In legal terms, any comments made by Sean Murray in interviews or in Reddit AMAs are not considered advertising

>In legal terms, any comments made by Sean Murray in interviews or in Reddit AMAs are not considered advertising.

Cred Forums BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>>In legal terms, any comments made by Sean Murray in interviews or in Reddit AMAs are not considered advertising.

But that was irrelevant anyway, the complaint is over what is on the Steam store page.

Fucking useless American law.

What about their commentary to the E3 preview where that fuckhead said we could choose sides/factions in space battles? Still doesn't count as advertising?

So game devs and publishers can claim and say whatever the fuck they want at game expos and interviews?

Fuck your shitty cunt of a country.

>the complaint is over what is on the Steam store page

The complaint, yes. But the investigation must surely still cover all of Hello Games' advertising for the game, right?

Any of their findings is applicable to all advertising for the product but they are only actually reviewing the Steam page because that's what was complained about.

I'd love to see the refund figures.
>less than 1000 players on steam

What, even including his appearance on the Colbert Report?

Does the matter not change if it is broadcast on television to millions of viewers?
Does promotion not fall under advertising?

no shit what were you expecting

Sean Murray said that some ships were specialised for fighting, mining etc but all the ships are the same but with different inventory slots.

So you can blatantly lie about your product and not get any shit for it.

ASA doesn't actually have any power.

In the incredibly unlikely event they even recommend refunds are issued Hello Games can just so "No" and that's the end of it.

The teens following this "controversy" think this is a lawsuit

>they are only actually reviewing the Steam page


Then comes the class action lawsuit.

they were talking about the steam page pictures

nothing to do with his interviews you retard

You don't consider it a controversy?

The judge/jury makes the final decision you cuck.

Good luck proving that in one of those dozens of quintillions of planets some of those creatures don't exist.

This industry is the fucking worst.
It's like sandwiches with glass shards or theaters that only show half the movie

>s reduced from its class-action status to only representing the two plaintiffs. Sega, meanwhile, was called out by the ASA and admitted that trailers for the game "did not accurately reflect the final content of the game."
>OP shooting himself in the foot due to his inability to read or comprehend simple situations

Anyone who was retarded enough to fall for his lies deserves to be fucked over.

Not him, but this is obviously not a controversy.
A controversy implies there's something controversial going on, some heated disagreement.
Everybody agreed day 1 that this game sucked even before they played it, nobody's in disagreement over anything, and the closest thing to "Heated" was the hype train which died out months ago and some bullshit about "lies" that wouldn't have impacted the game anyway.

You cannot sue someone because they didn't do what ASA said, that's not illegal.

ASA's rules and regulations are generally more strict and encompassing than government regulation so just because ASA thinks they did wrong doesn't mean the courts will and you don't want a class action lawsuit anyway, nobody wins those but the lawyers.

Forgot this bit
>Consequently, Sega settled for a reported $1.25 million and added disclaimers to its videos advising that the footage pertained to demo versions of the game, rather than the final release.

You're a very cool and edgy idiot. Can I suck your dick?


All they'll do is tell them to remove the false advertising claims from the steam page as well.

>btfo no mans cuck detected

You can do whatever you want, but you still won't get your $60 back

No man's meme was obviously a scam from the beginning.

This game was released over a month and a half ago, and already bombed.
Why does anybody give a shit?
Suck it up buttercup, you fell for the hype and made an ass out of yourself and nothing will change that, just let it die already.

Ubisoft has been doing it for years. Why are you bitching now?

>A controversy implies there's something controversial going on, some heated disagreement.

Please provide a link where Hello Games admits to false advertising and swindling customers.

So you bring up colonial marines, which has nothing to do with THIS ASA issue, but is mearly in the article.

But ignore everything else?

now whos >the dick head shooting himself in the foot due to his inability to read or comprehend simple situations

>false advertising

What are these things?

So they admitted it?
So there's even less of a disagreement?
Guess we have that sorted out, this is now 100% not a controversy.

would you buy No Mans Sky if it was $5?


>you still won't get your $60 back

I did, actually.

