Is this -dare I say- "our game"?

Is this -dare I say- "our game"?

Other urls found in this thread:

your only slightly above average game

please stop thinking this is the best game ever created
it is not
it is objectively a mediocre game

Name 3 games released in the last decade that are better than Bloodborne.

Dark Souls
Jackie Ch- FUCK

Why do contrarians shitpost Bloodborne so much now? Last year even with Pkek port begging people generally agreed it was a great game.

Considering it's your only game, yeah I would say it's pretty safe to say that.

user, it's a PlayStation meme. You fell for it. Bloodborne is a decent game at best, combat is generic, atmosphere is pretty good, graphics are PS2 garbage at 24FPS and the lore is solid.

It's overrated, and it has always been overrated, otherwise people who give it a lower than 10/10 review get called a casual. Circlejerk , really.

sony fats suck its nuts because its their only good game


>it is objectively a mediocre game
Nope. But you're objectively a fucking retard.

It's not overrated whatsoever. The combat isn't "generic", stop using words you don't know how to use. Graphics are nowhere near PS2 nor is it "24fps XD". Jesus fuck you are cancer. Kill yourself moron.

You're so fucking full of shit. Name a game with better atmosphere than bloodborne in the last 10 years.

Why do people take this so seriously
It's a video game guys

>implying Cred Forums can agree on anything

why is the label yellow

>I was only pretending to be retarded xP

I've been playing vidya since the 90s and Bloodborne is still my favorite.

You are on Cred Forums. People here will fucking cut their dick off just to proove their videogame is ''better'' than the other. Autism

Bloodborne is a really good game.Too bad it's fanbase is full of autistic faggots who think the game is the second coming of jesus.

It will always be hated by Cred Forums despite being a great game because it's a PS4 exclusive and Cred Forums consists mostly of underage children and poor adults who can only afford a single system which most often than not is the PC (and it should be. When you are limited to a single system, it is obviously the best option).

>underage children and poor adults who can only afford a single system
I can easily afford a PS4, but there's no reason to buy a console just for one really great game. Consoles will never have enough exclusives that interest me.

I never take anything said on this site seriously. Still this is a shit opinion and cancer. Bloodborne and From software in general to me represent an attitude towards game design that needs to be more prevalent in the industry. More emphasis on gameplay, less handholding and all that good shit. Also even people who hate bloodborne can usually agree that the atmosphere is top-notch (creature design, sound design etc).

Most people on Cred Forums still hate Bloodbourne for it's inaccessibility, though. The thought that people who have something that you cannot acquire, are deriving pleasure from it and dare to claim that it's better than what you have is a major attack against the typical selfcentered Cred Forumsirgin. They cannot fathom the possibility that they are being left out of something great, so they deny it's worth. Bloodbourne is a textbook example, but it really applies to countless other games on Cred Forums.

It's not on PC so, no

This. I appreciate that Bloodborne is a good game, just that I'll never play it unless PS4s get REALLY cheap/it gets emulatable/it gets a PC port. It's simply not worth my money to spend ~$400 on one game with limited replay value, and the rest of the PS4's tiny library does not compensate.

>leaked on Cred Forums
>caused an enourmous amount of asspain, even higher than Bayonetta 2
>only available to idorts and non-poorfags (The $460 was worth it desu kos)
>pushed the boundaries even further than Dark Souls did
>DLC was even BETTER than AotA
>one year later

It don't think it could be anymore of our game.

The most brainwashed fuck here

Your entire post is a meme

It survived intense shitposting by all shill factions on Cred Forums. Pretty impressive.

>tfw can't beat bosses without summoning help
>tfw out of insight and stuck at rom

Bonfire > The Firekeeper > Doll >>> MiB = Emerald Hussy

It's pure kino.

Has anyone here experienced frame rate issues while playing BB or W3 ?

Did it happen frequently ?

>help someone beat a boss or kill an easy chalice boss
>get an insight
>summon help

Wow so hard!
How did you run out of insight in the first place? The game throws insight at you at every corner.



Shit meme,shit game

>not going solo
git gud

I love Bloodborne, but that's easy. Alien: Isolation.


I'd really appreciate an answer to these questions.

Just a medicore spin-off

>this is just ONE of his webms

i dont get any frame rate issues while plying bloodborne. In witcher 3 i get drops every now and them

Why dont sonyggers even play their games?


Absolutely, but these fanboys will never see that.

i do get frequent framerate dipping in both games, although im playing witcher 3 on a toaster

That shit isn't up to date at all

then go update it

>100 million steam accounts
>most games on PC(uck) don't even reach 1 million sales
Why don't PCucks play any games?

I didn't know you could get insight those ways, thanks user

I had like 10, used them on Damian the scholar but he kept dying. Then I started summoning people but they would just charge the spiders and die.