What games let me be a cute girl?

What games let me be a cute girl?

Last Of Us

get to the genderswap images and mangos already

That's not a cute girl, that's a slut


Etrian Odyssey

Why be a single cute girl, when you can be many?

Actually you can't see them during battle, so it's mostly up to imagination anyway


>Trails in the Sky
You didn't buy her game?



Sluttiness isn't cute.

if you think flirts arent cute then you are gay son
if you cant reel her in then you only have yourself to blame

But then after you reel her in, she'll leave you for someone more alpha when she gets bored.
Its the nature of sluts.
Pure girls > sluts

I've got some bad news for you user...

nice self confidence bro
that's why you make sure she never gets bored and make emotional connections
and if she got bored it was cause you were too clingy. you gotta make her want it

But user theres always someone who will be bigger/stronger/taller/more interesting than you. Always. Its only a matter of time before your flirty gf meets one and gets pumped and dumped by him, and now you're raising Chad's baby because she said it's yours.

That's why you always get a paternity test, regardless of her feels and what it implies.

>men have to do all this shit, manage and lead the relationship, spend tons of money on restaurants, gifts etc while the girl just takes takes takes everything and maybe makes a cute instagram post about you once in a while

The nep games

t. virgin

Beautiful Look
Yuri Route
Very Lewd


>have to
no you don't
you can just
date some men or something


everything is normal
v. lewd
advanced creation

It says our penis shrinks, but do we lose it all together?


I might actually play the new SAO game because you can replace kirito with a cute girl

>After 2 weeks you will transform into a real girl

Do real girls have dicks?

Yes ordinary girls sometimes have different bodies, but they are still ordinary girls

You bet they do.

about 8% of them

Men are gross.

Feminine ones

then don't date anyone
relationships are not mandatory
though for a neat movie in which they are, check out The Lobster (2015)



No idea, but I'd kill for one in which I can turn my main rival into a fertile sex female slave and be able to blow her mind to the point she enjoys what she does.

closest thing that comes to mind is SMTII where you help an elf daterape your rival into giving up on his quest and becoming her fuck toy

Akibastrip has to be beaten once for you to play as a cute girl but all the outfits for boys suck so they might as well had you play a girl from the start

Beautiful Look
Very Lewd
Fertility Plus
Brain Feminization
Bending Society


why would anyone ever pick bending society? that means if some obese 0/10 slobbering neckbeard wants to fuck you while you're taking a shit you can't say no

because thats exactly what Cred Forums wants
