Really makes you think, doesn't it?

really makes you think, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I had a gnome male approach my gnome female and give me a flower equip and then followed me for a while. Without saying a word.



Not even gonna bother reading the rest

Did he trade you a stack of eggs?


Is this some kind of new meme? Why would anyone ever use that term unironically? Can't you just say character, you manchild?


I play almost exclusively female characters, have only been "mistaken" for an actual Woman once, in Eve. Some stranger bought me a new ship after pirates blew up my old one.

Remarked that I was "cute" (My pilot avatar was a ditsy redhead resembling Triss from Witcher 3). Never corrected him and that was the end of it.

IT was a more common trend in the early days of MMO.

Catfishing was almost a legit strategy.

you might be closet homo buddy

People have been using that word for many many years.

People have been wrong for many many years, friendo.

Free XP, Gold, help and attention, what a fucking ordeal.

>not getting his personal information and shame/laugh at him on his social medias revealing he was flirting with a dude all along
I mean come on, what was he going to do to you ? Say mean things to you in game ? Jesus.

>12 years old, been playing for a year or so at least
>decide to finally make a female character because male priest seems off
>spawn into northshire on a normal server and go to pick up the first quest and kill some wolves
>some guy comes up to me and tells me to follow him
>do as he says because why not
>leads me to the belltower room at the top of northshire
>mfw once we get there he starts taking off his equipment and telling me to do that same while acting sexy
>just cold alt-f4 then immediately delete the character
then I never played female every again.

People have called me "cutie" in Pangya because I normally use Arin in the hot rod get up. I have even been gifted stuff and asked about meeting up. I simply thank them for the gifts and compliments and turn them down. My gender icon even says I am a dude.

Long story short, if you are scared of being "stalked" in a videogame, you have problems.

offering my anecdotal this has never happened to me before. I don't see how this is possible in modern wow. PuG groups never say a word and organized groups use voice chat.

I was that guy


what the fuck is going on in that pic

I only played for a short time right at the beginning of wow as a female human warlock and no one ever assumed that I'd be female in rl. It was a german server though so what do I know.

Recommended reading:

inb4 >somethingawful
this is from 2006

i will never understand this image

>playing as female night elf since launch
>no problems like this ever

What a great story, huh?

He had it coming.

>Picasso draws hentai

What did he do then?

And those people have always been retarded.

WoWfags have, which is the reason why shouldn't be a bitch about it, this is the exact kind of person who is allowed to legitimately use that word, because they need to use it so the other retards understand what they mean.


It's not just me, right?

I cannot comprehend this picture. It feels like I am looking at some transcendent shit

I focus on one area of this image, feel like I'm starting to figure it out, then I switch to the next area and my mental map immediately breaks down again

Someone drew it with outlines at one point, but it's still really badly drawn.

I've figured out what's going on with the boobs now, but I still don't really get what's going on with the panties.

60% of my WoW characters are female and I've been playing on and off for ten years.

The only time someone has even come close to flirting with me was when I was on a female gnome, and a male dwarf in my dungeon group kept /winking and /flirting at me.

People have been using the word "N*gger" for a long time and it still doesn't make it o.k. annon!

But if you can't use that word, then what do you call people who nag?

Looks exactly like my sister.

What's her number?

Are you slav? escher teaches anatomy

The fuck is going in this image? Is there 2 girls or 1?

>tfw used to have a female character in Runescape for the main purpose of begging and getting free shit from people (even to the point of having a pretend BF from someone that was sort of wealthy), and then transferring those shit to my male main character


In the past I always assumed that girl characters were played by guys

Nowadays, I always assume that girl character are played by trannies. Especially when they say that they're a girl.