
>hate something about I claim to like Like all their complaining about video games in general?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing is perfect and if you really like something a lot, the imperfections become even more clear.

It's like marriage.

I'm pretty fucking sure that this localization joke was not part of the original script.

That's just NoA making fun of people who criticize their localizations.

It wasn't. None of those lines were in the JP version. Another example is pic related by 8-4 (the same people who ruined Fire Emblem Awakening, Xenoblade X, NieR, and some other games).

>this conversation is too informative
>let's bloat it up with memes and quirky dialog


i bet you thought the Kid Icarus Uprising localization was cringe. Also

>complaining about "dank memes"

MUH SECRET CLUB HOUSE. Fuck off with that. This isn't ace attorney being asshats putting in bel air parody lyrics and referencing ytmnd several years after that dead horse has already been stripped down to a skeleton. At least "git gud" was tangibly related.

Except when you consider the CEO of 8-4 said pic related.

8-4 must be dirt cheap to hire.

Why would someone defend this kind of localization I will never understand.

But I guess even treehouse has fanboys I guess.

Why was the KI:U localization so based?

They only did 3G

>git gud in mhg has to do with treehouse somehow

way to miss the point mango tango

someone needs to slap this fucker. they tried to make the palico chef in mh4u a blatant chinese AH SO caracature. also TONE DOWN THE FUCKING CAT PUNS.

8-4 has done 3U, 4U, and Generations.

NoA making a joke about people that dislike their localisations, whilst butchering the localisation at the same time.

Fucking cuntholes, seriously

Your assumption, I didn't say it had.

I'm honestly torn. I do think the Treehouse goes to far with the localization, but for some reason every time I see the Japanese text it's the most bland, boring, and lifeless thing imaginable. Either that or it's just weeby Oni-chan shit. Why can't Japan write decent dialogue?

I'm so sick of hearing shit like this. The more a person can find to complain about something they like the more they know about the fucking subject matter, or at the very least, the more experience they have with it.

... I cant tell if the local team is salty or not.

>I can't read japanese but I can assume it's bland and boring because I know there's no internet jokes on them.

>every time I see the Japanese text it's the most bland, boring, and lifeless thing imaginable. Either that or it's just weeby Oni-chan shit. Why can't Japan write decent dialogue?

Because the sentence structure of Japanese is incredibly simple and doesn't use complex sentences (like this one for example).

You talk like this. It is very basic. It means it is simple.

>complaining that a game straight from japan is weaboo shit as if that isnt already a fucking given
>prefers memes and lol so quirky humor in his dialog because his ADHD wont let him focus on anything he doesnt find immediately entertaining
modern Nintendo fans everyone.
when did everything go so so wrong?

I love how she complains that she hates getting told to "git gud" and then she essentially tells you to get good.

>Where did it all go so wrong
Fire Emblem Awakening. I'm not even kidding.

t. doesn't know an inch of japanese

Nigga Japanese has conjunctions and whatnot.
Using particles, which are commonplace, you can recreate your sentence just fine.

Translated Japanese does look weird to us, but that's mostly got to do with lack of skill from translators and subtleties that can't really be translated to English unless you're willing to go the nii-sama~ route.

Did you, by any chance, post this exact same image on twitter a few hours ago?

>fire emblem
I never expected the lack of pokemon amie to be the thing to finally push me away from this company.

I hate memes in localisation text but this is incredibly tame.

>lash out at people who complains about translation quality
>cancelled out whatever dialogue that was originally in the game to make place for this rant

this is the ultimate irony, thank god I am not a EOP.

Memes aside, it's terribly written.

Reminds me of pic related.

Caricatures and puns aren't memes, though. People have been doing those for decades, way before "meme" entered most people's vocabulary.

When did I say I liked the internet jokes. I'm arguing that to me they both suck. I can't stand memes in any kind of media outside of the internet, it's a huge turn off for me when playing a game. Also, sure, I have ADHD if I want someone to write dialogue worth a shit. I play plenty of stuff with stiff boring dialogue, but I like to see well written stuff that has good characterization and personality (not that the Treehouse supplies that either). I don't really enjoy it when the characters feel like info/meme spewing robots, or weeb mad libs style anime stereotypes.

They only assisted with Generations though, which was done in-house (or at least with other freelancers)

It is possible that you're reading bad translations, which is why localizers like Treehouse are a godsend

At the very least, it shows that a straight literal translation is completely lifeless half the time. Without the Japanese nuance, the sentences' functions gets compressed into the sterile, utilitarian things. Then again, boneheaded amateur fan translators did that already, by using their two months of Japanese self-study to start translating sentences in ways no one ever talks. The only way you'll get an equivalent level of nuance is by rewriting entire sentences, sometimes using completely different words, while still keeping the intent of the original line. You'll never get that from people who can't differentiate between "it's" and its," and those people have the gall to say that they're the most accurate.

>which is why localizers like Treehouse are a godsend

Not every line of dialog needs to be full of humor or nuance or fun or whatever. Some times you simply need to say stuff, what's wrong about that?


If you don't like Japanese video games then don't play them. You're actually the problem, so afraid of a different culture that the cancerous Family Guy level humor injected into literally every line of dialogue in a game somehow seems like an acceptable trade-off to people speaking completely normally

You people forget that professional translations have been a thing for centuries. Translators of film and literature manage to make the dialogue reflect the original without it being too stiff and literal, OR it being stuffed Ruth jokes and 100% made up dialogue

Nothing. The issue lies with the lines that aren't simple and the incompetent people overestimating their skills.


Not all languages are wildly different from one another like English and Japanese.

More like every Paper Mario, especially Super.

So true, I remember all the memes and epic references in Seven Samurai.

>getting BTFO on twitter with literally hundreds of people laughing at you
>run back to Cred Forums for comfort in the circlejerk hugbox


>original Japanese text is bland and dull
>translated English text drives to memetown

is there a middle ground? how is it like?

>it's bland because the person who drove the text to memetown told me so


Learn Japanese

Super wasn't that bad. Shit didn't go south until this generation.

Maybe I'm not communicating myself that well. I'm not talking about adding memes or jokes when they weren't actually there. I'm talking about most fan translators not having the skills to accurately portray the feeling of a character's dialogue in English. Most of the time, all sense of character gets stripped out, and you're left with everyone basically talking the exact same way.

