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Because another System Shock clone is easier than the bounty hunter idea. Also appeals to casuals.

Why not

Because nobody remembers Prey now lol

Because using an existing IP name statistically increases the likelihood of the project being financially successful, and because Bethesda needs to somehow justify the investment they made when they purchased the IP.

It does not matter really: Prey IP has always been worthless, and in the end it's just a fucking name. The game itself looks pretty promising and fun. It's Arkane after all and Bethesda has proven to be willing to give them a lot of creative freedom in the past, so... I'm actually pretty optimistic about this title. Perhaps it will even redeem the IP name.

Because rebooting something is easier to PR than a new IP

sure am looking forward to bioshock in space

I'm in the dark, does it have anything to do with the original Prey?

that implies the ip name was ever lowered or heightened in value

the Prey "IP" is literally one FPS that human head made

bethesda is now making a different and unrelated game out of it because they failed to suck human head completely dry

>I'm in the dark, does it have anything to do with the original Prey?
Literally absolutely nothing outside of being sci-fi with some vaguely magical elements to it.
It's actually Arkane's take on System Shock.

well, there are aliens

no, if it did it might have been more interesting

instead of murdering ghost alien children with wacky guns and magic native american powers in space, we now have turning into a coffee cup and fighting blacks

>that implies the ip name was ever lowered or heightened in value
Actually, considering what a massive dissapointement the first game was, the value of the IP was pretty low, and the absolute clusterfuck of a sequel development did not add to it. So yeah, the value has been established, as very low.

>bethesda is now making a different and unrelated game out of it because they failed to suck human head completely dry
This has absolutely nothing to do with Human Head, which by the way does not even exist anymore and was a major failure of a studio across the damn board, so "sucking them dry" makes no fucking sense in this context.

because bethesda wants me to die before we get a good alien bounty hunter game fuck you mace griffin sucked ass

>you will never play the opening of prey for the first time again

why game?

Soooo... It might be decent but it's not Prey. Got it.

Shame though.

that entire game was so much fun though.
the floor and portals thing blew my mind back then.

>does not even exist anymore
OK, I have to correct myself. The studio somehow still exists, although it's last major project was a Wii U port of fucking Batman Origins.

If it's going to be decent, it's exactly because it's not Prey, but yeah. The naming is pointless.

>we will get a spiritual successor of system shock from one of a few western devs that can into gameplay and good level design
>Cred Forums complains because it's not some unreleased bounty hunting open world shit with cover-based shooting that looked extremely underwhelming judging by the footage

True dat.
I loved that they put Art Bell radio transmissions in the game.

so It's basically Metroid Prime 2?

This is based on the book.

It is based on the book.

Every thread. It's based on the fucking book.



what book?
Who wrote that?
Is it any good?


I think this is now more closely resemble the original "Prey" than the bounty hunter thing. Seriously I have no idea why you fags are mad this time. Bethesda?

Michael Crichton.

the guy who wrote fucking jurassic park.

The book is about a grey goo end of the world scenario based in a nevada desert where the MC goes to meet his wife only to find she'd been taken over by nanomachines they'd been developing, that were slowly gaining sentience and devouring life forms in the desert, self replicating, and growing.

Oh fuck I read that and I completely forgot about it.

That kind of makes sense now... so you ARE the nanobots John?

There's a book by the same name, but I don't see them anywhere mentioning they are basing the game on that

hmm, fascinating. Wikipedia doesn't say anything about a videogame though, so I guess it's a loose adaptation, "inspired by" or some shit?
Are those black shapeshifting monsters in the game supposed to be nanomachines,son?

Wow... I had no idea. Damn. Crichton is a damn good author (Jurassic Park being ironically his weakest work). That makes me even more fucking hyped.

Read the book summary and then watch/read the materials on the game, it's pretty painfully obvious there is a connection.

>You will never play prey for the first time in 2006 ever again

is still stuck in my head and the visuals of the game where so striking and amazingly done

it did portals literally before portal as well so if any chuckefuck says that prey 1 or this new game copied portal ill neck em

Prey was also one of the worst FPS I've ever played. The intro was cool, though.

Assuming the game's enemy is, indeed, a grey goo, I don't see how they are similar in any way aside from that. And grey goo swarms are not really a new concept either

>man shows up in biological testing center
>suddenly shit goes wrong
>nanomachines arethe bad guys
it's connected. Probably not a 1:1, but it's DEFINITELY based on the book.

>Completely forgot about System Shock 3 being in development

Do you niggers WANT every game to be like this? It's going to become the modern gritty shooter experience all over again or the zombie game syndrome.

