
What went so fucking right, bros?

The players bullied Squeenix so hard after Absolution that they realised that either IO has to make their next game properly or save their honour by commiting mass suicide

return to blood money formula
nice graphics
great replayabilty

fuck the release model though, I've currently lost interest and have no desire to play USA yet

is it fun?

Yeah, the level is pretty fun and the story goes full Deus Ex.

Great level design that makes for a lot of replayability

I really like it. Thought it was gonna suck because it was in a full hostile zone and had 4 targets but it's definitely one of the best levels of the game so far.

Whats wrong with 4 targets?

The best thing about Colorado is the targets actually move around the map a lot more. They don't walk back and forth between 2 key points until you trigger an event like the rest of the levels.

It's usually a bad sign in a Hitman game, I find. Historically, missions with lots of targets and/or full hostile zones have been the weakest in the series.

Probably the best level, but only the barn and house having any kind of elevation is a shame.

Full hostile zones I agree but I can't think of any high target maps that were bad because there were numerous targets.

Got any examples?

Death on the Mississippi and that Chinese mission with 5 targets in C47 and Contracts

4 targets isn't even that much.

A Dance With The Devil from BM had 4 targets plus and additional objective and it was great.

It's not about the amount of targets, but rather how interesting they and their routines are.

Is this game ever on sale?

I liked Death on the Mississipi. There was a lot of rooms and shit to look around and the setting was fun.

The Chinese ones from C47 and Contracts are more shitty level design than the number of targets.

Dance with the Devil only has 2 targets. I believe both the devil and the angel are optional.

It's like $45 on GMG right now.

The game isn't even out yet, mate. It would be pretty stupid of them to put it on sale before it even leaves Early Access.

>Japan next

The "military base" type levels make a nice change, because it at least feels like all the NPCs have a purpose, and you can do something with them. In the more normal levels you just get a lot of decorative crowd.

If there's one thing that I think the episodic model doesn't allow it's the fun smaller levels, like the witness protection house in BM. People would probably complain if that was a whole episode on it's own.

Your appointment to ICA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the chairman.

Odds of them having a reference to YAME and/or NPC's getting ran over by a truck? I'm going with 80%

>Playing Nu-Man
>Having Nu-fun

They had better put a ninja camo that makes everything a hostile area in the level.

>Special Ops training kill
>Think it's bugged or I missed something to start
>Just managed to flip the ram's safety off in time for Rose to turn up
>Debriefing starts
>Tfw just hop over to the controls and use the ram

Fuck, I wasn't expecting it to be THAT brutal somehow.
>Never spotted: 0
Fuck off, when?

That's what the three small bonus levels are for. Plus the two tutorial levels as well.

Also, A New Life is deceptively big.

3? I thought there were only 2; In Sapienza and Markesh

There are three total. One will be released soon enough (probably before Japan)