You're a fucking retard, the consumer needs to be respected, games are not traps to get your money and they shouldn't be, this industry is the only one that insults who gets scammed but does nothing to who scams him.
You're fucking cancer, I hope someone sells a malfunctioning piece of equipment after showing you how it "works"

what is google you spoonfed faggot

Just because you thought this was going to be mmo mass effect spore done right in space with infinite content doesn't make it false advertisement.
False advertisement doesn't include the bullshit your brain concocts while on the hype train.
Even if no man's sky had every feature they actually promised the game would fundamentally be exactly the same, and still suck ass.
I don't understand why everyone on Cred Forums jumps down indie dev's throats at the drop of a hat for the most minor of shit but companies like ea, valve, sony, nintendo, and microsoft have been lieing to your face every year for decades and nobody ever calls them out on it.
Go submit a false advertising claim over half-life 3 episode 3 faggots.

>So they admitted it?
>So there's even less of a disagreement?
>Guess we have that sorted out, this is now 100% not a controversy.
No. Still a controversy. Keep trolling tho, you sad sack of shit.

The gameplay in Ubishit games is intact, only the graphics get a downgrade.

NMS lied about pretty much everything

Not a controversy by the dictionary definition of controversy because nothing controversial happened. Stop trying to redefine words hipster.

I guess I'll just disregard your claim then, and assume they'll be reviewing all of Hello Games' advertising - and not just their Steam page. Eat shit.

This article is stupid because they only gathered reference from one UK firm. The EU and UK laws are much different in the US, and while Morrison is correct that a suit in America would not go over well, the suit in the UK or EU could have real implications and a court decision. The article is biased because it solely uses Morrison who even himself says an American case would probably not work, but never says if a UK case would.

tldr OP is a dumbass and UK/EU suits could very well be won by civilians.

>The gameplay in Ubishit games is intact,
Yeah right, try saying that about watchdogs, the non-linear masterpiece where you can hack anything.

>In legal terms, any comments made by Sean Murray in interviews or in Reddit AMAs are not considered advertising.
But it's wrong, it is advertising.


The government is pretty lenient on advertising for entertainment products and "art", they are more concerned with claims like "This will cure your cancer!" That's why they are happy to just sit back and have the vast majority of this shit handled by self-regulation.

>Just because you thought

That's the thing, Sean said it would be that.
He brought up Dark Souls as an example of mechanics they're gonna be using.

I'm sure all parties are anxiously waiting the judgement from the court of Cred Forums.

I like how Cred Forums is really trying to latch onto this "controversy" and really trying to "get back at sean" for some reason.
Fact is you got hyped because you're stupid, and if you were hyped it was because of 20 second clips of no-dialog footage shown at E3 (none of which was a lie), not because of some obscure reddit post with 1000 views.

Show me something in the trailer that you can't do ingame.

there's no "legal" advertising, every PR act by a company about their product is advertising. Who the fuck wrote that shit, fire him immediately.

>He brought up Dark Souls as an example of mechanics they're gonna be using.
He said you would be able to leave messages like dark souls' multiplayer
You can effectively leave soapstone messages by naming planets.
Just because you're stupid and illiterate and thought that meant it would have a competative pvp scene or some shit like that doesn't make it a lie, it just outs you as a retard.

This thread reeks of astroturfing damage control. I guess Hello Games is spending all their revenue on PR and lawyers these days.

The first fucking trailer had 3 different approaches to the mission, entering the back, the front, or through the side, followed by a hitman style surveillance of a small open area while looking for a target.
Every mission is completely linear in watchdogs, there is an entrance, a series of corridors, and an exit, and you're always guided by a waypoint marker.

I wanna kiss whoever made that grid

You act like there's nothing wrong with attempting to deceive people in situations where it is unsuccessful.

Whether the deception was successful or not is irrelevant, what matters is that there was an attempt.

No, he brought up player ghosts and coop.

phew that was a close one
what about those trailers ???? whoops

I'm just tired of Cred Forums being unable to accept they were fucking idiots for hyping this game. Ultimate blame shifters.
Really mature of you, fucking idiots. Now we're going to have to sit through this same bullshit next time the hype train rolls around because Cred Forums is too stupid to learn from it's mistakes.

Hey Sean.

They at least follow the bare minimum legal requirements of sticking a disclaimer on there trailers that say "This represents a product in development". NMS has a trailer up on STeam showing features not present in the game, that was pre programmed and are representing it as the product being sold.

It's so blatantly illegal it makes me wonder if Hello Games even consulted legal.

>open page
>we reached out to Ryan Morrison
>close page

I love what they said about their failures lol

▶ ●──────────────────── 00:14

Yeah but who cares.
Would it impact the game?
The game was always minecraft in space on infinite planets, from the first trailer until launch.
Any perceived rpg and mmo elements are your doing, idiot, and the only person who should be held responsible is you, for perpetuating bullshit that nobody ever said.
Woo, co-op rock farming, I'm sure the game would be completely different.
Didn't he also say you'd never encounter anyone, almost as if pvp was completely irrelivant and he knew it wouldn't impact the game?
You could have 500 people on the same planet and it wouldn't change the fundementals of the game being shit.