>man shows up in b̶i̶o̶l̶o̶g̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ physics testing center
>suddenly shit goes wrong
Is HL based on Prey novel that came 5 years after that?

tfw too few people know "grey" doesn't refer to the color, but to uniformity and boring design.
If it shapes into cool monsters and shit, it's not a grey goo, it's monsters.

>it did portals literally before portal as well
Did you play the game, or did you just play the demo. Because the portals looked extremely fun in the demo, but turned out (like everything else) insanely underwhelming in the actual game.

Human Head has always done this, by the way. They were the absolute masters of dishonest marketing and front-loading of their experience: they were the Hello Games of their era. Anyone who played the demos to Rune and Prey and then made the mistake of buying and playing the full games will well remember the bitter, bitter disappointments.

>And grey goo swarms are not really a new concept either
Just going by the books summary and reviews I'm reading, one of the major themes of Prey (the book) is that nanobots are fucking with everyone's mind and acting as mimics. Which has been presented as the major feature of the game as well. Also, what ever it is that is the antagonist of Arkane's Prey, it's something infectious, as it shows in several trailers, infecting the body of the main protagonist: again something that is a key theme of the book.

So yeah, I'd say it's very likely they are connected, even if the connection is not (yet at last) admitted. Also, it explains a LOT about the weird naming convention.

Honestly, this seems like a WAY too big coincidence.

>Do you niggers WANT every game to be like this?
I sure as fuck want MORE games like this, since we did not get one in over a decade, really. And three games in the making, one of which is basically 1to1 remake of an older title is not "everything".
Stop being a hysterical cunt, please.

>If it shapes into cool monsters and shit, it's not a grey goo, it's monsters.
No offense, but YOU don't know what the grey goo scenario actually means. Because the idea behind grey goo is that it's self-structuring and can constantly shift forms. The idea of it being "just grey goo" is of it's raw form, not that it keeps in that state for all time.

>It's actually Arkane's take on System Shock.
That sounds pretty awesome.

>That sounds pretty awesome.
It does. And if it's based on Crichton's book, that sounds even better.
But for some reason, whinning about this game has become one of Cred Forums's most popular past times lately.

I want Pete Hines and the rest of the beth shills to fuck off from this thread. Thx.

I just finished playing Prey for the first time again since launch. It didn't hold up very well. Whiny native constantly bitching and waddling slow movement wasn't that great. I don't know why the hell they want to use the Prey name, nobody cares.

Not based on the book, completely unrelated.

Bethesdamax is going to strangle Arkane the way they did Humanhead if Dishonored 2 and Neo-Prey don't break records.

Read the thread...

Gameplay videos look great and Arkane has a fantastic track record.

I'm more intrigued by this premise honestly.

But not getting that Space Bounty Hunter game is a damn shame.

Humanhead refused to merge with Bethesda and Arkane did.

Guess which studio is still making games?

>And if it's based on Crichton's book, that sounds even better.
It's not related to Michael Crichton's "Prey" novel of self replicating nanomachine swarms.
It's coincidence.

there, I fixed all the problems.

I thought Bethesda were the good guys that make and publish the best games ever and never mistreated or bullied smaller developers?
>84 Metacritic

>System Shock reboot
>System Shock 3
What's with all these horror cyberpunk games? I mean, I'm not complaining.

If you'd read the damn thread and looked into the issue, you'd find it's way too many coincidences.

I want a cyberpunk game that plays like a hybrid of SWAT 4 and FEAR. Mostly FEAR, but the squad command of SWAT 4. Basically what the Syndicate reboot should have been.

Yeah, but the Prey novel story hasn't been licensed, so it's going to be like Arx Fatalis not having the Ultima license.
Nods and winks, but enough difference to avoid litigation.

>This actually looks like a good game
>All conversations about it are derailed due to the name
Holy shit why Bethesda. It's not like the original was a super classic everyone remembers fondly.
These days a lot of people are more into new IPs anyway.

>But for some reason, whinning about this game has become one of Cred Forums's most popular past times lately.

It's mostly about the scummy cancellation of a game people were waiting for.
Prey looks good, really, but it doesn't help the people that were already salty over Prey2's cancellation.
If it had a different title the bitching would be pretty much nonexistent.

In a perfect world, both games would exist and everyone would be happy, the people who wanted the cyberpunk cowboy bounty hunter game and the people who want "Another System Shock Spiritual Sucessor™ but this time you can turn into cups".

Still mad

Any publicity is good publicity, especially at the early stage.
Off topic, Hines is a complete cunt, any shills here can relay that to him.

Why was Prey 2 actually canceled when it was so deep in development? Wasn't it basically finished? Sony poured millions into TLG, but Bethesda didn't release finished game?

Bedshitter being corporate destroyers, business as usual.
Hope some angry HH dev magically leaks the code and assets for Prey 2.

