Never forget

Never forget
>E3 cringe thread

Other urls found in this thread: temperature history 10000 years&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=794&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNyZXr-bXPAhXHWpAKHet9DcgQ_AUIBigB


Did Yarn Man survive after EA was done with him?

I actually liked his game I'd recommend you get it on sale and play at night.

Aaand thats why his women are getting raped

If only Konami would return.


I thought it was a rather heartfelt pitch. Guy was clearly incredibly nervous and you could sense a degree of awe and pride in his work being shown off at a major industry showing.

People get overwhelmed, that's not really cringe.




Dont bully yarny

I never actually noticed how much he was trembling. That's really noticeable,

No one was cringing at him, they saw how hard he was trying to hold up and pitch his little game in front of a huge audience and people immediately sympathized with him. He was like a scared puppy or something. Even Cred Forums was moved by him.

This exactly.

Even at the time everyone loved t hat dude. His nervousness was so clearly part of his charm, because he was truly and genuinely nervous among this crowd of corporate smilers.

I loved t hat dude any bought that game based on his E3 pitch. Fun game.

someone post that zombie thing

Agreed. I was filled with tears of empathy when I saw incredibly shaky yarn man.

>"Cool presentation you got there"
>*chomp chomp chomp*

He was so nervous I related to him

Poor fuck was just a shy amateur that suddenly got pitched to make a presentation

He pitched from the heart and got his game published. If that makes you cringe maybe that's why you're making threads on Cred Forums and not making your own shit

Too bad guy is 100% cuck

Wtf is that guy eating raw/poorly cooked meat?

What I wouldn't give to fuck Morgan Webb

Where did he get it from is what I want to know.

Does E3 have pig roasts after a conference or something?

It's these large weird turkey legs they sell at renaissance festivals and shit. You literally see half the people walking around eating them.

Was that really from being nervous? That's like Parkison level of trembling.

This. I literally remember the thread going berserk about how terrified this guy was. They were all like... "Holy shit, it's gotta be scary as fuck pitching something like this infront of an audience waiting for Fifa and Madden."

fucking same.

Some people just can't stop it. It's a little depressing.



when your boss is this guy, if i was some closet dev hoping not to get canned with self esteem i'd be trembling too.

Early faps.

I'd be shaking like that too if i had to stand and pitch my shit to a conference room full of utter cunts.

>bought the game and a bottle the same day
>got really drunk before playing it
>barely remember the four hours i spent playing it

All I remember was how adorable the little shit was and how great the post Scandinavian anal violin core was.



True. I'm rewatching his pitch and you definitely feel like he was just a guy who made a character out of yarn for fun and wanted to share it with the world. He actually seems grateful for being there. Hope him all the best.

>Unravel got pretty favorable reviews

I'm glad. I forgot about it until this thread so I didn't even know it got released.

Its pretty fucking comfy and certainly worth spending a bit less than $20 burger dollars on


Best part was all the porn that people immediately drew and tweeted to him


I want to see.

This speaker always finds a way to be cringy every year.

>game has lesbians
>game has leftist "DON'T DESTROY THE NATURE!!!" agenda
>it's a swedish game

yeah i wish you could make this up... The gameplay and graphics were so sweet but fuck


Nigga, talking on stage in front of a bunch of people and being streamed can be frightening for someone.

>Aaand thats why his women are getting raped
Nice memed bro

This one hurt

>Implying the Konami E3 conferences of 2011 werent the most amusing shit out of the whole event.

I truly wonder how fucking high everyone was while doing their presentations.

xxx yyy xxx yyy

feels bad bro

>yfw he has cancer and can't use VR because he has insane motion sickness

EA sent him to Austwich


that was so painful to watch dear god

I can't even watch this. It's so awful.

OP here
To be fair, I love yarn man to death
I wrote cringe because that's what E3 brings to the table each year
An E3 feels thread would end in 3 posts

>tfw can never stop shaking once it starts
>wait at bus stop
>get nervous about being outside in public
>start shaking
>joggers stare as they jog past

>People get overwhelmed, that's not really cringe.
Yes it is. It was kind of sad to watch.

This destroyed my sides when it happened.

Here's for number Zero.

Has science gone too far?

>tfw have uncontrollable tremor in one when doing precise work or even if I relax too long
>everyone stares
>person walks up to me
>why are you nervous?
Fuck life this shit makes working hell

hey fuk off nigger the guy did well enough for never speaking in front of shit tons of people and the game turned out well.

Someone post the thickness from the Microsoft conference and the galaxy dress bitch from Sony

Man fuck Ubisoft.



I have slight tremors and they get worse when I give speeches, even though I'm not actually that nervous about giving a speech

Not destroying nature isn't leftist agenda, it's common sense.

Nature has a liberal bias.

Did the "WAN MIRRION TROOPS" guy ever get over his cancer, or is he dead?

He's fine now

here I go

he's fine after taking wan mirrion pills

He will never die!

Don't fail me now

>tfw when you can't stop trembling when people watch you work
>tfw your work is neurosurgery

My malpractice case is next week. Please wish me the best

> this hasn't been posted yet
here you go

rip in peace your medical license not that it existed


Wa mewyon chooops

be preapred

I saw that doll in a Best Buy the other day but I didn't buy it

just for you

Today I will remind them.

What are these from?

Google : yarn man e3

ah, yes herro~ how exciting~! wonderfrul~!!

