
nice game faggolas

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Three options OP.

1) Git Gud.
2) Find some friends who are better than you, and let them carry your sorry ass to gold
3) Uninstall.

Bonus, and this one can go with any of the three, Kill Yourself.

>every team that has you playing in it loses
>every team that does not have you playing in it wins

theres only one constant here.

more like


find two other people to voice chat/ play with

any more than that and you all need to be super coordinated. in the meantime, keep playing against me for all my matches, ty


>git gud
>git gud
>git gud
>do better
>git gud
>git gud
>git gud
>'bout time
>git gud
>git gud
>git gud
>git gud

mad cuz bad? :^))

I'm new to this game and holy shit, I have not experienced this kind of rampant, unmitigated frustration in a vidya game in YEARS.

>inb4 you suck
>inb4 git gud faggit

Yes, I realize I am terrible at it. I'm not terrible at FPSs in general, but for some reason, the learning curve for this particular game left me so buttfrustrated that I could feel my heartbeat in my eardrums.

Anyone else been this buttmad over this game when they first started? Any tips for not sucking massive nigger dick at it would be welcome, I think it might kill me.

>crushing victory
>crushing defeat
>crushing victory
>crushing defeat
>crushing victory
>crushing defeat
this is the real problem

What hero do you use to carry when soloing Cred Forums?

Practice mode.

Has anyone else noticed that the team to win the first round in KOTH goes on to lose the next two?

Git gud

Not really, no.

Does practice mode really translate to playing against human players though? I feel like I'll eventually end up stomping practice mode without improving at all competitively

Git gud

nope. loved this game immediately when I first played it.

you just have to practice with getting headshots and one hit/one magazine kills.

of course its better when your team all works together as a real team to help take down enemies, but you can't count on it. you just have to be the best YOU can be. and you'll start being an asset to the team.

also speak out where the enemies are so your team can refocus. always prioritize the objective first and not get caught up in firefights away from the objective.

unfortunately the best advise is to get gud, it makes a big difference. that and learn how to play a healer well. since a good healer can make a big difference.


You're getting stomped because you likely have no idea how to utilize the characters and their skills. And there's different difficulty settings, as well.

Practice, mother fucker, you don't git gud otherwise.

I love this meme. I see plenty of games go into overtime on both sides and plenty of KotH games go 2-2 with a fifth and final match to determine the winner. Of course you do experience the odd steamrolling match, on whichever side, but it's not that common.

depends on the map, and depends on the team composition and competency

>enemy zarya
>she's LITERALLY unkillable
>play zarya
>get killed INSTANTLY

Find a character for each position and stick with them.

Pay attention to which enemy is curbstomping you/your team, and change to counter it.

Stick on the objective like glue unless you're a DPS that can flank. Don't flank the same fucking side every time and don't be aftaid to go vertical.

Fiddle with the individual character controls. A lot of them surprisingly have neat little macros that can make or break them, also I personally tend to have different camera sensitivies on different characters depending on their attacks/playstyle.


>"Surely It's my teammates that suck, the system is fucking with me"

I played Mei for all my prelims and landed platinum
>Meing 4 lyfe

Offense heroes, McCree is almost always a good pick if you have great aim on offense or defense. Most other offense heroes can carry in the right situation.

Learn the offense heroes and what situation to use them, they all have their uses although soldier is still not in the best spot right now because McCree is generally a better pick. Still good though.

I made it to diamond exclusively through solo queue with McCree as my most played hero.

> Enemy leaves, Victory
> Teammate leaves, Defeat
> Teammate leaves, Defeat
> Enemy leaves, Victory
> Teammate leaves, Defeat
> No one leaves, Draw
> Enemy leaves, Victory
> Enemy leaves, Victory
> No one leaves, Draw
> Teammate leaves, Defeat

Getting this for console was a bad idea...


