applied to pretty much any ranked team oriented game, if you're as good as you think you are you should easily rise up the ranks.

CSGO shitters would even go as far as saying "Yeah, I'm GN1 but I play like a GE"

It doesn't exist, eventually you will climb or you won't, that's the fun of having a system made for 1v1 applied to 6v6

I play Overwatch with a group of friends I've known since Counter-strike beta days. They're all platinum/gold while I somehow managed to make it to diamond rank.

I know they're good. At times I'd say they're actually better than me. So what gives? How come they can't get to where I'm at if ELO hell doesn't exist?

LoL used to have an ELO system season 1 and 2

Nope. If you disagree you are a shitter. How else are pros consistently able to get to the highest levels of MMR, even across other accounts?

i went from 3120 all the way down to around 2400 in the course of 2 days

Acquire proficiency.

What does E-L-O stand for?

Remind me again why Overwatch bases your ELO rating on your team's performance and not your own performance? I get it, it's supposed to be a teamplay-based game but I'm almost always carrying the team, finishing with around 4 to 3 gold medals every round. Why must my ELO suffer from the 5 shitters I'm queued up with who aren't able to protect the point/payload?

>if you're as good as you think you are you should easily rise up the ranks.
Why? It doesn't matter how good you are in team based games, unless you're good enough to carry 5v6 which just isn't possible in most games (Overwatch included, unless you're a good player in silver or bronze)

it exist (or at least, stagnates) if you're soloq'ing towards entering or leaving a rank. the odds of everyone on your team being mentality primed isnt worth the hassle - even if youre the carry with 4 golds. i was going between 2800 and 2990 just trying to hit diamond. i think games around that average are pretty volatile cause everyone is on tilt dropping from or getting to diamond

but after partying with two people i sat at a lofty 3200 and solo'q my way to ~3360. kind of took a break after

Elo Hell only ceases to exist in 1v1
But even then shitty Elo can exist in even 1v1 games because of things like e.g. getting matchmade AFTER you picked your character, so if the game has matchups you can randomly get fucked regardless of skill level.

Elo Hell generally exists in all matchmaking games because developers aren't perfect but most of all designers are not competitive minded AND thorough. They'll see a "we can get math for this easy, it'll do" and not see the flaws in applying that to a system that doesn't work on maths alone (especially when balance patches are a thing)

Matchmakers should just set up games, what really matters when it comes to skill levels is promoting a player his own strengths, highlighting his own weaknesses and gently encouraging him to pursue either training or entering organised ladders.


What us elo hell? Before that, what is an elo? I guess it's some kind of skill level thing? Like, elo hell is when you're unable to rank up anymore because you've hit the peak of your skill level? You win and lose games about 50/50 since you're in your bracket, or whatever. What does elo actually mean though? And honestly, couldn't you just have some friends throw games for you if you're that desperate? Not that it matters, since I assume you'll just get your ass kicked by better players and rank down again?

You answered your own question. It's a team-based game and it's not really possible to carry the team by yourself. You should stop measuring your performance by gold medals, because in the end they don't really mean anything. A really good Reinhardt player who knows when to push and when to become the unmovable front line of the team will still have less gold medals than a shitty reaper who goes off on his own and gets a few kills while the rest of the team isn't present.

>be me on a toaster laptop
> cant aim properly at 30 - fps
>decide to play only toblerone
>attack , defence , koth , payload
>mfw i get 3+ golds at ever game
gold medals matter
its not your teammates fault , its only ours

His channel is basically the same, except now he's talking about OW and not StarCraft and shit. Hell, I'd pump out OW content too if I saw that exponential growth after I started.

Although gold medals arent everything, you would be dumb to claim that they arent at the very least a good approximation of how well a certain player is doing in most general cases

There are a few playstyles that dont get rewarded in gold, but they are a rarity

True, but now every time I join a competitive match it's basically like throwing a pair of dice in terms of how my ELO's gonna be affected. I can wipe their team twice and spend a significant amount of time on the payload making objective kills and still lose my rank after the match has completed.

I don't get CSGO players. I'm somehow LE but I should be MGE, DMG at most. I don't know why the game keeps me at a skill level where I clearly don't belong.

The notion of competitively playing team games with a team of strangers is so fucking retarded

But then again the reason why people play these games is because their teams give them someone to blame things on

yes until you get good

I went from mid platinum (calibrated at 2600) to top 500

I've been playing with a friend who's really shit at the game and plays at low ELO (in normal game), he was always complaining about bastion and how "OP" he is

I was able to carry by myself all of his matches, it felt like playing against bots, ELO Hell doesn't exist just git gud


It is plat 1 where everyone thinks they are good and wont shut up about it. Actually everyone is shit and cant win or close games. They think that getting 2 kills on their lane opponent somehow entitles them to say stupid shit or rage all the time.

and that was in 2011 and 2012

>But then again the reason why people play these games is because their teams give them someone to blame things on
I was under the impression that team games were played because they gave people an opportunity to cooperate competitively with a group of friends.