Great job guys, you really got sean, maybe after legal threats he'll release a version of the game with multiplayer, slightly larger creatures, and bigger space battles.
Then finally the game will be EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME.

Most of Cred Forums didn't buy the game doofus. We had a shit ton of pirates in the NMS threads. This is not to say people on Cred Forums did not buy the game, but you can't label much of Cred Forums as retards when they either didn't purchase it or they pirated it as soon as the launch came. (a torrent popped up instantly).

OP is so dumb he doesn't even check the same website that tells people that they are investigating the steam page.

You lack perspective OP, it makes you sound stupid.

The laws are outdated and weren't made with videogames in mind, where there is very clear and purposeful false advertising.
No man's sky is just the most recent and extreme case, but in this ridiculous industry promising bullshit and delivering nothing is pretty much the norm, and it shouldn't be acceptable.

Exactly. In fact, they used him for much of the article and only used the UK firm (which this suit would even be based in UK or EU) for a small paragraph. This suit will not take place in the US if they find that advertisement bullshit happened, it will be taking place in the EU and UK.

I doubt anyone here actually bought the game, but the fact is the only reason you're mad is because you got hyped, and now you want someone to pay for it.
You only got hyped because you're a fucking idiot, not because of sean's "lies."

This is the UK, not some fucking 80's American show.

Didn't the trailer have space battles and sand worms?

$60 for the succ

>perpetuating bullshit that nobody ever said

Problem here is there's a lot of bullshit that came from Sean's mouth.

If they were just honest about the way the product was shaping up before release there would be no problem here but not only did they deliberately not inform the public of the current state of the game and how that differs from what they claimed they were doing but they also encouraged people not to look at information which would reveal the fact that there was a disparity.

This last part is particularly damming as it's indicative of conscious and deliberate deception.

I think you mean the arbitrator, no court in the world would waste 5 minutes on this shit.

So the game is shit, but also full of lies to sell it on the premise that "at least you can mess around with your friends".

>the dev lied
>it's the consumer's fault for believing!
Only in vidya.

Maybe you dipshits will learn to stop preordering games now. Never buy a game until at least a week after release, you're only setting yourself up for a fall.

Anyone who paid for this game prior to release has no excuse. A fool and his money are soon parted.

I was never hyped and knew it was gonna be spore 2.0
Turns out it was spore 0.2, what a fucking joke.

Not even pirates like it, it is by far the most downvoted game on gazzele, the second most is watchdogs with like -5.

I'm surprised they didn't drop the price yet

I'm not even that user. I never got hyped for the game cause I thought it was an indie piece of poop when I first watched its trailer. Then when I saw visual body language that indicates lying from Sean in interviews, I stopped following it. Perhaps don't get butthurt over Cred Forums loving to create Tortanic 2.0 because that's what Cred Forums is; a bunch of narcissistic, depressed, egotistical fucks who come together and love to laugh at stuff. It's just Cred Forums, your butthurt won't stop that and just makes you look foolish.

>Problem here is there's a lot of bullshit that came from Sean's mouth.
No, the problem here is sean says something like "it'll have some dark-souls-like multiplayer" and you fucking morons instantly think that means
>riveting challenging pvp
>ghosts running around everywhere
>co-op boss fights
When he actually meant
>soapstone messages
which the game has
So who's the idiot here, sean, who "lied" about dark souls multiplayer, or you, who misinterpreted that into a thousand man-hours of development worth of features.
You, idiot.
99% of the advertising they did was just unspoken footage of this shit at e3, and I sure as shit didn't see pvp or ghosts running around in that, the amas and interviews were because reddit and the gaming "journalists" couldn't keep their dick in their pants over the hype.

No I'm pretty sure people thought he meant just multiplayer period when he said multiplayer. Coop even really. Specifics don't matter when he didn't even deliver the bare bones structure of the promised feature.

>I wasn't hyped, I swear
>I just watched all of sean's interviews and analysed his body language with a microscope
Sure faggot, I'm certain you spent all that time watching interviews because you weren't hyped.

>, the second most is watchdogs with like -5.
I wonder why. It was mediocre and forgettable, but certainly not THAT bad

Everyone who fell for his lies deserved this. Maybe this will teach you a lesson and you won't fall for empty hype next time, dumb fucks

>Not even pirates like it
Of course, why would you pirate a game that is so focused on the multiplayer experience?