I don't necessarily care quite so much about winning or losing matches at this point. I just want to be able to play one match without a .00005 k/d ratio. I realize that k/d isn't super important, but I die almost constantly, even though I've broken myself of the habit of rushing in Rambo style

I play with 2 or 3 other guys, and none of them get as frustrated as I do. Probably just a character flaw.


Play the characters people get assblasted over. They're designed so new players can get free kills on more experienced players.


>it's the game's fault I'm shit

Git gud with Zen and turn that frustration into sweet, sweet victory.

the game isn't the issue

this is the saddest community I've ever played with in my life. every loss they blame on team comp. never mind how badly they sucked all game, it's always because "someone went DPS" when they shouldn't have.

These aren't pro matches, most comps work if you all play well. It's just a bunch of shitty WoW/LoL/DotA whatever the fuck faggots who can't aim, play tanks and healers while bitching all day because noone is creating opportunities for them.

It's annoying as hell

then you have to stop getting frustrated. that might be hindering your aim and reaction time.

stay back and let your team take on the enemies, while you take potshots from the back.

Its how I learned how to play on PC with kbam controls.

This game is such a lie
>cartoony graphics :)) easy for everyone to play, no worries :))
>6 man team means everyone has to be on their shit
>one crap guy can lose the game for the rest of the team, likewise one or two good players working together can stomp your ragtag team
>popular/deep enough that meta level strategy has set in
Gritty M rated military shooters are more relaxing that this game

This game is bad. Learning how to use ults and certain meta strategies is all you need to do.

just pick Tracer or Roadhog
pick off enemies one by one and go for the objective
the only thing that counters you is a decent enemy team

It's funny

>face Mei
>instantly frozen
>ice spike to the dome

>play as Mei
>throw up wall in front of other team
>hit with barrage of bullets anyway
>run around corner and freeze self to heal
>4 members of other team somehow magically appear in a circle around me
>watch them wait for me to thaw
>get rekt

I couldn't be worse at this game if I tried.


what are you so frustrated about op? im having a great time on a great game :^)

Season 2 kinda sucks.

I haven't really experienced much in the way of good matches. Its either a stomping victory on either side or a really frustrating match of no fun.

Even, fun games are nigh nonexistent from my experience.

>he loses most of his matches in a game that is rigged to give you a 50/50 win loss rate

>Gritty M rated military shooters are more relaxing that this game

I unironically agree with this because if you were good enough you could roll out and stomp an entire team by yourself without breaking a sweat. It becomes second nature.

Overwatch is balanced for team play. The best players can be offset by the dumbest shit.

anyone ranking up or down?

I'm ranking up very slowly. just by a couple points every other match. just broke into 2400.

I seriously have no idea how not to get frustrated. Maybe it's the concept of diminishing returns. The longer I play it the worse I get. In the first hour or so I don't do too terribly bad, but then I'll get insta-killed 6 consecutive times and then REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Not only that, if you're bad it doesn't really matter because you're just 1 guy in a team that might have 31 other people on it. You can be shit and know that you're not losing the game as a result of you being shit, you're just not really helping.

Play with friends and for fun.

You fuck.

I can't imagine a single person in my losing team saying behind the monitor "damn, I didn't do too well that match" instead of "fukken shit team! this is everyone's fault but mine!"
>team mate says he's carrying the trash team he's in
>meanwhile press tab to see you have 5 gold medals

>carry you to gold

feels good knowing i got plat or whatever is one up from gold when i did placement matches with my friends, but they only got gold. I played only tanks as well.

>gold in everything
>teammate is afk
>teammate refuses to play unless someone gives him his faovurite character
>teammate is feeding
>3 on 6
>get potg
>get epic commendation

yeah the problem is that blizzard fans are mostly autistic retards, so you have to pray you get a good team.

what if you dont have friends?

Stop running through the obvious chokepoints as a flanker. If they see you first, you're going to die. You have to get behind them or hit them from the side. Most people don't have the aim to reflexively snap headshot you in the two seconds it takes to freeze them.