>your team has potentialy 5 shit players and 1 pro (you)
>enemy team has potentialy 6 shit players
If you are so good then math is on your side fagtron

the elo system was never removed they only painted over it with the leagues thing


You're not wrong. I didn't mean that was the single reason but I chose the wrong words to say it. It's one of the reasons people play these games.

That's impressive. May I ask who you play primarily?

I've been unable to break 3100. I play with a group of 5 and by myself quite often. Strangely enough I have better luck in solo queue than I do with friends.

Most playstyles don't get rewarded with gold medals. It's only really the damage dealers who get them, and since almost every match people basically force a 2/2/2 composition on you, gold medals are divided between the two most offensive characters. You won't get more than one or two as a healer, and the same goes for tanks. Bragging about having four gold medals is meaningless, because most of the time it's just a contest between two people.

Also you can quickly gain gold medals even if you're not doing much. If I played Junkrat and spent the entirety of the match shooting at a Reinhardt's shield, I would still get a gold medal for damage done, even though I was basically useless for the entirety of the team.

I haven't played Overwatch, but I imagine "elo hell" is just based off the fact that as you approach your "true" rating, your W/L approaches 50% making it harder to rank up. Most people complaining about elo hell are probably average as fuck and probably only a little better than their rating suggests.

Never go premade with more than two people unless you're teaming up with Koreans. You'll likely be queued against a team who know how to play the game infinitely better than you do.

>main Roadhog
>still doing all the work and ending up with 4 gold medals

I guess he's the closest thing to a DPS while still being a tank.

>I guess he's the closest thing to a DPS while still being a tank.

He's saying it's not an acronym.

That's because at Diamond tier most groups have good communication and a preset composition. Everyone knows where to go, what to do and how to react. They know each others style of play and can react accordingly when the situation requires adjustments. If you just have a group that "plays randomly" at that level you will get stomped by the trained premades.

Win/loss is the biggest part of the equation but the SR system does take personal performance into account. It actually compares your performance to the average performance of your hero on that map.

I play 100% solo and am 3400~ and consistently rising bit by bit. If you keep playing well, your rank will go up, period. Sometimes you end up on a shit team and there's nothing you can do to avoid an L, but you just have to get over it and focus on the fuckups YOU make instead of getting into the "never my fault" mindset.

>That's because at Diamond tier most groups have good communication and a preset composition.


Being in Platinum,

Yes, it does.

Which is why I'm never playing Ranked until they give us a true solo queue.

ugc plat or brain dead retard plat?

>Talk about groups
>Shows an image of randoms
What exactly are you trying to prove here my child?

You're part of the problem if you don't pick a tank

>electric light orchestra hell
What are you fuckers talking about

He's implying that diamond tier randoms grouped together also know how basic comps work.

Roadhog isn't a tank, he's a DPS with a large health pool that is supposed to go for the squishy heroes on the enemy team. He doesn't actually have any abilities that allow him to tank for the team, or any abilities that benefit someone other than himself at all.

The four categories Blizzard created are misguiding, and a lot of people fall for them. Most teams absolutely demand that you go into the game with a 2/2/2 composition (which is not ideal, because you don't actually benefit from playing a meta composition if you don't coordinate the way pro-players who form the meta do). But when your team picks Roadhog and Dva as the tanks and they but go absolutely offensive, there's no one left to actually tank for your team, and I mean tanking in the sense that you build a front line and protect the rest of your team so that they can do damage.

ELO Hell is the point where you've reached your current skill cap.
Learn to improve instead of focusing on increasing an arbitrary number to stroke your ego.

Stuck in a hell of people constantly bringing you down.

It's a place where they play Electric Light Orchestra all day everyday.


Congratulations, you just described an off tank. Which Roadhog, Winston and Dva are.

this is completely wrong
are you retarded?

How is Roadhog an off tank? He can't protect team mates at all. Mei is a better tank than all three of them, yet no one in the game considers her a tank, simply because she's in the defensive bracket.

it can.

it just depends on the day/.

>tfw terrible at games
>poor reflexes, never learn enough about a game to know what I should focus on doing or how to be a decent team member, get lost on maps regularly or at the very least don't know enough about them to understand where I should be or what to avoid
>1.3 average K/D is more or less my peak after sinking 30 hours into the game
>always get carried into high ranks somehow despite having no friends and get pitted against people that dominate the shit out of me
>tfw 9/10 of my matches someone complains about "shitters" and "elohell" and I know it's all my fault
>tfw got into diamond yesterday after several matches of being mocked and bitched it

Sounds like you need an operator on the line.

>he can't protect teammates at all

Do you know his hook works? Do you know that if it lands on a Genji, Tracer or Reaper you almost always get to eliminate them, eliminating their harassers and saving your healers in the process?

He's right though. Win/lose streaks and probably the average rating of the other team are bigger factors to your rating gain/loss but it also judges performance.