Holy shit. I didn't even notice how badly he was trembling until I saw the video

>having passion and giving a shit about what you do is cringe

18+ website OP

Yarn man was the best part of EA's conference

The level of nervousness going on was super endearing





this is beautiful


Exactly, and it mainly brings up the question, "why should I have feelings for a commercial expo?"
there are some moments that can warm the soles of my feet, but nothing to write home about. I am mainly in it for the streams and the online reactions. pic very related.

P E G G L E 2

Ubisoft presentations are an enjoyable type of cancer tbqh. I wouldn't give them a shekel but I'm glad they do this shit at E3 every year.


>Get really bad nervous shakes when I have to give a speech
>Over emote so nobody notices the trembling
>Hands all over the fucking place, big smile, loud voice
>Speech goes over great
>Now called on to give every presentation
>It hasn't gotten easier not even a bit.
I hate life.

Never thought you could get nostalgic lust.

As someone who used to have crippling anxiety, damn, I feel this guy. I was the kind of guy who would get the same tier of tremors for holding his paper while reading from it in front of the entire class.

Your anxiety then only compounds, noticing that literally everyone is noticing you, so your voice starts cracking, you can't even make an eye contact with your audience and sometimes even involuntarily shed a few tears from anxiety overload. The 10 minutes of this feel like eternal hell.

I heard it's because of a very traumatizing or embarrassing social event being imprinted in your brain from when you were younger, so your brain automatically snaps into flight-mode and turns on every single beta indicator of "pls dont bully me :^(" so the alphas in the tribe don't kill you

A lot like this - notice the wolf's omega body language

I like giving speeches and being in front of crowds, but I always shake a little. You'll get used to it user.

>gameplay and graphics were so sweet
All that matters in your post.

I thought his presentation was adorable :3

I think preserving our planet should be a right that we all should be forced to do, without this planet we would all be dead.

Video games

Preserving our planet from what?

Us, were terrible for this place we live, slowly destroying it.

Wanna see something truly adorable?
Watch this:



In what ways

I want to fuck him

Does anyone have that kinnect video?

Carbon emissions, deforestation, the amount of trash we produce its all fairly obvious stuff that people just like to pretend isnt slowly killing our planet and its ozone to the point were its getting prity scary how warm our planet can get even in cold country's, global warming is a scary thing.

>global warming
it's a myth, it's actually been getting colder for about 15 years now. The scientists are calling that a "break" instead of changing their theory.

Yeah, mighty humans killing fucking planet. Sure.

Are you for real, i think thats the other way round.

Man, even if you don't think Global Warming is an issue(Which I don't think it is), and we're certainly not gonna kill the PLANET.

But, pollution is a serious issue, that can cause a lot of problems, for humanity. And I don't mean fucking carbon emissions from cars, I mean sludge being dumped into rivers and lakes, and shit like that.

What is people's obsession with him? I truly don't even understand if Cred Forums is making fun of him or actually likes him.


It's both, I think.

It's the truth.

Anyone who questions it is labelled a "climate denier" instead of a reasonable individual.

Every single one of Al-Gore's predictions in his movie has come to pass as false.

The ice caps are melting, right? Wrong. They're growing. The net gain of ice each year is in the billions of tons, it slowed down for a few years in the 2000s but it never shrank.


i need this one special remix from him.
it was taken down from YT and i can't find it.

bottom of the shoe

I love having regular droughts, temperatures of 40+ degrees Celsius and 8 month summers in northern fucking Serbia. Because that's what continental climate is supposed to be like when you turn the heat down.


I want rain so badly, give it back

>south europe

poor lamb


you think he got those tattoo-stitches on his own? They are there to mark what part of his fingers they were going to lop off if he fucked up

2015 was the wettest year on record afaik in the US.

That's a chick, you imbecile.

I don't know what your moms pussy has to do with this

>tfw you go beyond cringe to being based

Anyone have the copypasta about him going into the secret EA bunker and high fiving the other execs?


Such a beautiful E3.

>hosting e3 while drunk

I didn't think it could get any worse.

Let's see

3 get



What kind of pussy wants to be alive?

I can't feel bad for a person with those tattoos. What a fucking fag.





They're not tattoos you dunce

>he's still riding that train on Twitter in order to keep conversation going

what big score user

What are they?

pretty sure it's just ink and not tattoos, indian thing


I'm guessing Henna

That doesn't make it any less worse

At least this guy released a neat game, unlike the other nervous cuck on stage that year (Sean Murray).

They're just drawings, they have something to do with the game. I believe he explains it in the video.

>The ice caps are melting, right? Wrong. They're growing
That is so, incredibly wrong.

Why the fuck did he do that? I mean yeah, it was long, but this is pretty shitty.

you're fucking stupid


>talking to a friend about this conference
>friend calls him a dick for wearing sunglasses in doors and on a conference
>turns out he has an eye disorder and any bright lights will wreck his eyes so he has to wear them

Never knew he had that and I doubt many people do.

but that's a collage of 2004, 2007 and 2009, and whenever that laser tag bullshit was

Literally me when going out in public.

>global warming
>it's actually been getting colder
are you retarded dog

>Not reading the source you linked
Looks like you're the real retard here user.

Doesn't matter. He's still a dickface of 99.9% purity. He literally moved to Japan and took on a Japanese name in addition to everything else that's wrong with him.

But I'm saying it isn't warming

in the 60s everyone was afraid of global cooling

did that happen?

global warming isnt literally about warming, its like cold fusion its just a name

How's he doing?

>hardly anyone plays first person shooters on the PC
man this guy is out of touch
>kinect creator
oh no, he's retarded


I'm talking about the ice caps in terms of the amount of ice in the areas around the poles, not the glaciers

>global warming:
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.