>you have 5 gold medals
I hate this tho.

because the way the game is, 2 people can have the same gold medals for the same thing.

game needs a scoreboard so everyone can see who sucks or not.

Then realize that winning doesn't really help you level up much anyways, so just goof around a little.

>he fell for the fps moba meme

how is this a moba?

Make some? You can also use the "prefer this player" option to get matched with decent players more often.

>game needs a scoreboard so everyone can see who sucks or not.
Funny how the "everyone's a winner" hugbox mentality just makes people really selfish and hostile toward their teammates

>defined roles for each character
>ability system in general

what the game actually needs is a button that you can hit when a teammate says you're being shit and he's carrying, but you have all gold medals. it should show both your names and scores to the team, then enlarge yours and shrink his while this plays

>teammate instalocks Hanzo

>enemy Mei
>literally unkillable, cucks every single ult,
>enemy Ana
>always has ult up, always survives every engagement due to grenade/sleep dart, always cucks your teams ult with her dart

>your healer
>pock heals roadhog.
>your Rein
>always charges in to the enemy group and dies
>Your mcree
>has 8 minutes in the game, 6 of them on Bastion
>Your widowmaker
>on offense.

Did I miss anything?

does that mean TF2 is one now?

>using this response in a reddit: the game thread

It also doesn't help that my attacks never seem to have the same effect on enemies as theirs do on me

>playing as soldier
>unload 3 full magazines at close to mid range
>aiming for head
>guy walks away almost completely unharmed

>playing against soldier
>take half a magazines worth of hits
>go down like a sack of bricks

>playing as Mei
>unload for 7 straight seconds at point blank range
>still not frozen
>get melee'd at full health

>playing against Mei
>take 2 seconds of freeze ray from 20 feet away
>ice spike to the dome

>playing as Pharah
>wait for other team to get caught up in major firefight
>entire enemy team fighting within a 3 foot by 3 foot square
>rocket barrage straight into center of enemy team
>1 kill
>get sniped

>against Pharah, she's hovering
>my team is spread way the fuck out
>unload full magazine into her from a rooftop
>zero effect
>rocket barrage destroys my entire team
>she turns and 360 quickscopes a single rocket directly between my ass cheeks
>get rekt instantly
>throw controller

This game is weapons grade bullshit sometimes.

>The one Genji who just jumps around and misses every shuriken


If you start a match and you haven't died yet and the enemy team gets their ultimates within the first minute,

your team sucks.
and you will lose the game if you don't switch characters to help them not die so fast.

usually a dps or a healer. no tanks, unless your team neglects the payload.

why do i get so nervous playing games online against other people? i shake so much that i cant aim for shit and i constantly feel butterflys in my stomach. i can never get over this

Zarya or Pharah

>Get 3770 SR
>Literally 1 win from touching top 500
>Lose 8 games in a row
>On the 9th game we are about to win, and one of my teammates DCs in the final round

Just kill me desu

>enemy mcree
>it's high nooon
>team kill
>your mcree
>it's hi- AHHH
>not a single shot off

it's frustrating to always have to deal with people who have no idea what they're doing. i got 54 kills as reaper and spent 11 minutes or something retarded in the objective while a teammate with silver was in there for a minute.

>>playing as Mei
>>unload for 7 straight seconds at point blank range
>>still not frozen
>>get melee'd at full health
>>playing against Mei
>>take 2 seconds of freeze ray from 20 feet away
>>ice spike to the dome

wtf is this shit about? and then they never stay frozen long enough for me to use the icicle.

how the fuck are they thawing out of it but when they do it, I can't move for shit.

>season 2

>playing characters that need to aim

Just play winston, junkrat, lucio, mercy, mei, or symmetra.

Or be like all the other people who can't aim and be the Hanzo on my team.

I'm in the top 500 buddy. We are in the second season.

i want to atleast try to get better at aiming even with my shaking. so i'll gladly be your hanzo

fuck off Aren you faggot
all you did was M2 as reinhardt

shouldn't the other teams suck then to? Then you should just rape them. Nice logic.

well least my m2 game was worth being rated 2500+ or whatever

Started at ~2600 and only one loss. I play only 1 or 2 matches a day to put my focus in, the rest is qp for fun and practise.

