How is your progress going today - you are working on your game, right?

How is your progress going today - you are working on your game, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you seen the demographic of people who play videogames? Why would I want to create something for them?

I worked on thinking about working on something. That's progress baby.

Fixing bugs. Not much else.

i was busy attaching typical twink women pics to my "i wasted my youth on video games" shitposts, no progress, sorry op

pretty good actually

added autopathers -- gotta avoid abusing them

Yesterday I posted what my plans about making games are, but my internet went down so I couldn't read the responses.

Basically, I want to make a diablo clone (dungeons under a single city). The thing is that down there there'll be factions, and settlements, and temples, and basically a whole alien world. Apart from the awesome aesthetic and atmosphere, the lore will be as complex as TES lore, and the story will be planescape torment/deus ex 1/xenogears tier (inb4 those games are shit). Finally the battles will be similar to the ones in the darkest dungeon.

The game is to be released before 2018. Will I make it Cred Forums?

I'm writing the lore at the moment

If you're developing it by yourself, I really doubt it. Keep at it either way though, user.

some days, I get exactly this thought and not want to make my game anymore
but fuck that

>Will I make it Cred Forums?
> I

not on your own you won't, but dream on babby.


Pretty good, got some nice feedback on tigsource today. Currently freelancing to help fund development though.

Free tech demo is available on the website for anyone who wants to give it a try!

too busy working on my art for this comic my friend and I are writing. mouthes are a lot trickier than I had initially thought.

That placeholder box is sexy as fuck, user.

Been a bit busy with college user.

It's possible, but it seems a bit large. Can you do art and music and coding?

Thanks, user. Even if I don't make it by 2018, I'll keep working on it. And yes, I'm working alone.

Thanks. Maybe you're right, but I try to be confident.

Nice. Can you tell me what's the comic about without spoiling it?

>try to make gammu in unreal due to blueprints
>figure it's gonna be pretty straight forward but require some learning
>try to make it so I can pick something up with the mouse and move it around then drop it
>doesn't work
>look up how to do it
>super convoluted
>try that way
>doesn't work


The morph boll animation when it spins looks a bit weird. Apart from that everything looks great.
I'll check the demo later.


It's just the .gif being choppy for some reason. Dunno why LiceCap can't record at a locked 60FPS.

Also it's a placeholder so don't really worry too much about it. I'm planning on redoing all the player animations when I get more money.

I'm learning how to do art, but I'm not too ambitious in that matter. Thing something like mother 3 graphics-wise.
I can't do music, so I'm thinking about ambience sounds.
I can code.

Anyone who is an artist who wants their game programmed? I have absolutely zero creativity, but I want to work on a project. no generic platformers or metroidvanias

Are you the guy who was arguing game development is driven by visionary creatives?

If not, you might have a shot.

i took the first step and just finished the first tutorial on the unity site

Post more?

I'm not that guy, and I don't understand what that really means. Why do you say I might have a shot?


>spent two hours trying to find a solution for something
>solution was simple and right under my nose the whole time
>feel like a retard the rest of the day
I'm not cut out for this.

Its going sick. Its called space gun shooter multiplayer spaceship builder.

Cred Forums autists favorite game

Sounds like youre perfect for this actually bud.

Then I guess it's ok.

One more thing; are you planning on making your game look different to metroid?

What said. It happened to all of us

Kinda, just played with nice tool to paint textures on models I came across.

main premise is an already established space faring community attempting to deal with the threat that planets that breed species deemed 'too dangerous' are starting to become space faring as well.

I'm not one to come along and spoil your hopes and dreams but I've been a programmer far too long to not give you a slap on the wrist here.

You will hit a point where you get stuck, in terms of assets or code, doesn't matter. The bigger the project, the more roadblocks.

Aim small, it can still sell and fund your dream project.

Y-you think it looks like Metroid? Good way or bad?

Also probably not, the art style is intentional. My goal is to pretty much make the game Nintendo refuses to. I'm a huge fan of a series and grew up playing their games.

Also feel free to leave a comment on the website if you liked the demo, or think something could be improved. I made a thread on here about a month ago and the feedback was amazing and helped me out a lot.

That is the norm.
I can't tell you how many times I fucked myself because I put one thing before something that it should have been after.

Yep, happens all the time.

Spending days on things that in reality takes an hour to make just because you overthink it.

I'm still on the design document phase
I know the genre and basic idea around my story but I need to write it all out

Anyone experienced with launching an actual game or many? What's your thoughts on steam greenlight thing? Where does crowd funding fit in, can you mix them? How do you advertise being a small team of 1-2 people with limited resources other than time?

I will never buy game development software because I suck.

Missed GameMaker and will miss Clickteam

Yeah, I know. But I'm growing up and I'll have to get a real job, etc etc. So the time's now.

I meant that you can tell that it was inspired by metroid games, so maybe people would regard it as unoriginal. But if you want it to be clear where it comes from, you're good.

I'll make sure to leave a comment after I play your demo.

what genre?

Sounds cool. Be sure to come back when you have something to show, please.

And today is a slow day.

A top-down/twin stick shooter (think Nuclear Throne/ BoI) with emphasis on exploration
The format might change the more I start thinking about the meat of the story though

Fighting game?

user's what's the very first thing you do when you go to make a new game? I mean, once the development software is running, what do you do first? When does creating a title screen come into play? How do you go about leaving room for patches, updates and expansions? How do you start with no experience when every tutorial wants you to either do something a certain way or understand the basics that you went to the tutorials to learn?

I don't mind it being called unoriginal, it's not. I'm just trying to make the gameplay as solid and fun as possible.

Cheers for when/if you leave a comment, I make a habit out of checking every bit of feedback

you can probably get a a GM key on g2a

Been looking at Playmaker tutorials and following along. The one about triggers doesn't work but otherwise they've been fine. I hope I can make a game with this eventually, knowing so little about code. I've also done the Unity RollABall tutorial so I'm still trying to keep coding as an option. The thought of working on a game proper by myself is still intimidating. As an art fag I just want to make something that plays fast and smooth and feels super juicy. But even putting together something simple like making that rolling ball game feels like a challenge.

>When does creating a title screen come into play?
>How do you go about leaving room for patches, updates and expansions?
>I need to do that before I have any actual gameplay, right?
Ah, to be 14 again

The first thing I do is that I get a basic character going. It can be a cube, a box, whatever, as long as it's there and able to move. Once it can move, I attach a basic camera that follows the player and then I just go from there, tweaking the movement / camera, adding basic mechanics to that such as jumping. Then I build a test level, maybe play around with lightning so I don't bleed my eyes out while testing. If it's a platformer I implement platforming mechanics such as slopes, double jumps, wall jumps and once I'm happy with those things, I start working on more advanced things such as ledge detection / swimming and possibly camera refinements such as wall detection so it doesn't clip.

I keep adding mechanics from that point until I have a little sandbox with stuff to do and this is a great point to work out what the game's all about except for being just a "platformer".



Working on a standard attack as well.

Not the user who asked for more but looks nice desu

reminds me a little of Mario 64

>no KEKTEAM Fusion

I decided to pick up my 3D platformer again after just hearing about what happened to Super mario 64 HD from last year relatively soon

Thanks, mate. anything I could add to to make it better?

