I have a 720pi TV, is it even worth buying a ps4 pro?

I have a 720pi TV, is it even worth buying a ps4 pro?

are you retarded ?

I don't know, do you think is worth it?

post more cats licking vidya please

fuck off resolutionfag
games are about having fun not having highres graphics

Yes. Buy two and connect them so you can play at 8K.


Kek. Make more jokes.

I made the mistake of buying an 720p HDTV from Amazon. Default PS4 is 720p.

Well, in theory the developers can use the power to increase the frame rate, which makes the controls more responsible, which in theory could increase the fun.

But the modern games are completely watered down and awful at any frame rate, and its more probable they will use the extra grunt to add more piss filters on the screen, so PS4pro is probably not increasing the fun.

True, but given that the PS4 pro is basically being made to catch on to the 4k meme (when the xbone and ps4 still struggle with 1080p 60fps in many cases) then the OP is probably not going to really feel much of a difference from the pro until he gets a newer TV that does 4k. Probably going to be another year or two before 4K TVs get to the point in manufacturing efficiency that they can be sold really cheap.

Must have been a pretty cheap TV then, my TV is only 720p as well but my consoles all output 1080p to it to then be downscaled (which kind of helps reduce the appearance of jaggies)

I heard that most popular games will look better on pro. Well, look at ff15 footage, it looks almost as good as bullshots from developed-on-pc prototype version. So yeah, buy it not for 4k but for 60 fps and better graphics.
Or buy a fucking pc.

FFXV looks unfun

Interesting. Is it actually proven to reduce jaggies?

I'll get a 4k in a year or two, getting a PS4 is a future-proof kind of thing for me
I didnt buy a PS4 cause I knew the inevitable upgrade would come, and waited for vidya to come out
Also I'm not spending any money or time to build a pc & not get Bloodborne and Nioh

But all this is just me
Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do

Waste of money unless you are rich boy don't bother it is a meme to get you to part with your dollars or squids.

Why do cats lick random shit for no reason?

Games is all about framerate. Fun fags please get out!

They spend half their lives licking their butts, they're probably just trying to clean their tongues.

Instead of spending 400$ on a ps4 and 400$ on a ps4 pro, you could have had a 800$ PC
That really makes you think doesnt it?

Already have one pham

I don't care about 4k on a vidya console, can the PS4 Pro play old games at 1080p 60fps?

of course not, rendering at 1080p isn't going to magically add pixels to the TV

I honestly believe I would choose not to lick my own butt if given the opportunity.

why is kot licking console?

What's the point of the Pro?
>can't do native 4K only upscale
>need to pay for your current games to be patched into Pro mode
>Bloodborne won't be allowed to be 60fps

I guess a couple games that ran at 20fps on the PS4 old will now run at 30fps on the Pro but the human eye can't see above 1080p anyway so what's the point?

>>need to pay for your current games to be patched into Pro mode

You're retarded

I have a 4k tv and im still not gunna buy a ps pro

No, that is clearly a cat

Thanks Keith and Kevin. If this was Sony's plan to save all the ps4
Games for PsVr it may not be such a bad generation


yes because a console isn't a PC so the resolution of your TV doesn't affect your game performance.

but if you can't name games that'll add up to the price and above of the ps4 than don't even bother getting it.