Miyazaki clarified what separates the Undead from the Unkindled; simply put...

>Miyazaki clarified what separates the Undead from the Unkindled; simply put, an Unkindled is someone who had the capacity as an Undead to Link the Fire but lacked the force of will and strength to do so and were consumed by it instead. Thus, they weren't even fit to be kindling for the Flame and are only being summoned because the Lords of Cinder who could Link the Flame are in no fit state to do so.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lol, looks like in DS3 we are playing JV.

Junior Violinist?

>unfit to link
>link it anyway in the end

I guess by hunting down the previous lords and forcing them to give you their flame provides the Unkindled enough strength?

>be NEET
>hunt for jerbs
>finally get one
>burns you for life

It's a metaphor.

Not fit doesnt mean cannot link the fire.

>unfit to link
>easiest game in the series

Compare linking fire in he first game to this
Doubt you did much, still the only not shit tier choice

Lord of hollows is the only right choice faggot

>Trusting worms

You must be joking

The worms play both sides. You will always be their pawn

Japanese vulture?

>I guess by hunting down the previous lords and forcing them to give you their flame provides the Unkindled enough strength?
That was kind of the point of the embers from their ashes converging on the Unkindled at the end of the game, yes.

What souls protag would win in the 1v1 fight against others?

Canonically or gameplay mechanic-wise?

Canonically I'd say probably the Chosen Undead, since he slays literal gods, and you get the sense that in the DS universe, everything is steadily getting weaker.

Gameplay-wise, probably Demon Souls dude as he can eat grass infinitely and has some pretty broken builds. The Unkindled is severely gimped by lack of poise. Cursed Undead has some pretty OP spells and weapons available to him though.

Junior Varsity.

Linking in DS3 ends in a failure. You probably prolonged the flame like 5 mins tops. End of Fire is about doing nothing and letting the world die out (which most likely isn't the true end of everything either)

Usurpation is the only one that matters.

Yeah, giving world to the snakes who want to rule world is a good idea
By the way, they want abyss everywhere because they can travel there freely and others don't:)
At least end of fire and linking fire has some hope in them

>and you get the sense that in the DS universe, everything is steadily getting weaker.
I think it's kind of clever how at a first glance the stakes seem really high in DS3 because you need whole FIVE Lords of Cinders to link the flame this time, when canonically that just means that the lords have just gotten weaker and weaker and even 5 lords together isn't shit compared to what Gwyn was.

this DLC with be From Software's Magnus opus

Wow so the unkindled are basically chumps who are being used in a weird contingency plan because shit is just too hardcore fucked.

So is beating the lord of cinder and kindling the fire for real like a redemption for unkindled ash?

t. Serpent shitter

Sort of, but in the end it doesnt even matter, the flame is too far gone.

It's an anemic little campfire that's not even hot enough to cook a nice roast over

It's fucked.

I think that just means that Lothric is a faggot ass pansy.
He never burned himself while the other already burned themselves once in the past.
That's why you need more than one. They already kindled the flame once.

DaS3 was a good game!

Unkindled aren't fit for linking the fire but they sure are the epitome of what humans in Dark Souls aim to look like.

I mean they don't even hollow unless they choose to gain soul levels from those who aren't real fire keepers. Like Londor travelers.

>are the epitome of what humans in Dark Souls aim to look like.
>Unkindled is someone who had the capacity as an Undead to Link the Fire but lacked the force of will and strength to do so
They are literally trash of humanity

But wasn't Lothric a bad enough dude to Link the fire himself?

Surely that dude's ashes have to be worth something, or is the fire just THAT burned out by the time Unkindled is brought off of the proverbial ashen bench to step up to the proverbial ashen plate.

The Deep DLC WHEN?

This game is so boring compared to the rest.

>Die hundreds of times
>Never hollow
>Pop effigy/ humanity/ ember
>Armor emits awesome lord of cinder effect; also the strongest dark souls protagonist by far because even in their tattered state the unkindled killed Gwyn's first born, along with his dragon lover, who both have the strength of the primeval lords
>Can become lord of cinder by popping ember
Only scrub unkindled would bother linking the first flame when every unkindled are living first flames in embered form

No i'm Patrick, but we're talking about the difficulty of Dark Souls 3 being easier than spotting a racist at a Trump rally.

And yet they're evidently just as capable of shitting on everyone and linking the fire as any undead. Unless the implication is that everything in DS3 has an absurdly low power level.

Arguably the weakest DS protagonist so far. Yes he kills Gwyn's first born, but he's definitely not at his peak when you face him. Firstly he looks hollow as fuck, and secondly as a direct descended of an original lord, he draws his power from the first flame, and since the first flame is faded, it suggests that the first born's power is greatly faded as well. Also I highly doubt that feathery fucker was a real ancient dragon. It was most likely a drake.

>Unless the implication is that everything in DS3 has an absurdly low power level
All loc spend years burning in the fire and giving strength to it

so are the Lords of Cinder undeads?

what ISN'T an undead in these games?

>Unless the implication is that everything in DS3 has an absurdly low power level

I think that is the implication

Aren't all of those things just power borrowed from the first flame?

The only thing that isn't is him beating Gwyn's firstborn but even then he's heavily hopped up on a fuckton of souls and the cinders of several if not all of the lords backing him.

I mean in a sense the Unkindled are more or less linked to the first flame in a way not dissimilar to the Lords of Cinder themselves, hell all of the lords even kindle themselves at one point during their fight, apart from Lothric that is.

What those "capacity" mean in this sense?
If they nither had the strenght or will to do so shouldn't it mean they didn't have the capasity to be and unkindled?
Just like the hollows form 1 and 2 were?

Is it in a literal sense, like they could literally not house the flame in their body as an undead?


Nigger, the Chosen Undead killed every single one of the ACTUAL primeval lords, including their own and two of the last true dragons. Unkindled shitter doesn't hold a candle to those feats.

That's a really stretched POV because Dark Souls 1's protag only fights the lords when they are going hollow. And Dark Souls 2's protag just fights whatever is the meta is in his country.

You forget that the final boss is the Soul of Cinder, which consists of the souls of everyone whoever linked the first flame before. This includes the chosen undead and possibly the cursed undead. But we both know the Dark Souls 2 protag went his/her merry way with Aldia and helped found the kingdom of Dark Souls 3's Lothric.

Yes, but flame was weak as fuck, means it couldn't summon Soul of Cinder wasn't as powerful as it could be

copulate with yourself

>what ISN'T an undead in these games?
Dragons and drakes (Seath, Sinh, Kalameet, etc)
Gods and demigods (Nito, Qelana, Ornstein, Gwyndolin, etc)

If it's not a human character or hasn't meddled with the First Flame, it probably isn't undead.

wow topical nice

Is Undeath just a state that those linked directly with the first flame inhabit?

Like aren't all of the Lords of Cinder undead in some fashion?

Well there's some other things DaS3 does to raise the stakes. In Lordran time and space were convoluted but that just meant that faggots across time and space could barge into your world with flippy rings and that was about it. In Lothric time and space have deteriorated so much that entire lands and kingdoms and now moving. The lady isn't bullshitting us during the intro, the lands are LITERALLY transient. Lothric itself looks like its raised itself several kilometers.

Also the sun turning into the Darksign was pretty haunting the first time through.

What is an undead anyway? Even after 3 games I feel the underlying reason and mechanics of being and becoming undead has never been clarified much. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne had better explanations for why you respawn and how you respawn that were readily apparent in just one game.

Several characters in DS3 also appear to not be undead/unkindled.
The moon clan bitch and Ringfinger Leonhard are most likely not undead as they claim along the lines of "Am I really to die here?" when you kill them, and neither appear to have any first-flame related quests.
Also the witch that teaches you dark magic is just that. A witch.

And then there's whatever the hell patches, Sif or those crows are, but those are memes.

Lothric realized it was a futile gesture. He was a fucking cripple.

>you are chosen one, meant to save world, but at the very end you can pick ending b instead

But that's head canon. I'm going by item description and not my own power level thinking.

Did you also forget that the four lord souls were trying to be reborn, as told in dark souls 2? This means that 4 main baddies in 2 and 3 were descendants of the ones the chosen undead killed. So going simply by that it shows that the protags of 2 and 3 are already on par with the chosen undead.

But the unkindled also killed Wolnir. And this guy took all the crowns from dark souls 2's kingdoms (the four souls were trying to reestablish dominance) and melted them onto his own. This means that the unkindled is above the other two when looking at it from the four lord souls perspective.

more like you might be the chosen one

Karla is most definitely an undead. She's not just any human, she's a splinter of the primeval human Manus. She's more human than most actual humans, who merely hold a figment of the Dark Soul.

And Patches is just an old undead, like Andre. As long as they consume a steady supply of souls they will never go hollow.

An Undead is the bearer of the Dark Sigil.
Which the gods applied into humankind so they would have kindling for the first flame to ensure the cycle of light didn't ever end, rather than let it shift back and forth between darkness and light.

An Undead is thus someone that turns to ash and returns to the place they consider home once they die, becoming progressively insane each time (Hollowed).
But once they enter the , they are never able to return home, instead respawning at bonfires, as the flame is the closest thing to "home" an Undead have.

Added to this there's different extras to being an undead per game.
In DS the more hollowed, the more linked to the Abyss you are.
In DS2, the more hollowed you become or the more time you spend seeking the king, the less you remember about yourself.
In DS3, you are Unkindled, and therefore garbage. But for the people of New Londo, you are the Messiah because as an ember, you can carry any flame in you - including the First Flame.

An Undead is a catch all term for a human who has been branded with the Darksign. Once branded with the Darksign, that human is incapable of staying dead. He just comes right back at the nearest bonfire as a pile of ash and his body is restored. The problem with this? The thing that makes you you is your Humanity, the shard of the Dark Soul that resides in every human. And as an Undead Humanity becomes very difficult to hold on to. In Oolicile it got so bad that the Humanity just started wandering off on its own (mostly due to Manus's influence mind you). You don't lose it all at the same time, you can steal it from others but once its all gone that's it. You hollow out and while technically you have souls so you are "alive" the thing that makes you you is now gone and you just attack whatever is around you/ carry out whatever your last will was.

