I feel enemies attacking other enemies is under utilized...

I feel enemies attacking other enemies is under utilized. It's a little immersion breaking when everyone/everything is after you even though they're bunched together and more than likely have a conflicting past/nature towards one another.

When I first played Fallout 3 and noticed a Death Claw turned its attention away from me and onto Raiders who were shooting at it/me it was one of the best feelings in the world. Same thing with Dark Souls and Undead Rapport. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed the game more using a stealth mage and casting Undead Rapport on enemies and playing the "which one wins?" game with myself.

What games are out there that has enemies attacking one another as well as you?

>fighting 2 enemies
>1 tries to hit me but whiffs, and accidentally hits his buddy
>buddy starts fighting back

I always liked this. It's a small feature, but it's helpful and funny on occasion.

Seriously not enough games do this.

One of my favorite things to do in gta4 and to a lesser extent 5, was to piss off the local hood rats to the point that they either start shooting or attacking me and I let the cops tear them a new anus. Good times.

I just want a game where I can have a small army behind me in first or third person.
Mountain blade was okay but with shit controls.

Funny this thread pops up, I just played some Wolfenstein The Old Blood and I watched a nazi shooting zombies for a good while. He eventually killed them all and turned around to attack me

So wolfenstein huh? I'll have to try it out. Any other games you guys know?

Earliest game that springs to mind for me that had this is Turok 2, maybe even T1:DH, god those games were ahead of their time.

The whole of Bioshock is broken once you get hold of security bullseye, every big daddy can be mown down when they walk into a camera

Borderlands 2 has an enemy that goes crazy and attacks everything when you shoot his helmet off. When he kills something he transforms and becomes stronger. The stronger he becomes, the better loot you get when he dies.

Monster Hunter had this mechanic in some on their games. Certain species of wyvern would aggro on certain species.

Dark Souls 3 did it with dark wraiths iirc

Quake 2, minecraft, half-life 2, and I think killing floor has enemies attacking enemies. It's a goldmine that hasn't been tapped enough in games.

it would be amazing if subnautica had the larger animals actively hunting other large animals like in a real ecosystem

Doom kind of

Thing is though, these processes usually slow the game down to a halt.


Instead of you shooting/attacking something, unless you figure out how to abuse the ai, this waiting around shit takes longer a lot of the time.

It's funny for a while but the novelty of it wears off fairly quickly.

I'm pretty sure I've seen a leviathan eat a sand shark once

Nothing stops you from joining the fight


>no one mentioning the flood and the covenant fighting each other in the halo games.

>those scenes when you just knew the combine fucked up in containing the zombies

half life 2 was a materpiece desu senpai

Saints row series does this, rather fun to screw around with.
Dudes keep showing up if one of them gets into a fight so you could get something like what you want.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is all about this. The main games, and also any faction war/freeplay mods (like Call of Chernobyl)

It was more common in older games. Doom, Marathon, and Deus Ex all allow you to bait enemies into attacking eachother, leading to enemy infighting.

Reminds me of sacred, where orc were on war with undead

It then defeats the purpose of doing it unless you have like 8 of them on "your side".

I agree.
Borderlands 2 actually has some of it.
>Bloodshots and Firehawk Cultists will fight each other
>Bandits and Hyperion will fight each other
>Wildlife and Hyperion will fight each other
>Mixed wildlife will NOT fight each other though
>Goliaths/Iron Giants will attack anyone if you knock off their helmet
The last one is also probably the most fun mechanic in any Borderlands ever.

Doom, underage b&

I really liked this on Guild Wars where not only did some enemies attack each other but actually depending on how the fight went you'd find them battling at different places with one faction losing to other or even completely annihilated.

It allows you to draw aggro away from you and lets you save ammo by having other enemies deal damage for you. It was a pretty common technique in Doom and Quake.

>two factions fighting each other
>watch them from afar and wait for them to kill each other
>once the fight is done, I finally get out of my hiding spot, kill the remaining survivors and loot all the bodies
I never get tired of STALKER games

farcry 1 has an entire level based on trigens and mercs attacking each other and you have to run or sneak past most of it.

Doom is famous for this action thing

In Fallout: New Vegas, people from different factions and wildlife will usually attack each other

If you first experienced this in fucking fallout 3 you obviously haven't played many video games.

>in The Forest, different mutant tribes will try to attack your base at the same time
>they end up killing each other for your amusement from the top of your treehouse
It's the little things.

Again, like I said.

In doing so, it slows the game down.