"In Overwatch, whether your MMR goes up or down is contingent on winning or losing. But there are a number of factors that determine how much that rating goes up or down. For example, what map you’re playing on and whether you were attacking or defending is factored in. We know the win rates on attack/defend on all of the maps and we normalize accordingly. Not all wins and losses are equal. We also look at your individual performance on each of the heroes you played during the match. Everyone has better and worse heroes and we have tons of data showing us what performance levels should be like on those heroes. We also look at your opponents and whether or not their matchmaking rating is higher or lower than yours. These are just a few of the things that are considered when determining how your skill should go up or down. At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against."


I noticed I can still raise my rank just by playing as well as I can. my losses aren't as damaging as my team mates. and my wins are higher.

Why do you have to be rude he still is getting better

His hook pulls in other heroes (most of the time, at least) so he can kill them. By that logic every hero who can kill other heroes is a tank because they can protect their team by killing their enemies.

I was searching for a chance to meet a sweet talking woman.

Yes, but it's not really a specific rank but rather a type of player that you need to avoid.

In general low diamond games are where things get really tough, you have good players trying to climb and bad players who somehow got lucky and placed there. Combine this with how loose the MM system is it means your games are not really about who plays better but who got unlucky and was stuck with a dud player on their team. There are a LOT of undesireable teammates in the low diamond range that just don't care about winning, refuse to switch heroes, and in general are awful teammates, you absolutely cannot win if you get them on your team.

The sad part is in a system that worked better these players would quickly fall down the ranks back to gold where they belong, because this one is so busted they are allowed to hover in low diamond and in the off hours can even be stuck into games with 4k+ rated players and ruin their games as well.

Im not implying that, the thing is that the higher you go the less it is about you and more about the team. You need to communicate and work togheter if you want to get into higher diamond. The "I only focus on myself" mentality will not help you at all on higher levels. Even Seagull communicates with his randoms in GM.

It exist in casual but probably not in Ranked for most games.
>Why would you play casual mode?
Because you're going to step in shit no matter what you pick.

Yes and it's called the mid to low 2000s

>play ranked
>1 guy goes afk
>"X or feed pl0x
>guy doesn't know how to play
>3 on 6
>other team is more coordinated than the navy seals
>get gold medals in everything, play of the game, everyone votes for you at the end

yeah it's totally real.

You're missing the point. The entire point of Roadhog is to relieve stress from the main tank by eliminating key individuals such as Genji/McCree or Mercy/Lucio so that the main tank who is taking the brunt of the force has some more breathing space. This is the key feature of an off tank. The same goes for Winston that dives into the backline to harass the supports and Dva to some extent though she is more tricky.

Yes, because every character is able to one-shot squishies, soak damage like no tomorrow and serve as a human meatshield in the vanguard.

I'm not saying he's the best tank but if you don't know how to "tank" with him he can be an excellent complimentary character to Reinhardt.

>tfw hooking in an enemy Zarya, landing first shot and let Reinhardt finish the job by swinging her right back to where she came from

Fair enough, that actually makes a lot of sense.

Why are you faggots talking about Overwatch? This is the thread for Electric Light Orchestra now turn to stone.

Hey you with the pretty face

shit I just looked at the dudes channel, its crazy the sudden transformation from like normal looking videos to BIG TEXT THUMBNAILS about OW and experiencing like a 5x gain in viewers

>Get ranked with low skill players
>Not good enough to play relatively well against them


not possible to carry by yourself

0004 sr confirmed

ELO is an ok scope but i like the BO3 scope or no scope

There is a Elo hell but not in the way people think.

Elo hell exists basically any rank where people don't fully understand the meta or even just the game itself. If you're playing with a bunch of people who are technically alright but have no game sense, you have no possible way of coordinating an attack. You could be good, your teammates could be good, whatever; but if you don't actually have a strategy then it just seems like you're bumbling around waiting for a single person to tip the scales with consistently good or lucky plays. It's also why it seems like you either steamroll every game or get stomped every game. A team without a strategy has no ability to come back or contest.

But people use Elo hell as a "i'm in traffic" and not "i am traffic" kind of deal. If you're good, you'll climb. If you know how to lead a team, you'll climb faster.

You cant carry as much in overwatch as you can in for example csgo, the game is just designed that way
You can be the best by a big margine, but almost never does the winning team have one good guy and the rest shitters, which can happen from time to time in csgo

You cant carry as much in overwatch as you can in for example csgo, the game is just designed that way
You can be the best by a big margine, but almost never does the winning team have one good guy and the rest shitters, which can happen from time to time in csgo
Guess it has something to do with csgo or quake arena or whatever are split up into rounds where you don't respawn, whereas ow and LoL and the like have people constantly respawning withing the same rounds

>That's impressive. May I ask who you play primarily?