Real people don't do that; well-realized characters don't do that. It's just that Japanese has many words that can't translate well. You'll just get boku/ore/atashi/wagahai/etc. compressed into "I," without anything to fill the void of why a writer would choose one pronoun over another. English has far more words and synonyms than practically any language, yet most fan translators never use that fact, with all their different connotations, to get closer to the original meaning.

No one should be married to the Japanese word choice, or god forbid, the Japanese sentence structure. Even in the original writing, that's all a means to an end for achieving a specific feeling/reaction in the reader. Translation should be about recreating that effect, but so many fan translators miss the forest fit the trees.

Must've really failed to articulate myself. What you described is exactly what people should aspire to. I'm just saying that with the internet age, you have a lot more people willing to translate something, without their skills being up to snuff. All it takes is a semester of college and a Tumblr/Sad Panda account to think they're up to snuff to translate everything accurately. What they fail to realize is that most people who can't read a sentence without looking up every little word don't have the comprehension skills to do that.

>posting the mascot for the memetown devs of Japan

I have no problem with people speaking completely normal. Also, I love lots of things about Japanese culture. The folklore is particularly interesting and charming in my opinion (one of the reasons I actually liked Yokai Watch). You do realize you can make good dialogue that isn't funny right? When I say I want good dialogue that doesn't mean I want it to be funny. A good example is Persona 4. A good, well adapted translation with lots of character. It's funny when it's funny, and the characters always feel realistic, human, and interesting. What I don't like is stiff badly translated dialogue, overtly translated dialogue like the treehouse, or the kind of dialogue from a Japanese game that is just stereotypes and buzzwords for weebs.

It wouldn't be so bad if the localization gave you the same advice in the end, but the latter doesn't even mention Wycademy's Head Researcher, apparently, just memes off about "hey dont feel sry for yourself and dont worry about git gud meanies"

hmm guess that's the only option huh

anyone know what actually says?

Okay? Didn't seem to ruin any of the translations of Japanese books or movies that I've read/seen.

If your job is to deal with the difficult differences between languages, you don't just give up and rewrite. You fucking do your job that you're paid for.

Obviously talking about Dragonball. Even dubbers know they are shit.

The translation on the left is on point.
t. Japanese major

That's exactly what they do though.


>Suddenly its not ok to make fun of weebs

baa waa

I like good localizations as much as the next guy but replacing tutorial text with random nonsense is plain stupid.

That level of ego is astounding.

>he starts responding to people with gay porn
What was he trying to accomplish?

>Be hired to translate text from one language to another
>Don't even bother doing it and just make up your own stuff

This is true though, that's just the reality of translation.

>This is true though, that's just the reality of poor translation.


No, at every level of translation you are making decisions. That is why the same work translated by different people will always be different. He didn't mean "I just make shit up that's better than the original", but the art of translating one work from one language to another, you're practically adapting it. The word choices you make, and how you set up the sentence structure, those are all the work of the translator.

I defend it because it makes elitists and purists butthurt, and is yet another reminder to you that Casuals rule this world. We determine what is successful, and companies more and more work to sate us. So we will continually get more and more things we enjoy, while you get less and less, and so in addition to everything we enjoy increasing, we get extra joy from people like you soiling your diapers and raging over the fact that you are not the casual master race, and that the world cares about us, not you.

Have you read the article or are you just memeing because you think there's nothing between "Hai, Akira-sama, your keikaku is subarashi desu yo" and "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur xD"?

I can't imagine how underage you'd have to be to think anyone would be offended or upset by being sent gay porn. What a fucking embarrassment.
That's how he argues and yet he remains convinced he has the upper hand.

Good thing I don't read his translations then.

I'm not retarded user, I'm not going to take the word of some random manga translator that all translators are as shitty as he is.

And only a narcissistic egomaniac would attempt to take all the credit of a translated work for themselves.

He may be narcissistic and a bit cunty to put it like that, but he is not wrong.

>In other words, what differences would someone who was fluent in both Japanese and English notice when examining both versions of a Murakami work?

>Murakami’s most frequent cultural references are Western, so translation almost never involves such changes. He certainly invents a lot of unusual similes, and he has his own pet symbols (wells, corridors), but these strike a Japanese reader as unusual and fresh as they do a Western reader. There is very little difference.

Dude is full of shit, Rubin is tremendously dedicated to being a translator only

>"I saw a fellow translator say on Twitter that what we really do is write new English scripts to match the existing artwork. I agree with that to some extent. I imagine it’s similar to the old “Marvel Method” of making comics, in which the artist draws based on a plot and then the writer goes back in and re-writes the dialog to make sure it matches what the artist drew."

if you cant find out the researcher wants to tell you something by the massive yellow marker on his head and the map, then you need to git gud

Except, he is partially wrong, else he would be known as an author and not a translator.

He is an author though, he is just called a translator.

Every word in that translated work, was written by him. He adapted the work from japanese into english.

That translation is objectively great. The Japanese version is as fun to read as an old textbook.


Why do you need to have fun reading a 5 line informational blurb

because every quest counter girl thus far has had a charming and entertaining personality

>The original text is too dry, the new translation is way funnier

This kind of person would be entertained if the text box was just replaced by explosions or a picture of Mega Fox, so there's no real need to hold their opinion in any regard.

Even putting that aside, trying to make every line of dialogue entertaining just results in oversaturation, leading to dulled senses. Contrast is still necessary.

You don't determine anything though, you just eat whatever's put in front of you and the only time you ever stop or say no is when it's too tough for you to swallow.

>watch an anime subbed by some random guy on Cred Forums in his spare time for free
>get a more accurate translation than a team of professional translators working round the clock at a company like Atlus or Nintendo

Look, I get it, some people can't make money writing their own works, so they feed their egos by claiming credit for the work of others.

They're fucking INSTRUCTIONS, why the fuck should they be a joke.

>I defend it because it makes elitists and purists butthurt

You've reach a state that exists beyond "pathetic".

>all the credit of a translated work for themselves.
who else is gonna be credited for the translation but the translator


So wait. They replaced tutorial dialogue with their own bullshit then fail to mention the thing highlighted in red on the left. Which was likely the entire point of the conversation given standardized RPG elements for decades now.

That's literally choosing memes over instructions.

This is totally fucked.

>That's literally choosing memes over instructions.
Welcome to Nintendo!



