Girl on server

>girl on server
>she uses mic
>everyone is paying attention to her
>everyone is talking to her and trying to get her attention
>she isn't saying anything of value
>she isn't saying anything funny
>all the thirsty faggots keep giving her attention
Anyone else bugged by this kind of shit? Do they think she will buy a ticket, fly to their home and suck their dick?

What is wrong with the sluts body

That wee guys face is priceless.

>Anyone else bugged by this kind of shit? Do they think she will buy a ticket, fly to their home and suck their dick?
wow, you really think they thought that far into it? They don't think about stuff because they hate themselves and if they start thinking about stuff they'll want to kill themselves again.

Yes especially when 9/10 times they are fugly single moms with no job living off child support so they can sit on their ass playing wow all day.

Not all wow women are bad, my guild leader is female and does a pretty good job but she doesn't flirt with obese nerds for self esteem and she's married.

It's a pretty good indication how posture, lighting, and expression is important for being attractive.

It's just thirsty virgins. Women who do that are invariably attention whores.

OP is jelly

fortunately you were born in a great time to become a tranny

>can't distinguish the Photoshop images from the real actress
I could just google images of her but i like the mystery behind it. Keeps me guessing

You won't believe me but I met a girl on an app and because I was the coolest guy in the server she bought and ticket to come visit me

She didn't suck my dick but I did fuck her a bunch of times

What part of america is this body type from?

Americans believe this type is attractive?

>Do they think she will buy a ticket, fly to their home and suck their dick?
very amusing
also nice shoop

Begorrah, she looks like a badly drawn devianart OC. If she were exactly as she were in 2D form I'd be complaining about how terrible and inhuman the proportions were.

>girl on server, actually just trying to play
>some fuckboy manages to get enough of his spaghetti together to try and flirt with her
>gets relentlessly mocked by everyone else
feels good man

>Do they think she will buy a ticket, fly to their home and suck their dick?
Apparently some believe this.
I knew a group of desperate guys that sent an endgame PC to a "girl" they meet in a moba or fps, i forgot but doesnt matter. She banished as soon as she got it delivered to her home. They tried to track her address and phone and shit, no girl lived there, only a group of 3 or 4 dudes.

>girls that fuck, but don't suck
I will never understand

If you had to choose between having sex or sucking a dick why are you assuming anyone would pick the latter

Why would I not want to make my partner happy?

but you can do both at the same time

A friend I know finds dicks disgusting, but she loves taking them in the ass

its like someone smushed her upperbody in photoshop


T. A virgin or someone very young

They fulfill different moods faggot. Sucking your partners cock conveys that their pleasure is the most important in this encounter.
This is coming from a guy who doesnt really even enjoy getting head that much desu.

Its like when I lick her asshole. Im getting some pleasure from putting her pleasure first.

Other times you pound her like a fleshlight and cum in a minute.

Also fallou 4 was irredeemably bad

>when I lick her asshole
Isn't that incredibly unsanitary?

My friend actually ended up flying from Georgia to Canada to see a girl he played WoW and LoL with. They fucked, started a long term relationship, got married, she moved to Georgia. Sometimes things work out. And she isn't a hambeast!

yeah, but its the only way some t-girls can get off.

noob, they suck your dick first to get the easy cum out of the way so you can pump them for 30 minutes at a time. it's an appetizer for the main course.
damn, sick of these noobs.

Sorry your animoo waifu doesnt shower.

Also, yes it is.

Glad you guys saw the important detail there.


weird does not even begin to describe the way she looks.

>girl on server
>playing well
>uses mic to call out plan
>"hey, r u a grill?"
>"probably a 13 year old"
>"pm me ur tits"
>everyone starts talking about the girl on the server
>game goes to shit
>everyone blames girl

even worse
>you tell them all to shut up
>server calls you a white knight
>girl treats you like a creep, even though your not even talking to her
>game goes even more to shit

Why do I have to have a hobby whose fanbase is 95% mysoginistic neckbeards, and 5% women so battered down by them that they become counter-aggressive bitches? I don't want to fuck any of you people, I just want to play video games


Her Hollywood celebrity physical trainer is tricking her into getting buff and lifting.