Tracer, Pharah and Mccree in that order

pharah less and less as I got closer to top 500, it doesn't work vs the best mcrees

well said, I actually forgot what website I was on for a second.

this. just yesterday, i was the only tank (rien) and we only had one healer (lucio). the rest were dps (one changed to junkrat later) and they refused to switch no matter how much i told them to.

I gotta second what the other reply said, just because this is probably the most intelligent assfaggots/crapcunts-related post I've read on here in a month.

Every time I see people talk about this, they either ignore that they can make a difference at all or (more commonly) they ignore that there IS a huge issue with zero coordination in lower brackets. The problem is, if the rankings are stiff enough for the length of the game, it's absolutely fucking hellish to climb out of even when you're winning. Dota 2 in particular is bad about this because Valve never reset rankings, and you only get 25 points per win even at lower MMR like 3k. You can play 4 games over 3-4 hours minimum, win every single one, and climb only 100 MMR all while having to deal with that shit. And that's assuming a win streak, if you win 3/4 you gain only 50 instead. You can see why people buy accounts and make smurfs instead of grinding that, which only makes the problem worse.

Tracer main, eh? I also main tracer. That's it you've inspired me. I too, will attain Master rank.

when i first started playing cs:go i was dumb enough to think being stuck at silver master elite was some kind of elo hell.

i was just terrible. idk about overwatch, but in skill based games like cs there is no such thing as elo hell. you can carry all by yourself and still win if you're that much better than your opponent

Seagulls don't play video games

This is the main problem with gold and platinum at the moment. So many people that do not understand good team composition or meta and just take Torbjorn or Bastion. This is why getting out of gold can be frustrating endevour because you need to play much more games to weed out the losses caused by retards.

I think it depends on what you play. I play Rein almost all the time in comp since I feel I am good at it and no one wants to play tank. But, there is only so much I can do. I my supports and dps are not doing their jobs then we are fucked, and lose. In that case I don't think its unreasonable to blame them. However if I am playing nearly anything else then I usually do blame myself.

It's basically the individual skill evaluation a game assigns to a player based on performance. This is a problem in team-based games, because there is always the chance that some of your team members play badly or disconnect, thus giving you a defeat and dropping your rating which in turn will raise the chance of being matched up with these same people again. In the end ELO hell just describes this vicious circle of having a hard time getting out of low rankings again after a losing streak.

If you have a really high skill level, then of course you can carry yourself out of shitter leagues easily, but if you are just about average skill, it becomes much harder to rank up from low leagues, because the skill gap between you and the others is much smaller.

Got your theme ready bruh

I mostly play rein all the time. When you play tank you generally see it all. I get some teams that know what they are doing and we win. Sometimes I get a somewhat messy team but with encouragement and leadership we somehow scrape by. Then you get some teams that just flat out ignore you and run in one by one and die while blaming you for not helping despite being on the objective.

It's worst when you stand there with your shield slowly melting and your team not killing anyone. Then as soon as your shield breaks, they decide to run out into the open fire. It's like they deliberately wanna troll you sometimes.

You people are cancer.

It's much harder for anyone to rise up ranks as a supportive role in most team games, typically you want to play someone that can carry a team until you've reached a level where the average player will actually make use of your support/healing. Unfortunately every shitter picks the carry roles so you're stuck playing support or leaving your team without one. This is the closest to what I'd consider ELO hell.

Its sad. I always call out the status of my shield. When it about to break and when its down. Moment I say "Shield is down, back up a bit" they all run forward including the healer.

>Playing Overwatch like 7 hours a day
>Ranked score often dipping below 2600

>Finally land another job
>Playing Overwatch like 2 hours a night, at most
>Ranked score consistantly staying above 3150; feel like I could make it to Masters this season

I remember this situation happening when I played LoL as well.

Something about NEETing multiplayer games puts me on some mad tilt instead of making me improve.

So get gud at MickyDee and insta-lock him every time?

Thanks, user. I'm gonna make it.

Fuck you.

>when premade blames their team but the only card that popped up was you with 4 golds
Yeah everyone's the retard except you 4.

Is the place where people waits for Mr. Blue Sky to come.

It does. I only play 4 games a day and manage to win every time as opposed to 20 games and lose 15 of them.

Why isn't rank tied to performance like COD, Halo and other games with ranked?

>other team steamrolls
>get one kill, rest of team has zero

This is the only truth:

Yes, you can have bad luck in some matches, but in the average case you will have a team that's equally good or bad than the enemy team, so you will be the factor that balance the game one way or the other.

That being said, you will lose matches because of your team, but if you keep losing and losing rank, or you can't rank up after so much matches, it's only your fault.

And also, being good at this game doesn't just mean to get gold on damage, you also need good communication with your team, general knowledge of the game to know what to pick or what to do in different situations, and (at least to me) positive attitude, insulting your teammates only makes everything worse in my opinion.

