Do theses people really exist?

Do theses people really exist?

>voir la traduction

I seriously hope that French people don't exist.

I don't give a shit, mate. The first Dishonored was great and this game looks good. It could be exclusively about killing black women if they wanted.

Je suce le penis

They do. If you tell em it's sad that they can't relate to characters that aren't exactly like themselves, they'll tell you that you think that way purely because literally* every single videogame character ever created is actually a straight white male.

*This is regardless of the fact that it is not true, and that you may not actually even be a straight white male. That is the boogeyman, or simply "the man" of these people.

At least in dishonored i can murder them all.


Why the fuck would you call it that?

>more women (and gays)
Why the fuck this retarded think there are gay ppl in Dishonored ?

Dish2 is a great game, Dish1 was better tho.

Dishonored 2 main villain (the Duke) is gay.

When are developers going to stop pandering to vocal minorities that don't play video games anyway?

Because it's twitter.

omelette du fromage

Gays are evil.

I am triggered

99% chance this cuckold doesn't even game.

When publishers leave them alone.

yes, mentally ill people exist

The natural of all women. The gay. The only animal who can be happy, have love and exist without any need or, most importantly and dangerous to the woman, without giving the woman attention.

Truly a fearsome predator to the woman.

>look what this nobody said on twitter
>isn't it dumb how easily triggered by small things they are

>@Harvey1996 wanted to thank you for including more women (& gays) and giving them bigger roles in dish2, feels so good to be represented :)

That is indeed 139 characters, and 140 when quoted here. If she left out "(& gays)" along with the smiley emoticon at the end, however, she could have certainly said "Dishonored 2" instead.

Someone mentioned triggered in this thread? Where?


>people who are happy the developer decided to represent them in some way without pushing for it to happen
>people who demand a developer to represent them and complain if they're not
not ok

You're so fucking retarded Cred Forums

>A latino man

What, who

Give me one piece of evidence that she isn't mentally ill

>feels good to be represented :)))
>NOW i feel somehow validated
>in ways i dont even understand
>somehow these video game characters make me feel whole or something

>mewanwhile be me
>right arm is handicapped
>i never get represented in video games
>and why would i want that to begin with
>i dont wanna play some handicapped cripple hero protagonist
how fucking lame is that

>>i never get represented in video games
But they do exist

Point is there's a game for everyone and it doesn't need to be forced since it's already there

This is the reason why I want buy Cishonered 2

The world was really cool but liberals had to fuck it all up again by putting strong wyman everywhere

>gender, race, and sexual orientation is how I identify with people

Why are SJWs huge bigots?

Yes. Fortunately most of them give zero shits about what's in game. Just the special snowflakes whine.

identity politics are cancer in every way, its not healthy to be obsessed about what you are to that level

I miss when people didn't care about who they were playing, and would play games with literally anything from robots, to demons, to fucking ants or an earthworm in a supersuit as the main character. Realistic human characters in games was a mistake.

Came to post something of this ilk.
But I'll add that people like this, the ones who can't relate to characters exactly like them, have brain damage.

>feels good to be represented

Does it also feel good to actually support the things that they're altering with cold hard cash or is that part entirely optional?

I feel the same when I see devs including loli.


Honhonhon! Faggette!

>likening gays to lepers
Progressive as dick, my man.

>feels good to be represented
doesn't explain why I exclusively play as little girls

>If she left out "(& gays)"
I want to thank her for including the "(& gays)". It feels great for OP to be represented in a tweet.

>use video games as a means of escapism
>all these normies complaining about inclusion

What do people gain from posting shit on twitter all day? Why do they have to include videogames in their politic views? Why do they associate gender shit with video games?

Attention? NEETs?

It's why mass shootings are becoming more common.

Taking away the mentally ill's only coping method is a fast track to disaster.

I do

It was inevitable as soon as we started having more and more games that try to visually duplicate reality.


They get a pittance of bleeding heart social currency and maintain the hyper-conditional acceptance of all of their sanctimonious trustfund twat followers.