Getting Yo-Kai Watch: Fleshy Souls instead of Bony Spirits

>getting Yo-Kai Watch: Fleshy Souls instead of Bony Spirits
>getting a version with a crappy hip hop remix of the theme song
>getting a version that doesn't have Venoct
>getting a version with a Soultimate move for Jibanyan that makes him go an hero with his teammates that still has a good chance of not hitting enemy Yo-Kai

Also Yo-Kai Watch 2 thread.



I liked the exclusives more than boney.

>Giving a shit about the cat.

which ones exactly? because Bony has the Slimamander and that angry centipede

Venoct is a bitch

Froggie on the other hand is more easy-going and dtf

G-g-gerra gerra p-po!

Remember when bitches thought this would kill Pokemon?

>getting Yo-Kai Watch instead of Pokemon


>getting Pokemon instead of SMT

>Having trust in pokemon after the bad X/Y and the even worse Gen3 remakes.

I'm also getting stories.

I enjoy both games
I'm going to get sun next month

>Getting either Yo-Kai watch or Pokemon

>Pokemon is now trying it's hardest to BE Yokai Watch
>Dat new Pokai Watch anime
>The silly dances

Holy fuck, I don't play 3DS games, but I gotta hand it to you guys, YW seems to have literally mindbroken Pokemon. It's hilarious.

They did it around the time when a YW game can't even break the 1 million sales being out for months.

>Toadal Dude
>Count Zapaway
>SV Snaggerjag (Boss)
>Komasan S
>Pride Shrimp

they've all broken a million.

oh yeah fleshy gets that vampire remote right? I would have liked to get that guy

Having a blast with this game. How many crank a kai turns do you get? I swear I got 4 the first day and only 3 this morning.

Twintails is literally perfect