>I have nothing intelligent to say but I'm gonna disagree with you anyways: The Post

mercy mains ladies n gentleman
rope yourself asap

You can't always get carried, you are probably kinda good, or play an easy character.

kind of; it's a side-effect of using the ELO system for a team game, and having short seasons that limit the sample size; there's a lot of volatility in the game

GOOD matchmaking

It's pretty much this.

Its because they were still doing their placement matches :^)

it does, but not in the sense that most think
the vast majority defines elo hell as "I can't climb cuz me ooga team booga, i'm actually god's gift to every team AND a hanzo main"

in reality elo hell exists it's more as "i'm actually better than these people, the issue is I can't climb FAST ENOUGH" than the former
you get a drooling retard on your team? now you have to win 3 games in a row to make up for it
someone dc's? same shit
forced to play [role you're not that good at] again? better luck next time

you will climb eventually, but bullshit gets in your way more than the opponents you're facing, and it's fucking annoying
let's not even mention retards ragequitting

anecdotal, overwatch related evidence
i'm ~3100, which is decent, if only statistically
players in that range sort of understand how the game is supposed to be played, but they make a fuckton of mistakes
the team that makes more mistakes loses, it's pretty fair
number of games played to achieve said rank: grand total of fucking 27 matches played (11 in the first season, 16 in S2)

i was asked to "boost" a friend out of the middle of plat
it took me almost 100 games to go from ~2400 to diamond, and it was fucking excruciating
most games felt like either a coin flip or being forced to carry 1v11

playing team based games alone is retarded


>team based game
>people expect you to carry your team to get higher rank


ELO was a good band though.

Electric Light Orchestra

Literally the best thing about Densha Otoko.

if you're good you will carry yourself out of the shithole. Most of the retards who complain about ELO hell are not good players.

Who is 3.5k+ support mains here? Zen and Ana is so much fun.

Thats what happens when you treat your channel like a business, you do ehat makes you the most money. I think northernlion handles it much better

Thank you

Yeah it's where Frogposters go

>I've been unable to break 3100. I play with a group of 5 and by myself quite often. Strangely enough I have better luck in solo queue than I do with friends

here's the thing when playing with friends and people you know, you won't call them out on their shit.

I have this retarded friend who for the life of him can not get into a proper position at any point in the match. Always trying to do some stupid flank shit with time cowbow and streetpig alone, wastes his reaper ultimate when he's alone (1v6) every single time and then wonders and whines why he lost (this is at 3,1k btw). I've tried calling him out on it but it's the usual "not my fault" stuff so i've just stopped playing with him altogether until he can accept that his shitty plays cost him games and at least try to improve.

I can almost guarantee you that in that 5 man group of yours that there is at least 1 or 2 dead weights that needs to get carried.

> Cred Forums and /owg/ tells me that your rank in overwatch is determined by your skill alone
>Cred Forums and /owg/ also tells me to have a good team to win
What??? Make up your fucking mind. Does my team matter or not faggots.

>I play Overwatch with a group of friends I've known since Counter-strike beta days

Time played=/=skill. There are plenty of people with retarded amounts of play time but are still silver/gold, simply because they don't try to improve or learn from their mistakes.

Watch how they play and position themselves and spend their ultimates. I have a lot of friends who are better at aiming than me but they simply run off solo thinking they can take the enemy team alone and wasting ultimates left and right doing absolutely nothing.

It's just an excuse for people who are stuck at where they belong

> 18 and not in college
> am currently unemployed
> fell from 2300 to 2000 from playing hours of overwatch
So you're telling me playing overwatch less makes me better?

Shitty performance based ELO is trash. If you win and lose a lot of games (bouncing back and forth 2.8-3.0k for example) the system will actually give you less for winning and make you lose less because it thinks it has placed you right in their system.

Me ogga
Team Bogga
Them ogga bogga

Reality: If you can't outperform the enemy team, you can't climb. You are just as good as you are, not better

If you lose 5 games in a row and you're a child then you're more likely to be pissed off and make more mistakes.

I want to fuck Ahri.

Yes and No.

Is there a spot where even great players can't climb out because their teammates are retarded? No. By the system's nature your enemies are equally retarded.

Will each player encounter a spot where their current skill or strategy hits a wall and they cannot continue to rise as they currently are? Yes. This is by design.

Different players will experience different ELO hells of their own making.

In gold and below players tend to lack either basic mechanical skill or even the remotest concept of placement/map awareness. Those with good aim and/or awareness will easily climb out of gold by carrying their team with any DPS. Those who lack that mechanical skill are forced to rely on teammates and enter their ELO hell.

The span from 2500 to 3000 is where players have either well-developed mechanical skill or excellent strategy and coordination, but not both. Exceptional mechanical skill can carry you to diamond, but most players of above-average skill who don't have teams or don't know the best strategies to use will enter ELO hell here as they consistently lose to coordinated enemies and only win 50/50 on uncoordinated matchups.

Above 3000 everyone has good or excellent aim and personal mechanical skill takes a massive backseat to strategies. You could make up for one with the other in platinum, but here you need both. At a certain point in diamond the only other players who will likely match with you are master/top 500, so enjoy.