I don't you get it, but Cunningham is getting his ideas from Rubin

>people are so insecure that they think a joke about anime snobs is directed at them

>be a MH fan for 10 years

>watch it go from a serious game with some light hearted element to MEMEFEST:THE REDDIT EPIC HUNT XD

fuck this earth and the people responsible for it's condition

you aren't funny or clever, do you're fucking job and translate the text

Are you having fun right now reading this? Shouldn't you be crying or something, because you haven't had fun in 3 consecutive seconds?

Her eyes being so far apart makes her look like a potato.

>S1 and S2 of a series are subbed by different people
>Person who did S2 translation doesn't translate certain terms the person who S1 did translate

I'd never thought I'd be enough of an autist to not be able to finish an episode because of that

Man I just want the first season of Yoshihiko back

fun? in a video game?

Are you implying that gameplay and dialogue are the same thing?

if that is what you can deduce from
>"fun? in a video game?"
then sure

>Anime is ultra-japanese humor
>Word jokes left an right. Nearly untranslatable
>only sub group daring enough is several weeks behind release
>they eventually finish
>and it's fucking glorious

Thanks GG subs for Joshiraku.

You already know you don't have a leg to stand on and are feigning smugness to save what little face you started out with, but I'm going to take the bait.

Fun in games comes from gameplay. You don't look at the texture on a rock and expect to have fun, why the hell would you look to the dialogue for the same?

>why the hell would you look to the dialogue for the same?
Maybe it's because you're gonna spend a bunch of time listening to and reading it

If you spend enough time reading dialogue that you actually get bored of it, that's not the fault of the writer. That's the fault of the game designer(s) for requiring that dialogue.

What do you guys think about pic related's localized version?

This is a clear retaliation for the absymal Nintendo Localisation as of recent.
Reminder, this is the same localisation team that censored a wedding dress in SMTXFE and CUT OUT A GAME MODE in Fire Emblem for being "too lewd". Its fucking ridicules.

>If you spend enough time reading dialogue that you actually get bored of it, that's not the fault of the writer.
Right, because why would the person that wrote it be responsible?

>That's the fault of the game designer(s) for requiring that dialogue.
This doesn't make any sense at all

You could always play the Japanese releases.

Localized game was fine.
Localized commercials make me want to die.


European version is soulless.

That is the smart thing to do even if you don't know the language.

Jfc the level of stupidity and ignorance is off the charts with this one.
Your fucking job was to reassemble text in another launguage while staying as close to the original text as possible.
Complaining that the language was "too different" or "hard" for you isn't a fucking excuse for distorting the original work, it just means that you're a shit translator and can't even do your job properly.

Goddammit this is what Tumblr must be talking about when they complain about being triggered.

Remember when Allison Rapp got fired? Good times.


Not true. But go ahead and dig out an image of 2 or 3 cherrypicked instances where you think the EU version is worse than the US one as proof you're speaking a fact.

On the whole the EU version is a little better than the US version, but both are fine and capture exactly the kind of tone Splatoon is supposed to have.

We got to have this argument again?
Games are more than just gameplay. Its like seeing a film and saying "Oh the music doesnt matter".
Its a part of the experience.

I wonder what a marketing person has to do with translating Japanese text though

Close to the text in what way? You're sure not going to get anything resembling the Japanese sentence structure.

Cant read Japanese m8

Yeah, but you don't listen to the background music and say "jeez, where's all the plot in this music?"

Well, she was only fired after people got so butthurt about the FE translation that they started actively digging through her twitter (since she was PR at the time).

So a horrible translation essentially exposed her working as an escort.

>Light Hearted
>4U's episodic quest with Felico confirms your Hunter from Freedom was killed by Aknator.

She wasn't a translatior, just a PR agent. Her sole job was to talk on videos and promote stuff on Twitter

Sorry for your loss

>if SJWs and feminists don't like it, they can go make their OWN games!
That's reasonable. So how about you learn Japanese if you hate localized versions?
>waaah that's too hard it's literally impossible it's LITERALLY impossible waaah just spoonfeed me while I bitch endlessly waaah ;_;

Nothing you said contradicted what I said.

No one said she was. She just actively defended the translation on the same Twitter account she used to voice personal opinions.

NA: "BATTLE TIME!" E/A: "Let battle commence!".

Mission 01 Subtitle
American: Catch That Zapfish!
European: Get That Zapfish

Starting the battle

EU: "I will take back what's mine!"

NA: "GYAH HA HA! I'ma remix your face!"

Launching first missile

EU: "Are you ready for this?"

NA: "Y'all ready for this?"

Being hit by first missile

EU: "Ghrargh?! Impudent inksquirt!"

NA: "Grraaargh?! Slimy little hipster!"

Launching second missile

EU: "Eat this!"

NA: "Peep THIS!"

Being hit by second missile

EU: "Blrrgh! Go, my minions!"

NA: "BLGRRARGH! You can't handle my spicy wasabi beats!"

Launching third missile

EU: "I'll...make...SQUID SOUP OUTTA YOU!"

NA: "You 'bout to get MASHED UP!"

Being hit by third missile

EU: "Grrrgh! Who do you think you are?!"

NA: "GHRAAAAARGH! Do you even know who you're messin' with?!"

Launching fourth missile


NA: "It's time to... D-D-D-DROP THE SEA BASS!" (interestingly, this line is used in the rematch in the European version)

is your argument going anywhere because your hypotheticals aren't grounded in reality

So what's your opinion on creating text that's not in the original version, or even anything spoken?

So did a bunch of other people, and they didn't get harassed for it

You can make up a better script then NoA even without knowing the language. Besides, the more you import, the more likely you are to try to learn and retain it. The only real problem with Nintendo's systems is how you either have to import one or jump through hoops to play imports thanks to shitty region lock.


Did they? Give as many examples as you can.

A bunch of other people didn't have her job, and didn't also use their professionally linked twitter accounts to advocate for making possession of child porn legal.

In that example, I hate it. They gave Megaman a corny ass line.
Plus, they didn't even adjust the text speed. Before it was an ellipsis at a snail's pace, but they crammed their "BADASS MEGAMAN LINE" in and kept that same snail's pace so it takes like 30 seconds for Megaman to spill his stupid line.

Nice cherrypicked example.

If the devs are fine with it (and even make changes to the Japanese release), I don't see the issue

I unironically love '...' It really does make things feel tense.