>increasing temperature
but this isn't happening, and by that alone it's not true.

I sadly have that issue with just my right eye, its fucked, I wear sunglasses like 80% of the time and i feel like an utter cunt whenever im around people I don't know.

My anxiety about it has gotten to the point where I take them off if im going for a night out in clubs etc, by the end of the night the vision from my right eye is so fucked I literally have to wear an eye patch for the next day just to try and nurse it.

Quite. There was once a blog out there called 'Kudo Tsunoda is a Douchebag'.

Actually it's still around though it seems to be defunct.

why not just wear the eye patch to the club bro

make up a sick story and fuck a whore

Why don't you just wear an eye patch while out? Women will use it as an ice breaker if you're attractive.

Already have a wife.

Plus I live in the UK, eye patches aren't the kind of thing that will be and ice breaker, more the kind of thing that will get some asshole starting a fight with you because he thinks you look though.

what did she mean by this?

Mate. Eye patches are ABAP. Wear them.

And another: this
I thought it was really cute.
As a dev myself who puts all his heart into a project, always working behind the scenes.
And then you get told to stand on a big stage, millions of viewers online, and you just want people to like what you've created.
I'd probably too get pretty nervous.

I want Morgan Von Vebb to dominate me.

>increasing temperature isn't happening
You're either stupid or baiting user, and either way I'm upset

Honestly dude, I look fucking awful, im a little bit overweight and most of it is in my face so ive got pretty chubby cheeks, add an eye patch like that and I just look like some sort of fucking edge lord who doesn't get out of the house.

Do yo believe that humans are causing it?

that shit actually came out?

yarn boy was pretty fucking endearing during his presentation. too bad he's probably an obnoxious SJW in his online persona.

I don't know who this is.


frozen river at new york last year
really hot huh, really makes you think

just leave him be. the hoax has been going on for a half century, first it was global cooling, then it was global warming, now climate change, and there are still people on board. some people will just continue to blindly eat shit up without questioning it.

You must be a political cartoonist

Why the fuck not

Cred Forums you have a containment board for this

How did this thread become about global warming?


For god of war once they beheaded a goat there and feasted on its internal orgins.

Had no idea the big oil shills even shitpost about climate change denial on Cred Forums of all places.

>arguments I don't like are shitposting
pretty closed minded

Anyone want an Unravel code for Xbone?

Post your PSN here and I'll message it. Or i'll just post the code shortly. Whichever comes first.

Yeah, I am closed minded to shills who only care about their companies bottom line and spread disinfo that will ruin the planet in a few decades time because those companies don't give a shit.


allow me to pose a hypothetical to you

the year is 1583
copernicus comes out with a study that contradicts scientific consensus
but 97% of scientists think the sun revolves around the earth so that must mean that it does, right?

Mind providing a reason why the earth just keeps getting hotter the more CO2 we pump into the atmosphere?

Because the earth has natural changes in temperature over time? See: literally all of earth's history

It's time to stop.

>Global warmimg somehow means there is no winter

i need a video of this

Was Milo the biggest bullshit story in video game history?

Fun fact, they're actually emu.

>Cred Forums in charge of science

>show graphics, facts and scientific researchs
>eeeh this guys are just crazy the media said its not true go back to /pol /

>show graphics, facts and scientific researchs
All funded by Exxon, BP, Royal Dutch Shell and Aramco :^)

>show image macros lacking a source
>refuse to post anything that is peer reviewed
>have a overwhelming burden of proof you fail to meet
>hehe yup they r all dumb not me

I mean its colder now than it was a few months ago lol global warming was caused by the jews and gaped boi pucci

these are the sources temperature history 10000 years&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=794&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNyZXr-bXPAhXHWpAKHet9DcgQ_AUIBigB

Science community says climate change exists, but I'm sure you can confince them all with your facts and scientific research, prof. neckbeard.

I read that Global Warming is still around but due is being changed to Global Climate Change. Something about the fluctuation of temperatures pushing the high and low boundaries.

Haven't done research on it in a year though so don't kill me.

>that second image from your search

wanna explain that one bud

>"For most of the past 10,000 years, global average temperature has remained relatively stable and low compared to earlier hothouse conditions in our planet's history. Now, temperature is among the highest experienced not only in the “recent” past—the past 11,000 years or so, during which modern human civilization developed—but also probably for a much longer period.

Carrie Morrill of the National Climatic Data Center explains, "You'd have to go back to the last interglacial [warm period between ice ages] about 125,000 years ago to find temperatures significantly higher than temperatures of today."

Wow....wonder what caused that......huh...make u tink

What other board would deny climate change? Honestly, I can't find another board dumb enough to do that. Maybe /x/ but they'd probably blame climate change on reptilian succubus vampires.

Cred Forums due to its contrarian nature, but due to how much crossboarding there is between Cred Forums and Cred Forums most people will just say its Cred Forums shitposting

You know what you did.

I hope Ubishit keeps Aisha as their presenter for next E3. Their games are usually dog shit, but is it fucking entertaining to watch the whole trainwreck.

what is this

dude don't let Cred Forums have ja/ck/ please

>Everyone but one person saying its real
>yeah lol crossboarders and contrarians
quit posting anytime



He's already here in the filename threads.

that's just one guy and nobody really cares

I forgot this game existed

It's too late.





If the river is frozen, how is that boat moving?