Instead of:

>using ammo and health to keep the game going

It ends up being:

>enemies are fighting while you conserve health and ammo, but you are also not taking as many shots or risks by playing a little safer, and in doing so, it takes longer

>I have ADHD - The Post

Yeah, it's called strategy. Sometimes strategy dictates that you don't run in guns blazing.

>fighting 9 enemies
>have to take it very slowly and be very careful about when to poke head out and fire
>doing more running than shooting

>have those 9 enemies split into groups of three that are also hostile to each other
>can keep their attention drawn on each other by shooting one enemy from each group and repeating
>get it done a lot faster
>conserve more resources

I don't think you're being creative enough. I can think of plenty of scenarios where not being the one getting attacked would speed up the gameplay.

Regardless of what you call it, my point was.

It slows the game down.


I've played a lot of good Doom 2 wads that were built around or relied upon using this strategy if you wanted to 100% all the enemies.

Hypothetical situations that almost never happen because of poor ai in gaming doesn't help honestly.

This is something that's severally lacking in games like Total War. It would be so boss to false-flag an agent attack to split up AI alliances.

And anons clearly stated that your point is false. It's only slower if the person playing is a fucking retard like you, who, and I quote from your post
>enemies are fighting while you conserve health and ammo
nobody is forcing you to stand and watch like a dipshit.

The only point you made is that you're a drooling retard. Infighting can easily be incorporated without sacrificing gameplay speed, in fact, in most instances where the player is not autismo supreme, it creates faster gameplay than having all of the enemies attack the player.

>give enemies threat table
>X attack gives Y threat
>understand and manipulate that

Actually a very simple concept that is used in many games and is not hard to program at all.

When your only argument is
>I choose to stand around and do nothing
I don't think you have the grounds to look at other possibilities as unfeasible. How many games have summon magic that allows you to create allies to your side? How many games have tanks? How many games have fucking anything but the player character attacking enemies?

Even if we go with the hypothetical that enemies immediately peel off what ever they are attacking to attack you, you still have the advantage of being able to make the first move from a better vantage point, a better first attack, etc... it will only help speed things up.

Just sitting and watching is probably the worst thing you can do.

>killing 9 enemies by yourself is somehow faster than 9 enemies killing each other while you attack them at the same time

I don't follow your logic. Every time I've lured enemies into attacking each other it has greatly sped up the killing process since there's a bigger total damage output.


>having a bigger chance of survival slows the game down

I guess you only played games that implement this poorly.

Star Trek Armada had the best example of this. I was playing the Single Player campaign as the Borg and you had a map where the remains of the Cardasian fleet were fighting some Federation ships or something. They were pretty hostile to each other and really going at it, the second they saw the Borg both sides stopped fighting and attacked.
Which is exactly what happens in the show, the Borg are the biggest bad of all time and enemies everywhere ally up to beat them back regardless of past problems.

Also Watch_Dogs was shit-tier for this, I beat one of the big stupid environment puzzles which unlocked the map for the area and then this guy robbed someone nearby and I gave chase. Suddenly all the guards from the area I'd snuck around in were on the side of the thief for no reason and they called in back-up and I had a full scale gang of mercenaries after me for trying to stop a bag thief.
Because the Games engine could differentiate between Cops and Enemies but put all non-Cop enemies in one big category together for absolutely no fucking reason.
Fucking Ubisoft.

If you attack, it isn't infighting anymore at that point.

Infighting itself is what slows the game down.

You're a tool.

Because, with his mighty brain, all he could come up with in that situation is watching them attack each other.

I mean, no matter how poorly it's implemented, you can still take the chance to move somewhere where you can do more damage, attack an enemy in a certain spot, use an aoe while they are all distracted and/or clustered, or even just play the fucking game the way you would normally but with the enemies also taking damage from each other.

No matter how you conceptualize it, the enemies are taking more damage.

Unless it's so one sided on the enemy infighting side that there is one enemy that is literally one shotting everything for you, the damage done by the enemies to each other is almost always negligible and you are always more well equipped to deal with things damage wise.

>GTA 4
>On of the missions you get from Cop cars
>Drive up to a construction site, which is filled with criminals
>Call 911, agro the criminals and take cover
>Responding cop calls for back-up
>Criminals get wrecked

>Being this autistic

I take it you're the master of slow, buddy.

Except it's highly likely that the enemies are still fighting each other, even if they are not, they are still not truly allied and one can likely still lead them to injure each other further, and no matter what happens after the fact, the game features infighting and you can use that to create some sort of advantage without sacrificing game speed.

Your only argument is your own stupid concept of how to handle such a scenario which nobody else seems to follow. What's worse is that even when people follow your inane logic, they still find ways to prove you wrong.

