How do we fix her

how do we fix her

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>higher mobility while airborne

There you go.

Rocket launcher skin that looks like a dog penis
Legendary skin is called Red Rocket


by removing her from the game

Rockets should be either low speed or minimal splash damage.

They shouldn't be both.

Also make her ultimate not a piece of shit that gets her killed by just being looked at. Make the rockets shut down projectiles like the Roadhog hook so she actually stands a chance against most enemies.

>you can sort of counter her ult if you look at her and shoot the rockets coming at you
>but you also can't hit her because of all the rockets

pretty cool

Make her white instead of black.

shes not black shes brown

>perfect opportunity for pharah ult
>genji turns around and presses E on me

thank you blizzard

Blizzard can't decide what color they want Pharah's skin to be. I swear jusy on their official renders alone she has like 3 different skin tones.

L I T E R A L L Y all Pharah needs is more longevity. Just give her 250 HP or 100 HP/100 Armor

>brown hair
>brown eyes
>various shades of dark skin

She's black. If they want to fix her, they'll make her white and give her a sexy costume.


make her nude and let me lick her abs

Fix her ult like so: Give you the option to cancel mid-ultimate. You are refunded for the % of ult charge you didn't use. So if you used 80% of the ult and cancelled the last fifth you get 20% back when you're done. That way if you realize you fucked up you can cancel it without the ult having been totally wasted.

Also give her normal rockets slightly increased splash damage range. It feels like the hitbox is half the size of the particle effect.

Better health and mobility. I honestly want her ultra completely reworked as it's basically worthless at the moment compared to most other characters. Unless you have a Zarya or Mei or everyone on the other side is retarded there's rarely ever a good opportunity to use it.

Are mexicans black too?

+50 armor
Faster rockets
Make her Ult more damaging, it barely does that much damage for all the spread it has and leaves you completely vulnerable

Give her ANY fucking splash damage at all


Increase rocket speed, also increase the damage done for direct hits.

Knockback, needs two modes.

-Press, works as is.
-Hold and release, thruster launch in the direct you are facing.

exsqueeze me?


>direct hit damage needs to be increased

120 is enough.

This is my only complaint, it feels like Hanzo's arrows have a bigger range than those rockets

Nerf Roadhog's sniper range

>Cred Forumstard only sees monochrome
You must get off to old school prison uniforms

Make her shielded while she uses her ult.

Give her passive armor or shields.

I honestly think in good hands parah can fuck but she doesnt need some huge buff or else shes OP tier

It's a rocket, rockets have splash damage.

I just want a little splash damage, enough to finish someone going around a corner at like 20-30 health or something.

Right now rockets hardly do any splash damage at all, I'd love to see the actual numbers because they are fucking pitiful.

Copy TF2's Soldier class even further than they did already.

It's the lightning. Symmetra looks full black in dorado.

Pharah can be a fucking beast when she has a Mercy pocketing her right now, so a straight damage buff to her rockets along with a damage boost would be bonkers.

She's basically a sitting duck when she's ulting, and her only option to avoid getting shot at by someone while she's in the air is to drop like a ton of bricks, which isn't very practical.

Maybe give her an airdodge skill or something? Just a quick little boost in any direction would be handy without having her flying across the fucking map.

Allow her to load up multiple rockets with secondary fire or holding down the primary fire, unreal tournament rocket launcher style.

That or give her some sort of quick thruster movement.


I want phoneposters to fuck off

Remove her.
>She shouldn't have any counter/weakness

Are you retarded?

Reduce cool down on her Boost and make her flight speed faster. Then she could be a viable flanker.

>People want Pharah's ult buffed

Pharah Ult is quit possible the most damaging Ult in the game. Not even Zenyatta can Transcendance heal a team through it. You literally just need to ambush with it.

Pharah as a character is very balanced. But with her counters bei g so steong and Orb of Discord being a constant factor, she could use a health buff, that's it.

Make her able to stay in the air longer, and maybe give some armor (but keep same total health!)

Pharah players don't want to have to try or put any thought into playing her.

This, it does 3600 damage in 3 seconds. Reaper's ult does 510 over 3 seconds. Get a Zarya and fuck people over.

Make her one ability actually useful outside of niche KOTH maps where you can knock people off edges

Give her some armor is all i'd really say. It kind of bugs me that she has that massive suit and nothing towards armor, just 200 health, niggas like Junkrat and Hanzo who are literally showing bare skin have the same health and armor value as her.

