Just marathoned this

just marathoned this
do i like it Cred Forums?

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no you dont sorry


one of the best of the series


no, because your taste is shit

Well, let me use various brain imaging techniques from fMRI to EEG and I'll maybe come back to you if at some point in the future the results can possibly be analysed.

Independently from whether you liked it or not, it's the best game in the series, though.

Thread theme

Why was this never localized?
Shit, was the first one that bad?

>Shit, was the first one that bad?

they dont want to pay for translation

>Shit, was the first one that bad?

Why do you insist on having no will of your own?

Find your own fucking opinion on this game, kid. Otherwise I might just start telling you that Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a masterpiece and turn you into the perfect weapon of falseflagging.


because the first one didn't sell at all

sales or localization has zero to do with quality, by the way

currently playing it
courtney a slut

Courtney best nu-MILF

Investigations was my first Ace Attorney, and while I admit it's near the bottom, I can't make myself call it a terrible game. I really loved it, the EXTRATERRITORIAL RIGHTS part was intense and challenging but I didn't think it went on too long.

All I can guess is that people didn't like the rest of the game and wanted that case to end? I dunno. Maybe nostalgia stops me from seeing why people hate it so passionately. I get that it was fucking hard. I had to brute force Lang's testimony where he says only two people plotted in Case 3 because it went over my head.

>he played the games out of order

What does it matter if he played the rest? If anything allowed him to enjoy the rest better than be trudged by 'hurr durr, this is worse than last I played' mentality.

it isn't terrible by any stretch, just... kind of consistently mediocre? only the fourth case stands out, and it doesn't stand out that much

it's not a bad game, though, and has some good shit in there

Tyrell Badd was so underrated.


Dude, everyone sucked his dick.

I played Investigations first, sure. But then I played 1-2-3-4 like a good boy.

Investigations only generally conflicts with AA1, and even then it's not that jarring by the end of things and 1-5. Edgeworth is his nu assholish self by 2-3.

He's not very underrated, but yes, the entire original Yatagarasu was cool as shit

I wish we would've gotten to see a little more of Kay's dad before he died, though

First one was great, you should go play it. It sold like shit, though.

Have been revoked.

I don't know why so many are against AAI1. I really enjoyed it

I bought it on the strength of the original series and cast and it ended up making Apollo Justice look good

Apollo Justice was one of the best of the series, people just didn't like Phoenix being relegated to a supporting role. Stop discussing games you've never touched.

guaranteed replies

not really

what they did to Phoenix was fine and Apollo and Trucy were fun, it's just that after the first case everything is weak to utter shit and the prosecutor is crap

at least the music was great

>at least the music was great
Really? I thought it had the worst AA soundtrack after JFA. I mean, it wasn't bad, just forgettable.

hey don't talk shit about JFA's soundtrack

It's the most underwhelming case in the series. Seriously, I want to know if there's even one person who remembers how case 3 went.

especially the court music is fucking god tier


>Prosecutor that's basically your bro the whole time
It was kinda awesome. Klavier and Apollo just wanted to find the truth

Something something fuck yes Ema is in this case something something hidden hallway?

kidnapping, kay comes in, shilonglang, badgers, oldbag, little thief, haunted house, fake hallway, the kidnapping was a fake and something happened, shit

Yes you do. It better be ranked as your number 1 in the AA series or you literally have no reason to live with such shit taste.

Edgeworth gets conked by that freaky Blue Badger scene and wakes up trapped with Kay. They learn there was a murder, Lang tries to pin it on some country girl but someone was left handed which meant Big Ear Boy did it. Big Ear Boy Senior buys the crime scene but Kay uses nanomachines to recreate it, and the final twist with the mirror shit is pretty cool

It's mediocre but it's not as forgettable as 2-3. Literally the only thing I can decently remember is the villain and the murder weapon reveal.

this is such a strange excuse, but it comes back a lot

post-AA1 edgeworth, godot, and blackquill also want to find the truth, but they do it by doing his fucking job and pointing out flaws in their opponent's argument

klavier is just a boring twat

godot just wanted to win, right

Just get the translation patch you ninny

Don't mind me, just posting a ladder I found on the interents

Yeah but Gavin is right away noticeably different than any other prosecutor, and it ties back to 4-4. I think it's fine.

I agree the game's simply not as good as the original three, the two filler cases are just really meh and Apollo has a weird lack of characterization that leaves you unsure what kind of person he really was. I think there was even a throwaway line about Apollo becoming a lawyer for the money of it But Klavier was dandy.

Franziska and Godot just wanted to win, they didn't care about the truth. In the original 4 cases of PW:AA, Edgeworth just wanted to win except for one flash of doubt in 1-3. Manfred vonKarma just wanted to fucking win.

Blackquill's game is after AJ so that's a dumb fucking point

Would the other killers get lighter sentences since they were all manipulated unwillingly?

They would all still be stuck with second or first degree murder.

Which is why 6-4 is so fucking weird, Athena acts like they're gonna reassure the Balloon girl and that she can do whatever with her life because she didn't inherit the name, but she's still going to go to fucking prison

What was her endgame?

Yeah, I was thinking that too. I think second case killer in I2 might have some chance since they were provoked out of intense fear. Still would serve a long sentence though

She might've done it out of fear but her motives for the crime overall brought her involvement in the president's assassination to light.