>It's mostly about the scummy cancellation of a game people were waiting for.
Except it never was scummy. Human Head claim that it was scummy, but then again Human Head has been a bunch of fucking pricks scamming their own customers for a decade, and everything that we actually know about the development suggests that they are full of shit.
And the game never looked good. Neither on paper, nor in action. So I'll never fucking understand why people are so angry about it.

>Why was Prey 2 actually canceled when it was so deep in development?
Because it was an absolute clusterfuck of a game and two years behind schedule and wasn't working or being fun, apparently. It was a mismanaged project bleeding money left and right. Fucked up productions like that get cancelled sometimes. Sometimes the publisher simply does not want to burn more money by throwing it at a disfunctional studio stuck in development hell.

they needed to make something using the 'PREY' name in order to keep hold of the rights to the name. plus despite the original PREY being an average game with little recognizability, the second game was hype as fuck before it got canned.

I don't understand why its called Prey but it does looks pretty fun. I'm always up for another -Shock-like.

>look at the actual footage of prey 2
>it's a fucking open world FPS with cover-based shooting and eagle vision highlighting enemies, with only bounty hunting being unique schtick and it just a boring running section where you need to disable him

>but then again Human Head has been a bunch of fucking pricks scamming their own customers for a decade, and everything that we actually know about the development suggests that they are full of shit.
[citation needed]

>And the game never looked good. Neither on paper, nor in action. So I'll never fucking understand why people are so angry about it.
Opinions are a funny thing, man.

he said that "Despite being a western game, deus ex human revol had quite carthactic action gameplay"
what a fucking joke. did he ever play anything without a japanese publisher's hand on it?

Because after Bioshock came out, a small but vocal subsection of PC gamers started to snub Bioshock for it's precived "lack of dept" and yearn back for the days of the "complexity and atmosphere" of System Shock 2 and other "thinking man's shooter semi-RPGs", therefore we have a SS1 remake, a SS3 (apparently?) and this.

ehh "prey" is a pretty ambiguous title name and the original game never really estabilished itself as a series, not even the cancelled sequel had anything to do with the original game outside some supposed tommy cameo

this looks like it has potential though and arkane have proven themselves fairly capable of making a AAA quality game without compromising on the game design too much

>bethesda the publisher
>caring about pc
lmao buddy.

>[citation needed]
Play the demos of Prey and Rune. Then play the full games. Then we'll talk.

>Opinions are a funny thing, man.
You should learn the difference between an opinion and a judgement.

That is of course not Bethesda's bottom line, but you can be sure that the devs themselves were looking to make a "throw back" to the FPS Rpgs of Old. They are the same motherfuckers that made Dishonored for christ sake, that wanted with all it's might to be Thief but lack even the basic to come close.

Sorry I'm late. Thread theme


Bethesda shill detected

this retarded bethesda shill samefagging the thread

The first Prey was fucking amazing
>that opening with Blue Oyster Cult blaring Dont Fear the Reaper as you are abducted
I am pretty excited they are making a new one. I just hope, cautiously, that it will be a decent successor. I'll probably wait a few months for a price drop, regardless.

I do.
>Dont Fear the Reaper

I don't think the original was a good game but I enjoyed it :)

But doesn't this game have absolutely nothing to do with the original?

>Bethesda liked what HH were doing
>wanted to buy them to use assists for milking
>HH declined
>Bethesda started to put stones into development like setting insane deadlines and shortening budget to make them accept the offer
>HH said fuck you

>those fucking Coast to Coast AM messages
That sold the game for me. It went from 7/10 shooter to 10/10 experience.
I have so many memories of driving down the highway late at night with my Dad listening to Art Bell.

>spiritual successor of system shock from devs that made only two good games
Neoarcane is shit.
Dishonored is a shit, piss-easy game that panders to dudebros and is essentially Asscreed with superpowers.
Arx Fatalis and DMoMM were their only good games.

Because humanity is the PREY of the aliens in the original

That was actually the first time i ever heard coast to coast AM because i have never been a night owl, but damn was Art Bells voice so creamy delicious in that atmosphere

dishonoured is good but it suffered for being such a high profile title, i'd like to see a sequel to arx but it ain't gonna happen

Absolutely nothing, its a remake

I meant I don't know why the new game is called Prey as it has nothing to do with it.

nanomachines, son

Oh cool.

>TFW xbox 360 friend list was full and I was the only one that ever played Prey

I want both, user, I want both


So what ever happened to the sequel they had planned? Did it just not get off the ground, or did someone high up just go "scrap it, we need something else"?


Never got off the ground. Shit budgeting by human head, slow pace of progress, they scrapped it after what, like 5 years with almost nothing to show besides an e3 trailer.