Why? The kid and squid song is a pretty great idea, since you constantly transform between kid and squid. Not only that, the marketing worked.

You're right. You pay attention to both.

>boring and dry tea-time dialogue vs how-do-you-do-fellow-kids joke attempts that fall flat
truly there was no winner

Are there any other examples than pic related where the translation is notably better than the original script?

The joke was about the cut conversation in FE Fates.

>That's literally choosing memes over instructions.

>Let battle commence
Are the European titles supposed to sound awkward? Why not just go with "Let the battle begin"?

>It's time to... D-D-D-DROP THE SEA BASS!
That's cringy as fuck desu

Japanese attitudes towards women are fucking embarrassing and appeal only to pathetic betas and I'm glad localization teams try to undo some of their cringeworthy shit.

I don't give a fuck how much this triggers Cred Forums

Reminder: Samus was always the useless "THE BABY! I NEED A MAN TO HELP ME! I CAN'T DO THIS!" waifu from Other M character as far as Japs are concerned. The idea of her being a badass space bounty hunter who was strong and cool is a completely Western invention. And it's better.

Keep fucking crying, I love it. Call me all the memes you want, I'm not the one who is terrified of even fictional women not being completely useless fapbait.

I don't think you know what cherry picked means, go die in a fire at your inconvenience.

>NA: "Peep THIS!"
Best loc

What does any of that have to do with memes being added to non meme dialogue?

Ghost Stories.

Reminder that the opinions of mentally ill trannies is more important to Nintendo Treehouse than yours is

>Team Ninja = All Japanese
Fuck off retard.

>hate Japan
>become localizer

>people who want "accurate subs"
>who then turn around and say the dialogue is bland

Final Fantasy III

>"It's time to... D-D-D-DROP THE SEA BASS!"
>homonym puns in SPOKEN DIALOGUE

Holy shit how retarded do those writers have to be?

Those are two completely separate issues.


So Andrea is Nick?

>Reminder: Samus was always the useless "THE BABY! I NEED A MAN TO HELP ME! I CAN'T DO THIS!" waifu from Other M character as far as Japs are concerned. The idea of her being a badass space bounty hunter who was strong and cool is a completely Western invention. And it's better.

What fucking planet do you live on?

Because on this one you sound like a complete and utter retard.

Are you going to ask what trans people have to do with memes in localization? Somehow I doubt it. I doubt you'll even reply to me seriously or honestly.

No. He donates to "her" patreon and "she" was one of the ones saying the petting minigame supports rape culture and should be removed.

FFV? I'm not sure if the translation is true or not.

>that apostrophe

Fucking retard.

Accurately translated Japanese is dull, that's just a fact

>Japanese attitudes towards women are fucking embarrassing

>complaining about video games in general?
Quillson dialogue is SUPPOSED to be a joke about japanese otaku criticising mangas and anime. OBVIOUSLY.


no one will read this

except me

Truely a modern masterpiece

>the same people who ruined Fire Emblem Awakening
I thought people liked the Awakening localisation, at least compared to Fates.

He is screwed

This all seems familiar somehow

Src: twitter.com/JoeDayspring/status/781339661801099264 . Scroll down if you want to get promoted.

But that is literally what gitting gud means

>headpatting is now considered rape
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

I unironically agree

Gender politics are their fucking life, user.

>still caring about the petting minigame
bitch, you still get the dialogue and morale boost.
If you want to pet some girls head, go play LovePlus.

Nice meme!

Touching a person is considered rape. 10 years ago at an anime convention you could walk up and grope a girls tits and as long as she wasn't underage and you didn't look like you were obese, she'd just laugh at what happened 90% of the time.

You do that these days and it's off to prison.


>removing part of the game is just fine, guys! i-it's not like you have to pay for the full game or anyth-...

Holy shit, my sides.
This guy looks like Alex Murphy on a school girl outfit.

Looks like Nisekoi.

you sound like one of those weirdos that prefer dubs over subs.

If translated Japanese is dull, then that's the fault of the original Jap writers.
>10 Years ago
Pretty sure it would've been a problem then.
>the game is ruined because there was a small minigame removed
go fuck yourself.
You hate 8-4 because they censored Xenoblade X.
You hate Treehouse because they censored Fates.
What localisation companies don't you hate?

Is there porn of You Can't Learn Japanese girl?


I like Quillson now.

You really shouldn't grope random people, user.

no the memetown devs wanted Teddie to replace Jack Frost.

You can clearly tell who the Cred Forums fags and closet nerds are based on the shattered rectums in this thread.

>I should be allowed to grope people! This is an outrage!

>What localisation companies don't you hate?
The ones that don't censor games.

so it's a good translation if its a game you like and vice versa. GOT IT!

So if you like something you have to like every little detail about it?

So there can't be a poor translation?

I don't understand either joke

Why remove optional content?

I'm just pointing out it was a different time when girls didn't just break down and cry at the first sign of adversity.

What was the original line about?

>muh quirky dialogue means personality xD
fuck off you animefag

No, you couldn't. What is it with you faggots and your bullshit fabrications?

>EU: "I will take back what's mine!"
>NA: "GYAH HA HA! I'ma remix your face!"
Fucking hell. That sounds like a line out of Borderlands. I'm sorry you have to put up with this shit, America.

>a serious game
>with chicken dragons, cat mascots, and flexing after potion drinks

fuck off. I'm not saying the series can't have levity but to imply it started as a SUPAR SERUS BITNIS HUNTIN' SIM is bullshit.

Out of context, yeah, it's pretty bad.

But in actual gameplay, it fits much better.

This is excellent

Shut up fatty, no one wanted to grope you because they didn't want to touch your fat, jelly rolls.

>I got called out for my lies? Better call him a fat girl lol

>Reminder: Samus was always the useless "THE BABY! I NEED A MAN TO HELP ME! I CAN'T DO THIS!" waifu from Other M character as far as Japs are concerned.

[Citation Needed]

Why care if it was removed if it was optional?

>girls didn't want to glomp him because he's bitter, and fat.

Did you just stop reading there? He said "with some light hearted elements".

>Ted Woosley

my nigga


Spyke in american version has a better personality. His casual language fits perfectly his homeless personality.

Crusty Sean talks normal in japanese version despite not related to his personality, while in the localized version, he has DJ language that fits his personality. The same for DJ Octavio.