Anyone have an updated case tier list with the SoJ cases on it?

Make my dick diamonds, I don't know why I have such a thing for "women" with sharp eyes.

6-5 is top tier
6-3 and DLC are great tier
6-2 and 4 are good tier
6-1 is meh tier

6-2 is the best case in that game

I would swap 6-4 and 6-1, because 6-4 had the most retarded illogical victim and the prosecution's motive felt like a complete asspull.

Should I play the AAI games before or after AJ?

It doesn't matter. AAI is never brought up in any games, and nothing except the original trilogy is ever brought up in any Investigations games.

Godot just wanted to prove that Phoenix was incompetent, he didn't actually care about the cases

6-2 > 6-5 > 6-4 > 6-3 > 6-1


Just finished Turnabout Time Traveler.

I don't get what all the hate for this case was. Sure, it didn't have the extreme sense of urgency most of SoJ's cases had, but it was a nice relaxing case that really tickled my nostalgia boner with its Nick-Maya dynamic duo and Edgey finally on the other side of the bench in a real case.

The client was a bit over-the-top, I suppose, and you could figure out the case's twist from a mile away, but it wasn't bad.

So has there been a case that's as shocking as 3-5 (you know, that one thing with the body)

dude there's no way a right handed person could shoot with his left hand lmao

I thought it was alright as well. Pure nostalgia trip since it's been so long since we've had a "regular" case with Nick/Maya vs Edgeworth.

And all the Edgeworth bullying with flowers, romance, and marriage during the cross-examination was great.

>better than 6-2

How can you be this wrong?

Swap 6-4 and 6-1 and we have a deal.

Gavin is the worst prosecutor. Every time you present something in your cross examination, he just goes "ah herr forehead, I knew that already, check out this evidence/new testimony/witness that I was hiding for when you figured it out, achtung baby!"
It makes your victories seem hollow because Gavin is always four steps ahead of you.

because we told you not to

No, you hated it because you are a contrarian faggot.

Eh the first one isn't bad it's just boring.
Feels like lots of filler but it never gets close to any of the aggressively bad parts of the series like 2-3 or 4-3.
Still has some cool moments tho.


Yeah, it was a decent case. It certainly could've been a lot worse. I liked the design of the killer. He was pretty cool.


>finish case
>it was literally just them at the bouquet throwing

smdh couldn't even be bothered to add a nondescript maid or something

That was a pretty good case for steampunk fans.

Will these games ever be challenging again? You no longer get punished for anything. You have an auto retry so you don't even need to save, you don't get punished for failing psylockes or tell tale signs, you don't get punished for pressing useless info anymore, the games are very easy now

They're still fun, but man, no more tension in guessing wrong

I still think that if they had gone with their original plan of not including Phoenix, AJ would have been a better game. At the very least, it could have given a reason why Klavier was like that.

>you don't get punished for pressing useless info anymore
You never got punished for pressing useless statements outside of 1-4.

You could always save scum. I don't see what your point is.

These games never had anything but story tension 2bh. If I did something wrong it just meant some wasted time to reset or wasted time to go through some dialogue again. And penalization for pressing was always dumb.

What I want to see back are gimmick endings. What I mean by that is stuff like
>"you have to show x to y person" at the end of 2-4
>"you can only examine one statement" at the end of 3-2
>"force x person to confess another crime because he'd be put to death elsewhere" from 4-3's ending

Just more interesting ways to finally nail a slippery criminal and still fall in with the main premise of "expose the truth." The very end of 6-5 kinda had this.

the entirety of 6-5 had like six gimmick endings like that

Where are the investigation games timeline wise? I have only played the first two Ace Attorney games.

After the original trilogy but before Apollo Justice

mere months after the third game ends

AAI1 has flashback cases that put some chapters before the events of AA1-3, but I think it takes place after AA3, for the most part.

Damn. I don't feel like playing a classic AA right now.

AA3 is good, especially the last case, which brings together elements from all three games in a very well-done way.

That's false. You get punished in 2-3 and you get punished in 3-3

I don't think you need to have played T&T to play AAI and AAI2

Why? AA3 is the best in the series.

Oh fuck, I forgot about that. For fairly obvious reasons. Big Top was a mistake.
Shit, I forgot about Tigre's
>I have a plane to catch so don't waste time!
Gimmick. In fact, the most I remember about that case is how the murder went down.

My bad.

How do you figure? The only out of the ordinary thing you needed to do was find a way to dethrone the queen. Even revelations like Dhurke was dead were revealed through basic cross-exams.

I guess, technically, you could count solving the Founder's Orb riddle under this, but that was a civil trial anyway.

It sure as hell wasn't good but I'll always remember.

Games are too similar and there wasn't a long enough break between 2 and 3 yet. I need something more refreshing right now.

Oh, sorry, I didn't really get what you meant: I meant that it had like six bad endings depending on where you go game over

which wasn't what you were talking about, woops

You can probably get away with playing AAI1 after AA3; I don't recall any particularly spoilerrific things from AA3 that factor into AAI1.

Then again, they try to make each game as accessible as possible.

>Gimmick. In fact, the most I remember about that case is how the murder went down.
And the SoJ DLC repeated that gimmick

to be fair the repeats happened for different reasons, in 3-3 to create a fake witness and in 6-DLC to cover up the murder