
Let's talk about Fallout.

Which is your favorite game? Which game did you enjoy the least?


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New Vegas
>The one i enjoyed least

Even if FO4 is a mess it at least entertained me a lot on my first playthrough, the 2nd one was where everything fell apart

I just finished Lonesome Road for New Vegas

i miss ed-e

I have Fallout 1 and 2 installed but never really played them

Fallout 2 is best
Fallout 4 is shit


New vegas is my favourite, followed closely by the first Fallout and Fallout 2 is the one I enjoyed the least (haven't played 4, don't plan to)

I just felt that Fallout 2 was like the first but full of bullshit that forced me to savescum all the time, it also felt unfinished even with mods. Sure it had more content than the first one but to me it just felt like a watered down version.
It's nice to see anyway different games try different things with the setting even if those don't turn out to be that good in execution.

4 is my favorite

3 is my least

Every single one of the older versions.

>bethesda turns a chainsword into an electric carving knife
How can anyone fuck up so often?

Fallout 3 is by far my favorite, it's a flawed masterpiece.
The one i enjoyed least was Fallout 1, the game is not user friendly at all.
It's like they made it to keep players away from it.
Old designs are so wacky...
Newe designs seem much more plausible

I didn't like Fallout. I'm an Elder Scorrs type of guy.

Why do you feel the need to lie, its an anonymous image board user.

1 is my favorite
3 is bad and one of the worst I've played.

3 is my favorite, 1 a close second.
2 is the worst. 4 was almost the worst.. but I mean.. mods did actually make it better. Remove mods and it's probably the worst.

Interesting to see how most started with Fallout 3, yet the consensus on Cred Forums is that New Vegas and the originals is superior.

Say what you will about Beth, it introduced a whole lot of 16+ somethings to Fallout.

Only new designs that are better than the old are powerfist and super sledge but honestly it wasn't that hard.
My dick on the other hand gets hard just looking at that flamer

Bethesda's designs suck, and this isn't nostalgia talking, the old weapons ' aesthetics are way more interesting

3 is the best, New Vegas a close second. Havent played the other ones

3 was good my first time, it has obvious faults, NV is like an expansion pack to FO3.

Seriously consider killing yourselves
F3 has nothing good going for it
I'm not going to waste my time discussing it, so I'll just leave this here

>exposed wiring everywhere
>a capable shooter could just aim and destroy the gun

so the Fat-Man isn't wacky and unrealistic to you? maybe you need to be reminded that the world was destroyed by nukes. I don't see anything funny with billions of people dying to nukes. And the game places mini-nukes all over the place like some kind of sick mockery of it. But you go enjoy your silly unrealistic noncanon game.

canon is for nerds and guys who get no pussy

New Vegas continues the events of Fallout 2 but in the Mojave Desert. Fallout 2 is a direct sequel to Fallout 1.

Fallout 3 is a sequel to nothing. Fallout 4 is a sequel to nothing.

jesus christ this video is embarrassing. The first 8 minutes could have been entirely cut out.

Bethesda wanted NV to be a stand alone expansion but obsidian spent too much time on story and what not and NV was a buggy mess on release. Definitely wasn't unplayable but it was a mess.

Ehh,give him some slack, he makes some pretty good points, he compares the originals vs 3, and then analyses 3 on its own and explains why it's shit, even on its own

Laser RCW looks like a shotgun in the older version

Well, i don't remember how bad NV was at launch. But it is Bethesda we are talking about, and they were using the same engine FO3 did.

Its something interesting that i allways like to point out when comparing 3/4/NV

New Vegas has a solid foundation on writing and RPG, 3 is barely passable and 4 is a mess

You can mod New Vegas to fix bugs and make it fun while still having that good foundation

You can mod 3 and 4 all you want but the main problems with the game will never dissapear, i can only enjoy 4 if i completely turn off my brain and i play it like "user's permanent Wild Wasteland perk adventures in Boston"

>But it is Bethesda we are talking about, and they were using the same engine FO3 did.
Quoting myself, meant to say here that they have had really messy and buggy starts too, especially FO4, it was their worst launch ever when it came to bugs and performance issues

3 honestly isn't as bad as most people make it out to be.
It had its fun moments like most games did.
I couldn't play 4 for more than 40 hours. Settlements got boring really fast.
you become broken way to quickly even without an exploding minigun.
The story sucked.
No skills and 3-4 non speech related skill checks.
The only thing that fallout 3 and 4 did much better than NV was how random locations usually had a story to them but that's it.