>like Andre
A-user.... I...

As another user has said, the first flame is incredibly weak and therefore the Soul of Cinder is likely to be equally weak.

Also, while it's true the Chosen Undead doesn't fight the lords at their prime, some of them are still pretty strong. There is nothing to suggest that Nito is no longer super powerful. Yes he's easy mechanically, but lore-wise he's meant to be very strong. The Bed of Chaos is still over-flowing with fresh Chaos energy. Both Kalameet and Seeth are ancient dragons, and Manus and Four Kings are channelling pure Abyss.

No one in DS3 really holds a candle to any of those.

Demon souls doesn't explain why you respawn, it's game mechanic
If you die in soul form it should be over for you
Undead is forcibly return humans into hollow, before flame death never exited, so all humans were just a mindless zombie
This is why in das3 piligrims travel to the north, they just want to get closer to the flame die one last time before they lose their sanity

Is Karla linked to Manus? I did not know this. She sure seems less... world-endey than the rest of her sisters. Where does it say that, in her clothes descriptions or such?

The chosen one could be anyone because that prophecy was bullshit. Frampt delivered those lines to everyone he sent off to Anor Londo, Chosen Undead was just the first one to actually come back.

Best ending is spending eternity in the darkness with fire waifu until the cycle begins again

>implying snakes will be able to do shit to a walking First Flame

>the Dark Souls 2 protag went his/her merry way with Aldia and helped found the kingdom of Dark Souls 3's Lothric.
That doesn't even make sense, the Lothric bloodline was obsessed with linking the fire.

Holy fuck you are delusional. This is why Dark Souls 3 cannot catch a break. This is the same bullshit you fags did with Dark Souls 2.

>He's weak because I agree with the other user
>As this other fag said he is trash
>So that guy dislikes the unkindled
I've heard enough of this.

You cannot erase what is in Dark Souls 3 just because you are nostalgic of the first game. Why did I bother to invest time in all three games if game 1 fags won't accept any fact from the second and third game because it's not the first. Last time you guys had the b-team excuse, but this time its Miyazaki's game. Thank fuck the Unkindled can choose to let your Chosen Undead's spirit die by just walking away, you entitled fuck, after beating your ass.

To be fair you kill Wolnir when he's a trash skeleton grabbed by the abyss trying to desperately run away from you (and the Abyss) while you beat him up. He literally crawls past you and you die by miasma if you don't catch up;
He ain't fighting, he's noping the hell out and you happen to kick him back in there while he panics.

Well, technically Seath was undead too, just in a different way.

Just because you fail at life doesn't exactly make you an undead.
At least he banged a goddess I guess.

Plus, being revived by the Bell seems to weaken you
>revives 4 dead lords of cinder
>all of these guys were once able to link the flame on their own
>now, post-revival, all their efforts combined are required to do the job, plus actual fresh meat in the dorm of Lothric
Being revived from the dead by the Bell makes you come back as a shell of your former self.

>In DS the more hollowed, the more linked to the Abyss you are.
Where are you getting this from? That doesn't make any sense to me, the more hollow you are the less of the Dark Soul you have, and the Abyss is like a mass of concentrated, corrupted Dark. The Abyss has nothing to do with the average hollow.

So the Darksign is a curse of the gods, that humanity is intrinsically inflicted with? Mention of why humanity had it had always escaped me, wherever it was stated.

She mentions it personally, plus her ashes further confirm it.

>Demons Souls doesnt explain why you respawn





Logan himself says it, he couldn't be killed because of the Primordial Crystal.

Seath was not undead.

He was a bitch.

the absolute diphthong how could he forget


The Darksign is NOT a curse of the gods, don't listen to the memer who's reciting ebin YouTube lore theories

Darksign is just a brand that appears on your skin that signifies that you've become an undead -- the disparity between life and death has lost its hold on you, forever. The curse of Undeath is merely a sign that the disparate pair of life/death is losing strength, as Fire, the source of all disparity, is losing the strength to fuel it.

The Dark Sigil is another matter entirely, which ties into why revived Unkindled cannot hollow, which I will elaborate on if you want

That's about it, yes. The Dark Sigil simulates mostly how life was before the first flame so they can reproduce the making of it forevur.
It's mostly stated in the first game's intro and some conversations within the game itself. The two games after then focus more on the "extras" to your undeath, the second focusing on the curse that makes you forget who you are as you get closer to the throne of want and the abyss, and the third being babble about unkindled mostly.
So after the first the dark sigil is just sorta there and they assume you've gotten the gist of it/won't care enough anyways since it is no longer as relevant anymore for plot's sake.

please do elaborate, I'll read it

The Darksign is a power of the Dark Soul, as the Fire fades and the Dark grows, its power spreads. It grants undead the power to hold on to some of their soul upon death, instead of losing all of it like normal, so that they can die many times before being dead for good and have a chance at regaining their lost soul. It basically just drags out the process of dying. This explains why a giant Darksign appears in the sky at the end of DS3, since the fire is so weak in 3 it is literally the beginning of the Age of Dark.

This is where a lot of disagreement comes in because no one can agree one whether the Darksign is a curse created by Gwyn when he linked the Fire, if it is Gwyn's curse was it accidental or intentional, or if Gwyn had nothing to do with it and the Darksign and hollowing is just a natural extension of humanity that was always going to happen. In Dark Souls 1 it seemed like the undead curse was something that came out of nowhere and everyone had various kneejerk reactions to it. But then you get to Dark Souls 2 and both Vendrick and Aldia say that the curse was always going to happen and that it would lead to "men's true shape."

I personally think that the hollowing was always going to happen and Gwyn had nothing to do with it or if he did then he just took advantage of what was already there to keep the Flame going for as long as possible. But that's just me.

Oh come on. Will someone do it, if player doesn't?
By that, no one ever is chosen one, he/she just happens kills demon lord/obtains artifact and then becomes chosen one.

>will someone do it if the player doesn't?

Well, Gundyr, but you know..

Technically, yes. All the other players that are in all the other dimensions that come to your aid/to kill you when summoned or invading.
That's sort of the whole gist of loltimelines going around with the games.

>If you have fought him, and were imprisoned, you must know that Seath is a true Undead, different from ourselves.

Gundyr is like the Ash Ketchum of Dark Souls.
Except instead of Pikachu... he gets goo parasites.

To discuss the Dark Sigil, we must first make a very, very important observation about the nature of revived Unkindled:

Unkindled are undead who CANNOT hollow -- no matter how many times they die, they are 100 INCAPABLE of losing their humanity (which is, after all, the only necessary condition for a human to hollow out). Any hollowing that Unkindled experience must be brought on artificially, by way of the dark sigil.

Consider the implications of this statement. Humanity naturally vacates the premises on death, it's one of the reasons why being undead sucks balls. In order for someone's humanity to not leave upon death, it must be FORCED to stay. Whatever weird magic revives Unkindled when the bell rings imprisons their humanity within them, trapping it, so that it cannot leave their bodies when they die.

This stops them from hollowing, but it also seems to place a damper on their strength -- all the NPCs call you pitiful, weak, trash, and they aren't just talking shit.

Another problem with this is that the same mechanisms that keep your humanity locked away also prevent any additional humanity from being added -- so if you somehow lose some (say, by way of Dark Sigil) you can't just pop and ember (aka a burning humanity sprite) to fill the void. Popping embers is like popping soft humanities in DaS1, it's the dark soul equivalent of popping a consumable soul, and you're just carrying them around like spare change, not imbibing them.

This observation is what leads us to a solid plan for explaining how the Dark Sigil works

That's it. You just said it. Everyone is the Chosen One and yet no one is. Oscar tells you that in Astora they're told that everyone who is Undead is "chosen." And then when you get to Firelink Shrine, the Crestfallen Warrior tells you that you're just the next member in a conga line that has attempted the prophecy. Yeah you're super special for ringing the bells, except that other people have done that too. Knight King Rendal, Big Hat Logan, Black Iron Tarkus have ALL made it past the bells and Black Iron Tarkus even made it to Anor Londo before you did. You only become the chosen one because you're the first one to come back with the Lordvessel. But if you attempt anything a million times then eventually you're going to succeed.

It seems to make the most sense that the Dark Sign is actually natural, and the flame just prevents itself from showing. up.

Humans just think the Dark Sign is bad because they are so used to living in a world of light.

That's the idea. How many times do you think people, especially irl, have given up half way through? What did you think all of those "soul of a lost undead" or whatever's were from?

Trump supporters aren't racist, they're patriotic.

that's literally what DaS1 is about, a bunch of undeads trying to fulfill some prophecy or something

and DaS2, hot chick traps everyone in Drangleic in hopes of breaking the curse

and DaS3

Basically Lord Gwin was afraid of the fire fading and decided to dick over all of humanity by linking them to the flame, extending his own reign, but ensuring that humans would become mortal and forget their true nature as hollows.

However over time the fire continued to fade and with it the dark sign appeared ushering in the undead. Undeath is considered a curse by the humans, who don't realize that it is simply a side effect of the gods meddling. After that Gwin uses the right of kindling to try and keep the flame going but instead goes hollow himself (apparently whatever he did to link the fire to humanity flows both ways).

After this the gods come up with a method of sending undead on pilgrimage to gather souls and preform the rite of kindling to keep the fire going. The entire cult of the way of the white is basically for this sole purpose.

The various protagonists can either be suckered in by the gods and commit suicide to keep the fire going or embrace darkness and tell the gods to fuck themselves.

I can see that the Darksign's origin is in fact a matter left unclarified as originally stated, since four replies gave four different answers. At least however, this has helped me see that undeath and the darksign have nothing to do with hollowing, which seemed like an inconsistency in that beings other than humans could also go hollow, and likewise death could occur without hollowing.