Maybe some AA on the edges of blocks, the jaggyness is a bit uneasy on the eyes for me personally

Textures look nice tho

>Didn't cease and desist

I'm pushing for lawsuits for damages Blanco

will do, thank you!

Here's what it looks like. The character himself doesn't have AA by default though since his texture is so small.

How viable is the Fusion program? Real good sale going on on Humble Bundle, it cost an arm and a leg usually.

Yeah it's a lot better now, any chance for some on the char?


MGS Spiritual Successor: Female Protagonist - Yes or No?

I'm trying to solve a bug in my game, at this specific spot (only here) the raycast for the shadow sprite object fucks up and displays just under the objects, as shown in the pic. The raycast is set to only detect the ground layer so it isn't touching anything else, and I have no idea why this is happening
I am considering changing my shaders/materials to use actual shadows, but I wanted to avoid it to make my game more accessible to toasters
It could be the collision mesh since earlier it wasn't detecting the floor properly when the player stands on it, but the other maps work just fine and this doesn't

I'd buy that for a dollar, probably, I have no idea what kinda gameplay it's got. kek

Half of the appeal is manly man asses and gruff voiced men yelling at eachother.

>I'm trying to solve a bug in my game
thought they were intentional desu

>only have a few hours of free time a night
>spend it playing factorio instead of developing

>Will I make it Cred Forums
If you're realistic in your vision, yeah. The biggest danger is constantly adding stuff so you move the finish line back a foot for every foot you move forwards.

Do we need these fucking threads 24/7

I'm working on procedural furniture generation (i.e. placement of prefabs) in randomly generated houses. Considering suicide.

am I allowed to complain about your art style

complain all you want, mate. I want criticisms

wHY DO they make you choose so young? Jsut about to becom a doctor but I just want to make videogames


Let me know what you think of the demo, user. Please leave a comment on the website!

>try to optimize shit code
>ends up being more trouble than it's worth

>Not knowing how to code properly

I'm really proud of this boss theme

Goddamn this looks so solid, even with your placeholder art. You've got a good eye for design my man.

How does the Clickteam Fusion Humble Bundle compare to the GameMaker one?

>tfw been legitimately sick since monday for the first time in a year
>woke up at 2:00 PM; already leaning my head to sleepiness at 7:00 PM
>still whipping myself over the fact that I haven't progressed in 4 days

>user runs into problem
>user solves problem
>user feels bad
You will never be perfect at anything, also nobody likes you. Hard work is how things get created, you're on the right path.

I still have easy meme game idea, it could even be rpg maker
Just think, a game where you have to survive Minecon [CURRENT YEAR]

shit idea t.b.h.

>You will never be perfect at anything
Not true. I'm a perfect failure.

I don't know if it's used elsewhere but in humanity, fuck yeah greentexts those are called death worlds. Use that.

>4 days
Try 4 months

You're not dead yet. So you fucked failing up too.

Today? None. I haven't done shit in about a month. Been too busy. Unfortunately.

> Too busy
> Browsing Cred Forums
Pick one

Has anyone in these topics ever decided to completely change dimensions? Like going from 3D to 2D for a game? Was the game able to maintain its identity? I'm extremely curious. A lot of my shitty ideas are 3D but making all of the assets for a 3D world/character will be extremely strenuous by myself.

Been busy writing because that's what pays the bills, but I keep meaning to get back to working on it.

Need to do another pass on all the spritework for more detail.

I'm learning how to draw and doing research on my setting to get it down.
This is fine for now but even with programs to make games, I don't really know where to get the information to get started. Just for simple shit like character sizes.
Is there a standard pixel height for characters in a jrpg and if you get it wrong it feels off to lifelong players? What the fuck even happens when i change resolution, is everything just expanded or shrunk based on the ratio change? Are games built in native resolutions and does this matter? Can I go somewhere that tells me characters in x genre have y avg pickel height and width at z resolution? Am I overthinking shit?

Finally finished an early concept of my MC

I've been trying to learn how to texture for a while and was thinking of going the easy way out with flat shading, but I've decided to stick with pixel art textures like I originally planned.
I feel like if I get better at it I'll have something really cool on my hands.

You're definitely overthinking it. When you start programming the actual game you'll see that a lot of that stuff is arbitrary and up to you, including what changing the resolution does.

Browsing Cred Forums for 15 minutes before I go to bed?

Nice model (although the legs look a bit too blocky, not sure if its the shading or the actual model), very megaman legends-esque.

Rate my extremely rough designs

color scheme in particular

Thanks, I guess it's just ratios anyways to not put people off.

I like furboy and black papyrus

Is that unlit with painted shading?

its a girl

and also Papyrus but what about the color? Its fine as is?

That's a black Pamplona bull runner.

>its a girl
which one

Wow I thought these threads would be more lively

Anyway im trying to mash these two characters into one. I want a bright aggressive character that's mostly bundled up

the one without the goatee

That's not a girl. Try harder.

okay but the color? What about the color theme?

I like grey and yellow but you need yellow lower down, just a splash. Red scarf and white shirt is a participant in the festival of San Fermin automatically for me. Spaniards are white so it just feels off.

Doing heart beast's tutorial, I can't seem to get this Get_face script to work. My character just keeps facing right.

Spent most of the day working on a bubble shader.

>I like grey and yellow but you need yellow lower down

so like silver and gold? I can work with that

>Red scarf and white shirt is a participant in the festival of San Fermin automatically for me

it's been striking me as a bit too Italian personally but everything else I try looks like garbage

I'm doing tutorials still

45 minutes a day and all that.

Just for pamplona bull running. The top half is dead on for the traditional outfit.
as far as
do a little thinking about how the character looks at a distance or at small resolutions. Without clicking the thumbnail the girl on the left looks like a dude with big burly arms, a beard and a topknot. The one on the right is just like a solid mass with two green dots on top and an apron. They've got to be distinctive whether large or small, imo.

Thanks, I've been taking inspiration from 5th gen games like Mega Man legends and FFVII along with others.
The legs and arms are all made out of cubes on this model, however MML only used cubes for the arms and hexagonal prisms for the legs and body.

This isn't the final model though, the long term plan is to use hexagonal prisms throughout the body, but minor characters and npcs will use blocks.

yes, I plan on going after a certain aesthetic so I'll either be using unlit models with textured shading, or flat shaded models and a simple lighting system.

Oh wow, you're a Cosmic Trip dev?

convince me to buy your game at full price.

The FFVII shows instantly. I didn't think it was great but that's just my opinion. Either way, you definitely got what you were going for.

You gotta do you but I think the lighting we have available is what, when well used, makes games stand out. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery looks like impacted ass 90% of the time but it looks fucking awesome in a few scenes where they did some shit with lighting.

yeah that one is pretty flat but the bulk on the other is intentional. She's supposed to look like a spindly-legged tiger, Still working on it though

the COLORS are what's fucking me up. I want the girl to be dark and bright while the guy should be bright and bright, or at least early Fall type bright. Maybe ill do stripes or something

Yeah. We're almost done with full on RTS mode. After we release it the game will get a price hike. Get it while it's cheap, I suppose.

