What do you think of this game?

What do you think of this game?

I liked it. It had flaws, like all the AI being hostile and the quests being a bit too repetitive by the end, but I liked how immersive it was.

shitty slow fps, barren as fuck world, and niggers chasing you in jeeps literally every 5 seconds

its better used as a paperweight if you have a physical copy

Great at first few hours.
Then you realize it's an empty open world with linear pathways and repetitive nigger patrols.
It's like all ubisoft games - great potential, shitty execution
It could have been the ultimate merc simulator, but instead it's a repetitive and boring open world fps.
Shame because I really wanted to like it. It got plenty of cool ideas, but the game design is a mess that hampers the enjoyment.

Cool tech, bad game.

Deadly africanized water will always be funny, though

it's aight.

malaria sucked, the ending sucked (story sucked in general really), but the tech was neat. Fixing cars (even though it was slapping them with a wrench) was amazing, as were the crithealth heal scenes.

Baby's first STALKER.

This isn't inherently a bad thing, but the game severely lacked some polish that would've taken it from a solid 6/10 to 8/10 "will play until the heat death of the universe" territory some flawed (but loved) games are.

Dunno about the rest of you but I kinda liked some elements of the driving. With encounters spaced out the way it was it gave the feeling of distance and scope to the setting. While Farcry 3 has a much bigger environment Farcry 2 felt far more isolated and oppressive.

Infact, Blood Dragon felt a bit like Farcry 2 in those terms.

It was the last good Far Cry game. It has pretty excellent gunplay and is a game that lets you play how you want.

It's basically PMC Africa: The Game. There is a good mod that fixes ant adds some good challenge called Dylans Mod on modDB, and then there's also Infamous Infusion which builds on D's mod but takes away GPS to make it a harder challenge. I like it at times but it can be difficult and get you lost really easily.

It's a damn good game that's worth one play through, games a good 20-30 hour depending on if you do all the side missions.

Also it's one of few games to have a silenced shotgun, and it's based as fuck.

I got to the second half of the map before I dropped it.
Story had a real shitty pacing. Most of it is doing some errands for various factions for what seems forever, then Jackal shows up, some shit happens, rinse and repeat

Respawning Checkpoints: The Game

Mods unfortunately can't fix the retarded spawning mechanics.

You kind of have to ignore the story and just play it as a random PMC stuck in Africa with one simple mission: Kill the Jackal.

Pic related, that's what I think about it. It would be great if they revisited it, brought in some merc consultant bros and made another operator-tier game instead of another cookie cutter dudebro climb the tower Assassin's Creed knockoff.

>Far Cry 2

Far Cry 3 is just better than 2, deal with it

I like your sense of humor. Have a (you).

Needed a mod for the malaria bs.

Gave me malaria.

>tfw I was autistic enough to go around collecting all the diamonds

I bought this game when I had just recently gotten into PC gaming so I played it to death. I kinda like how fast travel is extremely limited, a lot of the shit I did wouldn't have happened if I could fast travel from anywhere to anywhere. The enemies felt too non-reactive, like they were bullet sponges, I remember in the trailers and early gameplay vids you could shoot people in the leg and they'd fall to the ground and call for help but that rarely worked.

Far Cry 2 > Far Cry 3 > Far Cry 4 > Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon > Far Cry > Far Cry Primal

Fun for a while, then it gets very repetitive

It doesn't help that if you want to use any primary weapon other than the AK47 you are forever trekking to gun shops due to them jamming every 5 seconds.

>story sucked in general
absolutely no fucking taste
there hasn't been an fps with a story to compete since the game came out

>apocalypse now is the best movie ever

First two hours: wow, this is pretty cool, I wonder why people hate it.
About 5-6 hours more: getting better, buying better guns, fun.
Afterwards: wait, I did all of that already.

Far Cry > Far Cry 2 (first 5 hours) > Far Cry 3 > probably rest of FC2 > Meme Dragon

Didn't play the rest of them.

Get the Infamous Fusion mod. It fixes everything.

>No more magic map
>No more bullet spongey enemies
>No more bullet sponge player
>Have to play tactically
>Loadouts have changed drastically
>You have to fight for every inch of progress in the game with clever guerilla tactics
>All of this combined with Dylan's Mod's changes.
>MFW charging out of a jungle and putting down all hostiles in a checkpoint before they can even react

That analogy doesn't work, and the fact that you think it does makes me believe you weren't even paying attention to the game at all.