So I take it that hollowing is just the process of being deprived of soul, or rather reverting back to the state living beings naturally held in a world without disparity.

Humans think it's bad because they've been brainwashed by the Gods who fear its power.

Wake up sheeple.

The Dark Sigil is a hole that is overflowing with Humanity. This immediately begs the question: if Hollowing is the state of NOT having humanity, then why is it that putting a hole FILLED with humanity on yourself induces hollowing?

Combined with the previous observation that Unkindled have imprisoned humanity, we can make the following proposal:

The Dark Sigil acts like a tap into a tree, boring into an Unkindled's imprisoned humanity, and drawing it out like syrup from the trunk of a syrup tree. The tap becomes filled with the humanity that is drawn out into it, and the humanity that exists in the tap is "free." This is a double-edged sword, because on one hand, the freed humanity is a powerlevel boost (aka a free level), but at the same time, because this free humanity is free, it leaves when you die.

When you respawn, fresh humanity leaks into the tap to replace what has gone, which leaves your total stock of humanity diminished by the amount that was sacrificed in the tap when you died. Die again, and more permanently leaves, which means another smaller reduction in your total humanity reserves, etc. Do this enough times, and you start hollowing out to a noticeable degree.

More taps (more Dark Sigils) == the faster this happens. In the Lord of Hollows ending, when you have 8 of these taps bored into you and you're hollowed like swiss cheese, you take the first flame and stuff it into these holes, and carry it around.


fuck off Kaathe

Yes and no. Souls and Humanity are two different things. You can have souls and yet no Humanity. Those are the Hollow. But you're right with everything else.


Why does this game look so bad in actual webms but so good in screenshots, jesus.

please stop this. Gwyn has no humanity to link, he was a God. Gwyn linked the flame to his OWN soul, not the Dark Soul.

The Darksign is simply what happens when the flames begin to fade to the degree that Death stops working properly -- Death, and it's distinction from Life, are both constructs of Fire and are thus subject to being limited to the strength of Fire.


good bait


I like the Undeath = fading of disparity thing due to the fading of the flame but there's still holes in that. Mainly the Age of Dark. The Age of Dark isn't disparity disappearing because there's still a distinction between light and dark. It's just that one has overtaken the other.

So which of the endings is the best?

I know that everyone says usurpion is, but isn't Londor ruled over by a bunch of dicks? I don't want to give them control over the world forever.

Wait so when you pop one of those curse stones you're just fixing the symptoms of humanity loss, ala hollowing, but not topping yourself off with humanity and refilling the 'loss' right?

Is DaS1 worth picking up on steam or should I just pirate? Would I miss out on anything playing the game solo?

none of them

world's fucked, as per usual

The Age of Dark still has the first flame being alive, just weakened.

The one where you sit in the dark with the firekeeper. Fuck all this noise, i just wanna snuggle with her

By "soul" I mean the actual souls of the individual. Humanity is just fragments of the Dark Soul after all.

This does make me wonder though, what's up with the gods and demigods having distinct souls of their own? If Gwyn's hollowing is any indication, the Lords were also dessicated before getting their Lord Souls, but they've always seemed to imply that the Dark Soul was the only one that was scattered across the Lord's entire race.

You're right, its origin is never clearly stated. However, there is certainly a connection between undeath, the darksign, and hollowing: Hollowing is the process of losing your soul; this usually happens to Undead humans possessing the Darksign, as the loses parts of their soul each time they die, but can also happen other ways like when Gwyn fed his own soul to the FF(I would even go so far as to say that death for a non-undead is instant hollowing, as you just lose your soul instantly and leave a corpse which is just a hollow husk like any other, but I don't think many people would agree with me on that). The term "hollowing" as it is usually used though is a process only really happens to Undead humans, as only they drag out the process of dying between many deaths, while other beings just die once and only once.

The Age of Dark is probably the best ending because it's just letting the world run its course. The Age of Fire is old. I mean really really fucking old. And right now the world is stuck. As much as the Age of Dark is advertised as being evil, when the flame does fade you can see that nothing bad happens to either the firekeeper or the Champion of Ash. She just wants to know if he's still there. The world can write new stories now instead of endlessly rehashing Gwyn's story.


the flame hasn't died in the Age of Dark (or more accurately, in a World Without Fire). It has merely faded, the world is engulfed in darkness because Fire lacks the strength to keep the lights on.

When the flame DIES, as in, actually dies and not merely fades, the world transcends darkness and we go back to a new Age of Ancients -- neither light nor dark, but grey.

For those of you who claim that Dark isn't merely not!Fire, but an independent element of it's own, I counter by saying that this is an inaccurate view of Darkness that stems from DaS2 substituting the DaS1 way of handling dark damage (split magic + physical) with a new damage type, called Dark. Dark is merely a shorthand for this damage type, and the only type of Darkness that can be said to be an independent, voracious, consuming entity in it's own right is the Abyss, which is wild Humanity. Darkness, aka the absence of light, is still by and large defined as not!Fire

>"Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form."

Plus theres the rite of kindling:
>Kindling was a sacred rite passed down among clerics,
>but all Undead can imitate the process in the same manner
>that they restore their Hollowing with humanity.
>How peculiar that humans had found little use for humanity until they turned Undead.
This obviously shows that there is a connection between Humanity (aka the dark soul) and Fire (something that gwyn was trying to prolong). Also note that it is passed down by clerics, servants of the gods, people who use the power of the gods, presumably taught to them and created by those very same gods.

wasn't it implied that the fire will be lit again? then another age of fire will start until it's dark again


the only way to actually refill the void and stock up on fresh humanity is by visiting the Firekeeper

>Basically Lord Gwin was afraid of the fire fading and decided to dick over all of humanity by linking them to the flame, extending his own reign,

Its the "Gwyn linked the fire to humanity" episode.
If the first flame is linked to humanity, why do you have to gather the lord souls in the first place?

>but ensuring that humans would become mortal and forget their true nature as hollows.

Everyone started out as hollows.

Yes. What's supposed to happen is the Age of Fire would have its time. Then the Age of Dark. Then the Age of Fire again. What ended up happening is the Age of Fire had its time. Then when its time came up everyone freaked out and kept throwing fuel on the fire constantly to keep the Age of Dark back as long as possible.

It'll go for like 5 euros whenever the winter sale comes around. I don't know what state the online in the game is though. You might need to use that node mod or whatever to play with other people. But you don't lose out on anything solo, just pvp and coop I guess, it doesnt add anything to the story

DaS1 is definitely the easiest in the series if you go back and replay it now. It was hard in comparison to 3 because you didn't have several games of experience under your belt.

3 is worst souls.
2 is best souls.
suck my 6 inch white penis if you disagree

When we are talking about the Age of Dark, we are referring to putting the fire out right?


Screenshots are probably in cinematic mode while the webms are using the action mode.

Correct. The First Flame has faded. The gods have zero sway over the state of affairs in the world. The world belongs to men. The sun is gone.

So then what the hell is the Usurping the Fire all about?

Do you just straight up consume the fire and prevent it from ever being lit again or what?

I mean that seems like a not so great plan since all that needs to happen is to have someone take you out and toss some fuel on your corpse to get another age of fire going again.

at least until the age of fire restarts

shit dude usurpation is the best ending, fuck the cycle

>Peace grants men the illusion of life. Shackled by falsehoods, they yearn for love, unaware of its grand illusion. Until, the curse touches their flesh. We are bound by this yoke. As true as the Dark that churns within men.

>All men trust fully the illusion of life. But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet… A world full of warmth and resplendence. Young Hollow, are you intent on shattering the yoke, spoiling this wonderful falsehood?

>Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite… A lie will remain a lie.

First off, acknowledge that Aldia is stating that the "illusion of life" is the falsehood that men are tricked into believing during the age of fire. That is the whole point of the first two bullets that I quoted. Men trust life, and the normalcy of civilization, but they are fakes that last only for so long as Fire can keep back the darkness. When Gywn linked the flame, and banished the Dark, the "fleeting form" that Men assumed was as normal-ass, civilized human beings. This transitory state is pulled back the moment fire weakens to the point when the Curse is allowed to propagate. Pic related is the TRUE shape of Man, according to Aldia. Note: this same idea corroborated by Yuria in DaS3.

F U R T H E R M O R E, Kindling is not restricted to Humanity, and of the 4 Lord Souls can do the same job. When you place the Lordvessel in Firelink, dumping Lord Souls into it KINDLES the bonfire there up to +20, no Humanity required. It's just that your average Human only has 1 (one) Lord Soul to work with -- their Dark Soul Shard.


you shove the First Flame into the holes left in you by your Dark Sigils and carry it around. The Flame blackens because it's being held in the bosom of a Human

We know the least about what the Usurpation of Fire means for the world because ripping the First Flame from its mantle is unprecedented. Even Gwyn, powerful as he was, only had a shard of the First Flame and then threw himself into it later.

Secret ending to the end of fire is the most fitting. You can't fight your nature.

>Because ash seeketh embers.

>This does make me wonder though, what's up with the gods and demigods having distinct souls of their own? If Gwyn's hollowing is any indication, the Lords were also dessicated before getting their Lord Souls, but they've always seemed to imply that the Dark Soul was the only one that was scattered across the Lord's entire race.
Well, here's my theory on that: When the FF appeared, it was all in one place, away from all of the hollows who were stated to be in the Darkness at first.("Then, from the Dark they came.") I think that, by default, every single hollow instantly absorbed a fragment of the Dark Soul by being in the Darkness, but since the Fire was at its absolute peak, the Dark was at its absolute low and was spread so thinly among all of the hollows that it was literally unnoticeable. Those three hollows who first came to the flame received their Lord Souls, and then granted fragments of them to other hollows, and this easily overrode their Dark Souls since they were almost nonexistant. Basically, everyone was the Furtive Pygmy instead of there being only one who split his soul. Since the Fire was always fading very slowly ever since it first appeared, the Dark Soul within all these previously ignored "hollows" grew slowly as well, birthing humanity.