We've been approached by several devs (even some guys from unity) asking for help with their interaction/UI after playing our game. We do a lot of iteration and everything is very polished.

Not him but it'll get cheap again in the end for patientfags. Zero cheap for others.

This person is correct in the fact that he is not me, but I disagree with him anyways.

I just need to know exactly what "RTS" and "Multiplayer" entail (read a dev post that mentioned multiplayer).

You disagree that games drop in price over time and piracy exists? That's odd.

>tfw loads of free time and i could dive into game development whenever i want
>lazy as shit and wont even start doing anything because it seems so daunting
>gamemaker studio pro is just sitting there
how do i overcome my crippling lack of motivation, anons?

In my own experience, all the games I REALLY REALLY wanted to play in the last 5 years ended up never dropping to a price point I deemed valuable based on first impressions.

DayZ - Missed its primetime
GTA V - Missed its primetime
Overgrowth - still waiting
Wreckfest - it's shit now anyways from what I've read
Rainbow Six Siege - Missed its primetime
The Culling - Missed its primetime

Now I'm awaiting for Obduction, Dead by Daylight (probably missed its primetime already), and some VR games to go down in price. That may never happen and I could miss the critical entry period so many games I want to play have.

watch motivational videos

Don't jack off for a week.

should i actually or are you just memeing me? what does that do?

it's just removing a time sink, that's all

start with something really simple like "okay, i'm gonna make a game of Snake" and then start thinking about what you can add bit by bit. that's what worked for me, might not work for you

Well, with DayZ I would have only enjoyed it while ArmaII nerds were the only one playing it. I like the idea of running into players and not knowing how it'll go down between us. Not just attacking everyone who isn't your friend with a shitty zombie game in the background. Success kills that genre, I think.
The rest of them I'd probably still enjoy, did they fix Rainbow 6 netcode?

My main metric is an archaic sense of how I value games. 20 dollars is what I'd pay for a NFL 2k type experience. That's the opening price point for AA. I looked up anons game and it looks cool but I'm not handing indie devs AA money.

Hell, I even paid $80 to Frontier for the EARLY ACCESS ALPHA version of Planet Coaster.

Was that too much? Maybe.
So far, my percieved value is pretty fucking high because I've already spent 40+ hours in the game, and I know there's still much much more that they're adding.

problem is: im whole other fucking level of lazy. like i dont even have the motivation to start watching a tutorial cause id rather just play a game and be satisfied for the night

it sucks because i really want to swallow the pill of starting the process and be comfortable but i cant even do that

just make games for yourself, someone might end up liking them too

I made the plans on how to gain relationship points specific to each character, and balanced the thresholds for special conversations and events

Quickly whipped up a text box system.

Working on a new tower for my TD game, need to come up with some icons for the little display, just happy how it all came together code/animationwise.

I'm pretty much all about tying it in to production values. I've played 200 hours of Dustforce but I wouldn't pay 60 for any game that looked remotely like it. I expect a lot of time out of games as a matter of course. When I'm buying them, it's just the obvious correlation between budget put in and the game put out that I look at. Maybe I'm shallow but I've spent my entire life learning how to value products and this is how it turned out for games.

You've just got to sit down and start if it's something you really want to do. And it's not really going to be easy, because you're going to run into endless issues trying to get it to work the way you want it to, so you need a bit of that sense where when you get stuck, you have to figure out why and how to fix it.

Is this a dota custom game?

it hasn't gone anywhere in a while because i stalled out on the style i want to take with it

Polished some stuff.

Looks pretty slick. Is that Twine?

Your knob doesn't count.

Yeah, with extra CSS and JS to get the transitions and effects and all.

>tfw making a porn game
How do devs do it with out wanting to rub one out every 10 minutes.

It's not the same when it's your own work.

his face looks too long, and there's something that feels screwy with the hips

but otherwise, neat

Hey user. I'm not sure if you'll check this thread again, but I have two pieces of advice.

1. When designing characters, look to places other than other videogame character designs. Try browsing fashion magazines or websites. Something like can give you lots of outfit ideas ripe for game characters.

2. Maybe something like a fisherman's sweater? They're fashionable and popular with women as autumn/winter wear.

make it gay porn

My bosses are purposely not putting it on sale by much, because they think it devalues the game. And they're right, proof being posts like yours. Their strategy is to just put it 10% off at most, which gives you free views on Steam and emails people with the game on their wishlist and usually they end up buying it once they realize it won't go heavily on sale.

This kind of method is necessary since the vr industry is still relatively tiny.

I completely agree, because since AAA were on sale for $5 a few years ago, I only expected prices to go down for games. All it did was devalue games and cause me to hoard them instead of actually play them.
not really a game yet, but I'm working in unity on this.

In the end I want it switch the stock unity chan out with chibi-robo but like this was only about 2 hours of work so far

You need something to get the ball rolling. Inspiration.
Go for a walk. Observe nature.

>Decide the platform, the engine, the team, timeframe.
>Brainstorm for ideas/genre/gimmick (NOT STORY)
>Analyze competition aka: get educated about what's already been done to death and how you can stand out.
>Make playable prototype aka a single room that provides an obstacle course through which you can test gameplay gimmicks until you decide on what's most FUN
>Decide how the agreed upon gimmicks can be exploited through obstacles and challenges arranged in ever increasing difficult arrangements known as levels.

Protip: Game's are not their art. Games are not their music. Games are not their story.

I don't think the way I shop is shared by many. If I made an indie game that looked halfway good I'd charge 20 for it even though I'd never buy it day 1 myself.

Your bosses are right but for the wrong reason. You don't get to decide how I value your product. It doesn't devalue it if you drop it 50% when ten dollars is what I would pay for your game. I don't know if your bosses have ever released other stuff but the few interviews I've seen from devs on steam talking about pricing all have them say that dropping the price crazily nets them more profit than they ever got during 100-50% sale periods.

The reason your bosses are right is because you don't want to charge far less than you're supposed to. While I may disagree with it 20 bones is what indie games beyond new grounds tier charge now. If people see a five or ten dollar price tag, they'll think there's something wrong with your shit, even while they're looking at the media on your steam store page. Best example of this is from the director's commentary of the movie Gamer. The movie was like a proof of concept for the Red Camera One digital camera the directors developed. It was a sweet ass camera while everyone was still on film. They said they charged 125k for it initially and nobody wanted to buy it because they didn't think the quality would be high enough for their needs as it was so cheap. So they jacked the price way up and people started buying them. Same camera. Same build quality. Higher price and it sold better.

