
Bump out of curiosity

Am I crazy or did they uploaded the same video month ago, i could of sworn i seen this video

I hope they make the animations and physics look a little better, the idea of a pixar horror game is pretty enticing.

No idea, just say it today

The though of breaking into someone's home and getting caught fucking terrifies me for some reason

Yeah, the animations look pretty janky, I hope they're just placeholder

Why didnt he throw the chair at the guy?

fuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cuntfuck off shill cunt

What videogames do you like?Or are you here just to shitpost? In that case reddit is that way >>>/reddit/

I don't quite grasp the concept

What is the player trying to do? Steal shit from the neighbor?

You've never been to reddit, have you?

randomly generated environments always look, feel, and play like shit

and the time and resources spent on making them would almost always be better spent making an actually good game

t. redditor

Okay I googled it and my understanding is

As the player you're trying to snoop around the neighbor's house, who is some kind of murderous maniac, it's apparently a canny AI that learns from what you do and responds accordingly.

I assume you win the game by finding evidence and reporting to the police or something

No,why would I? You, on the other hand...

I don't think the environment in the trailer is random gen m8

Doesn't look like random gen

Neighbors from hell was good though.

This looks like another jump scare game that Markiplier and Pewdiepie would love to scream at.

I sure hope it doesn't pander to screaming tards like those two.

It's a game with an adaptive AI.

Looks like another meme game.

What's meme about it?

>This looks like another jump scare game

It didn't seem like that from the trailer. Not even trying to shill, but it looks like the neighbor actually has to chase you to catch you rather than teleporting around just to spook you. It seems more like a persistent threat than anything else.