I'm not a member of MGTOW but it really is amazing how many men live their lives for women and not themselves. It's okay to not give women attention as they are not entitled to it. Makes me sad famalam

Holy shit, that's some weird ass titties


>everyone starts being super extra polite all of a sudden
>soon as she leaves they all go back to being their normal selves
Is it some kind of evolutionary trait built on their voice box or some shit? Like even some of them that I know do this and they have a gf.

>Anyone else bugged by this kind of shit?
Yes. Straight guys have absolutely no dignity. It's pathetic desu.

I've met multiple girls online via some game or another that have literally either flown out or bought me a ticket and got laid from it.

It's not that hard, fuckers. Stop awkwardly sliding into dms with unsolicited dick pics.

This is a shoop, right?
That girl has broader shoulders than me and smaller breasts too.

What the fuck.

is she natty brehs?

You can shower and douche all day, but there's no way I'm going near your anus. Isn't this why most of you hate faggots?

doe she look like someone who is on the gear to you?

>great time to look like a dude in drag with the voice to sport the abominable look

>inb4 cherry picked pictures of fuccbois who naturally had feminine features to begin with before the transition or manipulating lighting, make up, and angles

It's also disgusting but I guess some people would wallow in shit just to get pussy.

what the fuck friend

it's sex you bash genitals against each other

fuck off with that women's meme sexuality shit

>fallout 4 was bad


Is eating ass really that much of an issue?

You know you can tell other people to take a shower and clean themselves, right?

>leaving out the part where you waste months of your life just to get to that point
Nah, not worth it.

>Isn't this why most of you hate faggots?

but we love gay (straight) sex with males (female)

Another victim of ss+gomad

Hmmmm, as a meme expert and connoisseur, I have to give this meme, hmmm, maybe a generous 4/10. The taste isn't all refine and I believe it needs more work.


Tophat "Meme" Charleston

What's wrong with her face? Did she get lip injections?

Fucking this. It's terrible on wow. One chick who's an enormous fatass has all her little ally buddies following her around like fucking rats giving her shit all the time. Have another chick friend who's a kiwi but again, fugly and thirsty faggots follow her around as well. The only chick I know who doesn't have betas following her around at all times is a brit who's pretty fucking hot but doesn't give two shits about dudes following her around like lost puppies. I honestly think her attractiveness throws the betas off so they follow the ugly ones around.

It's alright if it's a guy's butt. Women are disgusting, though.

Like you wouldn't believe.
Fuck those thirsty spergasses.

>you waste months
How bad is your game that it takes that long to seal the deal?

>playing on the server
>for unknow reason everybody thinks you are a girl
>"look at the way she aims!" "funny to watch a girl playing like that"
>everybody ask you for using mic
>you are not even a girl or claimed to be one

Its like some people are so desperate for female attention that they can imagine their fellow male co-players as girls.

I have no game because I don't want waste my time on girls

Oh God that gave me a giggle.

The people who are disgusted by it don't realize that it reflects poorly on their own hygiene. It's not that hard to keep your ass clean, and they would know that if they weren't disgusting slobs.

I met my fiance on Call of Duty.
She never spoke on mic and I only friended her at the time because she was part of the clan.
Things just kinda happened.

Only girl I've ever met on an FPS that wasn't a total thot.

>Sis plays vidya
>She never uses mic
>Her profile is very normal
>Only a few people talk or add her
>No drama
>She has plenty of fun

Why do people even bother saying out loud they are female, it's a waste of time.

Well they should lay off the hormones and dick chopping, then. Back in my day, trannies just put on dresses and didn't need to ruin their genitals as well.

They hate fags because they're jealous of anyone with a superior sexuality.

Because they want attention.

Literally this
Webm related

My girlfriend doesn't use a mic anymore because she's either hounded by guys trying to get her attention or is flamed by guys because she's getting attention

You probably talk like a faggot user.

Because they crave attention.

shut up fatty

That GIF is adorable.

Fucking terrifying.

Those weren't trannies, those were crossdressers and transvestites, which are infinitely superior in every way to both shemales and females.

She's built like a fridge.

my girlfriend wanted to play video games so i bought her a 3ds with new leaf and mh4u. i will never experience that mic problem, have to carry in monhun with gs though.

I don't like them because they're obnoxious and want to shove how gay they are into everything.
And they're really inconsistent on what they want and how it all works. Namely, if you can "change it" of if you're "born like that."