Why WOULD you put an evac station on thirty flights of god-damn stairs?

Why WOULD you put an evac station on thirty flights of god-damn stairs?

cus those were the 'ficial instructions

Hey coach. Maybe the helicopter is made of chocolate

[Racist remark by Nick]

Look on the bright side, maybe it's made out of chocolate.

left 4 deadgame

kill all sonsabitches
that's mah 'ficial instrugshins

Zombies can't climb

Hi, My name is Rochelle

Mah friends call me Coach!

It is an helpicopter pad. If it was on the ground, it would get swarmed.

ITT; Characters nobody likes.


L4D2 crew > L4D crew

Fight me

>not liking Ellis.


i will fight you
Zooey is the prettiest vidja girl ever

Why? You're objectively correct.

>the black character is the voice of reason
Why do West coast USA based game developers like this meme so much?

Would zombies really be motivated to walk up thirty flights of stairs?


If you can give a positive about this character then I will agree with you.

Do I look like some sorta queer to you?

She is shit.
Nothing wrong with other three.
You said Characters. Not specifically Rochelle.

The only character I can say I don't like is Rochelle.

it's funny when she dies
everyone tries to leave her behind
everyone puts the guy they don't like as her
that guy will always insist rochelle is his favorite character

rochelle exists to single people out and profile them

>he likes to eat chocolate
>this is somehow racist

Ellis? Ellis is that you!?



Literally two niggers.

They don't know any other positive way to portray the dindu culture.


its really to bad Ellis got cucked by Francis though.

come to think of it.

>2 women left out of 5 men

Why did Nick find this funny and why did Coach make that offended expression when he heard that?

Was it because he was making fun of his weight? As in, "You're a fat guy and fat guys like chocolate"?

Of course he is, are you fucking dense? What else you think it was about?

Tbh coach was a literal coach and a man of Christ. That's someone worth giving a chance to lead imho

I liked how they introduced themselves in the elevator in the first level, and there was unique dialogue if someone had already died by then.

if it means less likely to get attacked by zombies, then yes.

What did you expect? Putting the location for evacuation right in the middle of the streets where the dead are roaming?

Ellis was a follower
Nick was a loner
Rochelle was an intern
Coach was literally the only one with leadership experience, and tons of it at that.