I spent all afternoon fixing the system that keeps track of your party's classes because I'm stupid and fucked it up.
Now I'm working on a sample event that is affected by a combination of what classes you have in your party and dialog choices.
The big thing about my game is how your classes affect things outside of battle. Some NPCs will treat you with more respect if you have a Soldier hanging with you while others would try and pick a fight if you say, had a Pirate.

mostly cosmetic fixes/changes now
but even when I change the art, I don't need to fuck around with any of the code that makes it pulse/glow/change color again, so that's nice

one of these ages, I'll into art

man, I really do have to make an active attempt to not have Sonic Advance 2 style stage design though -- since I haven't put in slopes/something to take their place, movement might get really automated if I'm not careful

I need to keep a balance between letting the player feel and go fast while still actually being able to react to things.

also, I might still need to futz around with acceleration -- you get up to your top run speed really fast, which feels great, but limits enemy placement (you're going really fast and need to react to it, unless I make places with enemies really choppy) and makes it too easy to run on water in some spots, etc
like, I'm starting to understand why Advance 2 threw you into "hey, you're over a bottomless pit, think fast" situations, at the speeds that game moves at, you really can't do much else to actually endanger the player without doing shit like throwing enemies smack into your face (Rush does this a lot, but Rush also has boost, you're expected to be able to not get hit) or stopping the player and then making them encounter obstacles (better option than Rush or Advance 2's method, but kills flow)

might end up needing a set of warnings before shit maybe (like the ! sign in the beginning of this video), so I can place them in the player's path, but the player has proper forewarning of things to come


I get what you're saying. They're industry veterans, so I'm sure they've put way more thought into it than I have.

They released it initially for $15, recently put it up to $20. They understand how much it's worth, and just want the best bang for their buck. I know we're barely breaking even as an indie dev studio.

Fuck, I just noticed that.
I'm just naming towns after Dragon Quest antagonists. So this one's named after Baramos

That character is the Defender of Baramor towers over you. You're missing a comma.
EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD, GET A FUCKING COPY EDITOR. I did a lot of copy editing working on newspapers in the Army and i'll do it for one of any of you at a time if you add Lando System on steam. Just get somebody to do it though. Send them the all the text and tell them what style guide to use (strunk and white probably best).

Maybe I'm sensitive to it but nothing turns me off more than easy errors like that. Believe me, copy editing your shit is an easy, easy fix.


Good catch, thanks.

Not much else to say about that point, I guess.
Have a pirate.

this user has the right idea

like, nothing else actually matters if there's no game to go with it
I've got a tendency to fuck around with shit like title screens and special effects and whatever else like that way too early in the dev process, but you still need a game to attach those things to

shit, I need to look into getting help like this myself at some point

I'm usually good with writing things if I actually sit down and give a damn, but I feel hopelessly lost regarding comma usage and just insert them wherever I'd pause when physically speaking aloud.

I'm good at writing too, but I wouldn't publish anything without an editor looking over it. THat's why they exist. If anyone is writing anything for their game, go buy a copy of Strunk and White's Elements of Style. You don't want to send your volunteer copy editor a giant fucking mess of needed corrections, he's just there to get what you missed.

Like I said while leaving words out, I'm fine doing this for anons one at a time every so often, just to have something to occupy my time that isn't a complete waste of it.

I want to make a short RPG but I have no idea what it should be about

Do something simple. Save the world from the dark lord or some shit. Make it more about the journey and have little side stories you come across as you travel the world.

Got stuck on one game, decided to double back to an older game, so I'm currently working on prepping that for an expansion.

GBJam 5 is coming up real soon. I felt happy with my last jam game, and I think I could have placed pretty high if it was an actual competition, so I want to give it my all on this one and maybe get a couple more people to notice the stuff I make.

Been desperately wanting to play a platformer, so I guess I'll make one of those.

take your time making it

I completely give up

make a strong female lead character that need no man and have sex with animals.

Easy money made off feminist and furry.


Because i can, try to stop me you fucking faggot

wrong thread champ. We're civilized here.

Feminists don't play video games user.
Just rip off redwall, the secret of NIMH or the incredible journey and you'll get that sweet furry money and people who aren't deviant fucks.

Will people still play a side scroller that isnt puzzle based or procedural? I just want action without stats.


Yes, look at Mario

>Feminists don't play video games
That's where you are wrong you rapist reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How would a game about a fat spider work?

I've been wanting to make a game ever since I was twelve and it's taken me a decade to get around to it, since that humble gamemaker bundle it's lit a fire under me to do something with my life that I might finally enjoy doing.

I've always wanted to make that 3D low poly turn based RPG that's been in my mind and on paper for over a decade but the amount of work that needs to go into it seems gargantuan, but seeing all the great looking projects in these threads gives me hope that I might finish it one day.

Anyways, Anyone have any good tutorials for using blender? specifically making low poly character models.

Yes, you'll make it sanpai. And remember - the game industry is driven by creative visionariez.

I really like the weight of your animations, what program are you using to develop?

why does everyone want to make an rpg as their first game? You should start small and actually learn the skills first.

What about a small arrow or chevron pointing pointing off-screen that gets progressively more red as you approach an enemy, but only appears when you're going a certain speed? With some tweaking, you could perhaps even set it up so multiple enemies are a challenge, but doable.

Has anyone used ClickTeam Fusion before? I am a veteran with Game Maker to the point where I don't rely on drag and drop anymore and am wondering if ClickTeam worth my time even trying.

finish some small, small games first before you start pursuing your dream projects

No, stick to gamemaker. It's been proven to be the best out there. Either that or make your own games from framework/library

Do not fall for the marketing of other engines that said they are better because they look better. Construct2 is shit, in godot you need to learn how to script and other shits.

Okay, just wondering, as ClickTeam is on humble right now. Been using game maker for over 5 years so I guess I should just stick to what I know.

good job user, keep going. I believe in you.

If you want an upgrade go for Unity if you want to venture into 3D

okay now time to give up. I have ventured to the realm beyond.

I fucking love this art user

tfw I want to make a cute comfy platformer with animals (actual, not furry Sonic shit) but realize most people WOULD rather like it if it was furry, or no animals at all and just a meme like most of those recent platformers that all play like Super Meat Boy. If I ever make a game, there won't be any wall jumps.

Could be an idea.

100% Game Maker.

Things like splashes are 90% done with in-engine scaling, and there are tiny tweaks to the little box character here and there (like, he keeps spinning until facing facing forward when he lands a jump, and there's an intermediate frame when he changes which way he's facing).

see, I'm making a specific point not to have walljumps
I actually did implement it at one point, but decided against it.

never give up.
never surrender.

I remember your game from older threads.
Would play/10.

How do artfags draw good pixel art?


stop now

you are better than this

come up with an original idea

what market are you aiming for

nobody wants to play as a nigger or poo in the loo

no ideas are original

>stop making a metroid game



any good tutorial for learning the structure of opengl /unity shader scripting? I understand how to make new properties like color and texture but then the whole structure of how to do things and what is required just goes way over my head and the tutorial i found don't talk about it.

What are you using for the collisions? Just place place meeting or you have something a little bit more advance?

I dig it.

left is okay, right is shit

pretty much all place_meeting for wall collisions -- check the current position+x_speed/y_speed, then nudge player toward wall in a loop if you're gonna collide once speed gets applied

and then if the player somehow does manage to get stuck into a wall, the character is teleported back to the last known wall-free position and speed is cleared (occasionally, I'd have awful corner cases before I did this where I'd teleport through walls and shit, it's been rock-solid since)

it's all really simple and basic

Thats good, in my game i have a different script for each direction that draws a line in the object and checks if another object meets with the line. With this system i can do 1 way plataforms pretty easily and even if the player finds a glitch and builds speed for 12 hours he wont be able to teleport past it

Party creator

I've been using Fusion/Games Factory for years and I'm pretty sure it does about the same things as Game Maker.