The voice buttons in european version are weird. Why "To me!"? It doesn't sound like a help call, but rather, telling for someone to throw something at you. "Booyah!" sounds like a slang, something that would be used for teenagers, like inklings.

The european version has even more strange translations. "Stop battling!" is an example.

Why not answer the question first?

The people who would have wanted to use it?

>Boy times were great when women just let things happen to them and I didn't have to face consequences

Who are you quoting?

Samus has always been a pin-up girl when you beat the game well, but never has she been a weak woman with daddy issues before Other M.

What is that supposed to mean? Should they remove optional characters, difficulty settings, and bosses, too?

that's a creeper move regardless if you're a beta or a chadbrah. she is LITERALLY asking for it if she is getting sexually assaulted and chooses to do nothing or worse encourage that behavior.


how is this LOL 4KIDS XD again? this is like complaining there not not being more minorities and females in media because of demographics.



I wanted to use it.

XSeed for one.

And this is why times were good,.

Normalfags like you ruin everything.



It really bothers me when you are expected to I hate the everything if like to claim it. Like, suddenly because you it the like means can't you to criticize it ever so much as or you're a bad fan. But the truth is if really the criticize then you really it anyone enjoy as else more.


I'm in the real tifa thread

this is funny

Because they completely changed the base text in favor of trying to explain themselves through a fucking game dialogue.

explain how it went it reddit tier without using cherrypicked dialogue or bitching about Generations

for science

I was just defending the guy you quoted, I haven't actually played any MH games.

Good thing optional content is never good or interesting, or else you'd sound like a retard right now.

>I haven't actually played any MH games.
Jesuschrist we really live in neo-Cred Forums times

The "D-D-D-DROP THE SEA BASS!" line is a joke parody of this.


But that line is perfectly on the line. The "remix" term is used commonly among DJs, and DJ Octavio is a (obviously) DJ.


>I don't understand the context of the argument but let me refute anyway


I thought Capcom had their own localization team

Kid Icarus Uprising


Sea "bass" and musical "bass" are pronounced differently. The pun only works in text form, and that is supposed to be a spoken line of dialogue.


who the fuck in Memelus USA approved this so I can nothin personal kid their ass?

I mean

If Mario and Luigi Dream Team did this people wouldn't complain about forced tutorials

Cruise control for cool.

>If Mario and Luigi Dream Team did this people wouldn't complain about forced tutorials
Yes they would. Why wouldn't they?

>this conversation is too informative
>let's bloat it up with memes and quirky dialog

so it's okay when Superstar Saga did it?

You realize dolls is an English word right

SS didn't have a single meme in the dialogue, and even if it did it wouldn't have been OK at all.

no one bitched about the Hammer Bros. leet speak tutorial fight.

That was in the second one and people most certainly found it lame when the game came out a decade ago.

Am I wrong or is that literally telling the player to git gud though

It's not false though.

Eternal Sonata you can put it in Japanese with English subtitles and if you understand Japanese it is like you are playing a different game. The subtitles use the localized dub.



You guys missed his point. That whole article of is is actually pretty good, and after reading it, I realized it's pretty much what I do as well.

He wasn't being arrogant or saying that he rewrites stuff for the fuck of it, he's just being clear. Puns are impossible to translate. Remember the joke Goku told King Kai in one version of DBZ? "You can tune a piano, vut you can't tune a fish!"? That wasn't in the original. The original was "Futon ga Fuuton da!" which is literally "the futon was blown away!" It's impossible to translate and be funny, so for puns you have to come up with something else.

Now, I don't know about him, but I'm guessing he does pretty much what I do too, that is, he tries to be as accurate as possible while turning out natural sounding translations. It's pretty easy a lot of the time, but you can never just do straight translations of anything. You ever read fan-translations that sound really stilted and unnatural? That's what happens when you do a straight, close as possible translation (and even if you translate literally, you're still going to lose stuff in translation. Sometimes literal translations actually lose more in translations than liberal).

A good translator translates the meaning, not the words. That's what he means, he doesn't do a word for word translation, he takes the meaning and translates it the best way he can.

Hopefully this makes sense, but what you need to come out of this with is that he means he actually *translates*, he doesn't *localize*. Localization, at least in games can be fine, but it feels like localization is just code for "Doing whatever the fuck we want". That's how it is for bad localizers like NoA and Plus Alpha anyway.

>referencing outdated wub memes
jump off a bridge

It's actually funnier than it is sad. And it's pretty sad.

>It's impossible to translate and be funny, so for puns you have to come up with something else.
Then, preferably, put a notice somewhere on the screen that says "In Japan, this is a pun" or whatever, like subtitlers do.

>Why do you need to have fun
Cred Forums, ladies and gents

For this reason, I'm glad you're all jobless NEETs that aren't working on my video games.

but don't they all censor the Japanese text

>Then, preferably, put a notice somewhere on the screen that says "In Japan, this is a pun" or whatever, like subtitlers do.

Yeah they fucking did.

That just feels lazy. As a reader, I'm okay with TL notes, they can be interesting. As a translator it feels fucking lazy to translate puns literally, because the author intended that part to be funny, and it won't be funny when translated literally. Same reason I don't use honorifics even when I don't care much if I see them while reading, it just feels lazy to use them.

I'll allow for the removal of Japanese text as long as it is replaced with English text as accurate to the source material as humanly possible.

It was nearly the same as the original.

The new gals in Generations have been too much.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you translate? (From your responses, I'm assuming manga/literature)

It shouldn't matter if you feel TL notes are lazy - as a translator, your job is to translate.

What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

You give so much of a fucking shit about muh accuracy but won't play a game in Japanese. Oh wait, that's because you people are pathetic pieces of shit with no skills besides shitposting and learning to read Japanese would take time away from you jerking off to badly drawn hentai.

What good does that do for English viewers? The Japanese version has a joke, not a note telling them to laugh.

would you think the japanese people- as a race- would have the same depth of language, culture, and understanding of human emotions?

Basically, you're fine with censorship you approve of

These discussions always fall apart the moment how autistic the weebs complaining about this shit are.
Fuck you and fuck your idiotic suggestion.

I don't want some 300 lb suck fuck's opinion on how hammy and unbearable characters should be; I want to read what was originally written for the characters.

>It's a "translation between languages is censorship" episode

Goddamn you people are stupid.

Why can't more people like him work in this industry goddam?

