ITT: cancerous gaming behaviors

>friend says I'm autistic because I invested 1.7k $ in a gaming rig
>constantly brags about owning for 10k $ of Blu-ray and shitty gamecube collectibles like gotcha force (+$100)

you're both autistic

ITT: OP a fag and this never happened


I'm an idort I'm not just a fucking casual

Why xbone, shit is just a waste

oh user thanks for proving you're both autistic
was right

gotcha force isnt shitty

>thinking consoles are better than PC
>paying microtransactions
>buying all the DLC
>buying gaming branded peripherals

He shit on the Xbox one constantly even if he owns one

He plays legacy xbox and gamecube all the time and only rocket trash on Xbox.

My autism pays off

You are autistic for investing that much into a cuck machine that only gets watered down console ports and uses a fraction the power its worth.

>autism pays off
with what, your cool gamer swag so you can show off to your fellow gamer assassins?
Im gonna guess thats your collection and you wanted to make a shitty thread just to show off your blurays but knew nobody would give a shit on Cred Forums

>he does X
>please justify my purchasing decisions and validate my choices
>shitting on your friend anonymously for being confident in his opinions while running to the internet for help

>my collection
Fucking what. It looks like someone mom's basement plus no gaming is a hobby for Me I play a few hours a week that's it I'm way too busy to even finish my backlog
He's aware of the post

stop talking shit about your "friend". If you gave a shit you'd realise that friends don't need to agree 100% and him preferring movies is fine. You're a shitty friend.

That guy in my friend list is such a fool

>my gaming PC is better than your shitty collection
>lets just see what my Cred Forumsros have to say about that
since your friend is reading this apparently everone now thinks OP is a faggot, if not make sure to tell him

Don't you find it interesting that you each have separate hobbies that you can discuss and share with each other? He can show you some of his favourite movies, and you can introduce him to some games he wouldn't otherwise know about. Being completely alike in every way is no fun at all. You need to break the mindset of needing to convert each other.

I'd literally rather choke on a dick than blindly shit on pc/actual gen and praise older generations just bdcause the AAA industry has gone to shit

>not casual
Nice Shadow or Mordor poster, faggot.

why does it feel like till this dead that there's hardly any good anime to buy on Blu Ray?

>Get the season pass!

Holy shit.

>Don't you find it interesting that you each have separate hobbies that you can discuss and share with each other?

Yes I do honestly I'm not shitting on him because yes prefers movies but because he constantly shit on computers and the actual generation of consoles for absolutely no reasons but opinion and entitlement.
That's the guy's I'm talking about collection

>That's the guys I'm talking about collection

You aren't any better. Get over yourself.

>i would die for the glorious PC masterrace
i have a PC too but i dont try to shit on my friends with shit threads when i play fifa on their PS4s/Xbones. i suggest they should build a PC they tell me they dont want to go through the hassle
and guess what?
thats the end of it

I'd rather own 10k+ of Blu Rays than an expensive PC. Hell, I don't even play video games anymore.


There's a difference between having common sense and be entitled. I praised pc with this comment yes but I adore retro and arcade gaming, I have a raspberry arcade cabinet and a few retro consoles with flash carts
My collection have books, movies I likes and a few games. His is made from every movies he watched once as a kid
You can get those 10k Blu-ray movies for free on pc and in even better quality :^)

being entitled is thinking your opinion is better than anyone elses
being entitled is thinking your collection is better because you "friends" consists of movies he enjoyed as a kid instead of citizen kane and casa blanca
OP still a fag
yes a gaming rig that costs 1.7k is autistic
you probably dont use it for design or video editing or anything that would require an expensive PC since in the OP you said it was a gaming rig. but you probably all of a sudden use it for something productive dont you user

He thinks this way and again he shit on pc and actual gen due to the 3a industry

who gives a shit
let him think for himself and respect that

this gen is shit
OP still a fag
you regret your choices when someone criticizes them and hope that your Cred Forumsros will let you cry on their shoulder
any more autism and youre gonna become a woman ms. chan

I never regret anything I own Blu-ray too I'm not just gong to invest all I have into nostalgia and rare gamecube games like a fucking autist

That guy don't even know the difference between an indie and an AAA game

and you cant tell the difference between your autism and his autism
let me correct myself normal people cant tell the difference between indie and AAA so youre the only one with autism here user

Keep calling me autistic it doesn't change the fact I like the same things as he does the difference is I don't limit myself to nostalgia. That's all stop being so toxic.

go back to tumblr you fucking faggot
you called yourself autistic
and the difference is games are for children so why watch watch the newest episode of whatever CN is shitting out when i can watch some tom and jerry, looneytoons or the flintstones

I don't use tumblr but I agree my dude, my post was unnecessary and retarded.

Giving you shit aside OP how did you spend 1700 USD on a rig?


shouldnt canadian healthcare treat your autism for free faggot

Anybody who conciously chooses to adorn their home with a poster begging you to GET THE SEASON PASS $24.99 is definitely a pleb. Lord knows how many dozens of Skyrim Strategy Guides he owns. You're probably in the right, OP.

whats up OP


Sure bud but I mean isn't that still double what you'd need to spend? I spent $600 CAD on my rig in 2013 and it still runs every big release on medium fine. Haven't overclocked it yet either

I have a vive and wanted a 1070

The vive was $1.3k with taxes. It is an useless gimmick but I don't post it on my feed weekly like his movies

>bought a VR headset without owning a VR ready PC
your autism is gonna spill over user

I had one but was underpowered (750ti) I decided to get a second one for gaming so I can use my main one for work and browsing on Internet in my bedroom.

>bought a graphics card to browse the internet
holy kek

I bought a rig for 1600 nzd and a monitor for 1400
Am I a massive faggot Cred Forums?

>advertisement on wall
jesus christ. OP is a faggot, but this fucker is out of control.

No I was using my 750ti build for gaming too before. You misread

no because you havent tried to feel superior to your friends for your purchase

I never did this either I don't even post about what I buy on Internet while my "friend" post about each movie he order on amazon.

Get it right you fucking sperglord

It's official, you're retarded.

please see

It's a gimmick I could afford you poorfag
I never force what I have onto others

>It's a gimmick I could afford
And that's what makes you retarded.

Nothing 5th gen or below. Casual noob scum.

I swear I've seen this retarded thread before or something similar to it.

Literally OP projects himself into his "friend"

I enjoy h3vr a lot. Excellent dev
I was convinced of getting a pc based one after buying a gear vr

>Friend gets mad when beaten in a game

>If I let him win, EVEN ONCE he brags about it and thinks he's the best

I want new friends.

It's not, I could prove it but you guys are too entitled so it's useless at this point. I'm just annoyed that this guy always call everyone casual when all he does is playing crash racing or rocket league.

user show us your timestamped opened rig and a comp of your friends fb posts or forever eat a bag of dicks

Ill save your thread OP
Probably wanted to start a consolewar thread and didnt realize everyone was just gonna call him a faggot

ill be your friend just fuck me in ass