There's aliens(?) and it takes place on a space station(?). Considering how the trailers went, everything is a question mark

didn't meet bethesda's "quality standard" they literally bullied the studio out of business there is some post about the details somewhere

>Because it was an absolute clusterfuck of a game and two years behind schedule and wasn't working or being fun, apparently. It was a mismanaged project bleeding money left and right

Depends on who you trust.

Bethesda presents the same sentiment you have

The developers said that the game was pretty much done, only needing polishing and some extra added content

I would tend to believe the statement of the developers more, but that's more based on my distrust of bethesda, and by extension, Zenimax

Don't you want to help bethesda Cred Forums? They can't feel their legs and they're afraid!


>smaller developers
Obsidian really need a CEO that would stand up for the company against the publishers in negotiations. I mean, what the fuck? A team of the industry's finest and most experienced writers just obeys every term from every publisher ever, even when it means cutting their games in half in the process of making and losing big money on one fucking metacritic point? That's pathetic. An independent developer, especially the big one as Obsidian, should not allow publishers to act this way.

I sure do love video games being a business first and about the actual games last

Who would agree on using fucking Metacritic of all things as a concrete measure?
They had a pretty compelling live gameplay demo as well, stating the game was pretty much complete.

>matter in the VIDEO GAME industry
lmao. AAA rpg games can have only 2 writers and people still eat them up.

>They had a pretty compelling live gameplay demo as well
you know who else did?
No Man's Sky

>live gameplay demo
where at? I only ever saw the E3 trailer, could never find anything else.

>Depends on who you trust.
I trust the person whose words are not directly contradicted by the timeline of the project and fucking common sense. If somebody tells me that the studio has been "bleeding them" and "purposedly trying to destroy them" while their budget has been provably extended far beyond the original agreed budget, and given one and a half year of EXTRA development time, I'm not going to believe them. Especially after the shit stunts they had pulled of with their previous games.

What Human Head studios claim defiles both fucking common sense and actual time-line of the project. Their materials don't support their claims either, considering that before the game was cancelled, the only in-game material provided was awful-looking entirely scripted sequence that was step-by-step recreation of their pre-rendered trailer.

So in this case, I don't believe Human Head. They have never earned anyone's trust and their story simply does not add up.

Haha, touche.
That fuckin game's damaged all developer's reputations.
NMS getting investigated for misleading advertising's hit the mainstream news, the 6 o'clock shit your gran watches.

>that video
we're advancing backwards friends, and i don't like it

Well, scratch it and add "designers".
>Who would agree on using fucking Metacritic of all things as a concrete measure?
The ones who are allowing the shit i wrote about thrown at them.

>A team of the industry's finest and most experienced writers

Avellone already quit Obsidian, he's now working for Bethesda doing the writing for Prey.


It's like they want to just make games and trust the money people or something.


some dev/pub is going to see these pics and make a legit palindromic cover one day.

Obsidian is not Avellone alone user.

Publisher pays developer's salary


That's some /d/ stuff right there

>not 10001110101 by clutch

So what? If they expect AAA titles for a cup of rice per month - good luck for them finding fools who will work for that salary.

despite your gripes i still loved the game

the mp was meh and the sp was too short.

i agree though the demo really wasnt representative of the full game and it was very linear

desu it was a unique experiance.

cant belive its already 10 years old

>you will never live in a future where you can get a horse dick and your space suit needs to have a separate sleeve for it so you don't rupture your suit when you get a boner.

Because Zenimax.


Fallout 4, Dishonored and DOOM are all dramatically better on PC than consoles though. Hell, Dishonored is carrying the first-person stealth mantle after Square Enix gutted Thi4f and Deus Ex switched to 3rd person cover-based stealth.

The game was already in development, Arkane wanted to make a sci-fi shooter and Bethesda slapped Prey on it to keep the rights to the IP.

you're right, Obsidian proper is stuck making shitty F2P games.

The version of events I heard was that Arkane were pretty much forced to make a Prey game against their will because they saw what happened to Human Head. They decided to just make whatever game they wanted and slap the Prey name on it to keep Bethesda happy.

>The version of events I heard was that Arkane were pretty much forced to make a Prey game against their will because they saw what happened to Human Head.
You've heard somewhat incorrect. Arkane was unwilling to work on Prey not because of what happened to Human Head (say what you want about Bethesda being assholes, but they had treated Arkane incredibly well), but simply because they did not like the original game and did not want to have anything to do with it.

There was nothing about the game that was appealing to any of the creative leads of the studio. Which is why they agreed to work on it when they were told they don't have to actually acknowledge the original game.

And I don't blame them.

more nanomachines huh