I mean they are such an alien culture... their whole concept of humor and word smithing is so low and alien that it would make no sense to be so faithful to the original material. Get over yourselves.

It allows the viewers context as to what the original joke was.

If you really wanted to convery the same meaning of the joke, the best thing I can think of would be to make a joke similar to the original - like with the example that guy used, make a pun about a bed or sofa. The "tuna fish" line doesn't have anything to do with the original joke the author wrote.

>that is only in the EU/US version proving my point


Translation isn't censorship, nor has it ever been. Localization is a different kettle of fish.

Not an argument (ad hominem fallacy)

If the viewers give that much of a fuck about Japanese puns, they can learn Japanese and go play that game.

Explaining a joke ruins a joke. Ironically, putting translators notes like that in the translations butchers the "HA HA" more than translators coming up with their own puns that can be understood by English speakers.

imagine being so dense you completely miss a simple joke, you become so infuriated that you fight with complete strangers you've never met

I translate manga.

>as a translator, your job is to translate.

Indeed, and part of translation is making things flow naturally in the language. Believe me, I don't like putting my own shit in translations either, it's a last resort. Some translators and localizers like Plus Alpha are basically failed writers and they use every single opportunity to add their "personal touch" to things. Translators/localizers like them will always exist and give a bad name to everyone else who just tries to translate properly. Not that even the people who try to do proper translations can't make mistakes or bad decisions.

>It's a "Spurt Ad Hominem without knowing what the phrase means" episode

>Explaining a joke ruins a joke.
Yeah, but at it doesn't take the joke away.

>Yeah, but at it doesn't take the joke away.
The joke's purpose is to make you laugh or chuckle. If you remove the laughing or chuckling (which is ruined by you explaining the joke), YOU REMOVE THE JOKE'S ENTIRE PURPOSE TO EXIST.

The point of translation (of games, movies, music, books, etc., obviously not of scientific papers or diplomatic material) is to create something some people will enjoy without creating something entirely new by taking something that already exists, but that they don't have access to because they can't understand it, and adapting it in a way in which they can understand, not to give them perspective on a thing which a different set of people enjoy. If you literally translate puns, you fail at your objective, which is to create something the new audience will enjoy.

your post is not an argument (ad hominem fallacy)

>If you literally translate puns, you fail at your objective, which is to create something the new audience will enjoy.
Who's to say the new audience "won't enjoy" learning what the original joke was? Wouldn't you rather at least know the joke was there rather than having it taken away from you?

>The joke's purpose is to make you laugh or chuckle.
Yeah, and a meme reference might make a viewer laugh or chuckle, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to put in to a translation.

>Yeah, and a meme reference might make a viewer laugh or chuckle, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to put in to a translation.
A meme is a lot better than your autistic "JAPAN JOEK HERE, U WUD LAFF IF U WERE JAPAN" translation notes

>Wouldn't you rather at least know the joke was there rather than having it taken away from you?

If I cared that much, I'd learn Japanese (which I did). Otherwise, I want something that is as fun to read/play/watch as it is in the original language (as close as possible anyway).


kys famalama

Nice strawman! And it really isn't.

It's nice that you'd do that, but those who don't want to learn the original language are the target audience for a translation, and have the right to criticize as they like.


>MFW I haven't bought any modern videogames in 3 years

This shit is getting ridiculous. People are getting payed to do these translations.

I hate how true this is

That another way to say "yes, you're right, this localisation is shit".

But those who don't want to learn the original language are only playing the game because they want to enjoy it, and they'd prefer being told jokes that are actually funny to them.

I think you're making a generalization. This thread is evidence enough that that isn't true.

Holy shit. Based Samurai.

I'll never forgive 8-4 or Treehouse for what they did to Xenoblade Chronicles X. They literally butchered the game.

If the game wasn't so damn good on its own, I would've completely given up on it.

A lot of people are blind by nostalgia

The entire M&L series and Paper Mario TTYD onward had a fuck ton of pop culture

>This whole screencap
>That third to last paragraph
Absolutely based.

The great debate

Color Splash's writing

Good or bad

A lot of people recently said it was great

Yet Cred Forums wants to act like autists who gets a heart attack if a person wants to make a joke or just be entertaining Like the series always does but suddenly isn't okay because BOOGEYMAN MODERN TREEHOUSE

That's not the point, idiot. The original text gave you two pieces of pure game advice: check the monster list in the hunter note tab in the start menu for information about monsters, and talk to the head researcher to get more notes. The localised text tells you neither of these things.

Uh, oh, is le Cred Forums boogeyman up to his old tricks again? After all, Cred Forums is just one person with one opinion.

"I thought people liked chicken pox, at least compared to leprosy."
It was still pretty shit, dude.

From the few screencaps I've seen, it looks entertaining, but I'm pretty sure most of it was invented by NoA, though I haven't played it. I watched a bit of the start of Paper Jam in Japanese and English, and NoA changed stuff like Peach's generic "Oh no, it's Bowser!" or whatever it was she said when he showed up to "It's that part of the story again." And they had Starlow insult Luigi just because.

And don't forget that 8-4 wanted to remove the description pages in the monster notes entirely and have the flavour text replaced with drawings of the monsters' damage zones. Probably just so they'd have less shit to translate. Thankfully Capcom shot them down.

>unless you're willing to go the nii-sama~ route.
Honorifics should never be removed from a localisation. There are too many subtitles in the language contained within them to adequately convey the same information by replacing them.
I don't understand why so many modern translators, even in fansubbing and scanslations, are intent on removing as much Japan as possible from Japanese works.

Posting fedora doesn't change the fact that your proving him right

He's doing no such thing.

That's exactly why they get into the job. So they can "fix" the products they work on by imposing their own moral standards and political views on them.

Woolsey is nothing more than a glorified rewriter who is only fondly remembered because you played the games he worked on as children.

Fun fact: the guy who wrote that line did so without Funimation's knowledge and they publicly apologized for it: animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2015-10-03/funimation-addresses-prison-school-dub-comments-over-gamergate-line/.93736

Generally, insulting your target audience is not a smart thing to do.

Where is the apology supposed to be in that article? I don't see any apology, I just see a half-assed acknowledgement and dismissal. Never mind that at the same time several Funimation employees were publicly insulting the people complaining about it both on Twitter and in their forums.

When is insulting your target audience okay? When your audience is the masochist community?