Now, I admittedly have nothing specific to back this up. It's just what makes the most sense to me.

Artorias and Kalameet are still harder than any boss in DkS3.
Though to be fair judgement on that should be kept until both DLCs for DkS3 come out.

Multiplayer in Soulsborne games is like singleplayer in Condition Zero. It's there just because.

The only thing you'll miss out by pirating is meme message left by other players.


intimidating yes but certainly not hard

I dislike how focused on stunlocking the combat is and how strong NPCs form ganksquads that aggro together.

Level design overall is amazing though.

I mean if the age of fire and the age of dark are both caught in this eternal cycle, then what the fuck does saying 'suck on my ashen dick' and absorbing the entirety of the first flame into yourself do to the world and yourself.

This seems going beyond another age of ancient arch-trees and eternal dragoons either, shit just seems hardcore fucked in this scenario. Age of Deep dlc NEVER EVER

Lord of Hollows is the most fitting ending, if anything. Literally the last entry of the souls series after all.
Thus you do the thing that has never been done; give the world to the hollows themselves, neither the dark nor the light wins, and instead it becomes an eternal twilight where you walk out giving the middle finger to the long list of people that have used you for their own means in the last three games.



It means giving the world over to these fucking people:

>Miracle given to those cast out from the Sable Church of Londor.
>Attracts more attention from foes.
>This is the only tale known by exiles, who believe it carries words of forgiveness. Cursed journeys, too, must come to an end.

Nice people right?

>At least he banged a goddess I guess.

In a totally consensual way? Did he also have laser eyes installed, and robot dinosaur rocket legs with flames on the side?

Nigger fuck you
Artorias pushed my shit in on my first run
Everybody keeps memeing about Kalameet and Manus but i never had any problem with them

Can I run Dark Souls III on my pc?

64 - bit Ubuntu 16.04.01
CPU- AMD Athlon II X2 250 dual core, 3 GHz
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce GT 740

I got him first try

Manus took me 100 tries though

>instead it becomes an eternal twilight where you walk out giving the middle finger to the long list of people that have used you for their own means in the last three games.

>Picking the end that Kaathe was striving for
>Being used by the Primordial Serpents anyways

>This is what Darkwraiths actually believe

>it's the "oh pls git gud I can beat him with my left foot tied to a chair submerged in lava while listening to Niki Minaj" episode again

It's hard.
Yeah sure, not hard for you
>implying anyone believes that
but on a normal basis for most players, most builds and most circumstances? The fight is bitch ass hard. Your personal opinion is irrelevant if you are unable to see it on the broader spectrum of the game itself.

I've fought Artorias so many times on my low lvl SL build, I've learned the fight so well I could do it with my eyes closed.

That ending was surprisingly sad and comfy at the same time.

>Retards actually falling for the age of men meme
Oh lol
Human natural form is a mindless and immortal hollow
Putting this aside, age of dark wouldn't be THAT bad, but Serphents poisoned it with abyss. And only fire can keep this lovecraftian stithole away
So everyone who linked fire in the past did the right thing, now Aldrich gave us a hope with age of deep water

>Everybody keeps memeing about Kalameet

I'll give you Manus - beat him first try - but Kalameet was one of the hardest bosses in the Souls series for me. I practically had a heart attack when I beat it; no estus left, both of us down to a sliver of health. Beat Artorias on my second attempt, shit was surprisingly easy

No, you need a better GPU. Had to upgrade my 560Ti as it didn't reach 50fps, even with the best driver.

t. Gwyndolin

Kaathe might have been striving for it, but in the context of the game itself it is irrelevant for you.
The choices availble remain,
>burn to death
>siddown and wait to burn to death later
>grab the flame and go Prince Lothric on the world, but first-handed

It is the most selfishly beneficial one towards a bitter protagonist, and I can't imagine an undead, let alone unkindled, would have the most heroic and non-bitter look on the world.
Sure, the Sable Church is gonna fuck you over eventually but who isn't going to fuck you over eventually when you are immortal anyways.

How could you do that to her?

So I clicked through the images on steam for the first DLC that comes out at the end of the month and saw this one, are they doing another gank squad? plz no

No, that's the arena.

wow ashen one you can't just do that to a lady

The difficulty of Dark Souls bosses is subjective anyways.

I personally never had any trouble with any boss aside from Manus.

And there are also people who got their shit kicked in by some of the DS3 bosses. I don't know why you people keep arguing about the difficulty of these games like it was somehow objective.

you're keeping the flame alive with your own power, and thus ensuring an eternal age of dark for so long as you remain it's vessel. the end of fire/linking the fire continues the cycle, usurpation breaks it (for better or worse)

>Implying she doesn't get off to being dominated and used like the warm humanity hole she is

Firekeeper-chan is cute!


Fuck. Thanks for letting me know, user.

I don't fully get what all the ending mean yet, but the one in that pic is my favorite. I just get the feeling that THAT one is the big "fuck you" to everyone else, like you just claim the flame for yourself and do whatever.

How does it feeeeeel Seathe?
To be a bitch~

oh it's a PvP map, neat.

What's with the notSif boss? There's an NPC(?) with that magic shield in the arena too when you're fighting the boss.

>Everybody keeps memeing about Kalameet
And for a reason.
Fuck Kalameet seriously.

how can it be subjective, I can't wrap my mind around this even though it's true

am I retarded?

>liking being dominated
>equates to liking being murdered and beat the fuck up
t. wifebeater

Linking the fire
I loved how it's literally "at least you tried"

Firekeeper doesn't know what sex is, she's pure

She's immortal anyway.


explainit in the game or shut the fuck up

She will after I'm done emoting with her

she's pure sex, yes

>Thinking that the age of deep water is somehow different and better than the abyss

Right because something far more darker and terrible than the abyss is clearly the answer!

Firekeeper is a wellspring of humanity, which is man's selfish passions embodied

she 100% for certain is VERY familiar with the feeling of out-of-control lust

You know who probably knows what sex is?


Imagine Karla teaching the fire keeper how to please a man.

>Human natural form is a mindless and immortal hollow
This is the stupidest shit, and people keep saying it. If that's what you believe, then EVERYTHING'S natural for is the hollow. Sure, it's even technically correct since that was everything's original form, but what is that even supposed to mean? Being hollow isn't a good thing and it never will be, why would you even clam this? The Serpents didn't even create the Abyss, Manus did, and the Age of Dark has nothing to do with it.
Age of the Deep Sea probably= Age of Dark


>more terrifying
the Deep is peaceful, the terrors in the Deep are the Abyss

I don't. Yes, I've many a time gotten my ass handed by several of the bosses in any games.
The Twin Princes are a pain, and the Cursed Rottree on your own is a pain in the ass.
But I can still discern what is meant to be difficult by game standards and mechanic changes and what I personally find difficult/not out of my build and personal skill.
The tree is not meant to be (as) difficult. I just suck at aiming for tiny spots and get distracted easily by adds.
Lothric is meant to be difficult by all means and takes practice to get the hang of it.

Similars can be applied to any of the other games.
The Gargoyles are meant to be difficult. Taking you out of guard and being one of the only bosses with multiple tiny versions. But to me they were easy, having the proper build for it and no real issue with multiple enemies.
Artorias is meant to be difficult. And he lmao'd my ass a plethora of times until I got the hang of it.

lol didn't notice before, but that herald guy is wearing nameless king pants.

Perhaps they tried to create the illusion of them being other players by making them have shit fashion.

imagine Falsa Iosefka and Arianna teaming up to each the yandere nun how to please both men and women

>no romance option in Dark souls
I respeced my character just to hear all her quotes.
Everything about her is sex

>I don't know why you people keep arguing about the difficulty of these games like it was somehow objective.

This, seriously.

>people consistently have wildly different experiences with bosses throughout the series
>how can it be subjective?

>am I retarded?

>no support for 21:9 resolutions
literaly unplayable, what is this early 2000?

Dark Souls is not really the type of game that needs a romance option, the absolute closest you ever get to someone "loving" you is the Plain Doll (which was motherly love) and maybe Shanalotte in Dark Souls 2 (which was more reverence than anything.)

No shit, of course being hollow isn't a good thing
But without fire there no true death, so you will become hollow by default
Age of dark=abyss because only fucking fire can keep it away, this is why serphents(the only creatures who can travel in abyss) want it to happen so badly

>The Champ on NG+7, solo, with a heavy weapon
Shit was fucking hard as balls.

The DLC looks extremely boring. I'm hoping it isn't, but it sure is looking like one big expensive piece of underwhelming content.

I know but i just want her to know that if i could i would jump into the abyss with her.
I want to be Karlas favourite pupil!


>there will never be a slice of life anime with karla, the firekeeper, yuria and irina and their day to day life in the shrine, competing to see who's the best match for the ashen one

Pretty much this. Some player styles can suit a boss fight much more than others, while other player styles are totally incompatible with some bosses or areas, it's not that hard. It's actually one of the best things of these games, but some people are too stubborn and contrarian to fully accept something so evident.

Will combat in DS2 stop being sluggish?

They fucked
Not much else to discuss

What i really wanna know is how in the hell she hunted dragons being human and all with only daggers

fuck off Alva

I want to too, user.

She's a shard of Manus and a Witch besides, that girl's going to be into all sorts of freaky shit.

>Gwyn's knights were all large
>Ciaran remained human sized

Neither Ciaran nor Artorias have any accolades for slaying dragons. Artorias was credited for killing a shitload of Darkwraiths and walking the Abyss while Ciaran was credited for slaying Gwyn's enemies. Probably during the Occult Rebellion.

>the Deep is peaceful, the terrors in the Deep are the Abyss
Well your not wrong, but if Abyssal monsters have taken refuge in the Deep, I wouldn't call it a nice age to live in.
And I don't want to turn myself into a giant slime like Aldrich just to survive.

If it helps, DSI wasn't my first souls game and usually your first souls game is the toughest.
Granted, I'll argue still that the difficulty of this series is still largely exaggerated.