>If the enemy team has ONE hitscan character she is invalidated
>Even Mei and Hanzo can shut her down if they can aim
>Roadhog also fucks her in the ass
>So does Ana
Pharah is the worst offense hero you fucking noob.

Armor isn't going to help Pharah with any of her counters other than Soldier 76.

Double her fuel

>pharah uses her ult on the ground to avoid everyone outside ult sniping her

how do we fix him

Are you?
>not understanding a basic post

She's really good because you can get free kills with her e

But also you're right

>that feeling when you play mei and headshot a flying pharah with right click

I know, its just more of a personal autism thing.

nerf scout
nerf sniper
nerf escape plan
nerf disciplinary action
nerf cowfucker
nerf market gardener
buff mantreads
buff box
buff banner

>10% more fuel
>double tap movement to slide-boost like in Armor Core

shorter cooldowns on both skills by at least 2 seconds
faster rocket speed
faster rate of fire
more splash damage
higher splash range
250 health

pick 3 of these

I'd rather see symmetra fixed, viable for offense too.


zenyatta 2.0

the best balance changes are small, subtle, creeping ones because that way you don't risk overshooting the mark and making the character overpowered overnight.

Remove black box so he isn't OP as fuck

Cooldowns, Rocket speed, 250 HP

black box hasn't been overpowered since like 2011

she's fucking garbage though
she NEEDS to be relatively overpowered, because as it stands she gets countered by like 4 or 5 common picks

They need to stop tweaking characters.

black box isn't OP, it has a lower equip rate than stock in pubs, and it's rarely used in competitive TF2. The recent nerf made it balanced, and nerfing it further will make nobody use it.

there are even faggots calling for it to be buffed, but it shouldn't be buffed or nerfed, it's balanced as is.

The real problem with soldier are melees like escape plan/da, which are functional upgrades to stock, and have replaced stock in pubs and comp. Soldier's stock melee weapon should not be useful considering the strength of his primary; if he wants to have a useful melee, he should pay an appropriate passive price for it.

Ideally no change, she is already fantastic.

If the pathetic shitters are truly desperate for more help, swap 50% of her health to armour.

>she NEEDS to be relatively overpowered
Thank god you faggots don't work for blizz

By redecorating her shithole.

ok so are you going to offer a counter point or just shitpost like a retard

We could start off with saying that you don't know what a counter is

Can kill hero =! counter

>flying Junkrat

genji can instagib her with reflect if she tries to ult
widow can instagib her if she tries to ult and can easily dispatch of her otherwise
ana can sleep her pretty easily
roadhog can instagib her pretty much whenever he wants
mei and hanzo can do half her health in 1 hit and it's not very hard to hit her
mcree can obviously harass safely at any range, literally nothing the phara can do to stop this from happening in most situations

Give her a Zero Suit costume

Literally one discord orb and even Lucio will kill her out of the sky.

Not him but I (sort of) agree with him to a certain extent.
Pharah is a fundementally poor character, not because of her (current) shortcomings, but because of the fact that she is countered by hitscan and good aim. Of course you could argue that every character is countered by good aim, but no other character spends as much time in the air (where there is often no cover) as Pharah.
Thanks to this, she will always be weaker in high level games, since everyone there can aim. Not only that, but the prevailence of characters in the current meta that hard counter her (McCree, 76, Ana) makes her even harder to play. I think she does need quite a large boost so that she isn't as easily dealt with. I think +50 Armor and a higher movement speed while in the air is all she needs.
t. Pharah is my best Offense character.

Give her some fucking splash damage. I'll hit rockets next to people all the god damn time and they never take any fucking damage. This isn't like TF2 at all.

Don't ult a genji? He's not even that common of a pick anymore.
Widow is never picked.
No she can't, it's projecticle, don't let anna stand 2 feet away.
He can do that to everyone that isn't a tank.
Again, projecticles, don't stand 2 feet away from them.
That's fine

Let me guess, you're in the 1800-2000 range?

its tf2 direct hit

Pharah is super cancer in koth, I don't want her buffed.

You're ignoring the fact that characters that don't """COUNTER""" Pharah basically can not kill her.

Reinhardt, Zarya, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Mercy, Mei, Junkrat, D.Va, Reaper: these heroes basically become a non-factor to you once you press shift.

No other hero is in that category, so boo fucking hoo if 3-4 heroes can kill you assuming they have perfect aim, boo-fucking-hoo.