>3 honestly isn't as bad as most people make it out to be.

>3 honestly isn't as bad as most people make it out to be

Fallout 2 is the best western rpg ever though

>how random locations usually had a story to them but that's it.
New Vegas did this better also though, through environments and other storytelling elements.

All 3/4s shit is usually almost always logbooks and dialogue.

just because the game might have shoddy writing doesn't necessarily make it bad

i can tell you that i had a lot more fun exploring the wastelands than i did the mojave desert
obviously i still think new vegas i the better game

fallout 3 certainty makes a better adventure game

since most of you started on Fallout 3 can you guys just seriously stop pretending you have any idea about what you're talking about?

Cred Forums is a forgiving place. We are all working together here. You're an anonymous poster.

It was still fun to play, atrocious writing aside

I actually started on Tactics, you fucking redditor

Does it matter? I started with 3 and consider it the worst entry.

Never had Fo1/2 or heard of it growing up.

New Vegas is probably my favourite followed really closely by Fallout 1. Fallout 3 is the one I enjoyed the least by far, but I haven't bothered trying 4 so maybe that's worse

It still saddens me that we didnt get any of the older weapons in fallout new vegas. Sure they put a couple od them in there but it really feels out of place if there is another variant

>didn't give any option for Fallout 3 was my first but got into Vegas and the isometrics


>New Vegas did this better also though, through environments and other storytelling elements.
Except it didn't.
Too many of the locations that weren't essential to the story were "congrats at finding a fast travel point. Here is a star bottlecap." locations.

Ment for Apologies.

>Chances Grave
>Chances Map
>Bitter Springs
>Primm, Novac and Cottonwood Cove

It had plenty they all came with good rewards, that nuked town near cottonwood cove is another. Archamedies doesn't even tell you what it does, you literally switch it on to find out.

To be honest, the new weapon designs feel out of place.

that is a shotgun

It's weird that Bethesda decided to change the designs to a more semi realistic update, since their complete misunderstanding of fallout boils down to"dude wacky 50s and silly deaths lmao"

Fallout NV had the best writing/story
Fallout 4 had the best everything else.
Fallout 3 is pretty fun on the first playthrough but the other games are superior.

>no option in poll for having played all of them at their time of release

Shit poll.

NV > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4

Fallout was my first Fallout. New Vegas is my favourite and Fallout 4 I enjoyed the least.

As bad as Fallout 3 is, after playing 4 and going back to it feels really nice. At least Fallout 3 somewhat resembles an RPG. It's just a horribly written one. The only way I'd recommend to play it, if at all, is through the Tale of Two Wastelands mod for New Vegas. It's much more stable and has all the massive gameplay improvements from New Vegas.

Fallout 2 is too much of a mixed bag for me. I love it because It's basically Fallout with a few minor gameplay improvements and seemingly infinite more content. However it's obvious that quantity over quality was a focus for Fallout 2. Different areas had different writers and you can just tell this is the case.

1 = 2 > NV > 3 >>>>>>>> 4

>implying that of you've played the original fallout games you can't have played all of the others
>implying if you played 4 then you hadn't played any of the others

I'll concede that 4 restricted the freedom to roleplay any kind of character you wanted, but that doesn't mean that you can't have played it unless you hadn't played the earlier fallout games.

Hey you
What mods?

>Chances Grave
>Chances Map
Isn't that one location?
Anyway this is exactly what I'm say NV needed more of. Random locations with a little history to them.
Who was chance and why is his map important? Most people don't know he was a khan. It's been a few years but i don't even think they mention him once outside of that comic book.
Another good example is the nuclear testing site. If i remember correctly there is a dead girl in there that was hiding or something
Or a little farther north you have the story of the boy dealing with the mutated animals and raiders.
There wasn't as much of that as 3/4 had.
The buttercup factory, that basement the family dug out and watched their children die from sickness in. The rivalry between the raider groups.
Stuff like that. Yeah it was notes and computer logs but it's miles better than the star cap locations
>Bitter Springs, Primm, Novac, Cottonwood Cove
Of course settlements have good stories. They aren't random

>All the butthurt obsidian babbies unironically putting Fallout 4 dead last and ranking fallout 3 as better.
I'm starting think the Sony ponies are in on it too since Sony didn't let them have mods.