That's even worse

It's easy to forget that most of the people on this board were 3 or 4 years old when this happened


Damn I was 13 when I saw it.. I feel old now :/

Those last few years there's less and less snow each winter in my town.

Yeah how come the whole Antarctic glaciers are still here if it's really that hot huh???

Fuckin global warming fags man.

>US East
>Every winter is either just plain bitter cold or Snowmageddon jr.

When I was a child it snowed in my town every other year. Been about a decade now since snow

>Cred Forums exists so every other board agrees with my stupid political views

Yarn man went full circle
he went from cringe to adorable

temperature doesn't equal climate you dumb cuck

Fuck guys. I'm already looking forward to next years E3. I love shitposting on the live streams with you. I love you Cred Forums ;_;

That was feels, not cringe.


Try presenting a game at the E3 and not shit yourself you smegma eating fuck.

>polfags hate muslim migrants
>because of global warming the middle east will inevitably become uninhabitable and cause mass migrations
>polfags dont want to do anything about global warming

like pottery

If our governments weren't voted in by women they would be killing any invading muslims.

reminder to all the tumblr shills ITT that "yarn man" is a leftist antifa cuckold anti-police faggot who is friends with Anita Sarkeesian

he's a piece of shit and you should be glad his game flopped

If you have steal enough money and technology from the west like Israel does you can live just fine in a desert.

>indie dev going onstage at e3 before literally millions of people, shaking and not speaking english very well
>presented his game well enough and even brought the thing that started the whole project
>cringe and not feels

who the fuck hurt you in your childhood OP ?

kinda glad i bought the game now thanks

>Can't stop moving my legs
>It becomes painful when I hold them still
>Completely pisses off everyone because for some reason they can't stand it when someone is shaking/moving in their presence
>"user, why are you so nervous?", "user stop this shit!", "user you making me nervous too."

>t. Shaking cuck


why would i shake its not even cold in my room haha

Been through this too man. Recall one exact scenario reading from a piece of paper in class, noticing how awkward you look and that makes you even worse.

I recently saw a psychologist and was prescribed an SNRI and have been regularly seeing a psychologist about my anxiety issues. Almost feel normal now after only two months of medication and psych sessions. Found the one place in my city that does free psychiatry and went there. Would strongly recommend buddy

>typical cuckposting Cred Forums fag starts listing all these as negatives
>doesn't realize that these are just what makes a human being normal and balanced therefore showing his cave-dwelling antisocial behavior

>being far left enough to consider yourself antifa is "normal"

that's why you guys lost this round :)

Cred Forums tends to get very upset when an otherwise smalltime nobody showcases success and achievement from following their dreams in this industry when most of Cred Forums considers themselves armchair game design experts but wont ever actually amount to anything or produce any work of their own
bitterness and jealousy is the lifeblood of Cred Forums

>tfw I also get the shakes when presenting to people

Hell, I get shakes just talking to other people. My mastered my voice not trembling but god damn my hands never stop shaking.

>mew nale has a better hairline than me


I hope you get past whatever trauma caused this user.

zero for an hero

>Ballsy enough to get a shitty hand tattoo and not kill himself.
>Becomes spaghetti incarnate on a stage.

Climate change has happened since the earth formed and was an issue for humans in many generations. Ever heard about the smaller climate periods in the early middle age? People lived through changes of several degree in just one lifetime.

The problem is; we humans can change so little to our athmospheric level of "greenhouse gases" that it's actually stupidly funny how anyone can make whole theories and climate modells based on it. The biggest part in every change in human history and the history of planet earth is due to:

1. Trees/Arctic Ice and tilt of the earth
2. Sun activity
3. Weather Phenomenons and Water flow in the oceans

It's undeniable that a climate change exists, the scientific community is absolutely right - it's however downright stupid to think humans could change anything about it even if they actively wanted. Current green-movements and the whole instrumentalization of it are for political and monetary reasons.

Psychiatrist* prescribed

>1.2 billion pollution spewing cars in the world.
>Planes, trains, buses etc.
>Growing every day.
>Millions of factories spewing shit into the air.

I mean, you would have to be retarded to think this shit isn't having an effect.

Not him but being nervous when speaking in front of a lot of people is normal you fucking sperg.

>opposing fascism is not normal behavior

ach Helmut i found you you schnitzel

>That ending.

Anonymous says the most profound things. Thank you for this very helpful article.


I'd love to play the game, but I don't want to touch origin.

>this person is "opposing fascism"

lel leftycucks... 2016 is leftycuck suicide year

Here you go.

stfu cuck vote trump dude come on

No it's not. I do improv on a weekly basis and have no problem whatsoever with crowds/audiences.

>it's not unless you train regularly for it

Well okay.

>person who does speak in front of others not nervous compared to people who don't do it once a week

stop the fucking presses

Helmut schtop zis und komm bach home

warum are you like zis Helmut

that man was too pure for the evils of the vidya industry

I like that bear pic.
Have another.

It's nothing compared to the amounts already on our athmosphere - and then you have to see that a higher concentration of CO2 leads to an increased plant growth - which in turn use it in photosynthesis and also reflect incoming sunbeams.

It sounds like much on paper and the scary pictures of full highways they use to propagate their ideology of anthropomorphic climate change are frightening indeed. But it's completely in the norm of what our planet can endure and not even recognizable on an athmospheric view. This doesn't mean that the pollution coming with industry and cars isn't a problem on itself.

I don't think they sell turkey legs at e3. At least they didnt when I was there a few years back.


Oil tankers are some of the worst things in existence. And then there is the whole thing when they spill oil too.