I'm at 2800 right now and will stop at 3000

I had some really good luck with my teams though. I play Zenyatta a lot and Rhein/Zarya/Pharah if I have to.

Good job, im a diamond dog scrub.

Not really

Also no leveling up, towers or minions and no rts controls

We're ready for that link to your masteroverwatch profile.

You can do it my man. No sweat, you're practically there.

>shoot character
>don't get shot
All the thought I put in the game, the rest is just basic "I should not be standing here" "I should expect enemies to come from here" shit that is basically common sense if you've played a video game before.

>it's a "my team must be shit because I'm Support/ Tank and I got 3 gold medals"

>spend 5 minutes playing and 6 minutes setting up the next game

>getting yelled at in Quickplay because you don't obey the meta

>getting called a cunt by a teenager in competitive

>'carried' 'rekt' 'ez' and the blizzard filter

>not playing characters you enjoy because of the meta

If this game had more game modes, less post game posturing, and better server support, it would be toast of the town.

pic related. a 45 minute server and people just having fun in the flag room. No one cares if you play sniper and are shit at it.

>win streaked from 3200~ to 3720
>was getting 130 points a win
>mfw I needed one win for top 500
>mfw I lose the next 2 games


In KOTH there's no chokepoints with junkrat grenade spam, surprise bastion strats and other nonsense so it all comes down to who's DPS are better. In my experience it's always a steamroll one way or the other.

I wish reaper was a spy/rogue character, maybe thats what sombra is. Then we'd really have a tf2 clone on our hands. Also capture the intel.

>playing this actual shit game

>KOTH there's no chokepoints
lol yes there is.

My boi Zen
>120 dmg headshots
>soloing roadhogs
>soloing reapers
>being a jumpy fucker with recharging health

How do you think the game would be without ults? Boring? Engaging?

it would be literally unplayable due to chokepoints

You'd need to rebalance it completely

Isn't there a -75% xp for that shit?

practice mode is a joke. but at least you can learn something.

My only complaint is that the match making sometimes places you against 5 premades while your team has 2 seperate ones that don't cooperate

Alright there is, but they're towards the spawns so they're alot less prevalent in the beginning of the game until said steamrolling starts happening.

>It's a the guy who insta-locks Hanzo doesn't say a word to his team the entire game episode
>It's a the two lowest ranked people on your team snatch both DPS spots and never actually kill anyone episode
>It's a four players insta-pick DPS and refuse to switch episode
>It's a someone assumes Mei is a valid DPS character episode.

That's okay. I didn't want to win anyways.

>doesn't say a word to his team the entire game episode
I auto disable chat whenever I play the game. It's not the best solution but there's barely any constructive feedback. People only use it to vent

>that moment when you see your genji trying to counter mei's freezing gun
You know you're going to lose

How can people be so good with genji, holy shit

I don't know if I should get this game
I mean I feel conflicted when playing online games because I'm afraid of somehow dissapointing my teammates
and from a gameplay angle it seems that whatever my skill level, it doesn't matter for shit when the other team is always better.

>People actually thinking a game is good at a
basic level because it has an unlimited budget.

You're one of 6 players your impact is not THAT significant. I don't take this game seriously and ended up in plat.


you shouldnt feel it at all. nobody knows whos doing well or bad on your team so you cant get singled out.

Okay can anyone explain why this game attracts so much bile, hatred and "stop liking what I don't like."

Shit's unreal. It's like moba threads.

>your team defends so well that the enemy can't even capture the first point
>they pick retarded shit like Junkrat and they choke so much you're not sure which team is worse

a-atleast I didn't lose any rank...

Let me put it this way, it's Dota with an extra player.