>But without fire there no true death, so you will become hollow by default
Fire never goes away completely, tiny embers will always remain, even in the Age of Dark, just as tiny bits of Dark existed even in the Age of Fire. The Dark and the Abyss are simply NOT the same thing, Abyss is corrupted Darkness created by Manus.
>serphents(the only creatures who can travel in abyss)
Blatantly false, Manus, pure humanity sprites, bloat heads, and even the player(via the ring) can exist in the Abyss just fine.

lol youtube.com/watch?v=NspLA6mzST4


>he forgot how top-tier a waifu Quelana was
baka desu senpai

>Karla is the slutty older sister
>The Firekeeper is the naive young childhood friend
>Yuria is the scheming, clever girl that always tries to be team leader
>Irina is the ojou-sama

how could Ciaran and Artorias fuck without him hurting her, when he's more than double her size? What if he's proportional?

it's very simple, user

we kill the Abyss

>she's Manus

Given that Manus was, well. A man...
I wonder if all his female counterparts have a dick.
King Vendrick was into weird shit.

Wasn't Karla his daughter?
Im pretty sure i remember him having a thing with witch Beatrice.
Just because she is abyss spwan and a witch doesn't mean she is evil.

Ivory king scored one over with dick magic and she seemed loyal and loving.

>how could Ciaran and Artorias fuck without him hurting her, when he's more than double her size? What if he's proportional?

With a little prep-time and plenty of foreplay, women can take some pretty thick dicks (I've got webms to prove it.)

Also, anal.

>What i really wanna know is how in the hell she hunted dragons being human and all with only daggers
Well as the other person said she probably never hunted dragons, but she wasn't human either. Maybe she originally was, but Gwyn certainly gave her a fragment of his Soul upon her appointment as one of the 4 knights. She even talks as though she despises humans and isn't one.

Seigmeyer build is fun.


>Just because she is abyss spwan and a witch doesn't mean she is evil.

Never said she was evil.

I was just saying the girl's probably got a thing for some pretty kinky shit in the bedroom, given her nature.

>mfw I still haven't beaten ds3 yet
Why am I so bad

Yeah, and try to enter abyss without ring:)
Manus is already corrupted by abyss as fuck, he is almost mindless beast
Even if embers still exist, it's still not enough to die
Again, specially for retard like you, dark and abyss weren't the same thing in the past. Now it's the same shit because without fire there nothing to keep abyss away

>Game's got Yuki-onna and freaky suicide Youkai

I will be *shocked* if we don't fight a Kitsune or even Tamamo-no-Mae in this game.

Threadly reminder that Patches has done nothing wrong, ever.

>I give a fuck
Lock me up and throw the key away, no safeword either.

Where we are going we dont need light

i would be pretty shocked too

Bitch stole muh armor, fuck him.

>Wasn't Karla his daughter?


>Dark Edge

>Passed from mother to daughter, this blade was intended for both protection and as a means of taking one's own life. The young girl never swung it more than once.

Zullie for DSII, no Beatrice from DSI
>Just because she is abyss spwan and a witch doesn't mean she is evil.

>Ivory king scored one over with dick magic and she seemed loyal and loving.

And yet the Silent Oracle's mere presence was enough to corrupt two of the Ivory King's pets with Abyssal Darkness.

Thats the real tragedy of the Daughters of the Abyss. Even if they aren't evil in heart, they carry a terrible curse with them that corrupts everything around them.


>The Profaned Flame was triggered by the curse of these women, relatives of a certain oracle, but despite their culpability, they went on living, without any cares.

I think there's a level of overall difficulty the games present that goes beyond how familiar you are with the series.
I started with Demon's and even back then I had the easiest time with its bosses than with any other game's, even Flamelurker and False Allant were lukewarm compared to late bosses in the DaS games.
Artorias and Kalameet were in a way simpler than the bosses of later games, but they were still consistently harder than anything DaS3 ever threw at me.
Bloodborne is the second-to-last in the series and it has by FAR the biggest gap in difficulty with the others. There's little in any other game that can even approach the level of fuck-you that Gherman, Ludwig and the Orphan present.

meant for

So our character is some idiot that already did this before, but failed.

Cred Forums Pass user since November 2015.

>And yet the Silent Oracle's mere presence was enough to corrupt two of the Ivory King's pets with Abyssal Darkness.
eh, it seemed to work out for the kingdom, no harm no foul

you get to complain about Alsanna's presence when you can find someone else to protect the world from Chaos forever by sealing it away with powerful ice magic

what's the Souls equivalent to
>this town's finished...

Kalameet is easy once you figure out his blindspots.

Fuck cutting his tail though.

>eh, it seemed to work out for the kingdom, no harm no foul

>you get to complain about Alsanna's presence when you can find someone else to protect the world from Chaos forever by sealing it away with powerful ice magic

What do you think the Profane Flame is? Its the old chaos flame triggered by the curse (abyssal corruption) carried by Alsanna and her children.

Or whatever noises hollows make in 3.

While I agree with Ludvig and Orphan, but Gherman? He's a great boss but I think he's pretty on the line with DS3's end game bosses. I'd say Soul of Cinder is actually harder if that wasn't so dependant on what modes he decides to unleash on you, some are way harder than the others.

Demons Souls
>Ehe he he heh!

Dark Souls 3
>Cleanse the bastard's curse
>Ih heee heeeuwaee!

Dark Souls 1

Dark Souls 2

>paying for Cred Forums


>Kalameet is easy once you figure out his blindspots.

>Fuck cutting his tail though.

Any tips for the tail cutting? I still need to do that.

Pretty much. It's funny how many failsafes they have to the fading of the Flame at this point.

>Always keep a guy prepped to set himself on fire if the flame fades
>If the guy refuses to set himself on fire then ring the bell of awakening to wake up people who have successfuly done it before
>If the previous lords of cinder refuse to set themselves on fire then wake up the failures to force them them set themselves on fire again

Back up until he swoops at you, roll behind him to bait the tail slam. It really isn't that hard once you know that, you just need to figure out the specific positioning.

summon a friend to distract him while you go out for the tail

It's been a while since I played it, but I think you have to just hope he does a certain flying attack, only then and only for a short time is the tail low enough for you to even hit, don't ask me what weapon is best for that tough.

there's literally nothing wrong with being a cuck

Cred Forums Pass user since July 2016.

I bought the DS2 remaster instead of 3. Did I fuck up? Should I return it and get 3? I've never played any.

If the dlc sucks I dont know what I'll do. Two fucking bosses better not be true.

Must've been me, but he got me so many times with the bullshit autoparry shot when I was trying to space or fishing for a parry myself. It made him harder than Maria.

Cutting the tail is pretty easy once you know what you're doing.
Keep at mid-far range to bait the glide attack.
Simply strafe to dodge it, this should put you right under his tail, triggering the tail slam.
Cut the tail when it's on the ground.

Why would you start with anything but 1? Yes you fucked up.

play DS1 first

Nah. Keep Scholar.
But play DS1 first.

Came from memezaki's own mouth, user. Better start to cope.

Yeah good job, sports reference on Cred Forums.

That's the exact reason why I said fuck Kalameet.

wouldn't have ever existed if the Profaned Capital hadn't been a bunch of retards and forced their hand

Based Hiro is going to make Cred Forums go the way of SA soon. Have fun over at reddit or 8cuck.

Cred Forums Pass user since November 2015.

>1 2 phase fight
>1 3 phase fight
what's the problem

Kalameet is CUTE!


>link it in the end anyway
But you don't.
Your character just gets lit on a small fire and sits down depressedly staring out into the dark sun, realizing that everything they've just accomplished has been for nothing.

>literally the same ending for each game
>Soulfags still eat it up
I don't get this

I can't believe my eyes, an actual DS3 thread that hasn't gone to shit!

The end of the flame is coming either way.

The games mentioned that the flame does get weaker over time even with it getting fueled over and over again.

At the end of DS3 you don't start a new age of fire because it has been lit too many times. The last flame vanishes. Which is just From telling us: ''We got enough of Souls already - Please take that as a sign to set us free - Let us develop other games please''

Technically, the unkindled aren't linking the first flame, they are just carrying the Lords of Cinder to the flame and forcing them to link it.

Play 1, then 2, then 3.

They're all good.

Play Dark Souls 1 first.

Dark Souls 2 despite being the worst game in the trilogy is still a good game.

That's the dumbest distinction I have ever heard. If Unkindled are so shit tier that they don't have the willpower to link the fire, why are we playing as one?

reminder that the Chosen Undead is canonically a chaos servant that saved Solaire

>Which is just From telling us: ''We got enough of Souls already - Please take that as a sign to set us free - Let us develop other games please''

Yeah, Aldrich's Soul description is also another in-joke.
>When Aldrich ruminated on the fading of the fire, it inspired visions of a coming age of the deep sea.
>He knew the path would be arduous, but he had no fear. He would devour the gods himself.

Fading of Fire = end of dark souls trilogy
Visions of Deep Sea = Fromsoft's new dark fantasy IP
Knew the path would be arduous = Developing new IPs instead of a sequel is hard
Devour the Gods himself = the new game will surpass all of the previous souls games.

You missed another one like this last week. The shitposting always subsides after a while, just got to give it time.

I suppose this explains why you have to dump all your points into health at the beginning of the game in 3, because you're weak as fuck

Unkindled have the might to overcome the trials to link the fire, they just can't handle actually doing it. Which is why our mission for most of the game is to round up the people who can and infusing their souls into ourselves.

>1 3 phase fight

First time I have heard that the dlc had a three phased fight.

>3 phase fight
This ain't Bloodborne, bud.
It pains me too, don't worry.

they did say that they're focusing on multiple phases but I don't think we know how many exactly. At least two, since both start with a fight against a npc and then the main boss probably has something up their sleeves as well.

>forced their hand
where are you getting this impression? The profane flame's creation was a total accident. That's why the creators of it felt no guilt, they didn't even realize what they really did at the time.