More like what's happening isn't as simple as everywhere getting hotter, as the world's weather is getting fucked up in various ways meaning some places are actually getting colder.

"Global Climate Change" is more indicative of what's going on without Exxon dicksuckers going "hurr it's cold outside global warming isn't real"

>I do improv
Three little words that allow you to spot a true failure of a human being. A real troglodyte.

how come i dont see any proofs))))))))))))))))))))))

What the fuck was his problem?

Post more Ja/ck/

I get like this all the time when I'm in a situation where I'm in control. Sometimes its just a little jitter sometimes I cant even speak because my jaw wont stop moving.


>and then you have to see that a higher concentration of CO2 leads to an increased plant growth - which in turn use it in photosynthesis and also reflect incoming sunbeams.


Sorry bud. Some issues have only one side, in the case of human caused climate change there is only one. It is happening. It is coming for us. Hopefully we blast off Earth before then and leave retarded fucks like you who refuse to see the truth and reality for what it is, for whatever reason. The human race would be better off.


Because I'm lazy and it's 4:48am, you can probably find some sources yourself if you got the time and motivation to dig that up for a random internet argument.


go the fuck to bed

Thank you

Surely there's something more efficient than those wolverine claws.


Hey edgelord, you know why it's called a "greenhouse" gas? Because plants like that stuff.

I'm in massive pain and it's fun to see what you guys got teached/researched about climate change.

Yall do know that the Earth is a tropical planet right? Were in an ice age at the moment. It is not normal for the Earth to have glaciers on land at all.


rollan for disappointment

We're not in an ice age.

>it's called a "greenhouse" gas? Because plants like that stuff.

That is actually pretty funny.

Bretty good bait. Got me until then, I'll admit.

>all people who disagree with me are sjws

Cred Forums is fucking retarded

>everyone I disagree with is pol

CTR is fucking retarded

im laughing so fucking hard right now

thanks man

Yes we are actually. The Ice Age will officially be over once all permanent landlocked glacier ice is gone.

To humans it only appears to be normal. You have to look at all of earths history. The Earth is a tropical planet that normally does not have any permanent ice on any of its landmasses.

What, no. That was 2010's presentation of Konami brilliance and Nintendo's 3DS Hoes

Nonsense, King Jack knows what he's doing and when something is properly cooked or not.

only a sith deals in absolutes

>E3 cringe thread
>Somehow we got from E3 to Donald Trump's denial of global warming

yes but you show all the symptoms of being a retarded cuck from Cred Forums

How do you
How do you fuck something so easy up?

get the fuck outta here yarn man was kawaii as shit

Just by increasing the C02 in the air you can fasten plant growth in greenhouses by up to 35%.

That's why we pump them full of that stuff.

>I hate pol. pol is bad. it's 2016. you're on the wrong side of history.

It's called a knife and a two pronged carving fork.

t. Memphian

By that definition you're right. Just looked it up.

blame these guys:

Its jack, dont question it

But user, Earth having no ice anywhere is only one "mode". Being covered or nearly covered in ice is another. There is no "normal mode".

It's juicy, just the way Jack likes it.


To be fair he just mishmashes them into the meat like a retard.

They're supposed to be novelty tools in making shredded / pulled pork after it's done cooking.

You use one to hold it down on one end, and the other to shred off bits from other end. You go from one end of the pork to the next. Basically the same thing you'd do with your hands or a fork except you have a big-ass claw you're holding with a fist.

One of the retarded things he does is that he absolutely refuses to use things properly in the way they're meant to. He's like DSP where he fucks something up and is all "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW this knife sucks", like the time he decides to test a kitchen knife's sharpness by trying to use it to cut through a wooden spoon and saying that the knife's sharpness was a lie because he couldn't cut through a fucking spoon.

nobody's on any side of history shit just happens and the winner writes it

also kill yourself for derailing this thread by making it about "muh elections" this is a video game board where people talk about video games

wow wtf that image made me think

how about you kill yourself for posting cuck trash (unravel) on a video game board

>all those retards taking blatant bait seriously

>he starts to cut
>a small pink chunk falls on plate
>"It's completely raw inside isn't it."

Normal by definition is what happens most often. You are correct that the earth can and has entered into deep freezes. But what is 'normal' for the Earth is to have no permanent ice.

I mean it IS called "pulled pork"... Not "cooked pork"

>bread looking like old sweetbun
>that tomato doesn't look that good
>is the green thing supposed to be fucking salad ?
>unidentified unmelted cheese
>barely cooked meat, must've been on a pan for twenty seconds

this is a new form of self harm

>cuck trash
idk man i liked it
sometimes you gotta learn to appreciate the shit that was made and not who made it

>>unidentified unmelted cheese

This disturbed me quite a bit as well.
Who the fuck doesn't put the cheese on the burger near the end of the cooking phase?



>giving sjws money

they are the enemies of freedom atm

the good thing is they cant make good games so they get no sales

>implying i'm the one that posted unravel


honestly do you even play video games or are you just here to shill your ideology ?

Yarn Guy is the shit you fucking asslicker

Hey user. Have you heard of Hatsune Miku??

im here to remind Cred Forums about shit games made by shit people


Its getting a sequel so probably sold well enough user

>sjws are the enemies of freedom
>let's silence anybody who doesn't agree with our views

>implying it's not soros funded


yep, that sounds like sjws to me

That is an outlandish claim to make and you have zero evidence to back that up. Just accept that the game was rather good and sold well enough.
See it for yourself, it's pretty embarrassing desu.