>shoddy writing doesn't necessarily make it bad
>fallout 3 certainty makes a better adventure game
>adventure game
the problem with Bethesda Fallout games is not just the writing. It's that they took iconic things from the original games and put them in a chaotic random order without proper context. Sure, it may have Fallout things in it, but it's not a proper Fallout game. In previous Fallout games, the focus has always been about the main story and a bigger reveal leading to a secondary story. It has never been much about exploring as it is about progressing your character and finding more knowledge about the world before and after the war from the point of view of only which your character understands and interacting with different post-apocalyptic cultures.

The problem with open world and allowing players to truly go anywhere is that all the polish in the game and the world is divided and uneven. There are too many distractions leading the player away from the narrative that is most of the time is more important than any sidequest in the game. NPCs feel out of place, like they don't belong or are unaware of their impending doom that the player character is tasked to stop, or having their priorities of daily routine and longevity and life preservation sorted out.

Another issue is the validity and accountability of places and universal law. The player should never have to question whether something makes sense or is even possible and they should always be allowed to ask "Why?". The problem with this is that roleplay is not just tied to the player but also the character the player is controlling. A bad example of an explanation would be a paragraph that the character reads through which only benefits the player. A better and meaningful example of an explanation would be to have the character be the one to ask questions. Now the character knows this information and can keep it in mind for later.

Fallout 2. I called my guy Max, dressed him in leather, armed him with a sawed-off shotgun, and drove my car around the wasteland helping people.
>Game I enjoyed the least
Fallout 4. I played the game until the end of the main quest line and then I just dropped it forever. It wasn’t fun.

New Vegas

This has been my order for the longest time, with 2 and New Vegas almost constantly switching places.

The funny thing is I actually have more hours on 4, simply due to the dumb amount of mods I have installed for it. This is slowed down a lot recently though, as Beth has decided that releasing weekly patches was a good idea. This breaks a lot of core mods I need to run the game (F4SE, Shadowboost, Place Anywhere, multiple dialogue mods, etc.) and so I'm just going to wait and see if their update schedule slows down some since Nuka World has come out.

Green in the Commonwealth. Straight up a made the game incredibly more playable on it's own.
I got new-face mods for all the companions. I swear they fixed the animations, too.. but maybe it's just because the characters look less like dogshit.
Realistic Combat Mod.. I think it was called. I don't remember what it did, and the combat didn't feel realistic, but it definitely felt better.
Got a mod that wrote out all the dialogue options. Didn't change them, just wrote them all out. Also magically fixed how uncomfortablr the game felt before.
Some blood/gore mods that made blood splatter better
Scrap Everything Mod, pretty essential, I think. You can scrap literally everything down to the dirt in the settlements
And then some mods that added building items that I liked.
A lighting mod.. but I forget what it was called. Made the pip-boy flashlight actually useful, and made all the lights better.. but it caused some FPS drops before I upgraded my rig.

The Unofficial Patch, too.. but I assume everyone already has that because it fixes a ton of hidden bugs and stupid shit.

I wish I could be more helpful, but I haven't played it in a bit and forgot the official names of most of them.

Fallout really isn't post apocalyptic, it's post post apocalyptic, that's sort of the point. In generic post apocalyptic fiction the radiation creates terrible monsters and leads to a broken word without civilization and order, one that must be "saved" by an organization willing to take control and bring back order. In Fallout(the originals) the point is made that the monsters were created BY the organizations and those who sought control and order. The people are rebuilding civilization, hence the "just because we live in stone huts doesn't mean we're savages". There's a reason why the bad guy in each game is trying to "save" the wasteland, create the "Unity" in F1, or bring back the way and order of "the old world", it's because they aren't saving them, they don't need saving, it was that very thing that brought the world to an end in the first place.