>avarage kdr as dva at 5.6 (top 1% according to master overwatch)
>All other stats at around top 5%
>Rank 2500
I guess people at higher ranks just don't play her?

Yes. I play like a 5K MMR Dota 2 player, but the game has me in only 2200 MMR. Shitty teammates all day every day.

>Be in a MMR when everyone it LITERALLY braindead
>Can't climb

Yeah I have issues staying calm and not getting frustrated. How do I stay calm and learn from my mistakes?

by staying calm and learning from your mistakes

Easiest way is to look at replay to learn your mistakes. I usually just try to figure out why i died and how i could prevent it (being out of position etc.), kill cam can be handy for this.

>SR 3350
>soloQ is full of people who soloQ'd to diamond with DPS and never pick tank or support so I have to go Ana all day
>nothing but draws draws draws
>if I group with PUGs they're inevitably retards who can't understand that 6v6 is different from soloQ and you need to coordinate heavily
>also in groups I never face anything but top 500s
I mean, I do think you should probably have a good dedicated group to be able to break into top 500 but jesus christ I can't fucking find one

Learning basics:
1. Get a notebook
2. Take fucking notes
3. If you don't understand what is going on, worst case: Watch a replay of yourself, and take notes
4. You don't have to understand anything you write or draw, you only need to find a way to process what is happen, and what went wrong

Also search for "Purgegamers Purge coaches Slacks".
You could be better than Slacks, if you just where better at understanding when to get free kills, when to farm, and when to TP to save allies

I cant speak for other games but it definitely exists in Heros of the storm.

>HOTS is so casual hurr durr

Now that that is out of the way. I have an account on HOTS that is permanently stuck between silver and gold. It was my first account and i have tried my damndest to get it higher. No matter what, after a few wins, forced 50 kicks in and i get either retard teammates or an enemy team trying out for pro placements (not literally but they play like it). I made a smurf accout and got platinum 4 placement no problem, i have worked my way up to diamond league from there. Ive gone back to my first account several times to try and bring it up in rank but its fucking impossible. HOTS is not like other mobas in that no matter how good you are, you cannot carry an entire team of retards. MMR/ELO hell is real, anyone who says otherwise has not had the misfortune of seeing just how bad teammates in the lower ranks can be.

D-Va is good but the problem is Zarya is a cornerstone of the meta, and Zarya will wreck a D-Va. The only thing you can do is fly away from her.

no it doesnt, im just bad at the game
its easier to say that it does in overwatch though because it is a team based game

its a meme you dip

why dont you just tell your teammates what to do? surely strategy is enough to carry a team.

You don't understand. At lower MMR teammates are so bad, they dont notice pings, or just ignore them. Occasionally people just assume they know better and straight up leave the team to go die on their own. Its like herding cats, you cant help these people.

That's how probability works shitface, if you can up your team's win percentage by 5-10% you'll be out of "ELO Hell" in a few dozen matches.

Truth is, you belong exactly where you are, you have a 50% winrate because you are on average just as shit as everyone else at your ELO, most other shitters have the same exact menatlity as yourself.

Once you accept the fact you are shit, you might become mediocre, once you become mediocre, there is only going up from there.

Yes it exists at 3300. Fucking miserable.

Still call bullshit, you just suck like the rest of them. On such a low MMR, you can still carry the game in 99% of games, even if that means only a slight increase in your chance of winning, it means that your rank will gradually increase until you are ranked with appropriately skilled players.

It's easier to shit on people at low ranks. You won't be averaging 4 elims a life against good people.

Yeah I hate zarya so much.
People who say dva should be buffed are wrong. Its zarya who should be slightly nerfed. I'm thinking slightly larger hitbox.
Still, whenever the enemy doesn't have a zarya (or she's bad) I can pull off shit like the 46 streak I did the other day.

It doesn't exist in the way most people use the phrase. Ster proved this recently by making an account that started at bronze and solo queued all the way to masters. It didn't even take him long.

Then why am i diamond rank on my second account? If MMR hell wasnt real and i realy was that bad wouldnt i fall right back to gold/silver?

he didn't solo queue, and he didn't reach master

No one talking about ELO ever seems to factor in the human element of players.
do people believe as if the prior rankings of the players involved should completely determine the outcome?
Rankings are going to have inaccuracies that need to be corrected constantly. Players are going to be inconsistent eg. Having an off game or playing the game of your life.
Intangibles exist and some players play making the most of them. Then theres in game equipment/strategy matchups. You can get handicapped in a game even though youre technically more skilled.
Lack of cohesion or communication is another intangible, players with less skill that act as a larger unit can beat higher skilled lone wolves.
Yeah the odd retard gets thrown in who really doesnt belong at a rank. The system is complicated. You win you lose. If you learn and improve you'll rise. If you dont you wont.
Git gud.