I think the green thing is just pickles.

>yep, that sounds like sjws to me

either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

So has he tried to say his videos are satire or what?

there are no sales figures or playercount figures like on steam

the game had practically 0 social media engagement

i doubt anyone bought it, like "Virgina" that just released

>le horseshoe theory

i dont think we'll ever see a group of people as radical and terroristic as the modern left

fucking fucknugget

global warming means more severe weather it doesn't mean things specifically getting hotter

it means we're turning into fucking westeros

what in the actual fuck...

this has GOT to be an army of trolls, right?

there's no way all these idiots ACTUALLY BELIEVE climate change is a myth and that we are not have huge negative impacts on our planet, right?

They don't actually believe that we can continue business as usual and expect to live normally for the next 100 years...right?

This has got to be fake / oil co. shills / Trump Campaign interns..

>not nervous
>can detect a slight tremor in my hand all the time

I'm going to die soon aren't I?


i sure hope not because these pickles are really fucking nasty looking

EA confirmed a sequel is getting made. Not sure what to tell you sport.

>i dont think we'll ever see a group of people as radical and terroristic as the modern left
Actual terrorists?

because you fucking put too much butter you fucking amerifats shits

climate change is a myth lad

>retards will oppose the opposite side of the spectrum for the simple reason of being contrarian.

Sounds about right actually.

Can we talk again when we are in the north american refugee camps after the evacuation of the eastern seaboard in around 20 years?

Cooking is serious business.

so the logical conclusion is there are probably outside interests funding it from the board of directors

there are hardly any actual terrorists in the west

the modern left are like a very subversive fifth column however

look up Yuri Bezmenov on youtube, he'll red pill you

>all these leftycuck posters

FUCK OFF ! this is a place for rational people that want to exercise their freedom of speech and leftists have always wanted to censor your freedom of speech

The subdued yellow-green colour seems standard for American pickles.

Just like the shit you'd find on your McDonald's burgers.

>tfw used to break down crying when presenting in front of the class

why do I know this exact fucking feel.

I can't tell if this post is ironic, or ironic of being ironic. Or a layer of irony that surpasses humanity

Sure if lack of evidence for your outlandish claims is logical.

>i dont think we'll ever see a group of people as radical and terroristic as the modern left

>let's just ignore everything that happened caused by rightist mentality because that doesn't play into my narrative that mainly consists of "psh... sjw cucks..."

nigga what

do you see this thread? this is the death throes of CTR and shillary's campaign. after attempting to really make us think on Cred Forums they've come to attempt it on Cred Forums with moderate success

but the funny thing is it's not earning them votes as Cred Forums is mostly filled with NEETs who won't go out and vote anyways and don't care about politics

hillary's campaign died on september 11, 2016. now we watch it crumble as we await the october surprise

post yfw trump wins

>he'll red pill you
This isn't the cringe thread.

>no sales
>no money
>EA is kike company that only cares about money

hurr better greenlight a new one, rite guys?

>*soros rubs hands*


lol fuck off

"rightists" care about freedom above all else

wow... sorry for being a bigoted racist... jeez... Corrected my Record...

Kitchen clerk here. Pulled pork shouldn't be anywhere near difficult to pull apart. When cooked right, it comes right apart regardless of force or the utensils used. The fat retard obviously can't cook for shit which is why the pork is so tough to pull apart.

damn it

you are triggering the fuck out of me you fucking moron

eat dick and read some peer reviewed science.

Didn't cook long enough for the connective tissues to break down. Properly cooked pork shoulders should come apart much more easily.

>if you don't think climate change is a myth created by China you're a shill
I mean I'll vote for the guy but lets not pretend he doesnt say stupid shit.
Does it matter?
No proof, not an argument. Please cease replying to me.

>yuri bezmenov

he was a fear monger that wanted to make money off his shitty books

also the KGB can't take over united states politics since the soviet union is fucking dead

also the democrats are not even close to socialism nor are the republicans

>doesn't pay his contractors
>doesn't pay taxes
>audited on a regular basis
>scams people with fake educations
>married an immigrant
>supported dems for many years
tell me again why Cred Forums likes this obvious jew


>post yfw trump wins

i hate politics for ruining this thread

>n-no proof!

just like there's no proof for jews running the media or "refugees" being terrorists

so why are a lot of the things he's said coming true?

you do realize he got "disappeared", right?

So that's how they make fake vomit for movie effects.

I really really hope we do. The whole political system is one big joke anyway

Who's that?

>"rightists" care about freedom above all else
>there is a political candidate in the usa who's very close to winning right now that wants to make life hell for millions of people in his country and in the middle east
>every single right-winged european party wants to do the same

you might as well have said " "rightists" care about freedom above all else (for people who are like me)"

stop getting all your info on youtube you humongous mongoloid

so are you suggesting that all refugees are terrorists?

>just like there's no proof for jews running the media or "refugees" being terrorists

I mean most media networks and banks are owned by the jews and terrorism in Europe has gone in since letting in all those poor Syrian refugees. See thats a logical conclusion to make. Saying George FUCKING Soros is paying for Unravel 2 is not a logical conclusion to make. He has no reason to do that when he can better spend his money on African Americans getting angry for getting shot at. Again user please quit replying to me.

>criticism of dear leader trump makes you a CTR shill

man i can't wait for this personality cult to end

that's definitely undercooked. Way too much pink should be mostly white

you guys realize Trump is a professional con man right? He's literally been doing it for decades.

