Is vaping + vidya the best combinationof anything ever?

Is vaping + vidya the best combinationof anything ever?

will someone explain to me how to vape weed or THC. I don't really understand the options available.

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?
Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.
This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.
This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.
Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.
Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.
NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

Only if its nana cream steeped in mtn dew,
.00001 sub ohm

Thank God vaping exists so we have a literal smoke signal of who is a total piece of shit.


i thought 'vaping is for fedoras' was a meme until I noticed the type of people vaping on campus

Buy yourself a desktop Vape for about 150.

Pens are shitty and waste your weed

you don't

it's like building a PC user, there are many kinds of vape parts.

you can either be a pleb console cuck that buys prebuilts or buy your own parts and put them together.

shit nigga

The fuck is "vaping"

It's for douchebags now

>not smoking bowls like a real man

Vaping sure triggers people

>mfw yesterday my 3 year old psp lithium battery got swollen and stopped working

>mfw today my 30 day old flowermate mini-x started smoking out of the usb port and a weird smell came out. i suspect the lithium battery

hold me Cred Forums

>not smoking bowls like a 14 year old who thinks he's being cool and edgy
fixed that for you

you mean smoking more carcinogens and getting 5x more tar in your lunges than ordinary cigarettes.

says the retard.

Vaping weed is the only way to get high the right way


I've smoked plenty of bowls. But filling a bag with vapor is 100x's better. So are dabs and edibles


it's pretty good

been vaping for about a year and still don't sub ohm, have a decent mod.

vaping on some strawberry and watermelons stuff atm. Feels good not smoking all this time.

>cigs are like $30 a pack
>~$100 on juice and coils lasts me for months

Have fun talking shit whilst I smell cost effective pineapple

>not mentioning how pineappley and good the ladies say your cum tastes

don't overwhelm the cancerplebs with too much at once, i get it

How many vape parts do you need

can you explain the parts user

That's not true about the carcinogens. I saw a study where they compared the lungs of a cig smoker and a weed smoker and the weed smokers lungs were comparable to a non-smoker. They also found that weed smokers had a slightly (practically negligible) decrease in contracting several forms of cancer including lung and brain. This might be due to THC being a pro-aptotic substance. At the very least it can slow the growth of malignant tumours by encouraging aptosis

Also there aren't any identified carcinogens in weed, and I'm not sure if changing the ingestion method would decrease or increase your exposure to them.

Completely false

found the friendless basement dwellers.

The only thing more pathetic than e-sports is vaping competitions. Just smoke cigarettes like a normal bastard, take a day off your life the natural way.

have you ever smoked a bong user, put a cloth over the mouth piece and that is all the carcinogens being put into your lungs. Majority of bong smokers don't bother to buy filters or bongs with filter chambers, they just smoke out of a plastic bottle.

ok, whatever you say m8

>smoking pure weed

not him but a basic mod is just the mod itself, no maintenence

then you have the 18650 battery, charge once per day or so on the wall for 2 or 3 hours

then there are the coils. The coils have a wick/cotton/silica inside to soak up the juice. These need replacing around once per 2 weeks or month.

So just the coil and juice. Compared to buy cigarettes, especially in australia where a pack of 20 is a about $20, it's about 10x cheaper. You can make it about 50x cheaper if you make your own juice etc in bulk.

t.neet with more money to spend on vidya now.

enjoy your tuberculosis faggot

I prefer smoking but still, I wouldn't vape while playing vidya. Cigarette smoke already fucks with electrionics, can't imagine that stuff you exhale from vaping is much better.

>vaping thread

you people are worse than ponyfags+animefags+minecraftfags combined

Vape doesn't fucking do shit

>Not making your own juice instead

You need a tank
You need a coil for tank
You need a battery
You need juice

Adequate set up will prolly run towards $100, I can't remember because I've just been running the same shit for like 2 years

Only up keep I've paid is new coils and more juice

Just google vaping (you're country) reddit, they usually have a list of good vendors and then just sort by tanks and look at batteries. Most people use battery pack things but I've never had any trouble with just using a stand alone branded one

you must have shit weed then, pure diesel through vape is bliss

no thanks, I don't like to have another addiction


this is some next level bait of which the likes we have never seen

cigs might leave something, maybe. Vapour? God damn this is some tasty bait. Have some mature boobs. I'll take the ban.

Inb4 vegan gamer threads on Cred Forums

Cred Forums's defending Gone Home in another thread too. It's fucking insane what's happening.

thx senpai will check out vape shop to see if they got good parts.

I live in Australia where liquid nicotine can't be produced locally for some reason so I just order from the nicotine from Hong Kong and mix it with a doubler from a store in Adelaide

>nu-Cred Forums actually having a discussion about fucking mouth fedoras and calling anyone who says theyre a faggot """edgy"""

this really has become the most normie board

Literal retards. All of you.

>not the worst thing to happen to humanity in thousands of years

whats some good adelaide shops?

>People on Cred Forums non-ironically vape

Enlighten us user, why wouldn't water vapor do damage to electronics parts when smoke would?

faggot, i beat him to it