>Got a mod that wrote out all the dialogue options. Didn't change them, just wrote them all out.
Do you mean the mod that changes the dialogue wheel into text options like previous games?

Why does the F3 logo feel so soulless compared to those?

Fallout 3 is a better Fallout game than 4. Get over it.

Fallout 4 has much better shooting mechanics but even then I'd still argue that Fallout 3 has better overall combat.

Yeah, that one. Makes it like the older games, but doesn't actually change the dialogue.

Oh, also Springtime in the Commonwwalth, I almost forgot. It just made the grass more dense, and it had 3 different levels. I went for the most dense because reasons.

I've always seen Fallout as something similar to this. The games have always been you trying to save people that have either started to rebuild and need help doing so, or have been living for a long time and need help continuing to do so. Fallout has always seemed like pre-new world, not post dead present world. I hope that last sentence made at least a little bit of sense.

>Slightly changed font
>Letters more slanted
>lighting bolt is bigger
>letters are closer
>More washed out

It looks like bethesda was trying to make it seem "cooler" to appeal to the kids

You're pathetic
That's because bethesda didn't do the shooting mechanics

Why does Bethesda love to to make the lighting bolt bigger so much

>the game that completely raped the lore by making the BoS into humanitarian moralfags is somehow better than a much more lore friendly game
Three dog was an annoying cunt too. You just have a hate boner because it wasn't New Vegas 2.0. Mods fix most of the issues anyway, unless you're a sonybronie.

That strawpoll is shit. What if I've played every fucking fallout including tactics and brotherhood of steel?


Fallout 2 is easily the best Fallout game

>Most lore
>Most content
>Most quests
>Most perks
>Best combat
>Most secrets
>Funnest multiplayer

The wording in the poll is weird and uses the present tense which is just confusing, not even sure if I chose the correct option.
1. It was my first and I enjoy the atmosphere of the game more than any other in the franchise, probably heavily aided by nostalgia.
>enjoyed the least
4. There simply aren't enough meaningful choices to make and you have to either play quests a certain way or don't play the quests at all. Trying to be evil is fucking miserable in 4, sometimes even a no means a yes to the game, and if you really hate someone or something the best you can do is simply not take on their quests or even worse walk away because the game refuses to let you refuse some quests.

>Let me post my autistic rant that I screenshotted, that makes me right!

I didn't claim I was right

Your mom really should of aborted you.

>How are you on the list to get in the vault if the guy hasn't even handed in the paper work yet?

I...never noticed this before

I hope you guys understand that you shouldn't be shocked or angry about Vault-Tec being evil or blame them entirely for the wrongness that led to the Great War.

The point I'm trying to get across is that THE ENTIRE WORLD, ALL GOVERNMENTS ESPECIALLY THE UNITED STATES were debased and corrupt. Killing and greed happened all the time in the pre-war world. It's this fictional drift where the worst possible people in the world came together and did the worst possible things that led to the great war and the destruction of the world.

So for Bethesda to celebrate and keep reminding you of the pre-war world and how wacky and zany and POSITIVE the 50's were is fundamentally wrong. U.S. soldiers publicly executed prisoners in the middle of the street in broad daylight. There is ironic propaganda all throughout Fallout 1 and 2 that attempts to calm the ordinary people living in these times using black comedy but Bethesda takes them literally for what they were. They think the citizens and the government did nothing wrong. It was all the Chinese and foreigners that did this.

The intro to Fallout 1 already teaches the player the important lesson of what went wrong with pre-war human society and that following in their footsteps is wrong and will only lead to more death and bloodshed.

Nukes are bad. They caused the end of the world. Why are we celebrating atomic-powered things? Am I supposed to feel happy about everyone dying? How is destroying everything making the world a better place?

Look pal, I didn't once mention lore raping in my post. Both Fallout 3 and 4 are guilty of lore raping in the first degree. I'd even say that 4 is worse because of how it treat Ghouls. The BoS in Fallout 3 is one chapter lead by a old fool who took them in a different direction and the "Outcasts" are the ones who wanted to remain true to the Codex. Fallout 3 literally explains this in the game itself. The Enclave is a much more egregious case of lore raping to me. As much as I don't like the BoS in Fallout 3, their depiction is pretty insignificant compared to the other things Fallout 3 did wrong.