Here's a picture, because you're retarded.

The red circles are enemies, and the black circle is the player. The arrows indicate the direction of an attack. Suppose each enemy has 5 HP and each attack by an enemy deals 1 HP of damage. Attacks by the player deal 2 HP of damage, and all attacks are made at the rate of 1 per second.

The left, indicating a scenario where infighting has occurred will result in the enemies all being dead in 6 seconds.

The right, in which there is no infighting, will require 15 seconds to dispatch all enemies. The more enemies there are, the wider the difference between the time it takes to eliminate them all when they're infighting versus when you're fighting on your own.

>enemies are fighting one another
>engage in the fight your self
>take down enemies while they are distracted
>they continue to fight one another while they fight you

I'm not sure where in what the user said you can argue that you're better off with all nine enemies attacking you, it's always more effective to have them fighting each other unless you get some sort of boost from having aggro.

Saints Row 2, other ones as well.

>Fight a pimp
>more pimps appear to fight
>cops attack pimps using guns while pimps use backhand
>pimps start picking up guns from downed cops

Hadn't seen cops call for backup against someone that isn't the player. It's good to see everyone get the same rules or something close to it.

>everyone/everything is after you even though they're bunched together and more than likely have a conflicting past/nature towards one another.

Lost Planet has a level where you specifically see snow pirates and akrid fighting each other, and the second both parties take notice of you, they immediately ignore each other to team up on your ass.

It was the stupidest fucking shit ever and the worst part is is that some fuckface gamedev thought there was nothing wrong with it.

I think Jho is the only one who actively attacks other large monsters.

Akiba's Trip is great for this, especially on Gamer difficulty where enemy damage output is insane.
>large crowd of foes start fighting
>sit back and pick off one or two straglers
>chain strip your way through the entire mob like it ain't shit

>get aggro from some random enemy
>will probably beat your ass
>cops see the fight and go after the fucker fighting you
>cops beat the hell out of said fucker easily
>strip their last bit of clothing for a free win

And then you run your ass off because tthe cops are not to be fucked with.

Guild Wars 2, despite being a shitty game actually had monster infighting

I'll always have fond memories of scooping a ton of shit at low level and watching the different types fight it out.

Only MMO I've ever seen do it

I was not expecting that game to be as fun as it ended up being. Part of what made the experience for me is that it really does look like the real-life Akiba. Just killing time, walking through the streets, keeping your eyes out for vampires with cool clothes you want was incredibly comfy.

I played a while ago but I never realized there were different tribes

Devil May Cry 4 does it; I'm not sure if the enemy placements happen outside of Bloody Palace, but within Bloody Palace if you're matched against holy order and demons they'll go after each other until you jump in the fray. One bloody palace level is just a Blitz fucking up a bunch of flying swords.

in jak 3 the citizens in the desert town will shoot each other if you make them hit each other.

In KF2 zeds will attack each other if enough damage is done

>ratchet and clank 2
>surviving limited ammo count arenas and untouchable
It's fun watching them murder each other.

>Slowing the game down

Two hypothetical situations, tell me which sounds faster

(Now let's assume you're playing like a little bitch using a rifle and can get 100% accuracy on 1-shot headshots just for the sake of counting bullets/time)

Situation A: Bandits have nothing to shoot at but you, and you have nothing to shoot at but bandits. There are 35 and you have 35 bullets exactly, Mag size is 5 and reload time is 3 seconds, at the very least you can kill them in like 56 seconds, with it taking one second to line up each headshot

Situation B: Same gun, same bandits, only they're capable of shooting eachother as well
Even if they only kill half as fast as you, that's still an extra 15 seconds at least you shave off your time before you can kill all of them

I realize this is basic-ass math, but I seriously cannot fathom anybody not understanding this shit so I made it as simple as possible

tl;dr: Infighting is great and you're dumb

>GTA: San Andreas
>turn on cheats for all civilians to have weapons
>have them attack eachother
>get on a jetpack to avoid rockets

Yeah, I basically laid out a dumbed-down version of that in this post: The guy never responded to it, and I don't think he's in this thread anymore.

It's fucking shocking how stupid the people here are getting

There's a guy in Planetside 2 General right now claiming that his shitty office mouse is the reason he can't draw straight lines in MS paint

... Does he not know that MSPaint can automatically draw straight lines for you?

Probably not, but he's just using it as a frame of reference I think

more of a "this is the reason I can't aim"

Oh. Well:
1) You shouldn't be playing video games at your office unless you own the place
2) Git gud

Final Fantasy 13 actually had it.
You could play out two enemies against each other, get one killed and then face the other in a weakened state.