Went into this game not expecting much, but holy shit is it good

Went into this game not expecting much, but holy shit is it good

What are Cred Forums's thoughts?

good story
too ez puzzles

Loved it.
Could not play it in longer sittings: I just blasted through a couple of puzzles every day and come back the next one.
The puzzles were mostly fun, if not exactly imaginative, but what I really loved was the atmosphere: the slightly surreal ruins, the calming music, gorgeous vistas, and the fantastic writing, especially the depiction of "calm" end of the world. There was something simultenously tragic and light-hearted about all of it.

The only thing I did not care much about was the (at times just flat out obnoxious) psedu-deep and philosophical crap the game tended to throw at you. I liked the arguments with the command line, that was fun, but text dumps about Horus and shit were just tiresome, and the games musics about consciousness and A.I. were most just shallow and pretentious.

But that was just a tiny, marginal part of the whole otherwise beautiful title. I love Croateam: I love how their games just ooze great craft on all levels, even if they are experimenting with shit they have little experience with.

I wouldn't say too easy, it's got some clever normal puzzles (most of the star puzzles are great)

The problem is that there really isn't much variance in how the puzzles are designed. So once you really understand how their team designs puzzles (which should happen in second area or so) then you'd already know what they wanted and how to accomplish it. I feel like it was a team size problem, basically there weren't enough people working on it to give sufficient variance to the puzzle design.

>especially the depiction of "calm" end of the world.
This was really, really well done. I think it's how they completely ignored a lot of the overdone and frankly annoying ideas of 'humanity is evil, selfish, and can only violently destroy itself'. And instead embraced that people are well, human. People want comfort, they want to know that everything will be okay, and they at something to outlast them.
Though that really, really makes those last few audio logs completely heartbreaking.
I still haven't played the road to gehenna, I should. How is it compared to the base game?

>I still haven't played the road to gehenna, I should. How is it compared to the base game?
I haven't completed it either. I bought it recently, played a few puzzles, got easily stuck (the difficulty spike is ENORMOUS, I never had problem with nearly any of the original ones and now I'm suck on like third one). Also, it seems to have WAY more text and exposition dumps than the original had (I've heard that there is as much text in road to Gehena as there are the entirety of original Talos, despite the game being like 1/4th of the length) and I have to say for the little bit I've played, I found it a bit distracting.

Otherwise, I've mostly heard good things about it though. I'll get back to it once I finish my second playthrough of the original with Sam's voice instead of Elohym's. That shit is still making me giggle for some reason.

>playthrough of the original with Sam's voice instead of Elohym's

I didn't realize that was a thing. I might have to do that. And then keep walking off the boundaries to hear him go ""In the beginning were the Words,
and the Words made the world.
I am the Words.
The Words are everything.
Where the Words end the world ends.
You cannot go forward in an absence of space.

Man I felt bad for Elohym. He just didn't want to die. Just like everyone else.

One of my favourite games even though I don't particularly like puzzle games.

>>I didn't realize that was a thing.
It's a DLC, if I'm not mistaken. For like a dollar or something. Once installed, you can switch Elohym's narration to Sam's who basically shit-talks you the whole time and calls you "Monkey".
It's pretty amusing, in a Croteam's trademark innocent I'm-a-13-years-old-and-not-ashamed-of-it kind of way.

Absolutely fantastic puzzle game.

So what you're telling me is that he doesn't take the game seriously at all.

cat looks scared.

Awesome game but it would definitely benefit from more puzzle elements and a bit less philosophy.
Also poor kitty, the fur would definitely get caught in the joints and it would be painful for it.

Shit, boring and ultimately pointless.


Reminds me of your post.

The game had enough easter eggs to fill the easter egg quota of five additional games.

It's good. Looks great. Very recommended.

Puzzle game of 2015 hands down
I had insane fun

is that anime any good?

i have a thing for robots

The final logs of the female scientist just fucking wrecked me, story was one of the best parts of it especially if you did all the secrets.

It is good. I'd like another DLC or two to match the Road to Gehanna.

Yeah I had to just stop playing for a bit after her logs in the tower. Those last logs really did not hold back.

The way they introduced the story was great too. I did the first star world pretty early on, so it was pretty obvious that something was up, but the way they told the entire story was surprisingly hopeful for an end of humanity story.

It was really sad but it also made me kind of happy, it was very well done.

>is that anime any good?
It's, uh... interesting?
Like, seriously one of the most interesting anime I've ever seen. It's highly experimental, weird, the core premise is actually kinda brilliant, but it's also weird as fuck, incredibly slow paced, in fact that pacing is entirely bizzare to begin with...
There are like six episodes where basically nothing happens in the first half of the show, except for setting up a weird mood.

It also has one of the THE WORST endings I've ever seen. It sets up this absolutely amazing finale, with an absolutely amazing idea and incredibly powerful scene that blows you off your feet, only to put a dickmove of the century and render everything meaningful and impactful about the story completely moot.

Also, MAJOR spoiler here:
Also, there are no robots in the show.

I liked it, save for the god-fucking-awful ending, but I also have a thing for really bizzare anime that shits on conventions and plays around with more weird or "deep" themes. And even then, I had to force myself to watch through some parts of it. Only to be completely rendered breathless by others.

I really liked it, I need to play the DLC sometime. All of the easter eggs and serious sam nods are just icing on the cake.

When is serious sam 4 coming btw

cat's still adjusting to the hand. It happens.