He specifically said "dark-souls-like multiplayer"
Which can mean a hundred things, one of which he delivered on.
And all things considered, even if this game had raid parties with thousands of people in them, the game would be fundementally exactly the same shit, and there would still be absolutely nothing to do, so why are you bitching about something completely meaningless as if it's some sort of grand feature that would have made this game anything other than unplayable dogshit?

>Then when I saw visual body language that indicates lying

You cannot tell is someone is lying from body language, study after study has shown this. You are actually far more likely to accurately assess if someone is lying when you can't even see them at all and can only hear their voice.

You're clearly new to the discussion.
He stated that you could find people and meet up with them, even if there's a .0000000001 etc chance.

That's false advertising, and even with regards to the soapstone messages, it's another thing he lied about. You don't see dick from other players, and naming planets and animals even fucking resets after a duration.

So to conclude, fuck you and your mother.

Aus consumer law is so much better than whatever you chucklefucks in the states get.

Fuck off retard, stop defending scammers you dev dick sucking baby BITCH

Consumer rights btfo

You're a faggot.

>months before launch
>me: I think there will be nothing to do in this game
>every faggot on Cred Forums: there will be thousands of things to do!
>me: like?
>Cred Forums: mining and upgrading your shit!
>me: so it's minecraft
>Cred Forums: no that's just the tip of the iceberg

>Cred Forums: I was never hyped, sean is a liar and I am upset enough to post about this 2 months later because of it
Holy shit this place is autistic and the worst part is none of you faggots learned anything. Now we're just back to waiting at the station for the next hype train to roll by, AGAIN, and another dev to blame for it, AGAIN.
Maybe if you faggots would pull your heads out of your asses and admit the only lies were the ones you told yourself we could stop having these TERRIBLE threads about overtly TERRIBLE games followed by you faggots pretending you did nothing wrong when in reality we need to sue the shit out of Cred Forums for false advertisement on this game, because you fucking morons did 99% of sean's job for him in the lying department.

>hurrrrrr what's a precedent durrrrrr

Just stop posting you actual, literal retard.

So you interpreted that 50/50 "yeah" as a million hours of co-op content?
Great, you're a fucking idiot, case settled, you're responsible for false advertisement and are now required to pay out 3.9 million dollars as retribution for everyone who spent money on this game.
Guess what, get in vent and tell your friends what planet your on and what cool shit you've found, bingo now you're playing with your friends.

I watched the interviews and lost interest because I found out he was a lying fuck. You want my steam profile so you can see I never purchased NMS? You're truly a retard friendo.

All of your reply is just an opinion. To you it may seem like drivel but to others they are interested in multiplayer. Don't be upset when people are promised a feature and it is never implemented: Real multiplayer which he promised in interviews.

Hesitation, head position. It may not be 100% successful but it was successful in diverting me away from purchasing NMS when he lied about multiplayer. And what do you know, he lied about it. Again, lie detection is not perfect but it can help get a grasp on whether you can assume someone is telling the truth or not.

>everyone is such a retard but me
Is this the extent of your input?
Worthless post.

I don't know why care about it. The damage is done, Hello Games and Sean Murray is no more.

I'm a retard for posting on Cred Forums despite the fact I know you brainless sheep make up 90% of this website.

Almost everything he says pretty much exclusively aludes to the fact you can name planets, plus a fuckton of misinterpretation from retards.
His goals were obvious when he said "yeah but there's almost no chance you'll ever encounter anyone"
Great, clearly multiplayer was the forefront of design when envisioning this game.

Yeah you're so special we don't deserve you user, fuck off faggot

>Can you meet other players in the game?

An affirmative answers meaning doesn't fucking change just because this bare foot cuck has trouble speaking on camera.

You're assuming that saying "Yes it has multiplayer" = "18 quintillion hours of multiplayer". Stating that you can see other players blatantly on a live Television broadcast or saying "Oh yeah, you can grief your friends" means that there was advertised multiplayer, and this cuck lied.

Kill yourself. He's responsible for being a shitlord and should actively try to quell the masses due to his false advertising.

>dat loss.jpg

Fucking Cred Forums has made me recognize that strip in even the vaguest of shapes now. Fantastic.

>Cred Forums BTFO
More like the legal process got BTFO. Yay loopholes for the corrupt!


