Now that the dust has settled, what does Cred Forums think?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Cred Forums think?

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"Crates will be cosmetic only"
>adds 1hk akimbo shotgun secondaries

One of the best shooters in years, less casual than Overwatch too. It's only gonna get better once the mod tools come out and people start making retarded zombie and rats maps too.

Wish it fucking ran worth a shit, though. One of the most shittily-optimized games I've played in years.

I've heard some pretty good stuff about the zombies in that game, honestly that's the only reason I would get it, how does it compare to previous installments in that regard?

Honestly couldn't say, from a gameplay/balance perspective at least. This is the first one I've played since WaW and I didn't spend much time in zombies there.

Seems like they've done a lot, same basic formula but the maps seem more open. Bigger focus on having an actual story and there's a ton of outlandish shit like interdimensional demons.

it was alright. it was able to bring in some new things and have fun despite the series being super fatigued.

The map that comes with the game is dog shit awful, but the DLC maps are pretty great. Der Eisen's probably the best zombies map to date, and they're all extremely in depth with the easter eggs. Shadows of Evil is pretty much only for completing the easter egg since there's zero training spots and it's hard to move around the map

Best CoD since MW1. MW2 was good for about 1 month, then all the glitches and bugs were found. Everything else was shit.

>0 training spots
Every area has a training spot on SoE, just gotta learn how to move and not deload any zombies.


Competently made as you would expect from Treyarch, but just so incredibly forgettable

Maybe I've been playing COD games for too long, but there's just nothing memorable about this game whatsoever

Campaign is phenomenal. Incredibly creative and ambitious.

Played the multiplayer for 2 hours one Sunday and got bored.

>less casual than Overwatch too

Looks pretty comparable to it honestly. The new movement system looks nice but it's still the same old CoD shooting mechanics of "hold down the trigger, aim center mass". I also wish the PC versions weren't total ass, I love sci fi nonsense and the direction the series is going looks good but the fact that the PC versions suck and I don't like console FPS means I'm probably never going to try the series out.

Best Call of Duty

Except for this very recent lag bullshit I've been dealing with. I think there's a memory leak or some sort of bullshit like that, because I tend to get some graphical artifacts and "CONNECTION INTERRUPTED" every other game.

All recent cod games are over rated.

>Implying anyone praises newer CoD games

Even a lot of the casuals have lost interest. Blops3 looks more interesting then BF1 and like the last 5 CoD games. Granted I haven't bought a CoD since 4 and the last one I put time into was Blops1.

Was okay compared to Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, but shit compared to Black Ops 2, and a complete insult to the Black Ops line of cods.

Also, I hope Jason blundell looses his job.

He is a awful story writer that thinks a incoherent nonsensical story that is built up via small chunks and details you would literally never find out through actually playing to even get a basic comphrehension of what the fuck is going on makes the story good.

Please kick him out Treyarch, this years SP is awful because of him, and there are only like 3 good zombie maps, and the rest are just overcomplicated bullshit maps that take 200 steps to even do basic shit anymore like turning on the fucking power.

And that's if it works, as Treyarch clearly does not have playtesters anymore. Zombies is a broken glitchy mess.

CoD games are total shit, and you're a pleb if you like them. The TTK is set to slow that even a complete retard can kill a competitive player.

This guy breaks it down quite nicely, this was back in their shitty beta of 2015?

>hey guys cod sucks am i cool and mature now?
>am i finally fitting in Cred Forums?


>shitting on games you've never played

user its time to stop you're embarrassing yourself

Tb completely h if you don't like bo3 you're prob an old man who can't adjust to the new movement

But putting weapons in supply drops is pretty bs

Every game ever made is actually call of duty: Black ops.

>Campaign is phenomenal. Incredibly creative and ambitious.

>Campaign is phenomenal. Incredibly creative and ambitious.

>campaign is incredible. Ambitiously phenomenal and creative.

The guy I linked to here
Actually does a good job explaining why Blops 3's movement system is a step up from AW's. I can't really comment on it but I have seen a lot of anons here state that the movement system in AW gave you too much mobility and added a noteworthy element of randomness to the gunfights.

you tried

Really fun, but the netcode kind of sucks.

>black ops 2
>not garbage

was the most fun i've had with cod in a while

contracts breathed some more life into it

non-cosmetic supply drops are the only real complaint i have