>nobody knows whos doing well or bad on your team
That's true for random teams. End up losing with a 4-5 man premade and you'll be the one they'll blame

>play torb
>Carry the team every single time
Come on step it up

so the key to playing this game is to SoloQ the entire time?
is there even SoloQ in this game?

but I already told you how I feel about online games, and I've not played much of Dotas online component

I always see this, and it's always people blaming their teammates.

I don't think I've seen a thread of someone saying that they're the problem, and I'm sure your other 5 teammates think that they're not the problem either.

It is pretty difficult to carry in OW compared to other games like CS, but it's possible if you play a hero that doesn't rely on others.

Tracer, roadhog, reaper, zarya, genji are examples of solo carries. You can easily carry yourself to high plat, beyond that is questionable (when people start actually joining team voice chat), but if you're losing that many games straight then you're part of the problem.

It's hilarious how placing a turret in the most retarded place continues to work in ranked games

>is there even SoloQ in this game?
No. Best way to enjoy it is to play with a friend or two.

What rank are you? I rarely see people not join voice chat in diamond and above. When I played mid plat though, I noticed barely anyone used voice and called it useless.

Most of the time (not always), higher elo players don't say much unless they absolutely have to (call out a flanking reaper and they need help, push a certain area, when they're going to ult so a combo can get going). If someone spergs out in chat, I just mute them

People get angry at competitive games. It's nothing new.

I just climbed up to plat last night so you're probably right about that. Gold chat was a real nightmare

>cant even get the payload moving
>zarya spouting off about his gold medals, how shitter the team is
>ask him how many kills he has
People dont know how to lose gracefully





I know this might sound stupid but on the console version people seem a lot nicer. Even in comp.

>me and one other guy in voice chat
>he dies
>God damn it...
Literally all he said all match

but when I tried to bring the Idea of getting to play this as a group, it went like
>is it on steam?
>then I cant be asked
my small circle of friends is as lazy as me.

not stupid at all. alot of pc players are coming from wow and are used to talking shit to distract people from realizing they are horrible.

I noticed way too many people spamming it in lower levels. Or just talking about random shit. It's annoying and distracting and it's why I stopped using it for a while.

For the most part you have automatic callouts that work fine when it comes to group up, push and ults. Calling out a rogue Reaper only occasionally matters because if your team isn't batshit retarded, SOMEONE will see and shoot him.

I don't get what this is trying to convey, that his scatter arrow doesn't have to hit you?

>get teamed up with someone with moonrunes for a name
>picks fucking hanzo
>call him chink
>get bitched at for racism
>bro I mean like chink in armor, like go against their defense
>probably got reported

This is why tf2 is better

The amount of times people have threatened to report me for saying something as simple as "Please stop playing Torb on attack, you giant faggot." astounds and confuses me.

am worried that when talking about Reaper in any sort of manner will result in people bitching at me
but I quickly put a stop by saying "que te pasa maricon conchetumare"

I wonder if people would stop bitching if I wasnt part of the minority I was making fun of

This game is literally bullshit casual baby time, theres no reason to get upset about character choices

Mcree didn't even kill anyone.

>callouts in wheel instead of list
what were they thinking when they kept it for pc

>the key to getting a high rank in this team-based FPS is to disregard your team and do everything yourself
Do you not see how this is the problem?
That this is exactly why so many people are complaining about their teams, that there's a fuckhuge gap between low and high ranks that can't be overcome unless you ignore your team and do everything yourself?
It's a broken ranking system that literally punishes people for being team players in a team-based FPS.

Happens too much nowadays.

>game is casualized to the most extreme degree possible
>retards still call it difficult

I mean I enjoy Overwatch and all but it is pretty much impossible for a FPS to be more simplified than this. They made it retard-proof and you people are STILL having problems? Jesus christ.

because online players are garbage and you can never rely ona team for anything but fucking up unless its friends and people you regularly play with and develop a synergy with. I only duo with one friend for that reason. Its a team game and unless you're lucky enough to get a decent team you need someone who can watch your back or you watch theirs. Make some friends and get a good queue partner