Also I could be wrong, but wasn't Karla suppose to originally be from the profane capitol?

The guy before NotSif had such a shitty fashion maybe it's actually a Old Monk/Mirror Knight type of deal. The game summons one of the watchdogs to fight you and protect the wolf and then in a bit the wolf jumps in as well?

good idea y/n?

>Old Monk/Mirror Knight type of deal.

Dear god, I hope so.

So if the Lord of Hollows ending is the same as the Dark Lord ending from the first game, does that make the Age of Dark ending the unique one that hasn't been tried before?

3 phase fight:
>scythe girl
>transformed giant corvian bowlguy

We know Old Monk is Miyazaki's favorite boss. So why wouldn't they attempt something like that again?

Oh god I think I'm hyping myself out now and I'll have no one to blame but myself if this isn't the case after all.

not an argument

To be fair, I AM a White nationalist, and thusly a racist.

>Old Monk is Miyazaki's favorite boss
Wan't it the gaping dragon?

>Oh god I think I'm hyping myself out
please don't

The Dark Lord ending was just letting the flame die and walking away as the most powerful hollow on the block. The Lord of Hollows ending is not letting the flame die but taking its power for your own to go rule over Londor.

The Lord of Hollows is the Age of Dark ending which is the Dark Lord ending from DSI.

No one wants the first flame to die out completely. Even in the usruption ending, the flame lives, but is just too weak to do much to affect the darkness.

The unique ending that hasn't been tried is the end of fire. It has been hinted at by Aldia in DSII

>There is no path.
>Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark…
>…what could possibly await us?
>And yet, we seek it, insatiably…
>Such is our fate.

Scope of light = link the fire ending
Reach of dark = dark lord ending

We can't see a path beyond the first flame because:

>Old Sage's Blindfold

>The flame reveals all, and obscures all.

>transformed giant corvian bowlguy

They seem to be the same phase

When asked about his favorite Dark Souls boss he went right over to Demon Souls and answered Old Monk. But Gaping Dragon is his favorite DS1 boss.

>Wan't it the gaping dragon?

I heard that too.
Don't know why, it wasn't that great of a boss.


Maybe he was talking about the design, which is fucking great.

>Wan't it the gaping dragon?
I think that was just his favorite visual design.

Thanks for clearing it up.
Speaking of the DLC, I doubt a Straight Sword Monk fight would be enjoyable in DaS3

Dark Souls III is as soulless as The Force Awakens. 0/10, not paying for the mediocre DLC or replaying it.

"Dark Souls" is the worst subseries in history, taking valuable development time and dollars from what could've already been DeS/BB and two original productions.

did you really think that this bait would get anyone?

Honest question for you guys.

I haven't played this game yet. However Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game of all time. Can you guys honestly say if you think 3 is better than 1?

I'm not just talking from a gameplay perspective but in every aspect. I want to know if it's worth my time buying this game or just waiting until the dlc's are out instead.

it got you

Wait for the DLCs for now. I don't dislike DaS3 but I didn't get hooked like I wanted to and the whole Lothic subplot didn't really grab me like other subplots in the souls series did.

I won't say it's better than 1, but I think it's close for a lot of reasons. It certainly has some big issues, but so did DS1. I think the reason for most of the hate is just a lack of new ideas. The content is mostly very good but it's also mostly remixed versions of stuff from other games. If that sounds like it would be too boring to you, you will probably also be disappointed. The DLCs will hopefully step away from this and bring in some fresh ideas, so you may want to wait for those.

As it stands, its still behind DaS 1, hopefully the DLC will change that. The potential is there, they just need to not fuck it up. There's a lot of interesting lore they could use in the DLC, like Londor or the whole angel thing, and expanding on that could definitely make 3 the best one. I'm only afraid the DLC will have nothing on it and just add more questions that will never be answered

>Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game of all time
>has picrelated
you poor, poor retarded nigger.

Reminder that
Maiden in Black > Doll > Bonfire > Herald > Firekeeper

Dark Souls 1 is a more better package but Dark Souls 3 in my opinion has far better level design when it comes to exploring and how expansive it is. It unfortunately inherited the tough NPC ganksquads from Dark Souls 2 though.

Still a really great game despite overly relying on Dark Souls 1 (which Dark Souls 2 did better since it did try to have a new setting despite all the remember Gwyn, Nito etc. shit with the bosses).

How does it at least stack up next to 2? I like 2 but 2 is such a downgrade compared to 1. 1 may not be perfect but it's my perfect game :)


How is usurpation the best ending?

I don't think 3 is better than 1 at all. I still like both games a lot.

I guess story and plot wise it's more consistent. The world transitions aren't as sharp and jarring with the exception of Irythill and that's just because it goes from day to night in an instant. If you thought poise was bad in 2 then its even worse in 3 which is to say borderline nonexistent. The NPCs are pretty much the same as in 2 which is to say only like 2 of them are memorable. I say that because 3 either reuses or just renames some of 1 NPCs which I consider cheating. With that said I think the PVP in 2 was better as well as that armor variations. But as far as consistency 3 is better.

The boss battles, boss music and combat are better than 2. The level variety, build variety, PVP balance, and world design are worse than 2.
Basically the main problem with it right now is that every build except quality is boring and underpowered, and every playthrough is the same because you have to do 90% of the levels in a set order.

Herald is eternally best because she reminds you about that Estus Shard you forgot you had.

I'd personally say that DS1 > DS3 > DS2. DS2 did somethings better(less linear, stamina management was a thing, lots of content), but DS3's gameplay, bosses, level design, and graphics are all hugely better than 2's. 3's biggest problems are how linear it is, how short it is(which I don't think is really that bad, it's close to as long as 1), and how many ideas are reused. Bosses are also too easy(I know that it's easy to limit yourself in these games to make them harder, but compared to enemies and minibosses they're just way too easy, so there's clearly something wrong with the balance).

>I'm only afraid the DLC will have nothing on it and just add more questions that will never be answered
Miyazaki said that Ariandel will have some kind of connection to Ariamis, whatever that means

I wonder who could be behind this post

I interpreted the Deep Sea as being Bloodborne, since the sea is brought up in Bloodborne pretty frequently

Then why he couldn't explain or give a hint about it ingame? Why he had to go out of his way to clarify this?

Feels a lot better than 2 when it comes to character control and combat. The PVE is honestly the best in the series. The lore connects to DS1, and mostly ignores 2 (as in, aside from 1 or 2 reference, DS2 is mostly ignored). World is nowhere near as good as 1 is,so there isn't anything like going from firelink to the depth, to blighttown and suddenly you're in firelink again. But when it comes to level design, it's the best there is, save for 1 or 2 areas. Overral it's pretty good, and a worthy successor to 1

>every build except quality is boring and underpowered,
maybe underpowered in pvp, but in pve everything is viable. and how come "boring"? going quality every time is boring. most of my chars are str focused greatsword users and I have a blast with them. I even did a bow run, it was neat.

don't limit yourself just because of "muh meta".

But you have to admit even if areas are not interconnected that well but the way they're designed are very symphatic and beautiful. They're quite huge aswell.

You respawn in DeS because you have a bracelet bound to you that throws you back to the Nexus when you die

The DLC will take place in "the Painted World of Ariandel" which is a painted world like the one in DS1, but not the same one. The reasoning for using a painted world is he felt like the setting fit the themes he wants to express in the DLC. So probably a bunch of stuff about sin, which might ultimately be related to Londor.

He kind of sort of does in the intro

>nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder

He just is as obtuse as possible

I really wish they just mostly copied what worked with 1. I would have even been satisfied if the sequels were literal copies only with different worlds.

Oh well it sounds good at least. If it's at least for sure better than 2 then that is good. I just don't feel the urge to jump into this game immediately like I did 2 after playing 1 so much. I didn't enjoy the pvp and co-op in 2 like I did previous games.

you know thats how every fanbase is right? the first is always the best since it cant rehash

Theoretically is the DS3 Protag the strongest of them all? Because isn't S.O.C the Chosen undead + everyone else who linked it?

>2 is best souls.

I didn't think anyone had taste around here

hey, do you know what YOU guys need?

churches + crows + sin == possible Angels or Londor connections (maybe maybe not)

There is a difference though. 2 didn't rehash which I'm fine with my problem with it was that it didn't make sense some of the time. 3's problem though is that there are some things that are lifted directly from 1. Seigmeyer is right there except with a slightly different name. Andre is still around. Anor Londo is still around. It's been x number of thousands of years and yet we're STILL digging up Artorias's shit and using it. There's giving nods to previous entries and then there's just reusing your old work.

This shit is fucked! I'm going to go find some more dudes to set on fire.

are there any clerics in this thread?

>going quality every time is boring
Nah, it gives you the most weapon variety. You can switch from sword&board, twin weapons, ultra great weapons, anything on the fly. As a magic build you're very limited in what you can use. DaS2 solved this problem by making magic/lightning/fire infusions not garbage, allowing you to buff anything, and having few restrictions on boss/unique weapons. As a sorcerer in DaS3, all you can use is the MLGS and soul arrow spam. You can use other spells, but since they all draw from the same resource instead of using the superior spell charges system from DaS/DaS2, you're discouraged from doing so. I never even finished a faith build, but I hear they have it even worse than sorcerers.

Dark Souls wasn't the first, Demon's Souls was, and even that rehashed tons of concepts from King's Field and Shadow Tower.

Theoretically aren't you the most autistic poster of them all?

Garbage game
Garbage "story"
Garbage "lore"
Garbage fanbase

You should all be put in a dumpster fire where you all belong

But I'm unfit even to be cinder


Give me the second game any time of the day. 2 was disappointing, fan servicey shit.

>There's giving nods to previous entries and then there's just reusing your old work.
DaS3 is a direct continuation of DaS of course it's gonna feature stuff directly from it

Please we're having a nice thread here

No not really. I've seen a lot of anons on here say that the first in a series is often the worst game.