>malaria is baaaad ;_;

fucking bunch of crying pussy faggots

it was designed to be a random element in the game - sometimes it fucked you over, most times it was just a mild nuisance

at the very best times it did a number on you and your buddy came in to save your ass, which spontaneously created created memorable narrative moments that surprised you and felt awesome as you two bad-asses slaughtered the remainder of an enemy base

you dolts wouldn't recognize a good game mechanic if it would piss in your face

It's one of my personal favorites, but I understand that not everyone likes it because it's too hard for them.

hey far cry 2 developer hows unemployment? hahaha i kid

guns are ass

10/10 concept with 3/10 execution

What's autistic about it? The diamonds are the currency of the game and thus collecting them gives you tangible rewards in the form of more guns and gear.

Best Far Cry in the series, by a long shot.

>best villain
>best roster of playable characters
>best map
>great healing mechanics and animations
>great gunplay
>fire mechanics are really cool and let you burn down half of Africa
>buddy system is fun and gives you alternate ways to complete missions. Buddies are also random so you get new ones each game
>hidden Jackal tapes are 10/10

the niggers you were working for were the villains. he was just there for business

Well, "villain" as in that was his role in the game. He was the antagonist.

>best grenades in game history: brutal
>perfect peppering of treasures, not too many, not too few
>can't run 5 meters without getting winded
>way too much driving involved
>difficulty is fine
>by the time you finish, you no longer want to play and are glad it ended

It's a good game.

Jeep Simulator, its a bore fest.

You forgot

>PC port that runs flawlessly and looks great with 8xMSAA
>meanwhile FC3 has 2D trees, awful dithering pop-in, no AA and framerate drops on high-end hardware

Respawning guard checkpoints made progression feel worthless

I run FC2 at 3200x1800 with 8xmsaa on my 290x and it still gets a 60fps lock (at least, it did last time I actually checked the fps).

Why wouldn't they respawn? Hey, that guard post got taken down, we should send a few more guys down there since we're in a WAR.

Good game, would be great if some of the NPCs weren't hostile. Travelling anywhere is a massive chore when you have to stop and fight the same couple of guys every few minutes.

>made progression feel worthless
wow just like real bush war

Still the best Far Cry game around.

Every single nigga on the map wants you dead and every single one of them respawns.
If it was optional side missions that you can just avoid, I'd be fine with it but no matter where you go there are always assholes that want to shoot you, follow you and if you kill them, they'll just be there again after a few minutes.
That's what made me quit and never come back.

It's a literal fucking war. You think they'd abandon a guardpost because you killed two guys? No, they'd restaff it. What's wrong with you guys? The country was locked in a war.

Malaria certainly was not a good mechanic.

Wasn't really a bad mechanic either. It was barely there.

only the jews you buy guns from dont want to kill you
its an unfun mechanic

It had a damn fine story and atmosphere at times, with some great gameplay concepts. The problem was with the execution, I would love for it to be revamped as it had so much potential. After the first couple of hours playing, you've pretty much seen everything the game has to offer.

wasted potential

Think about this. If you cleared those guardposts and they stayed cleared, the map would eventually be barren and lifeless. And you'd complain about how there's nothing to do and nobody to see.

>its an unfun mechanic
Agreed, but not everything in a game has to be there to maximize fun. Making the most fun FPS possible was obviously not their intent.

Why is it that horror games get away with being unfun on purpose, but no other genre? Or do we just reclassify FC2 as a horror game?

Don't forget the game was going to have wildlife like what they implemented for FC3 - they couldn't get it working before shipping time (namely the tigers and other predators kept depopulating the herbivores).

you would think that after clearing an outpost for the tenth time they would change up their tactics or reinforce them.

I dont mind the guardposts but they're pretty much all the same, clearing them is pointless and most of them time they're not even a threat.

All they do is padding the game, really.

They're not entirely pointless but yes they are annoying. Each guard post has a resupply of either ammo, health, stuff like that. To say nothing of guns if your current gun is low on durability. There could be a better system, sure, maybe like what this guy said where they reinforce the posts or something, but oh well.

They're not too bad and I usually just blow through them with a jeep and keep driving.

>start up an FPS game
>wtf I have to shoot guys this is unfun!

There are civilians around too. Do they just shoot everyone that comes along with a car?
They don't even know who I am but they want me dead before I did anything to them.

Its the white man's curse. Apart from that one black dude, he apparently deserves to die just because.

Not all of them are white. One is Asian. One is a Sikh. And yes, one is black.

Like half of the mercs are FUCKING white males.

>Each guard post has a resupply of either ammo
oh great you can get back the ammo and health you wasted taking the outpost.

You should have been able to claim outposts for a faction or some shit. At least then they would have a purpose and you wouldn't have to fight them every five seconds.

I agree with this. Like I said they're annoying but I don't hate them. Flawed execution is Far Cry 2's biggest sin.

Best stealth in any far cry game.