That's a nice load of bullshit from a self proclaimed "behavioral investigator" selling a course, now here's some actual science:

>One option would be to focus on body language or eye movements, right? It would have been a bad idea. Study after study has found that attempts – even by trained police officers – to read lies from body language and facial expressions are more often little better than chance. According to one study, just 50 out of 20,000 people managed to make a correct judgement with more than 80% accuracy. Most people might as well just flip a coin.

>It may not be 100% successful but it was successful in diverting me away from purchasing NMS when he lied about multiplayer.
And this is called confirmation bias, user.

Just served that faggot user his brektfast

His goals were muddled by his childish ambition and lies. The point that you evidently can't wrap your head around is that Sean "You see those players, you can grief them" Murray lied, and did not actively try to disprove the fact that you can't meet people, see people, or communicate with people (ie Dark souls soapstone). Rather he embellished the idea that you can be an active part of a pseudo MMO universe, and meet with other players, albeit very "rare".

>There is no fool-proof form of lie detection, but using a little tact, intelligence, and persuasion, you can hope that eventually, the truth will out.

You just posted an article that confirmed my argument. It dives into how you indeed can help to find out if someone is lying or not, but it's not 100% useful. This article is not lambasting lie detection, but gives insight that it is not 100% detectable. It also explains how to help catch a liar, lying. Stop being retarded user, my post is lined up to this article exactly.

Did Sean actually do anything beyond what any other game does as far as some stuff in trailers an interviews not being in the final game?

Is there actually any evidence to suggest that they lied about anything rather then stuff merely having been cut?

It seems to me people are just butthurt and want to use this game as a scapegoat.

This article also explains how to help detect lying though you imbecile.

>the city of Cred Forums

I'm not that user and I'm not sure we read the same article but it specifically says you can't rely on anything to detect lies and any positive hit is more likely attributed to luck than skill.

You can name planets and just about everything else.
One thing he did not lie about was soapstoning.

U wot m8? Every shill thread I saw was full of

>It looks like shit
>Every planet will be nothing but color swaps
>Lol spore 2.0

Very few people were looking forwards to it.

Finish reading the article and stop pretending you never claimed you figured out he was lying by seeing "visual body language that indicates lying", a notion that is thoroughly refuted by the article.

legit said multiplayer and it wasn't in the game. I have not heard of any other game dev that ends up missing a main feature.

The thing is I kind of knew that it wasn't going to be multi. If it did, they would have advertised the shit out of it. They would have been saying that you can explore the universe with your friends or whatever. Since that never happened I knew there was no way it was going to make it in.

I've seen Cred Forums get assblasted that they got on the hype train a bunch of times, but this is the first time I've seen it go to the point they want the developer sued for perceived "lies."
Way to go guys, you're officially reddit.

Why did people pay $60 for this again? If it looks like shit, pirate it first, it's not rocket science

>play an hour
>yep it's shit

Then you're a fucking liar, that didn't even START until maybe 2 months before launch.
EVERYONE was hyping it for MONTHS since the first trailer.

Nah, I think you're just a salty nigger. I saw it here for months before the trailer, being spammed repeatedly.

Stop defending scammers you fucking dev dick sucking baby bitch lolcuck

Come on, this is Cred Forums.

Only waifufaggotry is genuinely hyped around here, everything else is shills and people shitposting the shills.

Retard, the suit is in the UK

>Game studio from the UK
>Being investigated by an agency from the UK
yeah fuck America, amirite?

Ormerod’s answer gives ways to detect lying. Though body language can't always be relied on, CIA have also found hesitation is a big key to lying. Regard the interview with Sean Murray being asked about multiplayer, many traits in body language but also his mannerisms indicate he is lying.

keep crying you sad sacks fact is triple a games pulled worse shit than this and you give them a free pass your just a buncha hive mind faggots tring to keep memes going
how many of faggits even play games in the first place.

>it's okay to be scammed guys
>if you get scammed it's your fault
>devs are not to be trusted, healthy industries work this way
Fucking retards.

Hi Sean. When is multiplayer coming out?

God, what a bunch of autistic faggots you guys are.

Not pretending I never claimed it. Hesitation is a big thing that liars are often associated with, which I said in my first post with body language. He lied, guess what: I was right. It's not to be always relied on but when he kept lying and doing the same mannerisms in every fuckin' interview something was up. Stop being butthurt and samefagging by the way.

Fuck off Sean you fucking scam artist

>To better understand the potential consequences of the UK's Advertising Standards Authority's investigation into No Man's Sky, we reached out to a number of legal experts proficient in the realm of video game law

>video game law

Sounds like horseshit to me

Hey, Sean, when is Joe Danger 3 for iOS and Android releasing?