What I meant when I said that 3 is a better Fallout game is that 3 actually resembles an RPG. You have skills and even a few skill checks, few and far between as they are. Even though by level 30 you'll easily have 10 in every attribute and 100 in every skill, your character build is still something to consider when starting a new game. In Fallout 4 your character build has almost 0 impact on how different your experience with the game will be compared to anybody elses'.

Don't get me wrong; I hate Fallout 3, probably more than you do. But saying it's worse than Fallout 4 is just plain wrong.

I got into fallout through fallout 3, played fallout new vegas liked it a lot, bought all fallout games during a sale and played fallout 1 and 2
Fallout NV
>Least enjoyable
Fallout 4


>Fallout 2 Online Multiplayer

Mah nigga, that shit was fun as hell, was playing it the other day with a buddy of mine, explored a vault and got ambushed and ganked by players, lost all our shit, was one hell of a fight.

In the beginning of the game its explained that the male pc was chosen because of his military service. This just reserved his spot, and he would need to finish paperwork to confirm that he wanted said spot in the vault. Also, they knew that this place existed, as the dialogue between Nate and Nora suggests that they have prior knowledge of their spot in the vault and that a vault tec rep may come to their door to complete their reservation.

Fallout 4 is my favourite fallout game. I didn't enjoy fallout 3 at all. I liked the soundtrack and setting in Fallout 3, but everything else was meh compared to NV.

>60% voted for Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game

I wonder what would have happened to the Fallout franchise if Bethesda hadn't rebooted it with 3.

I assume Fallout 1 and 2 didn't have a large fanbase before 3?

I've been wanting to play Fallout tactics since i got the classical collection for free when it was offered in GOG but i never got around to it, should i play it?

Maybe i should play all the games in chronological order, i have them all except for 4 and that ps2 one.

Does no one else find it ridiculous that every cigarette hasn't been smoked yet? I haven't seen any posts about this

forgot picture

That's in all recent fallouts.
Just cartons of smokes lying around. Makes no sense. You figure prospectors or anyone passing by would have sold them or smoked them

hint: it's a computer game

Turns out there's preserved packs in the game too. I still would think someone would have smoked the "spoiled" cigarettes out of desperation and that they'd be worth more than 12 caps

or finding bottlecaps in a pre-war drawer instead of pre-war money. it's not that bad compared to pre-war Jet or from out of nowhere learning how to make Psycho when the contents were never revealed in any of the games other than Fallout 4.

Also, what's a Healing Powder? Xander Root and Broc Flower? What are those? I've never heard of those before.

>Also, what's a Healing Powder? Xander Root and Broc Flower? What are those? I've never heard of those before.

Fallout is retarded, what else is new?
I barely even played them.

>I barely even played them.
go shitpost somewhere else

I liked 1, tried 2 but never finished it, the story just kind of fell apart when I hit new Reno. It felt like some sort of theme park and there didn't seem to be any sort of pressure for me to do anything. Never played any of the games after those 2.

Why doesn't the strawpoll have "beaten all of them" or "played all of them in release order"?

NV and 2, tied


how on earth do you have fat in your forehead?

Started with the demo of fallout 1 loved it. Downloaded from happypuppy anyways beat fallout 2 first and bought it when it came out then ended up buying fallout 1 and beating it.

Fallout 1 still my favorite. I also enjoy new Vegas.

I only rented Fallout 4 for a short while, and that felt like a whole lot of nothing.

Considering one of the preset options for character creation is three scars on the left eye, I made a character to look like King from OPM. Put all my points in charisma and luck, in the hopes that I could just use my reputation to get by without anybody knowing that I was weak as hell. And I still had to duck and shoot mutants anyway.

I got Fallout 1/2/Tactics from GOG a while ago for free when they were about to expire. Maybe I'll try them out, although I was never a big RPG person.

You technically have it all over but in incredibly minuscule amounts. When you reach the point where you eat Crisco right out of the tub, your body will start storing fat all over.

>Fallout 4 is my favourite fallout game