>When is insulting your target audience okay?
I dunno, ask the guys who wrote OP's screenshot.

NoA's target audience clearly isn't people who care about translation quality, though.

He was an editor, not a translator iirc. Literature majors that suck at writing and lack the grades to get a job in academia tend to become them, so you end up with a lot of snotty liberal failures that see editing as the perfect opportunity to put their "creative talent" and political views into the hands of thousands of people.

They hired a casting director and writer fwho had experience with lots of cartoons to do most of the work.

Because they knew that they were essentially translating an anime and didn't try to wipe it clean for a broad audience.

Do you think any Nintendo game translated nowadays would throw in a reference to a boy wanting to fuck an adult woman?

They seem to be good when their clients actually control them. Their older Tales localizations seem good, though I haven't played any of them in Japanese aside from Zestiria, and I didn't get far in the English version because it was so terrible I couldn't bring myself to play it twice. Malevolence was a pretty bad way to translate kegare though.

Yeah basically, though did have his moments. Kefka's "self-help booklets" line is definitely more interesting than his Japanese line. And I think "Mystics" for Chrono Trigger's Mazoku was pretty good, a lot better than Tom Slattery's "Fiends". What he did to Frog though was godawful.

At least they're not Bamco. Bamco's in-house team are fucking atrocious.
This guy has a heap of other posts about Bamco's translation fuckups too.


Enjoy chat is borderline Engrish, though. Enjoy can only ever be used as a verb, so it becomes an imperative, making it too forceful. It clashes with the casual connotations "chat" has. No native talks like that. They should've changed that borderline wasei-eigo, but they also should've changed the graphic.

Japan sucks at English. That's why they call strollers "baby cars" and can't put together a wholly sensible sentence half the time. For all we know, Happy Chat was the actual intended meaning, but the creators got it wrong the first time.

I should add to the "moths to a flame" bit here, because he doesn't even touch on the r est of that same scene. The first three spoken lines of that character, all in the game's introduction movie, are "mitsuketa", when she first sees the people she's chasing, "mitsuketa" again when she catches up to them, and then "mitsuketa zo" when she confronts them. Accurate translations for these would have been "I've found you", "I've found you" again, and as the "zo" is used to add emphasis, you could just add an exclamation mark at the end.
Instead, Bamco went with "You are mine", "Like moths to a flame", and "And now it's time to pull off your wings, little moth". Whether you think the original lines are boring or not, Bamco didn't just liven them up, they changed them to not even make sense in the context of the scene.

Nigger, it's a fucking product name, not a sentence. And even if it was a sentence, enjoy chat would make no less sense than happy chat. Changing wasei-eigo is warranted in the situations where the Japanese wasei-eigo means something entirely different to what an English speaker would interpret the words to mean (such as the Japanese calling an air conditioner a cooler), but these idiot translators see any use of English in a Japanese work and assume it absolutely has to be changed, even when there's zero need for that. Once again, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
>For all we know, Happy Chat was the actual intended meaning, but the creators got it wrong the first time.
That's not up to the editors to decide on their own and "fix" on their own.

I can understand not using "Found you." three times. While it's okay to use the same words again and again and again in quick succession in Japanese, it doesn't sound good in English, but they went over board with Incarose's dialogue there. Playing games with Japanese VA and English dialogue is like really bad versions of "Subtitles are different than the spoken text" moments in games.

If all they wanted to do was spice it up, they could have just gone with something like "There you are", "I've found you", and "You're mine now". Instead they just went full retard trying to fix what wasn't broken, just as with the entire Cyber Sleuth script. It's a wonder that I don't see Bamco brought up more often, but I guess people care more about censorship and outright removal of gameplay features than just poor translation.

Xenoblade X was just like this, with almost every single NPC.

>Instead they just went full retard trying to fix what wasn't broken, just as with the entire Cyber Sleuth script

That one sounds really bad. I thought about buying the English version when it was on sale, I watched a bit of the start of the game and the translation seemed pretty good, but then I investigated later parts and

>Translating "grakuta park" as "Galacta Park"
>Not knowing that bakemon is short for bakemono
>"Get in!" translated as "Handle it!"

Think I'll just wait for the Japanese vpk to show up hopefully, or for it to drop in price.

>>Not knowing that bakemon is short for bakemono
That's not quite right, but there were a whole bunch of fuckups with this. There's the ghost-like digimon called Bakemon, and then there's the unknown monster causing a lot of havoc, referred to as the Eater, and often called a monster (bakemono). It seems one of Bamco's translators saw "bakemono" in the script and thought that it was an error and was supposed to refer to Bakemon, and so they changed it. And so half the time the Eater is referred to as the monster and other times they're suddenly calling it Bakemon when Bakemon has nothing to do with it.

>That's not quite right, but there were a whole bunch of fuckups with this.

I just naturally assumed that bakemon was short for bakemono (that's where the Bakemono Digimon's name comes from) and I even asked a Japaense guy to be sure, and he confirmed it.

And it actually says "Bakemon" in the script, I've checked the Japanese version. The idea that they actually say "bakemono" is just an erroneous guess that has spread (the wrong tale is usually the one that spreads the most).

>And it actually says "Bakemon" in the script

That shouldn't have been capped, I just meant "bakemon", but as in the shortened version of the word, not the Digimon name.

>(that's where the Bakemono Digimon's name comes from)
Bakemon's name is taken from the obake, not bakemono.

Oh is it? Guess I was wrong on that one then.

>Why "To me!"? It doesn't sound like a help call, but rather, telling for someone to throw something at you.
"To me! To you!" is a reference to a children's game show that was on BBC during the late '90s.

Tryhard failed comedians trying to "spice up" scripts is what they do.



It all makes sense now.

stupid phone posters. if you arent going to make it a resolution that can be read without opening it up in paint and zooming in dont fucking post it.

How come translators/localizers don't realize how fucking stupid it sounds when they try to inject memes into their scripts? How about writing a timeless script that will age like wine, instead of cramming in a bunch of pop culture references that will be outdated in a matter of years, or even months? Everyone over the age of 10 has long since gotten tired of fucking Doge.


I can't wait for a collage of all of the memes and general bullshit in Color Splash. That game's a gold mine of garbage.