Because Hillary is even jewer

CTR cuck shill !! fuck off !!

Yeah, like the freedom to be forced to pray in schools?



buy a gun and pray for a military coup that ends with russia nuking america

Please don't bully the yarn man guy, he was too good for this world.

>life will be hell for people!! :(
What, you mean the BLM niggers who live on food stamps?

oh no!

pretty much

islamic = terrorist

>George FUCKING Soros is funding Unravel

lol why does this make you so mad, user?

hit a nerve?

face it: there's no way unravel made enough money for a jew company like EA to want another one.

there has to be outside interests.

it probably helps the creator is anti-police antifa too

>oh no people want me to respect my country's heritage and foster community spirit! i'm so edgy though and r/atheism told me not to! #ChristianityIsACult #ProudAtheist #CuckIsACompliment

holy actual fuck.

I literally can't handle the science deniers and Trump supports in this thread, I'm gonna pop a vein.

I'm out.

pic related to everything you people have posted...Jesus fucking Christ. Please just consider recycling the can you're pulling all this bullshit out of.

>leftycuck so mad he cant even post images properly

stay on tumblr. your kind is not welcome here

it's fucking nothing


so heated forgot to post pic

is that werster?

Joel was amazing in that show. I was laughing my ass off at every line he delivered.

Oh they believe it, you are just like them though.

Say with me now

You're making right-wingers look bad, cut that shit out.

isn't the "all men are rapists" argument pretty much the same as that "all muslims are terrorists" argument ?

>lol why does this make you so mad, user?
Not mad at all, just can't understand the mental gymnastics you have to go through to reach a conclusion without using facts or logic. You should really work on your debating skills in the future, maybe also rely less on logical fallacies like the strawman at the bottom of your post.

never even been to tumbler you fucking shit stain.

yeah, I'm fucking mad.

Shits like you and your ilk are going make my grandchildren live through actual Mad Max shit.


>the right wing cares about freedom above all else !
>except anybody that isn't rich, they can die kek

how can you be such a fucking troglodyte user ?

It's not actually a part of feminist discourse much like all mussies are bombers isn't a terrorist narrative.


I'm just like them.

Except I don't want humanity to collapse in a hundred years.

we're doomed
i'm out

no wester is based

>oy vey muh Cred Forums PR

go to reddit

>born a man
>choose to be a muslim


>leftist lost the argument

reminds me of real life

you have to be 18 to post here

>dude we should give bottom feeders who dont want to work and just want to riot in the streets and smash businesses up money and food lmao

how can you be such a cuckold user?

you are part of the problem

most people don't exactly choose their religion though they usually just follow the one their parents followed

Looks like you already popped a vein my lad.

Pic related.

i was half expecting blood geysers on the third steack

why eat this at this point, better go grab a glass of water with strawberry syrup

no, I'm the solution

stay mad cuckboii

religion is a choice unless you want to believe people don't have free will

But user, you didnt have an argument.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say hes probably not even old enough to vote as evident by his debating skills and the way he types.

I'm further over 18 than I would prefer, but i can only hope that kids under 18 share my enthusiasm about sustainability.

Cuz fucks like you definitely are gonna help out.

What the fuck is this even supposed to be?

that phone is really small.

>t. Triggered leftycuck

what did he mean by this?

if you're born in a muslim household in a muslim country thats been muslim for several generations then guess what ? you're probably gonna be muslim

But you think the same exact things are at stake as they do, just for different reasons.

Why must you be so narrow minded as to believe you are the only one on the side of reason? Is there such danger in considering what they are saying?

Mind you, most of them believe that they are the only ones who stand on reason. You both have sources to back you up, and both those sources probably have a financial interest in saying what they say.

Can't you see that you are exactly the same as then?

at least I'm not the only one fucking up with the picture posting.

and yeah, I'm basically bleeding out by now

keep telling yourself that, asshole.

Your mindset will be the doom of us all


His cancer is in remission and he's looking to get back to work as soon as he can.

>both replies are memespeak
>Image is a meme

You really are incapable of saying anything at all huh?

fucking aren't** gonna help out


I'm trying for those humors, don't be angry pls daddy.

Look, I know how to post images:

Pic unrelated.

and if you want to live in the west, you should have to give up your barbaric religion

much easier than your example of a man becoming a woman

>your mindset will doom us all
What did he mean by this?

it won us gamergate, brexit and the Trump presidency

if "rightists" win by saying nothing, what does that say about your side?

Yeah man, he didn't even put Mayo in it.

>i'll assume that he's just talking about this particular subgroup of a particular group of people and keep pushing him on this, that'll surely shut him up!
>nevermind that he never talked about this specifically though!
>i also won't adress the time i lied through my teeth by saying that right wingers care for freedom above all else, that'd make me look bad!

also considering that you believe in a meritocracy and you're posting on Cred Forums right now at this time of the day you wouldn't make it very far

you'd better take his advice user, i'm legit starting to cackle at each and every one of your posts

but do they know that their religion is barbaric ?

also last i checked most western countries had freedom of religion

Post more ja/ck/. Thread has gone to shit anyway.

>probably have a financial interest in saying what they say.
I seriously doubt that climate change studies are intended to bring down fossil fuel companies or are funded by sustainability companies.

It's only about making the world sustainable for humanity, which will mean we'll have to pay a bit of money now and we have the means to dos o.


That taco is so scared it pissed itself.

