Cool & Unknown Gaming Facts

Did you know Jolly Roger Bay has 3 different possible instrument combinations that can play?

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I'm sorry you had to play without the ability to hear, user.

It's pretty obvious. This feels like an attempt to copy the image related to the fog on this stage. Still, I do love this part about the stage.

It's called dynamic music and Mario 64 isn't the only game to do it.

woah..what a concept...

this can only be seen once per game

did you know that mario has half eye blinks?

I always found that interesting. Too bad they don't have more effects like this.

jesus, thats so fucking basic, man.

Its like saying that Burnout 1 and 2 have two different versions of the songs playing depending on if you are using the boost or not, as if that was some kind of hidden secret.

More interesting though, the ending for Saints Row 1 wasnt supposed to be the way it was, even the script had something different but the animation team got lazy and just made the boat blow up and have the other characters look around in idle animations.

No one fucking cares

did you know the small koopa you encounter in tiny/big island is actually koopa the quick?

My favourite instance of this is in Conker's Bad Fur Day when you go near to the beehive in the hub area and the music changes into the bees' buzzing .

Did you know Jar Jar Binks is backwards for Kylo Ren?

this is now a scuttlebug jamboree thread

More games need to be dissected like this.


correction, it wasnt the animators, it was the mocap team that didnt record Julious running all scared and shit, so instead they recorded him checking his watch.
The cutscene basicly shows who set up the bomb by having Julious checking his watch meaning that there was no mistery left for the sequel.


I've beaten this game with 120 stars multiple times and I have never noticed this.


Is Mario64 even a game anymore?

No. It is now just a meme.

There is no such thing as a half square. A half square is either a triangle or a retangle

You now realize that this music will always be associated with this autist. It will never go away.

Did you know that if you beat the game with 120 stars, you can actually get to the top of the castle and meet yoshi?

I find it hard to believe that no one found this in 20 years.

Does this imply that both games share the same universe?

heres proof

>Mario and Peach eternally blink at separate intervals


For real though, love this kind of stuff.


mario takes place after 2791 or 1791. metroid takes place 6000 years before


Same, but I was a child when I started and didn't pay attention.

You got me

meant to say 600 years before. Metroid takes place in the 2100's

n-nan desu ka?!

It's nothing to do with design, it's a problem caused by memory limits.

The fog is there because there is free memory to store it since the boat is culled due to sight lines to the bottom of the bay, once the boat is raised after the first star, it is no long able to be culled since it's always visible, so the fog has to be removed.


It frustrates me more that he's calling the instrument heard a fucking xylophone.

It's more likely some synth shit or pitched metal that aren't vibes but I know it ain't know thin wooden bars meant to sound sharper and more pronounced in tone. Mallets matter sure but even with softer yarn it wouldn't produce that.

t. Easily triggered percussionfag

How does it feel to do nothing except keep the beat?


I didn't say drummerfag, nigga. Pitched percussion has some neat ass shit.

And sometimes it's the most important thing that has to happen when you're playing in a group. Sometimes it ain't. I know my place.

Yeah your place is bottom bitch compared to my solos

One of the rooms in the mission High Charity in halo 2 was modeled after part of the Prophet's high sanctum as described in one of the novels.

It had what looked like a giant channdlier in it in game, but if you read the book you'd know the crystal is actually pieces of planet's surfaces that the covenant collected after they glassed them.

Also, more or less the entirety of the mission Cortana in halo 3 has the corrupted cortana and Gravemind taunting master cheif with stuff and conversations from his childhood, IE stuff that happened in the fall of reach novel. Some of the dialog in the mission is just straight up bits of the novel being spoken out.