>she will always be weaker in high level games, since everyone there can aim.
Everyone can aimbot you mean

>make Reinhardt completely and utterly own the game

The direct hit oneshot the entire 125hp section of the cast at close range. Even on a Tracer, Pharah will need 2.

Her splash can do up to 80 damage and she knocks enemies around, its fine, learn to aim.

Concussion blast should have less cooldown and push Pharah back even mid-air

I love the free charge for zarya from pharah. you have plenty of time to shield up. Also as Mei i pick off pharah in the air pretty easily. Genji has the mobility to not be hit same as tracer.

>can't kill pharah
play the game before posting you retard

>Junkrat, Zarya, Mei, Mercy, and Tracer can't touch Pharah
They can if the person can aim.
Which again, everyone can at high level play.
Don't know why a Mercy would be attacking someone, though.
Even D. Va can fly up to her level and finish her if she's at low health.

Give her a way to get out of the air quicker so that boosting against a team with a competent Soldier, Widow, or McCree isn't instant death

increase rocket self-damage by a bit and increase the self-knockback they do to higher than the shift, turn the shift into a booster that increases air mobility by a percentage for a 3 seconds on a 7-9 second cooldown, and make it so she's able to move while raining justice. then she'd still be counted by hitscan, although they'll have a harder time when she's boosting, and her ult will be more skill based as well as more useful.

Reaper exists

Shorter cooldown on jetpack(1 sec), 50 armor, SLIGHT increase in splash damage.

Was it autism?

change Pharah's RMB to be a short dash, about the range of McCree's roll. uses very little fuel, has a 3s CD, and uses the direction she's moving with her WASD.

There, her damage output (which is already pretty insane) stays the same, her best counters (hit-scan/long range fast shots) stay strong, but she now has the ability to actively move and attempt to dodge, instead of her only options being to stay close enough to a wall to E away.

She becomes a more skill-intensive hero that now has new levers to adjust for balance changes (dash range, fuel cost, CD)

Her ult outdamages zen healing and melts lucio barriers.

Shift sends her higher than the beam range.
If you die to Mei as Pharah you're just bad, plain and simple.
>Even D. Va can fly up to her level and finish her if she's at low health.
Oh gee well yeah we should totally balance characters based on when they have like 1/5 hp.
>Which again, everyone can at high level play.
You shouldn't concern yourself with high level play mister 2k.

give her shields and a pocket mercy for life and shes viable.

The problem with Pharah is this
>rockets do low damage
Note: Junkrat does the same damage with his normal shot... that bounces and can shoot around corners and then he even has higher damage options. But Junkrat is also OVERPOWERED.
>she is too vulnerable in the air
>her ultimate is trash

To make her viable, I think they should increase her rocket damage (including her ult) and leave everything else the same.

Make her faster in air her damage and health are fine but her mobility actually makes her more vulnerable because she cant be protected by a tank and she moves slow as shit.

>Don't ult a genji?
that's not how it works dude
>hurr it's projectile so they can't hit you lol
you're a retard

>But Junkrat is also OVERPOWERED.
console shit detected
>increase the damage on already the highest damage ult in the game by far

>tfw probably won 5 out of my last 20
Why is this happening?



>Shift sends her higher than the beam range
For about a second. Zarya can just feed off her damage with her sheilds anyways.
Don't know why you're so mad, though, did a Pharah recently shit on your Reaper, or something? Also Meis that can aim get more and more common once you get out of quick play. You should give comp a shot before posting about it.

with THIS
*unzips dick*

What did she mean by this?

but junkrat is totally fine.

>For about a second. Zarya can just feed off her damage with her sheilds anyways.
Cool, uh not even relevant to this discussion.

>console shit detected
No, I play on PC. Junkrat is OP. He does far too much damage for the amount of options he has. Even when he dies, Junkrat will still probably kill you.

>increase the damage on already the highest damage ult in the game by far
You're a moron. The damage is not great because the rocket spread is too large given the damage that each individual rocket does and Pharah has to be in very close to actually kill anything, which also makes her very easy to kill. Why don't you try actually playing her, junkrat main?

By time zarya's shield is down, pharah is already low enough to shoot with the beam.

The left shift only puts her just outside the beam's range.

>Zarya can't do anything to pharah when she uses jump jet
>Yes she can
Just admit that you're not very good at the game

Yep, press shift then just don't move and slowly fall downwards in a straight line.
You're right, that logic can't be beat, guess Zarya is good against Pharah.