>im legit starting to cackle at each of your posts
see image

maybe you should look up statistics about violent terrorism and islam

dear god what the fuck why is it so juicy
how can you fuck up this simple a dish so bad

I certainly see your point.

but for fucks sake, there's just so much more evidence to back up the fact that humanity is going to fuck itself right up the ass if we don't make an effort to change our ways.

It pisses me off because I feel like their points are motivated by not wanting to make changes or believe in the inconvenience of the realities we face.

they come off as ostriches with their heads in the sand to me, while I'm the prairie dog screaming at the top of his lungs about the danger on the horizon.

That's what I believe makes us different, despite both sides being stubborn and set in their ways

Is this guy some kind of disgusting /ck/ meme? I'll admit, I haven't visited that board in a long time since it's as fucking lousy and tasteless as Cred Forums.

I'm regretting not enrolling into zoology.

im fuckign dyting

They have a vested financial interest. Sometimes it's for the page clicks, caused by the alarmist nature of their news articles.

Sometimes it's an organization trying to raise money for a certain type of activism.

Sometimes, it's political.

Sometimes it's funded by political people to further their own career, to justify bills and taxes passed in the name of whatever alarm-ism they're preaching. Climate change or otherwise.

This happens with the left, and it happens to the right. Don't be a warrior for a movement you don't control and will probably have no influence on.

Spend your energy and attention on on things you can change and laughing at stupid shit.


You know what triggers me most about Jack? All the measurements for his ingredients are just "Use the whole packet!"

>tfw btfo ctr leftists AGAIN on Cred Forums

too easy baby

>resorting to fedora meme

literally incapable of speaking when backed into a corner by several people

although it's very probable, i really fucking hope you're not old enough to vote user


"We have no problem with transforming our IPs"
-Reggie, Nintendo of America President, E3 2015.

The creepy guy that just stared up close at that one guys face the whole time.

Basically all of the No Man's Sky segments.

Nearly all of the Microsoft Conference, the E3 right after the Xbox One release. The one where they were desperately trying to win fans back after the DRM scandal. It felt very forced and pathetic, I remember it cause it was the one where they sat in a "friendship circle" on stools pretending to talk about the games. None of the typical marketing bullshit. You could just tell the whole time, they didn't want to be doing it that way.

>backed into a corner by several people

why is CTR this bad at shilling? did they hire mexicans?

Why are you so hard on Crash Team Racing, are you a mario kart fag?

>sperg out for attention trying your best to derail the thread
>people ignore the autism

here's your free (you)

This, I honestly really enjoyed that whole pitch. It was kinda cute and honest.

It didn't feel over produced and soul-less. It was a guy who honestly was happy with what he did.

Food tastes better when you add more ingredients.

There is a lot of money in fear. I agree with you that certain industries are having an extremely poor affect on the environment they influence, and that, when left completely unregulated, development can destroy local environments.

I don't want to come off as trying to be superior when I say this, because I'm not perfect. But try to have a shred of empathy, that will work wonders to clear your head.

When you try to see it from their point of view, at the very least, it allows you to argue more effectively against them. But it can also open you up to their concerns and what drives them emotionally to do and say what they do.

Which can lead to you becoming an improved and more mature person.

>people ignore me

I easily have 5 times more replies this thread than all other posts combined lel

liberalism is a disease and i'm curing Cred Forums of it

>it's another Cred Forums derails a thread episode

for once i'd wish that /lit/ or Cred Forums would derail a thread

This actually turns out awesome, easily the best thing Jack has ever cooked.

all you've done in this thread is handpick sentences of people's posts and spewing more factless shit and contradictions
when you're called on it you suddenly go into beta mode, you curl up on the floor and you change the subject
pic related, this is you, user
turn your fucking life around

Jack is probably the most widespread, but it's pretty common to see shit like that in /ck/. Their cringe threads in particular are fucking great.

/fit/ are the best visitors.

I want to derail your life baby, no more safe if you stay with me. We'll stay on topic all the time. I'll bump you all night long.

wtf i hate trump now

im #MentallyHill now

>literally perfect body and face

does it count as taking advantage of someone like this pursuing them?

>what the fuck is low and high pressure winds

she has a disability, right ?

So.. what's her deal?

>Go to his Twitter
>See this
I didn't sign up for this.

Looks like cerebral palsy.

Shouldn't you be watching Leafy videos or something

his fuckin son just stares at him eating a fucking spoonful of mayo


No. She's just pretending.


This isn't cringe, this is just sad.
She's trying so hard to make pancakes but she just can't.
No one should have to suffer through this.

>mudslimes try to enter country
>shoot them until they stop moving
problem solved

>Had meeting this week with owner and all the other higher ups
>Meeting takes a turn for the worse

I didn't even have much stake in the meeting in the first place but I was literally vibrating out of my chair. Thankfully I wasn't alone as the meeting caused some of the other higher ups to break out in tears.



>he shaved his dreadlocks before announcing his cancer so his fans wouldn't worry about him during treatment

Fuck, what a man.

Look, Global WARMING is a retarded name. But the effects of Global Warming cause the earth to be very hot on summer and very cold in Winter at the same time.

Go back to school you retarded ass.

>had to take a public communication class in college because apparently you need the ability to give speeches to large groups of people as a programmer
>that feel when put in extra effort on the content of the speeches themselves because I knew I was gonna lose points for never looking up from the podium and gripping it like I was getting head from someone under it and trying to play it off


But user, in my country summers are getting hotter and hotter and so are the winters.
i'm kidding, just in case

I can't believe how many responses this obvious as fuck bait got.

>it's a Cred Forumsa/ck/ thread