>video game law

Top kek

>Literally got away with everything

What an absolute beast. I admire Sean Murray now. What a cool guy.

No one cares what some law enforcement or CIA guy thinks is the best way to detect a liar, actually testing them on this has shown them to be as ineffectual as everyone else at it despite what they may think. Shit, some of the advice in that link is so stupid he may as well be recommending phrenology too.

>Regard the interview with Sean Murray being asked about multiplayer, many traits in body language but also his mannerisms indicate he is lying.

You know what indicates he is lying far, far more than any body language? The fact that he was vague and non-committal with his answers. Stop looking at the way he is acting and listen to what he is actually saying, that's the closest you will get to a reliable way to spot a liar.

Fuck off Sean
When the investigation ends you won't be allowed to market peanuts.

lol multiplayer was printed on the fucking retail boxcase

he's fucking finished

Lol I dont care. I made millions. Fuck gamers you are all so stupid.

The legal system needs to get with the times and realize pretty much any time you're shilling a product counts as advertising

>some bullshit about "lies" that wouldn't have impacted the game anyway.

sean, please.

Reminds me of the "criminal lying" post.

Fuck you you fucking criminal.
That's what you are.
A vulgar criminal.

You're right that it's not just body language. Like I said in the fucking replies it's also his mannerisms. If you would actually have followed the conversation you would realize that I hit everything you already just said in this reply. His actions over every interview spoke loud, which includes the way he conveyed his words.

Also like I said body language is not 100% foolproof as in the BBC article it clearly references that people have different ways of lying. However we got to know Sean Murray over his public interviews and he does certain things often when he lies. That coupled with what you said, his information that he gives, I assumed he was lying. Stop being butthurt, I covered everything you are trying to prove already in my replies. We're not going to agree on body language all the way because there are no citations in that BBC article and as someone from the EU I really don't care if it doesn't link sources. Your article is as worthless as mine as far as I'm concerned, no citation, no sources. :)

>I have not heard of any other game dev that ends up missing a main feature.

I know he said there would be MP, but i'm pretty sure he also said a bunch of times that MP wasn't the focus and if you wanted a MP centric game that you shold look elsewhere.

So I don't think it was a mean feature to him or the other devs to begin with, which would explain why they cut it, because it wasn't a priority for them.

Then don't fucking mention it when you get asked
Why is this hard in any way?

So what about the part where you have different ships specialized for different roles?

Or hell, how about there being different roles in the first place? Mine shit, loot shit, sell shit, that's your one and only role.

Fuck off Sean. You promote games like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Forget the body language already. Just forget it completely. Not only is it not helpful it's actually counter-productive because it's, at best, a distraction and, at worst, actively misleading.

Did you pay a lot of money for some bogus "How to spot a liar" course or something? Why are you so invested in defending the practice of reading body language when every single study has shown it to be a completely and utterly useless?

>However we got to know Sean Murray over his public interviews and he does certain things often when he lies.

This is just ridiculous. You don't know Sean Murray at all. You are operating from pure guesswork which, for some reason, you are convinced is accurate.

>video game law

U wot.

Sean Murray is a true legend haha.

First off I am not saying it's super accurate. That's a strawman and you can stop pretending I'm saying that. I watched the interviews with him talking about asteroids and landing on them, which he lied about. Him talking about multiplayer, with in every interview he had weird stalling and insecure answers about it. Not only that, his body language every time synced up to the answers. You can keep crying about body language but I'm done here. This altogether helped me make an opinion on whether he was lying, and I chose not to purchase NMS. Again, your entire article references no actual citations to the "multitude" of studies done to test for body language, so if you'll excuse me I prefer not to care too much about the article of which most of I already came to the conclusion too.

Bottom line, body language is not a super secure way to tell if someone is lying. But after watching all the interviews and the hours of dialog he gives with NMS, it was easier to form an opinion on whether he was lying or not. You can be buttblasted about me not caring about your article because it cites no actual sources for it, but I'm done here. You have no factual proof body language is 0% helpful, whereas in your very own article it doesn't dismiss it completely.

Stop pretending I think body language can be used as a single source to tell if someone is lying. Your strawman stupidity has ended this conversation.

Where are the journalists with their usual LOL ENTITLED GAMERS like after ME3?

I totally agree. The kicker for me was that he said his team was dumb enough to pursue a game too big for them to create. Still couldn't mention a damn thing about the gameplay, so I said no thanks.