For me it depends but most of the time I will like the first game in a series because of nostalgia and it's usually the game that started it all. So if I liked the first game it becomes more likely I will like the sequels. One series for sure where I thought the first game just did not hold up or was as good as 3 and 4 was DMC. To me the first game is just way too inferior to 3 and 4.

I think that some of that stuff is fine though. No matter what DS2 tried to say, 3 simply doesn't take place a bajillion years after 1, so it's fine if some stuff is still there. I agree that they went way overboard with the references, but some I really liked and thought they fit fine. SoC, Anor Londo, Firelink Shrine, Abyss Watchers, and Nameless King were all cool, while the Sunlight Covenant, Andre, Solaire's armor and a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting were all unnecessary fanservice.

I do think that people have really forgotten just how many blatant call backs to Demon's Souls were in Dark Souls 1, though.

>I really wish they just mostly copied what worked with 1
But they mostly did? I didn't like 2 but 3 was just fine. 3 is really easy to get into and isn't weighed down by cumbersome design choices.

But in my opinion that works since the game is based in the fact that what happened in the first game has become its own religion and philosophy people have created their whole culture and identity around. Abyss Watchers banned shields and fight the abyss to honor Artorias even though Artorias himself used a shield and lost to abyss. There's some irony to that. And Abyss Watchers are different enough of a fight that it's not like they just copypasted a bunch of little artoriases in to the boss room and called it a day.

was meant for

I understand that, which is why I can forgive SOME of it. I can forgive at least visiting Anor Londo since it at least told me its fate, it's been taken over by the likes of Sulyvahn and Aldritch. What's not cool is taking Seigmeyer, changing his name slightly, and putting him in the same game. Because now the only thing I'm thinking is "why is there another Seigmeyer walking around?" I sure as fuck get weirded out when Andre is STILL around. Yes I know Undead are basically immortal but not when the Fire has been newly linked. So he's just never died. He looks EXACTLY the same with no changes to his personality or disposition after literally thousands of years? The Abyss Watchers is what I consider to be a good continuation on Artorias's legacy because its a nod to Artorias but the legend has been shifted around a bit as a result of time. But all of Artorias's shit is still around and in working order after god knows how long. And Lautrec's. And Kirk's. Even fucking Smough's. At that point it goes from nods to "did you guys have any original thoughts or did you just lift a bunch of shit from DaS1 because people seemed to like that one the most?" The only totally original storyline in 3 is the storyline of the Profaned Capital. And that one is clearly unfinished. Which is why I find DaS3 to be a frustrating game.


I'm an exemple, DaS3 bosses gave a much harder time than anything in DaS. Pontiff whatever the fuck was his name took me a thousand times.

Poise is a very big change though. It's along the lines of Halo having sprint and ads. Or the gameplay changes in a FF game. Poise was a pretty huge gameplay mechanic.

>Solaire's armor and a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting were all unnecessary fanservice.
>But all of Artorias's shit is still around and in working order after god knows how long. And Lautrec's. And Kirk's. Even fucking Smough's.
I honestly don't think that returning armor sets you can find on the ground or by trading with the invisible bird are that big of a deal.

>start reading Berserk
>yeah, Miyazaki copy pasted a fuckload of stuff into the game
>except the hype ass magic castings in the manga
made me want to replay Dragon's Dogma instead.

>The only totally original storyline in 3 is the storyline of the Profaned Capital.
What about the Pontiff? Or the Angels? Londor? The Deep? What happened to they Nameless King and Ornstein, the whole Lothric family, there's all sorts of new things brought up in 3. It's true that most of these aren't finished, but the only reason you consider the stories in 1 to be finished is because the game's been out for years and people have finished them themselves. Half of the things in that game are left unstated, or were just ripped from Demon's and given a fresh coat of paint.

Get ready to kill sif again in the DLC

True, but the deep also has some connections with the abyss (see artorias armor in DS3), an already established thing in the souls series.

>and mostly ignores 2 (as in, aside from 1 or 2 reference, DS2 is mostly ignored)

The Profane Capitol is nothing but a giant reference to DSII

>Yhorm looks like the Giant Lord and may very well be his descendant
>References to the "Silent Oracle" and the other daughters of the abyss
>The profane flame's possible connection to the old chaos flame

My understading is that most of the characters in the Firelink Shrine are unkindled ash, they haven't been alive for thousands of years, instead, they were revived by the bell not long ago, just like you.

That just said, I agree that it would be much better if they had developed more it's own themes about the profaned flame and the deep

>Unkindled can't like the fire themselves so they need to use the corpses of the lords as fuel in order to prolong the Age of Fire
>but the lords of cinder (all of them besides Prince Lothric) already linked the flame, which is why they are lords in the first place
>gathering their already burned corpses is somehow enough to fuel the fire

Why did the unkindled one not just kill Prince Lothric? Why are the other burnt-out old lords even needed to keep the flame lit, did they not already make their sacrifice to the flame? How can they be used as fuel again if they're already burned up? The Prince was the only one who didn't fulfill his duty, he is the only one that should be usable to feed the fire, why are the other lords necessary at all?


headcanon still doesn't count as references

To feed off the humanity of Manus' corpse - The primeval man?

>managed to survive Demon's Souls's shitty world long enough to get to Dark Souls and Bloodborne's shitty worlds
>even managed to live long enough to become a LYNX
How the fuck did he do it? Is it the slav squat?

This. Say what you will about DaS2, it was its own game. It was at its weakest whenever it made any references to the first game, actually. All the original lore for that game was incredible stuff.

This was fuckiing obvious from day one. Only illiterate goobers were confused by this.

ah, fuck this game

Why there's always that retard dumping nioh webms in a dark souls thread.

Nioh will always just look like a shitty bloodborne to me

Why the the color palette so fucking gross? Why does Geralt move like he is figure skating?


>Yhorm is the descendant of an ancient conqueror
-Soul of Yhorm the Giant

>Greatsword with a broken blade, also known as the Giantslayer for the residual strength of storm that brings giants to their knees.

>Yhorm the Giant once held two of these, but gave one to the humans that doubted him, and left the other to a dear friend before facing his fate as a Lord of Cinder.

-Storm Ruler description

>“Only a storm can fell the greatwood”
Storm Ruler Orange Soapstone

All of these indicates that Yhorm is a giant of the same race as the DSII's giants. He even looks like the Giant Lord, so who else's descendant could he be?

The profane flame looks like a form of pyromancy. Pyromancy came from the chaos flame.

This isn't exactly headcanon and it isn't that hard to put together user.

>Profaned Coal
Andre confirms it's got abyss in it, and it's used for chaos infusions.

>All of these indicates that Yhorm is a giant of the same race as the DSII's giants. He even looks like the Giant Lord, so who else's descendant could he be?
Yes yes very good user very good


Miyazaki said he isn't related to the giants from DS2. Yhorm even has a face.

My best guess is that it's someone who hates this fanbase and wants to make it go to war with the Nioh fanbase(which is probably half the same people anyway). Just someone trying to stir up shitposting.

>Londor people believe that being attacked and killed after being exiled means that your sins are absolved
>The church sends criminals out to do just that as punishment

No it seems fine, fuck off

And why is the chaos flame referencing DS2 and not 1?

>Andre confirms it's got abyss in it, and it's used for chaos infusions.
Yeah, the profane flame is old chaos flame + abyss isn't it?

>Miyazaki said he isn't related to the giants from DS2.

>Yhorm even has a face.

Giants in DS1 had faces, DS2 is the only game the bucked the tread.
Again, only DSII giants are ever referred to as greatwoods because they turn into trees when they die.

Gwyn wasn't hollow though. He was fucking burned to shit. Just because both make you look super fucked up doesn't mean he was hollow.

He did it by being a recurring joke character that you aren't supposed to take seriously.

He was hollowed because he fed his soul to the flames. All hollowing is is losing your soul, it can happen to anyone.

Clearly the most powerful Soulsborne character.

>Giants in DS1 had faces, DS2 is the only game the bucked the tread.
DS1 Giants =/= DS2 Giants, how can you say this shit with a straight face? Just stop.

Also known as people that don't eat up Kaathe's shit and become darkwraiths

>caring about DaS3's story
>when DaS3 had far and away the weakest story of any From ARPG

DaS3 is pretty much just a hastily made tribute to the earlier games instead of its own thing, the reused locations, rehashed enemies, copy/pasted story, inexplicably recurring NPCs and items, etc. are all evidence to that

As much as people like to rag on 2 at least it was original

>invade other worlds as a ghost with no risk of actually dying if you fail
>get to spend all day fucking with random idiots
>not the best life

1. I was being general for the most part
2. people loved to give ds3 for rehashing minor and major things especially the BB aspects
see this nigger
oh was it? Because I don't remember any bonfires in fucking demons souls do I. Part of the improvement from DeS to DS was a new IP
I'll repeat that I was being general, but often the polish or direction will fade in a sequel or the director sucks dick

a recent example is Initial D which has the worst animation and cg of fucking anything but a solid over the top story, the second season improved both of these but went for the shounen route over its spirit. So yes, the 1st is worst but much better for most things. It's all subjective anyway but I wanted to back up my opinion

You still haven't explained where Yhorm came from nor why he has a sword that explicitly works only on DSII Giants.

Betrayal ending, nothing says ''I'm so fucking done'' with a series than curb stomping your waifu and peaceing out with the first flame. A fitting ending to Souls bravo Miyazaki


With undead turning into trees and unkindled ash not hollowing at all, I was expecting to see major references to Aldia, but he was nowhere to be found

>This is what Darkwraiths actually believe

>he doesn't want to look that cool and be that badass one day

I wasn't the person you were talking to before.
Why should anyone have to prove where Yhorm came from though, it's your job to prove that he's related to the DS2 giants since you're making that claim. He has a face, was obviously sentient and communicated with humans, and isn't clearly connected to them outside of his general appearance.
I'm curious where you're getting "Again, only DSII giants are ever referred to as greatwoods because they turn into trees when they die." from, too. The Storm Ruler certainly wasn't necessary against DS2's giants.