>Shift sends her higher than the beam range.
Right. Because Pharah is ALWAYS GOING TO BE AT MAX HEIGHT HURF DURF DURR even though she only stay up there for a few moments.

Zenyatta absolutely rekts Pharah with auto aim death orbs. It's not even a contest.

hey keep projecting though

>Zarya can't do anything to Pharah in the air
>Well that has nothing to do with what I just said
Shift then press S or W. Trust me most Zaryas won't touch you.

So even worse, you don't even know what you're talking about. Wow!

Ohohoho. Then explain why he's never picked in comp if he's OVERPOWERED?

Pharah does 3100 damage over 3 seconds. That out dps zen ult and lucio barrier. Nothing survive that if they're in a graviton surge.

- Can fire your rocket launcher 10 times faster.
- Rocket launcher magazine increased to 50 shots.
- However, Rocket Speed has been reduced to one twentieth of what it currently is to compensate
- Self Damage is also increased by 3x to discourage kamikaze play.

just make her faster in the air

>Pharah does 3100 damage over 3 seconds
Yeah, if you're literally right next to them. But oh wait, your own rockets will kill you if someone else doesn't just casually headshot you. If you're actually trying to argue that Pharah's ult is anything but shit, then you need to kill yourself.

>resorting to kys comments
Okay, maybe you come back when you're 18.

Maybe not use your ult so obviously? Maybe use it to combo with another ult?
You don't need to be that close to fall damage that you hurt yourself you know?

Hold down m1 to charge rocket
Charged rockets dont do more damage at all or have any change to aoe or splash. They just have a different, flashier visual effect and move a little bit slower

black box was never OP. -1 rocket has always made it inferior to pretty much every other option

>Listing healers
That's how I know you're out of options.

>Mei doesn't kill Pharah
and that's how I know you suck.

Literally the second best Pharah counter next to McCree. She even has more health than cowboy does and can block the rockets.

Also a counter

Pharah is the easiest target for a deflect + dash kill in the game. ESPECIALLY if she's damage boosted.

She destroys Pharah in KOTH.

>Reaper, Junkrat, Tracer
Widely known to be weak to Pharah.

Every thread, every damn thread it's obvious Pharah players simply just don't want to die or get good at the game.

Symmetra, who actually needs a rework/buff, her players don't cry a fraction as much.


>Junkrat can rocket jump without taking damage
>Pharah can't
>Junkrat can shoot around corners, doesn't have to aim because of bouncing + explosions + rate of fire, he can also make someone immobile for instant kills, set mines that do massive damage and kills anyone even remotely next to him if he dies
>he also has a stupidly powerful ult with a huge radius
>meanwhile Pharah can shoot an inferior main gun, kinda push people away and uh... die by flying into the air
>her ult is just a stationary death sentence that takes far too long to kill anything
>meanwhile Junkrat is spamming his ult from a hidden location while it explodes and kills half of the team out of nowhere

Increase her difficulty rating.

That's because nobody plays Symmetra, so there's no one to complain about how wack she is.

>and that's how I know you suck.
>Die to Mei as Pharah
that's how I know YOU suck.
>Dying to D.Va
Honestly, I honestly can't even imagine a scenario where you can die to a unless she has like Soldier backing her up, really.
>Genji reflect
Uh, don't shoot him directly? Whoa.
Yeah I guess if you're sitting on a point and not moving, Zarya can destroy you.

When is Mei being removed from the game?

This. A sniper Mei that can reliably land headshots is scary.

Although I'd say soldier is more reliable of a counter than Mei just second to McCree.

Decrease boost cool down
Let you cancel out of ult by boosting

She's actually not hard to play...if you have half a brain.

>Less difficult than genji and hanzo

You're right. She's easy to play.
Problem is that she's just a bad character.

>Uh, like, omg

Also nice projections.

You're the one crying about dying too much as Pharah, not me.

Just shoot his ult. Almost anything can kill it if you can aim.

Have you seen a Mei that can snipe? They eat Tracers and pharahs alive. If you don't shoot him directly then you better miss by a country mile. Because that reflect hitbox is Rein's shield shrunk down.

Honestly her ult being so shitty actually gives the character a bit of charm.
This is how I'd fix her though honestly

>Slightly reduce self damage for better rocket jumps
>reduce cooldown of her wrist blast by two seconds. It's a necessary part of her kit and an essential disengage/utility. It'd be cool if the blast also sends people at a bit of a higher angle to line up rocket shots(basically a quad damage rocket from quake but without the damage).
>her splash damage is fine BUT the speed of her rockets is a little too slow.