For 2D, you'd better stick to what you're already comfortable with than try to learn another engine that does the same shit. They have enough differences in their UI/design to be extremely frustrating to acclimate from one to another.

Would getting a Udemy course for Game Maker be worth it?

Only benjamin anderson's one is invaluable. It's on sale right now too.

one way floors were surprisingly simple here, it just does the same ordinary wall check on my one way floor object, but only if I'm moving down/not moving, and it doesn't try to push the player out if he's in it
(I was going to say water running works on the same principle, but now I'm reading the code I wrote and it's a bit different -- it checks if the player just entered the water and snaps it to the water level if he's going fast enough)

I had all kind of complicated setups for collision going before I settled on just using place_meeting for everything.

what gift would you buy for your waifu

Which one? He has 2 of them for Game Maker and his 3rd course is about making Pixel Art.

What about Unity?

Foomie Keychain

Is anybody interested in joining the Halloween game jam? I can't come up with a good idea for it this time.

>bath companion
>paying 6 monetary units to cuck myself
Bodywash is the only answer.

A ghost, skellington and black cat have to save Halloween. Think more Charlie Brown than Tim Burton for the story.
My work here is done.
t- Idea Guy

everyday until we like it, eh

I guess I would be interested maybe, I can program a little bit I considere myself pretty good at designing systems

Does anyone recommend Defold? Any experience with it?

If your going to stop using GM it means you either want to go 3D (simple = Unity, complex and efficient = Unreal) or more control/performance which is through C++ and OpenGL/SDL/SFML and making your own engine.

Sometimes it's better to just take a step back. The solution will come to you while you relax a bit or do something else.

Sorry for low quality, i was learning how to make webms. This is a week old build.

>nigger/spic MC
Wouldn't play/10

Don't show me shit like this unless this is happening. Don't show me my favorite RPG on a shiny new engine unless this is actually happening.

RTS will be skirmish mode with AI. Multiplayer isn't planned. It would be months of work and the playerbase jsnt big enough to justify it.

Failure bingo?
Failure bingo.

You can afford to cut down a few hundred pixels more on the resolution size while still having it be big enough to be readable and it will do better with the quality and the size limit.

>couldn't even get a blackout

Can't even fail correctly

This is not a remake, this is set in 2016. And will be a open world game.

Thanks for the protip, i will try to post updates if i see any interest in this, i will try your suggestion.

If this is what I think it is, can I play a stronk human who uses vampires only for ash stake storage or is this game just for Ann Rice faggots like the first one.


i aim to make a true pnp adaptation, with multiple origins and creature choices inside the character creation, etc. But understand im just a single programmer/artist and this might not be possible to achieve by myself.

I am patient, user. I wish you luck and await the day when you allow me to cleanse the earth of all foul parasites.

Little bits of graphical errors here and there but the boss fight is coming along nicely


960x540 is pretty good res for 16:9 stuff

I would fight that boss. Was it taking damage from egg (thnk those were eggs) destruction?

Literally Boku no Pico

the player got hit by a bomb released from an egg, you're supposed to be shooting those as well but I was busy recording


So Im about to start on my game, sorry Cred Forums but it's a semi-open world walking sim with some horror and "great soundtrack" type of game. Ive worked on the ideas for about 2 years so about to start building it now

I've worked in professional in Maya for 4 years but no prior experince in game making, I suck at animating but is pretty good at graphics and design thinking about using the unreal engine to make a really unique looking first person-exploration game.

Will keep you updated.

What I meant was, when you shot the eggs the boss was all jittery. Was egg destruction damaging the boss? I'm just curious about this.

This will be great,user.

oh, no it's calling for backup. But you gave me a good idea for a new attack, thanks!

I know!

Just made me think it was because that was the only time I noticed it shaking like that so I thought the shaking and egg death were linked.

I think my character is okay now?
Probably gonna do some rigging and animation now and put him ingame for a few tests.
Read that Unity's smart sprites won't even come this year anymore, not even in a preview build what kinda sucks...

Never make any plans on features or bug fixes that don't already exist.

Is there a reason why you're pre-rendering everything to low res images?

I know it's not a good thing to do.
I could grab a package from the asset store (wich is technically cheaper if i say i work for $20 / hr to pay $50 and therefore save a week or two of work). But Unity will be doing it for free.

I wanna put this character in a 16 bit/SNES-ish rareware game like platformer..
Along the lines of the DKC series, Yoshi's island and a bit of Super Mario Morld.

do you want to learn pixel art or game maker?


Rare asked for their assets back

The pants look too high on his waist on the front and too low on the back

>Assume their problems are unique
>Show picture of someone with lower back pain(???)
Someone explain this one to me, please.

You need to learn how to draw traditionally before moving onto pixel art.

I would like to see when you finally get him in game, I feel like his pants color may blend in with either him (which is already happening) or the environment too much.

>Unity now has Vulkan support
Bets on how badly they fucked it up.

What engine/stack are you using?

Gamemaker 8

Since you seem to have your shit together; how much of your game is in scripts and pure code vs GM objects/constructs?

I don't really understand what you're saying

Thanks, I noticed there was something that didn't really satisfy me about his pants. This might be it.

I tried different colors, but they all seemed weird.
But also red is a signal / attention grabbing color so i thought it might be good to use.
Like DK's red tie or mickey mouses red pants.

Sorry, since in GM you can do drag and drop function blocks or use scripts and do everything in the GM language, and was curious how much of a mix of either option you used.

I´ve got three questions, please help me:

is it better to start unreal with blueprint or with c++? Studying computer science (3rd Semester), thought the c++ part would help to get better into programming?

Also, I want to modell grass (kinda like the one in TLoZ WWHD) and my main character. But I can´t draw or have a draw pad, which programm would be good for modelling? Blend?

I did some grass, but it only looks good when I look it from below, if I look it from bird's-eye view it looks like some black needles. (pic related)

You can always add c++ parts to your blueprints. Some features are not possible in blueprints anyway.

thanks so for starters would blueprint be better? then making it c++?

Hopefully someone can answer my other questions.

That's all true, so you may need to play with saturation and value in that case.
Conker's shirt is blue, and blue is opposite on the color wheel to red/brown - I would try some shade of blue to see what works best for your preferences if you change the color. Good luck!

Attempted to make a little girl. Not quite finished yet. She doesn't even have thumbs yet because I'm still working on her fingers. This is the first 3D model I've ever made.

You know that feel when you nearly finish something and you instantly want to throw it away and never see it again because the experience gained from doing it will allow you to outdo it in every way the next time?

>You know that feel...?
Yes, but it happens way before I am even close to finishing it...

Not sure if that image would only describe lower back pain. It could as well be something stomach related.

Ah like that.
It's 100% gml

Lol, either way what the fuck is it meant to symbolize or illustrate?

make them white if you want to succeed.

All the game features are already planned. What is taking me time is the lore/story.

Thanks, user. I will as soon as I finish college for this year.