>Second account

life as a bastion main

He fucking does not. At least not in my experience. Last time I played with him he played McCree with that dumb bitch playing Mercy pocketing him (on fucking Ilios) healing no one else literally the entire game. Refused to even join team chat let alone use it. Naturally, we lost.
Fuck that guy.

Yes, he did solo queue an overwhelming majority of the time, and yes, he did reach master. Don't speak unless you know what you're talking about.

>Play Pudge/Counterganker/Sandking/mobile stunner
>Rush Bottle and TP boots
>Literally TP to creep waves to countergank
>Enemey team tilts so hard they are unable to play properly

Its not hard.
A big part of climbing is understanding IF you can trust your team or not.

ELO hell doesn't exist.

I solo queued slow and steady and reached my ceiling. You may be confusing your own ceiling for hell.

Hanzo, Widowmaker, and the goddamned Roadhog in general are all acting as heavy anchors to my climb. Fuck anyone who instalocks these. Me and my ONE friend have to suffer through these pointless losses because of these inbreds.

I thought ELO Hell is the place where you can't rank up anymore cause everyone is better than you
If everyone else is worse than you, isn't that ELO Heaven?

Just play support like lion or something
Team won't buy wards, you buy wards, you hank, teammates do the only thing their brain allows for and fight

I found that doing comp with 1 or 2 friends is the best way to rank up from gold to diamond. Any more and you attract the attention of 5-6 man premades and get stomped. Having 1-2 guys on your team you KNOW you can rely on makes it a lot easier. The pugs either fall in line or get out of your way.

I got ranked in low 2000s because I got paired up against the same 6 stack 3 times in my placement games.

Now, as I solo queue, it's just luck if I get the good players or the silver shitters on my team.

I believe I'll be stuck here until I can put together a decent team to play with on a regular basis.

ITT: People who don't know what elo hell is. If you get lucky and/or carried by your team in the placement matches and get into diamond, you really aren't expierencing elo hell. Gold and silver on the other hand...

The problem is that you understand that Silver/Bronze isn't Diamant.
So instead of being happy of being a big fish in a small pond, your ego reacts badly.

Ster went from Bronze to Diamond in one six hour session. Granted he rode a winstreak through Gold and part of Plat, but it's still an accomplishment

What size team?

Ranked obsession kills games
People become so self-conscious about their mythical matchmaking points that they become so very hostile about losing any of them

After all people, matchmaking points determine your selfworth as a gamer

Just out of curiosity though, is it even possible to get ranked into bronze? I lost 7 of my 10 placement matches and still got placed into 2400 SR. How do you even get into bronze then because if you lose all your matches you still get into mid silver.

How do you even get into bronze? Even if you do NOTHING during all 10 placement matches you will win at least 2 matches by luck.

solo queue

theres literally no reason not to make it team + performance.

So was it luck or was be able to just go tank and carry the whole team?

I watched it, he was a just lucky as fuck.

He's made it to master on that account so you're in some deep denial if you think he was just lucky.

>got to diamond promo in LeL
>bombarded by boosted shitters in diamond V
>fall all my way to plat v
There are 3 kind of players in ranked matchmaking in any game:
the definite shitters who only play for "fun", those will shit up you game in lower/mid ranks
the boosted shitters who paid to get to higher ranks and will proceed to shit up your games there
and (You)

Your point is? ...

If you think 'elo hell' exists you're just retarded.
There's no such thing as 'elo hell' because elo boosters exist.

Nah, i didn't say it was only luck. But like most matchmaking in overwatch, if you got above average teammates who actually do damage, you just pick support and win.

You mention pudge so i assume you play dota. HOTS is not at all like dota. There is no option in HOTS, you HAVE to trust your team. One person cannot carry without the rest of his team at least listening to what he says.

HOTS is a terrible game, and I don't understand why you are playing it.
Because of the way the mechanics works, its a terrible game.

He played pharah, zenyatta, mei and 76 in the matches I saw

also mercy, symmetra and ana

Right, I forgot about his Battle Mercy game in Bronze. That shit was hilarious.

Yes. Blizzard games have dogshit ranked play since the Blizzard audience is factually retarded.

lol u suk

The undeniable truth is that if you can't rise in elo, then you deserve to be were you are ranked.
>But I play like a diamond player and my team are all gold shitters
The enemy team would be gold shitters as well so you should be able to stomp them, and do you really think that people who've climbed the ladder have had good teams all the way through? Everyone gets shit teams, even the enemy.

Why are you so insecure what elo you are?
Why can't you be satisfied by your current status?

So it was just him playing mostly the needed support and being lucky with his team composition? Whats so impressive about that?

this is so bad it has to be intentional

>Plat crying because he can't rank up
I'm not surprised

ATTACK Symmetra. And when he played Mercy on Anubis Attack he spent 80% of the game shooting them with Mercy's light gun, occasionally healing if they happened to wander nearby and he noticed they were low.

Because people want to feel good and the only way people without other accomplishments inlife can do so is by pointing at a number and saying "look, I did something great!"