Boom, she is now fixed

I would like to see her midriff in a costume, at least.

Honestly why cant she boost while ulting just to move?
That would help.

>>Uh, like, omg
Kill yourself.

>One star

Maybe to understand his abilities but to be genuinely good at him is fairly hard.

>fly in the air
>discord orb
>try to do anything as pharah
>discord orb

its not even fun at this point

You're the one still making projections without backing up any of your claims, shitter.

Face it, you suck. Your cherry-picking sucks, your aim sucks, and your understanding of how to play her counters sucks.

>Difficulty: 3

Pharah's shift is just a way to commit suicide

>You're the one still making projections without backing up any of your claims, shitter.
And you're doing anything different?
>Face it, you suck. Your cherry-picking sucks, your aim sucks, and your understanding of how to play her counters sucks.
Right, that's why I cry for my main to be buffed, cause I suck.

Yeah nice samefag.


You do realize that you can aim the beam right? A zarya that isn't absolute trash can quickly kill you, especially if she has any charge.

to be good at every character is hard. The difficulty ranking is how hard they are to pick up and play at a decently effective level.

That's why Zarya is a 3-star, timing shields and knowing when to let damage just slide is a difficult concept to grasp, compared to Hog's "throw hook, kill if you hit, otherwise just heal and try not to feed ult".

Bastion is difficult to play at a high level, because his strength is map awareness and positioning, but his basic principle of "hold M1 and kill" is braindead easy. Mei, on the other hand, won't get very far with the same idea of "hold M1", since she needs to learn how to properly aim for the face with M2, walls, and iceblocking where it isn't a delayed suicide.


>Air dodge

Nah, then she'll just start wavedashing everywhere.

The beam isn't infinite range, you realize that right?

>And you're doing anything different?

By actually teaching you how to kill her? Yes.

>Give Pharah a wavedash

I could get into this

it's probably retards that ult from like halfway across the map

>junkrat himself actually says "aiming's overrated"
I love this little shit

I have no issues with Pharah, in fact she's my third most played hero.
My fear is she gets buffed, becomes FoTM again, the not only will I have to fight with people to play her, but she'll get nerfed into the ground after.

It honestly just comes down to knowing how to play her/picking her in the right situation. If you pick her with half of the enemy team playing hitscan characters then you should probably just not play the game at all.

If you can use her effectively she's pretty lethal. This is coming from someone who finishes comp games with an average of 50 kills with her.

She could do well with a buff to her health maybe like 50 armor or something. Some kind of mobility with her alt would be nice too.

Add a CD, and make it her M2. Now she has one, maybe 2 dashes to use while in the air, plus her E if she gets close to a wall.

>Her shift is infinite

remove her shitty ult

give her a new one where she gets triple rocket capacity and double missile speed



This is how I feel as a Mei main. I know how strong she is, I put the time into learning how to *properly* play her, and I know the moment she gets a real buff, she's going right back into the garbage, because nobody can understand that Range>Freeze.

>pharahs own little version of molten core

I could get behind this

That's because he's a melee character in a first person game. And melee in first person is universally shit due to the lack of depth perception.

It's a chart of difficulty to play at a decent level, not to just pick up and play.

Mei has utility skills, delayed damage, and a huge weakness to range. To play her at an effectively decent level takes a lot more work than a Rein or a Torbjorn.

I'm not saying she is hard to play, but with how much decisionmaking is actually involved in playing her, she's more difficult than bastion or a S76.

Maybe we just need two monitors to fix the lack of depth perception.

A better idea would be to make it a controllable jetpack charge along with increased fire rate.

Pharah's weaknesses aren't that she's a weak character or that she has too many hard counters.

It's that she's countered by the map itself. She's a vertical character in an almost completely horizontal game. Yeah there are ledges, but there's zero ability to get behind cover or play skillfully in the air. If they designed the maps with more vertical elements, not even pathways, just more shit to take cover behind or move around pharah would be considerably better. The only thing I can even think of that's close is the one single hanging sign in numbani, every other map is pretty much open air.

Mei's problem is that her skill floor and skill ceiling are roughly equivalent. Compare that with someone like Soldier 76 who has a low floor and high ceiling.

yeah pressing E is super hard.

Moar sfm nsfw webms!!!

Replace her shitty hover jetpack with something like Dvas dash

Just give her armor and remove rockets damaging her
why the fuck did they completely not do that already, everything else is fine

Pharah main here with 75% accuracy and usually holds all the gold medals for the rounds.