That would require them to actually be talented at their trade and professional in their work environment, neither of which applies. It's much easier to just recycle a meme than write something witty yourself.

americans love memes

To me is literally rally ro me, not related to the Chuckle brothers

They reference the Luigi Death Stare. Yeah, at least it's an "internal" Nintendo meme, but it's still not any better than awkwardly shoving "LE BODY IS READY XD" everywhere. And the way it's included really is more awkward than necessary. Like they felt as if just because there's a part where Luigi takes you for a ride in a kart to Bowser's Castle that they HAD to acknowledge it in some capacity. They really didn't.

And as a sidenote, all of Luigi's lines are written in that "make-a him say "-a" at-a the end of-a every other word-a because-a he's Italian" style, even though no other game where Luigi had written dialogue ever did that.

You got me. The only time I ever use memes is when I'm translating memes.

Well, they really deserve to be fucking mocked if they take a very informative dialogue about the game's mechanics and make it into a petty insult.

>be a MH fan for 10 years
>still reads the text

Calling bullshit, after so long you stop giving a damn about what's being said and just try to get back to the grind asap.

Yeah why would a fan ever take interest in something in the newest game of a franchise they're a fan of

Wait, what?

Have you ever played a Monster Hunter game to the end?

You end up spending a couple of hundred hours on each one, it's cute to read the dialog for the first one or two games but who gives a flying fuck about npc dialog and quest descriptions after that point? They're all the same after a while.

I'm going to go fap (slang for masturbate) now.

it's good to show contempt for your audience

dont worry. there is a sad sub sect of MH fans that defend it no matter what.
>MH tri is canceled for ps3
>stick it on portables
>put tri on wii
>it is shit compared to what they were talking about
>it still looks like a ps2 game
>still just as clunky, if not more so due to wii controllers choices being shit
>sticks with 3DS
>even with a N3DS it is uncomfortable due to button layouts
>worse than the claw solely due to button lay out.
>graphics STILL look like a late in life ps2 game
>cant be asked to form a solid story in gens
>online is the same shit we have had since ps2

good thing the game play is fun still, but i really wish they would do something more for MH.

Not an argument (ad eminem)

I thought women and normies were AC audience, not anime autists

>still just as clunky, if not more so due to wii controllers choices being shit
Someone actually tried playing Mh3 with the Wii mote? I thought everyone used the classic controller

Tri tossed out everything about the atmosphere of the old games.

>the original translation is too boring/dry, why do you hate fun

they didn't do shit to Nier, I think the memery and quality drop started after that.

I feel Dragon Quest games have a pretty good localization and translation.

Wait, did they finally patch the story back into the 3DS version?

Sorry to say you'd be dead wrong about that. Mass amounts of name changes for the sake of puns that didn't exist in the original, name changes for no reason (I've talked to plus Alpha, they admitted as much), censorship, mishandling of accents (accents are fine, but you have to be careful how you use them in text form, and Plus Alpha sucks at it), changing serious scenes to be humorous, cutting party chat out of Dragon Quest IV, replacing the orchestral soundtracks in the 3DS versions of DQ VII and VIII's 3DS versions with MIDI soundtracks and... I'm sure I'm forgetting other stuff.

>replacing the orchestral soundtracks in the 3DS versions of DQ VII and VIII's 3DS versions with MIDI soundtracks
That's not localisation, though.

I have no idea how the jap version is but the english dialogue is fantastic and most of the puns are on point. I hope it's even better in japanese.

DQ7 is easily the best game I've played this year.

Oh right, that was Square-Enix's fault, not the localizers. I forgot.

I don't think DQ VII 3DS was localized by Plus Alpha, so there's a chance it's alright. I know there are still pointless name changes in there, but some of the ones I've seen are fine. I actually like Emberdale more than the original Engow. Also, as far as I've heard it's S-E who demands name changes and accents, so I don't know if I can blame the localizers for them.

Seriously. Xenoblade X seems like it was localized by a bunch of dumb girls in their 20s. Everyone in that game talks like a fucking valley girl.

Well, it is set in New Los Angeles.

SMT4A has great lewd translations for that one penis demon, talks in euphemisms and sex puns

>Talking about Atlus in a translation quality thread
Just stop.

People always shit on Atlus translations lately. I've actually done some comparisons, and what I've seen has been mostly good aside from the horrid handling of honorifics in Persona games. At this point I'm convinced it's just people who can't actually read Japanese who shit on their localizations for the most petty of reasons, but that's pretty par for the course.

What game is this? And since when has "(you)" become that popular of a meme?

I recently started playing Dungeon Travellers 2. The game opens with Irena calling Fried by the name "Fried Reinbert", and Fried correcting her that his name is "Fried Einhard". Atlus, for some reason, changed this to Irena calling him "Fried Reinhard" as the mistaken name.
Right off the bat you have a completely needless change of one mistaken name to a different mistaken name, when Irena's shtick is that she keeps getting people's names wrong. So in the game's opening minute you're already given an inaccuracy, courtesy of Atlus USA.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Of course, don't forget their recent fuckup with untranslated text in SMT4A either, and their dubious excuse for it. Remember that this is hardly the first time untranslated text has slipped into their releases.

I can't comment on that one. I've played some SMT games and all the Persona games in Nip and did some comparisons to the English versions later, and they all seem fine for the most part.

I can't defend them not translating those two important lines in IV Final. I mean yeah, people make mistakes and miss stuff, but their excuse for it doesn't fly because the QAers are supposed to test various situations, not just beat a boss and then move on. Not fixing it is even shittier.

>I've played some SMT games and all the Persona games in Nip and did some comparisons to the English versions later, and they all seem fine for the most part.
Playing with undubs, I can't say I notice the huge discrepancies with them that I would with other companies like Aksys (outside of the complete nonsense of honorific rewrites and shit like changing "oi" to "hoy" in SMT4), but rather, they're just full of constant slight deviances.

In this video for example, you have:
1. Dojima saying "thanks" to brotag in the localisation when he didn't in the original.
2. Yukiko saying "Wow!" when asking if Nanako can make boxed lunches.
3. Yosuke dumping two sarcastic line changes not in the Japanese, where he just spoke directly.

They might seem like small nitpicks, but over the course of a game they add up to giving you a different perception of the characters.

Out of curiosity, why play the undubs when you could just play them in Japanese since you understand it?

Because my Japanese isn't nearly good enough to play without assistance yet. I'm in the hellish middle ground of being able to spot obvious mistranslations but not being able to do without. But I'm working on that.