Thanks. It's one of the things that keep me going. I mean, I have Toby Fox, Terry Cavanagh, Edmund Macmillen, etc, as good examples. Why can't I be as them?

More polishing, nothing significant other than dungeon layouts.

I don't really know GM that well, but the thing about Fusion is that it's also for creating apps and shit, so it has some interesting plug ins you can use to make your game a bit more interesting, that i don't know if possible in GM, for example tray icon and balloon notification control and such.

>Want to make a game
>No artistic capabilities and don't even know what kind of game

Just fuck my shit up.


Just learn to draw.

You can learn to draw in a few months. Drawing isn't a physically demanding task, the real challenge is mental. You need to be able to basically run 3D simulations in your head so that you'll have correct proportion and lighting and all that. The only physical barrier is right at the start when you do your best to unlearn symbol drawing and actually learn how to draw forms.

Since you'll only be able to draw, you'll only be able to make a 2D game, so download gamemaker.

Make a platformer or an isometric game like an action rpg or an rts.

If you really wanted to you could use a 3D engine instead and make 2d characters in a 3D environment, if you're into that

A simple 3D environment like in a disgaea game or something is a lot easier and faster to make than making 3D characters, but 3D requires you to learn a lot, it's faster to just make a purely 2D game.

make a meme game with squares.

I can draw to some extent and even do 3d models (Mainly I just rig and do animations), the issue is that I have absolutely no imagination to do it myself. I can copy most things somewhat accurately, but im not creative enough to do it myself.

Changed the pantsheight a bit front and back.

>Conker's shirt is blue, and blue is opposite on the color wheel to red/brown

That's right, but not sure how close i can get without entering copyright protected terretory.
Made a blue render. Might work, too.

how will you protect your game from piracy?

No need to be creative. Just look through your collection of cute anime girls and mix and match their features, and put them in a generic fantasy/modern/futuristic warzone and have them kill each other in whatever your favorite genre is.

By never distributing it.

post your game music and other anons try to guess the genre.

But then there are games that are pirated befor release!

The only way probably is to never even develop it.

Decoy copy protection checks that if removed engage various kinds of game breaking fuckery

Or a fake error or series of 'bugs' that only shows up if it detects it's been pirated that immediately outs anyone who posts about it as a filthy piratefag

I bet you so many streamers would get caught out by this

but how can you detect it's being pirated? most 'cracks' nowadays just emulate the store the game is from.

develop it for Mac and Linux only

Using sound cloud for the first time now.
Hope sharing it like this works.
Made this track a few years back for a project i never finished, I'm not really a music / sounds guy though.

you know unreal engine is free right?

I guess I've already won then.

make that:

but in general, you're right.

He didn't ask how to make sure nobody plays his game.

that's pretty good. a bit bare-bones, but the feeling is there.

Plenty of ways

>fake copy protection code that does nothing but if stripped/skipped triggers countermeasures

>checking for known crack-related files (stuff like configs for steam emulation) present in directories the game accesses

>checking where the game is being run from (ie if it's a Steam game it shouldnt be anywhere but Steam/steamapps/common or SteamLibrary/(id)/common and if it's somewhere like C:/warez it's probably pirated)


>a bit bare-bones, but the feeling is there.
Like I said, not really an audio guy. No idea what to pay attention to or things like that when creating music.

some progress was done, mostly using what's in place. Gonna work on the "shop" interface next, and after that I'll do the equipment UI.
Hopefully starting battle next week.

What's your Genre, /dev/?

I require more screenshots.

The 16x16 artstyle makes me feel all fuzzy inside because I know more time can be spent on features and a bigger world

So can no help me ?

You wouldn't.
You should be creating a game for yourself and enjoy creating something.

fuck your fantasy delusions

I've just entered a phase in my life where I'm learning programming, digital design and computer sciences.
I need a big project and I think video game is it.
I feel like Unity is the easier place to start, but I really want git gud at Unreal.

Anyway, before that decision... should I go 2D before I even think about 3D?

Start with Blueprints. They're pretty easy to get into and can do a lot of things (plus will give you some insight in UE4 naming & class layouts so it won't be completely foreign if you do switch to C++).
Also, you can now convert Blueprints to native C++ (but not the other way).

As for grass I would recommend getting hold of the Open World Asset collection through the marketplace (free). It contains a load of stuff from this:

Then read this:

The only way to keep billboards (grass / low LOD trees etc) looking pretty is to make sure you never view them end on.

bread is usually free in French restaurant as long as you buy something else.

Here's a small imgur of the latest screens user

If you'd like, I can describe the currently added and incoming features. Maybe you can give me ideas on more.

The price of the bread is baked into the other food you buy, a common tactic. In reality, it's not free at all and if you don't take a piece of bread with your food, the restaurant gains from it. Nothing is free, nigger.

Sorry m8 but you did not make that in a week. Take it as a compliment if you wish, but I actually mean to call you a filthy little liar.

Looks promising anyway faggot.

thank you user!
My Screenshot is the thing I did with that tutorial!

But I didn´t understand you last sentence
>you never view them end on.

what do you mean with end on? Not native english speaker..

Also it just isn´t bird-perspective, if I make a complete grass terrain and walk around I still see the grass in the distance as needles.

Nigga, he said that this is a build from a week ago, not that he made it in a week.

oh ok I didn't read it properly

mental gymnastic at its finest. But you are wrong since the quantity ain't limited and it's the same for every meal, no matter the price. So just like water, it's free.

struggling with motivation, its been like 2 weeks since I've personally touched it. I think a few of the other guys in the group are the same. It accidentally got popular a new months back and I feel as if that its kinda killed everyone buzz to keep going


Added second phase as well

The player character looks like a robot in a world of animal people.

But the bread cannot possibly be free. Someone is baking it, they get paid for it. It costs money to bake the bread, it doesn't magically appear. Water is reused to some degree and that process isn't free. You do pay for water to come pouring through your faucet, don't you? Unless, ofc, you collect it yourself.

"Bread is free if you order something else".

If it was free, you could just grab a piece of bread and no one would care, but the fact that you have to pay for a plate of food in order to get a piece of bread tells us that the bread isn't free. That's just how the world works m8.

That's actually a very interesting idea, but probably not something I'll use this time.

How so?

These posts are getting dangerously close to being off topic. Please observe youselves, before you dilapidate yourselves.

mental gymnastic again. The problem is you are a retard who doesn't understand the word "free" and substitute his own definition instead.
the bread has no cost for the consumer, it's free. that's simple, BUT you want so hard to be above everybody you refuse that truth.

We're discussing how to incorporate captialism in a game so it's perfectly on topic.

How the fuck can getting popular kill the motivation?

I'd like information. This is my shit.

Do you have grid-style movement like typical RPGs (pokemon, dragon quest, ect)?

What I mean is the grass is just a 2D plane (it has no thickness). So when you look at from the edge it is maybe 1 pixel thick. Here's a quick webm showing the problem plus a look at the Static Mesh itself.

2 solutions:
> Prevent the camera from going above the player (no birdeye view)
> Make bent billboard (so 2 planes, 1 vertical, 1 at 30 degrees) I'll put a pic in next post

Here the pic.


In short..
Looking for a digital painter to deliver something similar to pic related of my character. (Less limb items of course and some nudity involved)
Have a small budget for it.