She is literally perfect and the ONLY thing I would like without making her crazy OP would be a little bit faster strafing speed when hovering with the jetpack.
Like, if you're moving in a direction and NOT holding the Jetpack button, she moves the speed she does now, but if you press on the throttle, she goes the speed of Lucio on speed mode.

But I also play on PS4 , so theres that I guess

Eichenwald is my favorite map to use her on. It has the best flank opportunities for her, she can jump over most buildings, and the bridge is perfect to knock people off with the concussion blast

Nerf McCree's range again

>pharah uses her ult on the ground
>Bananaslama jumps in and puts a bubble in her face
>She kills herself.

Hasn't been updated at all, he was hard to use when he was killed by a stray breeze.

The skill-gap is small, yeah. But, that's a good thing, to have characters that run the gamut. S76's skill ceiling is actually pretty low compared to hers, but his floor is so unbelieveably low that the gap is massive.

Mei's real issues have been, and will continue to be (in just my opinion) that she has no real place in the game. She has the kind of kit that would make you think she excels at dealing with flankers and controlling zones, yet her real strength is just a fast charging ulti to deny areas and cheesey wall strats to bypass defenses.

Only change I'd like to see for her, and have her balanced around, is her M1 freeze speed being based on the base HP of a target, instead of a constant value. Tracer should freeze nigh-instantly, Reaper with his 250 should stay the same rate, and anything higher should be a bit slower. ulti stays same rate as it is.

>how do we fix her
Tubal ligation.
Also, bikini skin.

>People complain that it's "Ult to win"
>People complain when an Ult can be countered

She has an ult that works best paired with other Ult like Zarya, Mei, or Reinhardt.
Her Ult is one of the best in the games and you have no excuse if you're bad at using it

Make Pharah play like a ZoE mech

Give her the dark trooper's jetpack from SWBF2

>tfw this user isn't John Ricotello
Why can't you be in charge of Blactivision, user? I've only heard one of your ideas and it's awesome.

Give her actual skills right now she has no skills

>boost into air

wasted skill add rocket jumping now its balanced since its faster farther and your killing yourself at the same time

>Gliding jetpack shit

see above

>tiny rocket that knocks people around

same with above rocket jumping means enemys too then you add actually skill since an enemy can use your rockets to get heighth aswell

>that ult

pointless she already spams rockets she has a mini ult at all times with m1

literally just actually add skills to her instead of add crutch shit because their scared of having to git gud

>how do we fix her

Make her have 100 health and 100 armor instead of 200 health.

>how do we fix her
Make her better
Nerf junk rat

>tfw raptorian skin

Make the concussive rocket actually do damage to enemy players or be able to knock back friendly players like a sort of mei's wall

How would nerfing junkrat make her better?

>my teammate can knock me off ledges too


>be able to knock back friendly players

Fuck that, all that's going to introduce is people purposefully knocking off teammates. It'd be worse than the Symettra teleporter off a cliff since you can do it every 12 seconds and they can't ignore it like they could a teleporter.

>brown hair
>brown eyes

If a person has either of those, they're automatically black, Pharah is black.

What's so complicated about this?

I guess I'm a nigger then.

>If a person has either of those, they're automatically black, Pharah is black.

Fucking hell, I know this is bait, but I'm gonna bite.

Are you fucking retarded? Black hair+eyes are the most common colors. Everyone has them. EVERYONE. In fact, they're so common, that someone with black/brown eyes marrying someone with blue eyes almost guarantees that the child won't have blue eyes.

- change concussion missile from E to Right Click and it deal 25 damage to anyone in its radius

- make E the opposite of shift Jet Jump, a downward propulsion into a ground pound when contacting with ground. Same damage scaling as Winston's

- New E ability has 6 second cooldown and is dependent on Fuel from her "Hover" passive for damage and activation (requires at least 50% fuel)

- gain +25 extra armor for duration of ult similar to bastions tank form that instantly decays after ult

- health is now 150 HP + 50 shield

There now phariah is useful.

Better DPS, more aerial mobility and movement so she isn't instantly picked out of the sky, her ult isn't a free kill when not paired with Gravaton Surge, and she isn't completely dependent on a mercy for survivability when flying out of enemy sights.

>Ground pound
But she's a mid/long range attacker. She's not meant to be directly in the middle of enemy fire at all

its more for mobility out of the air and also allowing her some options when indoors and not able to fly like the indoor levels of li jiang tower.