What would the modern version of this commercial be like?

What would the modern version of this commercial be like?

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Mario, pikachu, and yoshi would be dressed as sissies and apologizing to DK while posting the pics on their tumblr

That was terrible

Most modern vidya commercials are

is that the guy from Stranger Things

>and more games to come soon


Women, brown people, rap music.

All the actors in that commercial are in stranger things.


Cartoon characters with small hands and feet in Adventure Time style with dancing and a Bruno Mars song in the back

Why would you remind me of this

Jesus christ user


That was awful

Don't forget the guy from the Mighty No.9 commercial making so funny xDDD commentary.

Nintendo advertising is dead.

So...does Jack /ss/ Gina or what?

Not all of them.

this commercial is almost single-handedly the reason why me and my brother begged for an N64 as kids and became life long Nintendo fans.

The settle it in Smash ads were ok but nothing compared to the original.

Wish the game was half as fun as this trailer and didn't control like dick and balls

Gina pegs Jack


The controls were fucking top notch, you just suck ass at the game. Literally the only thing wrong with them is that you can't skell jump after unlocking the flight pack.

>mfw the flight theme resets every time you land

Those first few notes are embedded in my brain, not even a lobotomy will remove them.


Mario and three Marths prancing through a busy highway.

Well shit, he got you there OP.

>one of my first jack offs was to that the guy who played sonic

>tfw not the target audience anymore