There's shitters crying about it in every single game with teams and matchmaking, and every time some good player solo to the top on new accounts beause they don't suck

Attack symmetra can actually be really good tho, atleast on some maps where the teleport is not completely fucking useless.

thanks for reminding me i needed to play before my elo starts to decay op.

People actually grow to believe they're good at modern games since matchmaking prevents them from getting a reality check from actually skilled players.

Old games you never had shitty players with massively inflated egos since they'd just get shitstomped by people better than them as soon as they opened their mouths

>play rocket league with a friend whos ranked a prospect when i'm a challenger 3
>we rank up and down at the same pace even though he's clearly better than a prospect elite and i'm not as good as other challenger 3s
>we should both be low challenger 2s but game only seems to rank based on win or loss.

he's very upset about it because he really cares about rankings but won't que solo to even the shit out.

It definitely does, but it only applies to the lower tiers of a ranking system. Past a certain point you can't blame your inability to advance on ELO Hell anymore, which is what a lot of people are apparently doing nowadays.
Kind of a shame to see yet another term be overused, twisted and lose all its meaning.

Holy shit, thanks user, I've been looking for that pic for quite some time.

Yes but only if you play on the skill level of your teammates. Become the Michael jordon, Kobe, iverson. It is more about prediction with time. I still suck at team games 4 years later but am getting better( lol lock characters behind a paywall!!!)Also mastering all characters will help a shitload.

I don't think I'm good at FPSs even though I'm generally pretty good at most other genres.

That said, if I mess up I can blame myself, or if I get legitimately out gunned I can't really be mad. But when I'm 76 and I'm the only person trying to protect the fucking point or escort the payload while my bumblefuck team mates try and increase their k/d you damn well right I get mad.

Pretty much this. I played sf2 with a stranger the other day and he was like "wtf you have to practice this game this is fucking bullshit". Back in the day all vidya were feats of skill. Never have I realized that times are a changing.

As 4 years of lol playing I can tell you you get fucked if you play ranked and still learning the game. My other account is from season 1 and Made another account now I win more. It's bullshit.

I just keep losing what's wrong
can't win

I've seen games with Shayed pocketing Seagull like a fucking shadow as Mercy. Out of spite someone else will pick Mercy and then actually go on to do what the fuck it is they're supposed to do by being a team healer instead of a pocket fag.


The game is teamplay based, you can be the best player in the world but if your team pick at randoms or you have leavers or unskilled people you cant do shit. Nobody in overwatch (since is the case) can do something 1 vs (x>2) people.
You can do once, you can do twice but not for all the game. That is called elohell, you are stucked since your mmr counts a win (+10 ponts + (an example)20 in mmr) and a lose (-40 ponts - 50 in mmr) so youd better have luck to win 5-6 game in a row, than just lose one and restart your streak or you are stucked there forever.

Btw if you soloqueue in a moba\teamplay based game you are a fucking tard. I never and i say never play if i dont have at least a group of 4 (over) or 3 (mobas). Soloqueue is the death of those games since you get the "oh my i take hanzo\genji\turret or dwarf since i am alone and now im goin for the potg" or you get the support who follows only one champ ignoring the other ones.

BTW im platinum, as the friends i play with.

TLDR: if you play alone in a group based game you are a retard.

I wouldn't know, I don't hate myself enough to play ranked.

Some do

The point is that elo hell exists in that, if you're in it, you're shit, so you're in hell, just like the other people on your team. You're not above them or you wouldn't be there in the first place, you would have placed higher naturally.

>"Hey buddy i think you got the wrong spawn room"

>play ranks, find some guys that want to play togheter
>we do extremly well, we win
>stop playing togheter
>only see two guys playing, they never invite me
>when I play ranks by myself and we do well, ask them if they want to keep playing, nobody answers.


Besides that, Ranks in Overwatch are a catastrophe.

I wish it was, I was like one of the highest ranks in Halo 3. I'm 2280-ish in Overwatch

>Someone picks Symmetra

Is Symmetra secretly good on attack or something? Why does this keep happening?

no because of probabilities

Elo Hell does exist.
I'm D2 on my main, challenger in 3v3 (EUW) and 5v5 D1
I just started smurfing and I somehow found out, that me carrying as ADC when duoqueuing all the time with my friends isnt really paying off when I play alone. My mechanics are insane and I've won some 1v1s vs challenger adcs, but man, I sometimes just dont know how to finish the game if our shotcaller is not with me in the game.

tl;dr: stuck in gold1 on my smurf with shitty teams that feed and i can't carry even though Im fed all the time

in our team games it always works, I mean, they actually give me all the ressources, because they know my positioning and mechanics are by far the best on the team. I guess I need some brain and more map awareness by myself, or learn basic strats, not just listen to my support where to go and what to do.

On some maps you can sneak behind and plant a teleporter. It's a cheese strat but on an unprepared team full of turtlers it works ludicrously well