>Him talking about multiplayer, with in every interview he had weird stalling and insecure answers about it. Not only that, his body language every time synced up to the answers.

This, its shows really well here.
I don't know Sean personally, so I'm by no means an expert on his tells or anything, but it REALLY seems like every time he talks about multiplayer his gears start grinding about how to be as vague about it as possible.

He clearly isn't very good at it since he straight up says "yes, you can meet others" on multiple occasions.

Even the journalists are upset at Sean.

Also, there is no SJW bullshit in NMS. If there was you can bet your wrinkly ballsack that crowd would be all up in this case, defending the game against legitimate complaints for stupid reasons.


And what about when he said the only way to know what your character looks like would be for "somebody else to see you"? Are people fucking morons for thinking that meant other players could play with and see you in-game? What else could it have possibly meant?
What about all those times he's stated the chances of meeting another player in the game are ALMOST zero, due to the universe's size? What could that possibly mean other than that there IS a chance, however negligible?

For fuck's sake, look at this shit, he outright states on national television that encountering other players is possible, but there's almost no chance of it occurring because of the size of the game world: (Start at 0:19 if the video doesn't automatically)

There is NOTHING ambiguous about this in the slightest, he promised a feature that wasn't there on release and never will be. Of course a game's design changes partway through development, but why did he wait until the day before release to tell people about the change of plans in a fucking Twitter post that was immediately followed up by another one that seemed designed to muddle the meaning of the first one?
The only explanation is that he aimed to deliberately mislead people, I can't understand why anyone is defending him. You don't seem to be trolling so I can only assume you just haven't been following this shit but felt the need to throw your uninformed opinion in anyway.

This is just fascinating to me. You just can't let go of the body language thing, can you? Doesn't matter if you combine it with other things, taking the body language into account AT ALL is more likely to make you inaccurate in detecting a lie than accurate. Do some research using reputable sources from the academic and scientific community and not some retard selling a business course or some shit and you'll find plenty to back this up.

Oh well. As well as revealing that body language is useless in detecting lies research has also shown that people will rarely admit their fault at the time it is pointed out to them but will later adopt the position that was contrary to theirs pretending they have always held it.

I preorder games all the time and I rarely get burned because I don't preorder sketchy looking games like no man's sky and if the game is shit I can always get a refund

What happened with NWS was people getting their hopes up based on an E3 trailer and a couple interviews with the dev, which should mean fuck all to anyone who's been in gaming for at least 2-4 years because of all the downgrades, shit ports and kickstarter scams.

UK laws, UK in general are all cucks.

In US and even AUS law, consumer watchdogs would rape Sean Murray's asshole.

Yet the law suit continues still

Why are you here? This topic isn't going to make the hearing go away.

Sean Murray was pretty obvious lying.

You couldn't even link actual studies, I can see why the user wouldn't take your position into account.

He linked to someone selling corporate training courses and someone else selling a book as evidence, I linked to a BBC article about the findings of an actual study.

Which do you think is a more reliable source?

How embarrassing. Kill yourself.

I might mis-remember this but I thought I read about someone meeting up on day 1 of the game. I'm not sure but it could even have been one of the devs who said it.

Is this just a complete lie, or am I remembering this way wrong?

>paid no attention after first trailer
>get it a couple of days ago
>play a few hours a day and just comfy explore shit
>no regret

They didn't meet up.

They went to the same location at the same time and couldn't see each other because there is no actual multiplayer but Sean Murray nevertheless tweeted that he was amazed people actually managed to "meet up" so quickly.

I'd say both of your links should be disregarded. Neither is compelling evidence, especially since neither of you linked actual studies or sources. Pretty much comes down to your arguments, and since you never presented studies to assert your claims, the CIA operatives are just as good as the Airport in Europe - In other words, yours and his links are useless.

>Good luck proving a negative

The airport in Europe involved Professor Coral Dando, a Professor of Psychology with a PhD in Forensic Cognitive Psychology. This is a little stronger source than a "behavior investigator", a completely made up title.

That's the one, yeah. I was remembering the tweet.

What a cheeky fuck.

Not only did I pre-order NMS, I got exactly what I was expecting, put 80 hours into it, and enjoyed it. I got my money's worth.

Compare that to movie tickets or hitting the bar. It's a really good value.

>he was amazed people actually managed to "meet up" so quickly

Probably more like sweating bullets because he realized the jig was up and people were realizing his lies much sooner than he was expecting.