Make map
Put player
Add movement
Add line of sight
Add fffffffffucking everything else

But what is it that you do not understand? The price of the food you order is adjusted to compensate for the "free" bread, so in reality, it is not free.

You're quite naive to believe that "free" actually means "free" every time you read it on a sign. :/

It doesn't matter if there's different prices involved, the lowest priced food sets the bar here. It's simple math.

why is no one voting?

The idea is that you should be making the game for yourself, not for anyone else. But you won't be making anything for anyone.

Do you want to make an actual roguelike as in turn based permadeath and whatever autism goes in to the definition or do you want to make a roguelite?

It will be free.

Because it's a puzzle game.

Also - Metroidvania is it's own genre now ? I thought metroidvania was a platform game.

apparently it is.

thanks user. I literally don´t even know how to do this but somehow I will probably do it! I just opened the Grass-Blueprint and everything there seems like in normal games

Do you also know how to make characters? With which Programm and are there decent "dolls" with that you can start with?

No I understand that, it's happened to me and goes like this..

>Hyped about project
>Start making it
>Show it too early
>Everyone loves it (the original motivation)
>No reason to finish game because phychologically, you already got what you wanted

Protip: Don't ever show your project too early

really the only reason I want to make my game is that it should be a game, which I would loved to play. Eventhough I got nothing except some lore, characters and story. You know just thinking "fuck if I just could play this!"

Movement is similar to the way of zelda, where while the world is gridlike the player and most enemies can usually move around in any direction. Some enemies are limited to 4 directions.
As for features, most of these are already complete, hence why I'm mostly just polishing now.
The overworld is 16 screens across both horizontally and vertically, using a dense style of placement as seen in the inspiration, Zelda:LA. Many places of interest are close together, but require taking roundabout ways and usually one or two of your items to get to. This isn't taking into account the underworld, dungeons, secondary passages, houses, and special buildings, all of which use the same design principles. Each 4x4 quadrant of the overworld has it's own unique area design, with different environments.

There are twelve items, some upgradable, as well as a secret weapon that requires certain hidden quests to be completed. All items have use outside of their respective dungeons, some can even open shortcuts/secret areas in other dungeons. There are also health pieces to find, and miniquests that can affect the overworld. Different items can have different effects on the monsters/bosses, so doing certain dungeons first can change the way you defeat later bosses.

There will be minigames to do if you find yourself low on money, as finding ammo/bombs in the wilderness is rare. The main story (which locks you into a restricted dungeon progression with story elements) can be skipped near the start, so you can do the dungeons in any order but without story elements (though the forest dungeon will always be the first). Both ways end with the same final dungeon but different final bosses. I am also thinking of adding a suit system like link's tunics.

Probably not the kind of info you wanted, but the game's pretty much zelda to a z.

What was it that was so special about Castlevania that has people constantly going into a rage about it on this board ?

Hipsters ruining everything basically.

I liked Rockman/Megaman better tbqh.

Are you kidding me? I want to be the first to play that. Very cool! You got a dev blog or place to share screenshots?

If you dont stop by here and drop a screenshot every once in a while

Your project is very achievable and that's exciting. But I wonder how you can expand it further? One step at a time I suppose

A demo will come soon, no worries.
I do want to set up a blog somewhere, but I've literally no idea where to go about doing that, and that my work ethic may be a tad off for some people.

check out the webhostingtalk forums if you're looking for webhosts then, find something that suits ya.

Just search "blogger" or "blogspot" you can set one up in less than 5 minutes

Working on the boss fight. Enabled more opportunities to put the boss into hitstun, and added a variant to the fire line attack that is used in phase 3. You can't just jump over it like the previous phase and have to get more creative to evade it.

Blockhead dev is that you

Don't you think its time you start working on the art

Dont listen to that other guy, BRING ON THE METROID CLONES!!


>Tfw the only reason I bother resubbing is to rip the music and experience the music in context
>Use ripped FFXIV and PSO2 music extensively while devving

They help give me ideas.

Do you have concepts for the characters or anything? Maybe I could draw you something.

I would like to purchase this when it comes out user

I haven't thought too hard about character appearances yet, and just have some vague ideas in my head. I don't even have actual names for characters yet. Right now they are all named colors based on the main color of their color palette.

Those bullets are placeholders, right?

the word you idiots are looking for is "complimentary"

It's a stupid question, but just how much are indie platformers played nowadays? I personally tend to avoid minimalism ones since the gameplay always tends to either mimic I wanna be the guy or Super Meat Boy. If someone made a classic platformer with unique gimmicks that aren't floaty double jumps and wallsliding, with decent artwork as well (think of at least SNES era tier artwork, do have an artist guy who'd help), would that game be as desirable as the "hardcore" you move you die kind of platformers? It's pretty much the standard "I want to make a game but don't want to make something nobody will play" problem.

I'm not into lolis but I dig your style. Every one of those characters makes sense next to the others. I'm sure you already know this but the movement is very weightless or floaty. Perhaps there are things you can do like adding a bit of acceleration upon moving and deceleration on stopping or just other tricks to give your character more presence in the world while moving about it. Good job though, perv.

I can't speak for indie games but people love Rayman and Ori, there's definitely a market for nice platformers which aren't about being constantly on edge.

bretty gud

I don't like platformers. But I think the megaman zero games and freedom planet are fun. I'd probably give your game a try at least. Those instant death at every step platformers are trash.

what's with the retarded haircut?

Can she shoot her retarded haircut out as a projectile like the blue mohawk dudes in god hand?

I now realize the "concept" behind the kinda-sorta daunting task of implementing a FOV into my dungeon game.

Shouldn't be TOO much of a bitch. I'll wake up tomorrow early and do it.

To keep the thread tolling:
In which ways are LOVE2D stronger than Gamemaker?
By god I would love to play this thing. Gimme something to follow, friend.

Thanks, and here you go user.

making pngs that put cracks on my roads so they don't look so samey

d'ya happen to have twatter as well?

just made a big addition to the objects tileset to be used in the undead city.

also made the base systems for a sidequest.

not very fun, but effective.

A game like Megaman Zero does sound interesting, going away from the classic Megaman style games.
When exactly did that become so huge? Was it IWBTG that made it popular? There are probably better ways of making a classic platformer more challenging that adding trial and error traps and pixel perfect platforming. Would probably have to think about ways to make that, but I was thinking of maybe making the game itself standard difficulty, not too hard nor easy, but add hidden collectibles that unlock stuff (and you need for 100%) that are in hard to reach spots that require clever thinking and can get risky and challenging at higher stages. Kind of like the new Mario games, beat them without losing more than single digit lives, but maybe lost 50+ trying to collect some of the big coins (except not make a game as easy as new Mario games). It's just a thought though.

I do but I haven't used it at all yet, so it's just sitting at 0 posts.

>competent programmer
>doesn't use open broadcaster software

Meatboy is to blame.
Please gimme. No harm in having it on.

But, I suppose I should also use tumblr myself for my vidya. I'll follow you on that.

