We have got to do something about the liberals from destroying the videogames we love

We have got to do something about the liberals from destroying the videogames we love...


These people are ruining the videogame industries prove me wrong.

>Gta severely cucked and sjw'd even though it was the most politically incorrect and controversial series of its time.
>Mafia 3 is now a nigger game and has mothing to do with the mafia.
>Way too many faggots turning straight characters canon gay for the sake of having a gay character in a videogame.
>Feminists complaining about the sexualization of women in videogames even though there is barely any anymore. Literal witchunts at game companies for any sort of reference to women that isn't dykish or strong womyn styled.

I just don't care, man.

Here's your $.10, libcuck shill

Fuck off t. cuck, you're whats fucking wrong. People who don't care are what's wrong.

kys cuck

It's just video games, dude.

>Op complaining about fags when he probably chugs dick on the daily
Whatever fag.

Prepare yourself the fags, cucks and womyn are coming...

Yeah, the only media outlet we have left where there's a fucking choice.

>example of fag shifting the subject and deflecting calling others gay

I can't wait for Trump to win. Degenerates and libcucks will be begging to be spared.

When Trump loses, the Cred Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, I'll know true ecstasy.

I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Cred Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.

They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged election. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.

"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.

Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything

But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president. The entire nation KNOWS that Hillary is a literal criminal, that she's practically bathed in the blood of 4 dead Americans, intimidated Bill's rape victims into silence, and her administration will surely be mired in constant scandals and ethical breaches. But all this only drives home just how little the American people think of Trump. After all her bullshit, her crimes, her lies, they STILL see Hillary as being superior to Trump. When the denizens of Cred Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and won't reach my climax a moment sooner.

I need to fap.

>t. nigger loving womyn worshipping cuck

But user, I chose what movie I watched and I chose what music I listened to today. The media outlets let me choose that :^)

>Literal kkk in the streets again
What a time to be alive lads

>$0.50 has been deposited in your account, thanks for Correcting The Record

Movies/TV all have at least 1 fag or nigger shoved in. Prove me wrong.

I hate everyone on this fucking website but feel the same everywhere else. Is it me?


No I hate everyone here aswell. Mostly because its full of fags trannies and niggers now who debate and defend every shitty decision with upmost fervor even though they are dead wrong.

The problem is that so many video game players are worthless libcuck scum themselves. I personally know at least 3 of these subhumans, and they all have certain things in common.

>went to university
>earn a decent amount of money
>either waste the money on trivial horseshite or save it for no apparent reason, or waste on on manchildren collections (comics, vidya, anime shit)
>have absolutely no interest in politics, history, anything else but their shitty manchild hobbies
>politically passive, don't give a shit about what's happening to their country
>absolutley NO productive hobby, 95 % of free time is spent in front of their computer watching degenerate anime

I mean, so many white males like this are just dropping out of life because they're pathetic vermin. Instead of making a family, and most importantly, children, they just rot in front of their computers every single day, watching anime or playing stupid video games.

a-user, are you telling me you wouldn't watch a movie if a nigger was in it??

Meant niggers taking roles from previously white characters.

>Iron Man (is now a black woman)

This shit has got to stop

My bad user, I don't keep up with comic books. I'm glad little black girls finally have someone to look up to though!