>I got exactly what I was expecting, put 80 hours into it, and enjoyed it. I got my money's worth.

The game is fun for what it is, albeit pretty bland imho.

The quality of the game and its included features aren't what's being debated here. It's everything that was promised and WASN'T there.

I read your entire article and his entire article, and they both result in the same amount of worthlessness since neither link to studies or sources. You said tons of studies right? Link some if you want to be validated, your article is perpetually worthless to many because I myself would want critical proof to be presented before I changed my mind on something. Again, both of you guys linked shit sources, it's just something I noticed. Along with the fact that yes, Sean was lying on lots of stuff, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that he was. Also in your own article apparently 50 people judged correctly 80%+ of the time. You make it 50%+ of the time the number will undoubtedly go up much higher. Who's to say user is not one of the 50 people who could guess 80% of the time? He made a decent case that he realizes that body language isn't everything, but even I, a loser in first year community college understood he was behaving suspiciously (not even body language) when asked about multiplayer.

Just food for thought.

Don't forget in the interview with Colbert he was asked about the look of the character and he said that only other player can see how you look like when you encounter them

I'm a big Elite Dangerous player also by the way. Super interested in Space sim.

That's a shotty defense at best and they know it.

> The face of the game said all of these things
> but that's total not advertising guys we swear

When you sit down to do interviews and talk shows that's you're promoting you "product". It's also magnified by they way the game industry and it's culture works.

This is the only thing in the entire game, mined from unused assets mind you, that could possibly have been a player character model.

Fucking lol.

Even if Multiplayer was in NMS but this player character was used, I'd still chalk that up to failure.

>mfw he rides a unicycle around everywhere

I've been wondering since the first time I saw this, what the fuck is up with that wheel between the model's legs? Why is it there?

the law is probably very specific about what an advertisement is, I can see why they wouldn't consider an interview to be an advertisement

Laziness. So they wouldn't have to make a walking animation for him and just have him scoot around on that unicycle thing, probably.

Holy shit, that's probably 100% it. He floats around on a fuckin scooter/hoverwheel and moves that way.

Why didn't they just go a step further and have him slide around? It's not like they made it so the players can actually see it anyway. They can't even be lazy right.

It should still be considered false promoting and have some sort of consequence though.

We can't have devs just blatantly lie about upcoming games and then laugh all the way to the bank scot-free.

If you didn't understand how over-hyped the game was you deserve to get ripped off.

>Why didn't they just go a step further and have him slide around?

Dude, they went backwards and didn't implement a player character model at all.

You're literally just a gun.

This. I have a feeling that this is the straw that breaks the camels back. Devs and publishers have been pusshing the line every year but now we've finally found the limit to which you can lie and mislead consumers.

Yeah this is like gaymer gate for false advertising in games.

I wasn't hyped for a second, since "procedural generation" is always a red flag for me, since only a few games have ever done it correctly. However, Sean blatantly said that certain features would be there. You cannot say that if it isn't true.


Then leave the thread if you have such a problem with people complaining.

Indeed. Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux come to mind, but even they were only guilty of heavily embellishing on, and being vague enough about features that they weren't really considered blatant lies.

... Well, at least not Sean-Murray-level-lies.

Ignore him user, stop beating the retard over the head with a pan.

This is why all games are bad until proven otherwise, and why I hate anything that's unreleased. If your game was so good, it wouldn't need pre-release hype, and would disprove any negativity spread about it beforehand.

Has there ever been a game hyped to No Man's Sky levels that actually delivered and legitimately deserved the hype?

Even if nothing comes of any of this regarding Hello Games, the industry is still going to be pissed at them for making consumers more weary of pre-ordering.

Nope. it's pretty much become common law that a game's quality is inversely proportional to the money put into its marketing budget.

I didn't even know who Sean Murray was until the game was released.

Felt good to not be part of the hype, although I did add the game to my wishlist a year before it was released.

Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 3. Eh. I can't really think of many but those I would consider solid promises and delivery, even if the games aren't (imo) amazing. CoD4 though, was afraid it would be bad cause I played CoD1 and 2 all the time, but it was a great MP atmosphere. SP was pretty good too.

>rehashed mature gamer shooters
>deserving of any hype

>You can't like something if I don't like it

These games weren't even rehashed at the height they are now. This is where they peaked and started to fall, not during the fall. I don't even consider these games spectacular but they deserved it for delivering to the consumer what this branch of consumer wanted.

Deserving or not, you're an idiot if you don't expect these games to be hyped.