Probably not the right guy to give compliments here, but I like the gameplay. Would like to play a dungeon crawler RPG as Shaggie

>gelatinous cube
I'm diamonds right now user. Keep it up, I'm pulling for you.

Alright. Maybe I'll start posting on it when I finish working on the boss.

thanks man.

the game is structured more like a JRPG, but the focus is on the dungeon crawling and battles.

oh, and going through the story choosing your own path to become a hero, as Shaggie Iori.

it even comes in jumbo size!

and thanks, I'm almost finishing it. should be done by the end of the year.

I played your game about 3 days ago. I wanted to play with my controller, but unfortunately, whenever plugged in, the right stick's input would remain stuck pointing to the upper left for no reason, even after disconnecting it.
Basically the camera would spin countinuously without ever stopping, i could only jump and do the smash action, no zooming out/in or stopping the camera. Just wanted to tell you, I don't know if you were aware/fixed this.

Testing out a new plugin that recently came out in RPGmaker MV. Yanfly's doodads which makes mapping outside of the editor a thing of the past. I'm just playing around with it for now but once I get serious I can see great potential in making better looking maps in the program and not relying on GIMP and making the game's filesize larger.

Using Game Maker
Is there a way to code a text that will appear OVER an object like a wall ? I know I can change the depth of the object but what I want is only changing the font depth, not the obj depth

released on greenlight last night and had a great response already. if anyone is interested:

Upboated. Nice movie trailer guy voice.

fuck the idea and story tell me about gameplay. design game play first then build story around it.

>his game isn't 3D
Haha faggot

thanks man, yeah he fits the role quite well. have an audio clip of him explaining the game's story too

Why can't you do both at the same time?

Not good. I can not figure out how to make movement work.

>He doesn't even have a game
Faggot fag = new Faggot(You);

sprites are placeholder, even though I'll try to keep the style for my own, later

You press the button and they move!

good 3d will look like shit in a couple of years
good 2d will look good forever.

I got experience in advertising video games. here is what I recommend. build an audience base by starting a Tumblr, Instagram, twitter for your project. and no this isn't an or its an and. now post about your progress where it's a doodle of characters or a screenshot or a messed up bug and use those hash tags. retards seriously follow them. someone must have that collage of images of the guy who loves vudya water.

then once you get followers, you can easily e-beg patreon, kickstarter, whatever. near end develipment message game "journalists" for interviews which will help more dev money come in. then release everywhere you can.

worked for undertale, will work for anyone, it's just monotonous and annoying to update social media with superficial updates.

Yes but I'm a dumbass and can't figure out how to make this happen.

Aren't there tutorials for it?

Consistency in style gets me hard.


from day 1 start building a fanbase, and by day 1 i don't mean when you first downloaded game maker. we've been developing our game for over 5 years now, recoded many times, name changed also... but we consistently kept building an audience through facebook, twitter and development forums such as tigsource and some that arent even around anymore

waited until we had atleast 5k followers on twitter before greenlight, also have a mailing list of around 1.3k people that we send out important updates to and we also have a demo that is playable for which we've had over 1k individuals sign up.

its not easy, but posting cool GIFs regularly is one of the most important things. now we're on greenlight and have had loads of hits/votes in less than 24 hours and we're still climbing.

we are launching kickstarter tomorrow, the day gap is planned for traffic purposes. you've got to keep hitting them daily with fresh new updates to keep momentum going

Jesus Christ, that shit is possible in RPG Maker? You can't tell its RPG Maker at all, which is a great thing.

Yeah, but I figured I'd give it a week of trying to do it on my own.

RPG Maker has come a long way, lad.

...why? That's like playing DF for the first time without a tutorial.

The game only works with Xbox controllers. I've had this problem before when trying to use a ps4 and ps3 controller.

That combats are still all Final Fantasy style-pap, tho... right?

In a platformer with double jumps, "behind the scenes" is it common to recharge the jump before the player has "actually" hit the ground, so that if they jump a second time on a frame where the character is in the air but thinks they should be on the ground, the game interprets it as the first jump?

Similarly, is it common to allow a "first jump" a few frames into the fall state, to deal with cases where someone took a running jump and thinks they jumped in time, but did not actually?

I'm a masochist.

Which one of these would you buy for the weekend?

You're dumb! Duuumb!

Then why do most RPG Maker games on Steam scream RPG Maker?

Hey that actually looks nice for a first model! It's a little hard to tell because you're not showing the topology so it could be that it's not suitable for animation, but the overall anatomy looks decent.

I'd spend some extra time on the butt area actually, right now you're making her back go in which is looking good, but because of how extremely her butt angles out you've made the top of bottom of the butt where it blends into the upper leg too big as well.

This shit is pretty terrible to explain when you can't just pull the verts in and show someone, I just realised.

the assets

Assets are expensive, but free RPG maker assets are cheap.

By default, yes.
You'd be surprised at how flexible rpg maker really is though.
Though after a certain point you really should just use a different engine

Well, I'm still using the default system but with sideview battlers. I haven't touched that yet, just testing out plugins.

Most people stick to the default assets and don't utilize the free plugins out there.

I don't even know how to code. Where do I start?

>That code, once identified is easily removed, ah'laa game tycoon.

>Fucking what, that's not how cracks work their invisible to your game dummy you can't scan someones computer like that dude it won't fly

>Exclusively releasing on steam.
>Not accounting for custom file set-ups.

Annon's are smarter than you think, you'd be shafting about 10-15% of people that buy your game. And us game makers know all about how angry customers will write a negative review, and how satisfied one's won't even bother because hey, they're playing the damn game.

I'm just picking up drawfagging as a step to get me working on my rpg and I'd like to learn while aping styles I may actually use. Do you know of any places online that just love talking about art of various styles in 2d jrpgs? Am I doomed to trolling through tumblr or deviantart to find the games that really resonated with people or do I just do a search for 'best jrpgs' and study their sprites and then practice my bad fanpics of them?

Rebel Galaxy. I played RE 6, was waiting on infinite to drop to 5 bucks and then no longer cared when it did and was never really interested in the SE series.



make a separate object for the text, change the depth of that

nice bosses. can I ask you how did you make them? I mean, did you use a tablet or something like that?

Whats an easy to make game that will make me some money
I'm sick of being a failure

There isn't faggot. This shit is hard work too, haha.

do yourself a favor and look up probuilder

Like every fucking day, thank goodness it's Friday and I can spend the weekend playing good games.

I thought writing out gameplay elements was a given with the whole "design document" thing


Endless runner

It works for me, or at least I choose to believe so, so it works.

Those aren't actually bosses, they're just regular enemies you can recruit into battle. I made them all on MSpaint using a trackpad, so that's a likely excuse for the low quality.

I did, however, make a sprite for a boss. Here he is.

PLEASE don't reskin all this with anime girls.
I can already see it.

This. This. This.
Or if you really want to do a Metroid-like, at least don't just blatantly rip it off.

What's this movie?

This looks sick.
Reminds me of original Red and Blue Pokémon sprites.


thanks to this gif i just found out Azumanga came out on bluray :)

android puzzle game, with shit ton of ads before you even start the actual levels. give the player 3 lives and make the puzzle too hard to win on its own, and ad pay 2 win 'power ups' that make the level easier.