>With undead turning into trees
The pilgrim butterflies? I don't know if I would call them trees. They seem more like an unholy fusion of dragons and archtrees than just trees.
>unkindled ash not hollowing at all
This has no relationship with Aldia whatsoever.

>I was expecting to see major references to Aldia, but he was nowhere to be found
Grand Archives, First of the Scholars, he may be that guy.

Not him, but he was talking about the one's in the High Wall of Lothric.

That scholar was probably Pontiff though.

What do you guys reckon this is? Doesn't look like a smashed pot to me, at least there aren't any similar ones in the game that i know, and seeing the dlc trailer, that piece of painting that npc is offering, it seems to have a similar color to this.

How was this not 100% obvious?
Did you even play the game?

>Usurpation is the only one that matters.
this nigga knows

>I wasn't the person you were talking to before.
My bad.

>I'm curious where you're getting "Again, only DSII giants are ever referred to as greatwoods because they turn into trees when they die." from, too.

Pic related, and the Forest of Fallen Giants is literally a forest created from dead giants

>The Storm Ruler certainly wasn't necessary against DS2's giants.
The Storm Ruler was brought back as fanservice and retconned as a special weapon that specifically targets giants.

>Not him, but he was talking about the one's in the High Wall of Lothric.

I thought these guys were a midstage transformation of the Pilgrim butterflies?

Keep telling yourself that.

>Implying snakes are strong enough to even try to fight a god with one of Manus' parts as a friend

There's nothing much linking those to the butterflies plus there are also the sitting tree-men at the Undead Settlement

>This has no relationship with Aldia whatsoever.
Aldia was all about getting rid of the curse that turned men into undead, not to mention SotFS' "third" path ending, the unkindled ash seemed a step in that direction

He is only a huge fag because he tried to resist the Abyss. The 4 Kings let it in and became fucking awesome because of it.

>tfw no Wolnir phase two after your break the bracelets where he emerges from the blackness as a 4 Kings style monster

>it will happen to you too!

>My bad.
Well, I probably should have mentioned it. Jumping into other people's discussions without mentioning it is a bad habit.
>Pic related, and the Forest of Fallen Giants is literally a forest created from dead giants
But when are they stated to be "Greatwoods?" Your argument here kind of hinges on that. It seems more likely to me that the message was just a hint to make sure the players would know to actually use it. I would honestly be willing to go with saying that the SR is just fanservice if you had better ways to back up your point, but I don't see a reason to believe it. At best, Yhorm's design is a throwback to DS2.

I don't remember the game looking so disgusting

Can we finally admit this game was better than the third entry to the series?

>soul form
Hollow form.
Mephistopheles. Props, they managed to wait 3 games before rehashing this one!
>fog doors
Fog doors. Bonus points because this time they don't even make sense!

are you being serious right now? lordran is not in boletaria nor vice versa


He transcends dimensions and genres to do the things that he does.

Fuck no. Its level design was bad. Straight up bad.

I'll take DaS3's linear level design over DaS2's straight up bad level design any day.

Age of dark, it's how it's supposed to be, the fire was never meant to be linked.

>Aldia was all about getting rid of the curse that turned men into undead, not to mention SotFS' "third" path ending, the unkindled ash seemed a step in that direction

I'm really not seeing how Aldia is involved with the unkindled. Unkindled just seem to be one of the First Flame's last failsafes.

>There's nothing much linking those to the butterflies plus there are also the sitting tree-men at the Undead Settlement
Honestly, there is much linking the butterflies to anything other than the pilgrims of Londor. We literally know almost nothing about them.

There's more to level design than linear levels. At least levels in DSII weren't just rehashes of the first game. Also, I really loved Rainy Castle level, and "Don't touch the dragon eggs" level. Much better than DS3.

to be honest, they redeemed themselves with the DLC, all of the three had neat level design

You guys are alright.

>DaS3's linear level design
What? DS3 had linear world design but the levels were very non linear like BB.


I can barely even remember half of the areas, the DS2 main game is really unremarkable. The only thing I really enjoyed was the pvp which is essentially not an option until NG+.

>easiest game in the series
Das2 fag detected
Das3 was much harder than most games in the series, the only reason why it appears easier is because everyone know how to play souls at this point

difficulty wise:
das2 SOTFS (due to retarded enemy placement and hordes of enemies most of the time) > bloodborne old hunters DLC > DAS3 = Bloodborne >das1 prepare to die edition > das1= Demon's souls > das2

holy fuck that made me really think

user, that game IS the third entry in the series :^)
It's also worse than the fifth entry, way worse than the second, ABYSMALLY worse than the fourth, and only slightly better than the first.

DS3 levels were not linear at all, in fact I'd say it's the most non-linear Dark Souls from a straight-up level design standpoint.

The world map itself is fairly linear, but in each area there is a whole lot of freedom.

That whole area feelt off to me in 3
What was the point of it?
Why where the Abbys watchers headquarters ontop of the grave if they exterminated Abyss spawn?
And why was the grave so close to Irithyll

>When the giants fell, they grew into great trees. Death is not the end, for anything that has ever once lived remains a part of a great cycle of regeneration.
Giant Trees, Great Trees, Greatwoods, they all seem to be rather interchangeable terms honestly.

>At best, Yhorm's design is a throwback to DS2.
Yeah, and given how quite a bit of DSIII is rather self-contained (Pontiff Sullyman = First of the Scholars), its far more likely that Yhorm is a descendant of Wolnir, but thats a just raises further questions.

>DAS3 = Bloodborne
Care to point at what areas of 3 were as challenging as Forbidden Woods or Mensis?

They were probably trying to get to the Abyss that was literally in the Catacombs, you know, the one that Wolnir was in? What exactly are you confused by?

It was so close to Irithyll because of all the shifting of areas that was happening, same reason everything is out of place.

>Yes, indeed, it is called Lothric,
>Where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge.

Don't trust the geography in DS3, its literally stated that the lands of Lothric are moving around as if they are on plate tectonics.

That wooden vagina gives me "Greatwood" if you know what I mean


Farron keep, the Archives.

Ahh yea, if forgot the whole merging of lands thing for a sec
my bad


>also best armor

Not only stated, just look at the sinking ground in Undead Settlement, or the massive broken bridge that should lead to the High Wall

Or the High Wall of Lothric just suddenly "appearing"

>Giant Trees, Great Trees, Greatwoods, they all seem to be rather interchangeable terms honestly.
That's not an argument.
You can believe what you like, but I'm just not convinced.

And why are forbidden woods exactly any difficult for you? At this point you should be used to standard from software level design. Forbidden woods are at the level of lothric castle which isn't even all that bad. Compare this to shit that you need to pull through in grand archives.

And don't get me started about fucking mensis, it's just annoying gimmick level that doesn't improve the overall experience.

Das3 has nameless king, fucking champion gundyr and final boss, bloodborne has old hunters and that's that.

Is it Roderesu on the far right?


The one legitimately great thing about DaS3 is this track


The final boss itself is a great farewell to these games before they do their "spiritual sequels" to Dark Souls.

There is literally nothing wrong with 4 kings you shitty memelord

I love the first half of that song, I wish they would have made it longer

>That's not an argument.
I'll agree to disagree about Yhorm entirely, but I'm not sure what it is that your not getting here with this argument.

>Storm Rulers is directly stated as being a Giantslayer
>Giants (DSII) turn into large trees when they die
>“Only a storm can fell the greatwood”
>It logically follows that DSII giants have been referred to as greatwoods at some point.

DaS2 giants were vulnerable to all kinds of weapons though.

The greatwood thing is quite a stretch

I'm sorry, but saying that a word that is used once in isolation SEEMS to be used interchangeably with some other words that you want it to be related to is just not valid. It has been established that there are many types of giants: DS1 giants, DS2 giants, Yhorm, and DS3 giants. 1 and 3's might be basically the same, but they definitely aren't what Yhorm is since they aren't affected by the Storm Ruler. There's no real way to know what it would do to DS2 giants, but you would think that using it on the giant tree at Firelink would knock it over by your logic. None of that "logically follows" anything.

What game is this?


it's easy, user

Yhorm is a descendant of Wolnir, not the Giant Lord. That's why the Profaned Capital is right next to Carthus Catacombs. He is of whatever unique "race" that guy was. Human? Half breed? Just SL 9999? Who knows

But it's only on last gen :(

who says that DaS1 and DaS3 giants are basically the same? The DaS3 giant slaves have hole faces underneath their helmets

pic related

Yhorm has a face and is hit by storm ruler, giant slaves who have no face are not hit by storm ruler. makes sense.

Too be fair, a large gust of wind like the Storm Ruler WA generates is probaley enough to knock anyone off their ass, nevermind a giant.

>1 and 3's might be basically the same
You mean the ones in Anor Londo in 3? Yep, same ones from one.

>but you would think that using it on the giant tree at Firelink would knock it over by your logic.
This has to be gameplay/story segregation.

And I could be wrong, but can't humans also grow to large sizes in proportion to their souls? Vendrick and Pontiff Sulyvahn are both humans, but they are taller than the player character.

>And I could be wrong, but can't humans also grow to large sizes in proportion to their souls?
the description of the Titanite Scale implies that this is possible, but I don't see it applying to Yhorm because they specifically call Yhorm out as being a Giant.

Besides, the height growths of people like Pontiff, Champ, and even Vendrick (who was super xboxhueg) pale in comparison to how big Yhorm is

The Giants in DaS3 at Anor Londo are the same race as the giant archer at the undead settlement. You can't see very well in the picture, but the giant archer clearly has a face beneath the helmet.

what armor is it? nameless knight?

It's Hodrick's Sunset Armor

There needed to be an NPC that drove the point home that you're only here because they have no other choice.
"Yeah, so you're absolute shit. But you're all we've got, so go get em kiddo!"

well you can clearly see from my pic that the giant slaves in Anor Londo don't have faces, therefore they aren't the same.

Side note: neither do the giant slaves in the CotD