Third best game in the series

>Third best game in the series
>Fans hate it and refuse to acknowledge it exists


Other urls found in this thread:

because its the worst entry in the series

I thought it was very inclusive of them to make a game for the differently-abled.

>Third best game in the series
*last worst game in the series
Fans hate it because it is bad, now shut up and post DmC memes

>stale bait

Honestly it's a better heavenly sword sequel than it would ever be a dmc sequel.

muh silver haired jappo protag

Spanish Donte made the game fun in an unintentional way


Go to bed Tameem

>silver-haired jappo protag is the epitome of manliless and badassery in a sea of effeminate, loser faggots
>he wins against the bad guys and keeps the world safe because he's a fucking pro
>brunette western protag is a skinny, loser faggot
>he can't even win against the demons and the world is fucked before he even starts fighting

Donte sucks enormous amounts of diseased cock.

Just look at all the mayhem it caused with DMC fans. Fans of classic DMC hate the new direction. Fans of new DmC are pissed because of all the bad connotations the game has with the community. Like it or hate it, the game fucked everything up with the series for the last several years.

They're shooting your shit post

They can't shoot what they can't see




This fucking video had me and my buddies dying

It's the only game it's series. Devil May Cry is seperate from this trash.

>DMC fans hate 2 (Out of 5!) of their games so much that they refuse to even acknowledge their existence
>Still proclaim it as a good series

Explain this to me.
