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And yet it's not really used that much.

mtg for retards general


Why do you play hearthstone?

Arena isn't fun, you just draft the highest scoring card in each pack and rarely make a slight deviation to help your curve. The gameplay is "well I hope they don't have a boardwipe" because you can't play around them.

Constructed isn't fun, they make no effort to balance the game, just like world of warcraft class balance.

The game is ridiculously costly if you actually spend money, and you have to invest hundreds of hours before you can experience the fun part of the game if you don't want to spend money.

It has no redeeming features.

Thank goodness shaman is getting nerfed. I can't wait till next week.

I've spent around 100 dollars on the game I think. Only buy adventures and maybe like 10 packs. It isn't that fun, but I have found a lot of pleasure making shitty fun decks and playing them in wild, and it's a lot of fun to talk about the game with my friends. I did wish the developers cared more about balancing the game though. This shaman nerf should have happened before Kharazan because they gave Shaman even more good cards and just wondered what would happen to the meta. I also wish they would buff cards that see zero play just to make them playable.

tfw spent around $800 on this game.

I know nothing about this game, what does any of this card mean? I guess 4 is essentially the mana cost? Is 7/7 like it's attack/defense? What the hell does Overload do?

I kinda like magic, though I don't play it that much these days, but fuck man looking at cards from other games always feels like a puzzle because I'm trying to apply its logic to them.

Overload: X means you have X mana less to spend next turn

the reason is that shaman got even more broken tools that doesnt eat up their tempo with overload. 0 cost 5/5 taunts, 3cost 3/2 + 3/4, 1 cost 3/3 weapon. the nerf hit the wrong thing. rockbiter was ok at 1.

who the fuck spends money on pixels

HS is the most baby easy card game and you have trouble interpreting it?

Why did you even post this? Do you want a congratulation on not knowing a card game you don't play?

>buying indie games

>who the fuck spends money on pixels
Thank god there's someone else who thinks this

I don't understand it either, but if those guys didn't exist we wouldn't be able to play games for free

>tfw spent only 20$ on hearthstone and still have 20+ legendaries, with 3 golden legendaries i crafted
i had to buy naxxramas to remain even somewhat competitive in the meta (though i never resorted to BRING-OUT-YOUR-DEAD-hunter), but other than that you can pretty much get anything in the game by just grinding long enough

just try Faeria, way more interesting,
this games needs more exposure

Did someone say fun and interactive?

this is the baseline for cost to stats
1 cost 1/2 or 2/1 ,
2 cost 2/3 or 3/2,
3 cost 3/4 or 4/3,
4 cost 4/5 or 5/4,
5 cost 5/6 etc
The reason that the 7/7 is so dangerous is that shaman's opening game is usually, turn 1, 1/3 that gains attack per overload, then a turn 2 2-cost 3/4 overload or coin into 3-cost 2 2/3s overload, turn 3 removal or coin 3/2 that summons a 3/4 when played, into this turn 4, 4-cost 7/7 overload. Shaman is basically getting overstated minions each turn. At turn 1, the average max damage you can dish out from your hand to response remove these minions is 2 damage, turn 2, 3 damage, turn 4 6 damage. notice how the 1/3, 3/4, and 7/7 just dodges these? This means the opponent is usually using 2 cards and more mana to counter your field. They are losing out of the resource battle while taking continuous damage.

>meet the one single priest on ladder
>he entombs my warleaders
>happens two games in a row

i wish there are more entomb or tuck effects. There has to be more answers to fields other than silence the deathrattle and trade only to get nzothed

>go to download hearthstone since I figure it's just a card game and will run fine on my toaster
>thing says my CPU isn't good enough and it'll run like shit

it's a fucking card game what's so graphic intensive about it

shit coding

Blizzard should make Silence effects remove all text, including "murloc" for example. And when a minion dies without the text, it is considered not having had the text.
So N'zoth shouldn't resurrect minions that died silenced, and Anyfin shouldn't bring back silenced murlocs, and Houndmaster shouldn't be able to target silenced beasts.

Actually thought thats how the game works at first, and only later was surprised to find it doesn't.

Hearthstone is a PHONE game. If your PC is worse than a phone, you only have yourself to blame.
Its le current year, upgrade your shit.

>frequent crashes and game drops
>on a fucking electronic card game


Yeah that's ONE deck IF you draw the absolute perfect curve and IF you get to play first and IF your opponent has no answers

When people say toaster they don't mean a literal bread toaster user

Even my phone can run this shit

The most popular shaman deck right now doesn't even use the 7/7 minions, it just uses totem synergy and bloodlust.

And with the time you spent on the game, you could have made thousands of dollars instead.

this card is actually pretty balanced, it's only major shitters who whine about it

the problem is tunnel trogg/tuskarr totemic, which are way stronger cards and don't make you lose massive tempo when removed

Im going by the meta when 477 was popular to explain to the guy that didnt waste his time getting buttfucked by shamans. 055 is the new meme.

Cheaper cost decks usually are able to play on curve very easily. There's less if, and more if not.

Literally nobody ever complained about those cards until blizz announced the nerf

Suddenly they're the most toxic OP cards ever when a day earlier nobody gave half a shit

user that would make way too much sense for blizz to implement

Where the hell have you been man? Trogg is like mana wyrm but even more annoying. Everyone's been bitching since LOE and Aggro shaman.

They'll cycle out of standard and will rule wild

Not trogg. Tuskarr.

I've never seen a single tuskarr complaint ever until this stupid ass nerf dropped.

There was actually tons of bitching with tunnel trogg and tuskar totemic. tunnel trogg is channeling the undertaker days and tuskar is dropping 6/6 stats over 2 bodies on turn 3.

>Still playing RNG meme game.


Tuskarr literally wins games on turns 2/3

Getting 5-6 mana value for 3mp is insanely hard to come back against

When tgt came out people said tuskarr was so bad he was unplayable

Now he is too powerful to exist

yeah, "wild" because blizzard is such a fucking retarded company that they'd rather take away interesting cards over balancing a few of them

shit sucks

Like this fucking guy

I'd bet ten thousand fucking dollars he never even thought about tuskarr before blizz announced the nerf

under what rock have you been living

That's because Vitality totem was out of standard, and no Thing from Below.

Back then the meta was even more broken, but in a less aggro-way

You had shit like deathlord, sludge belcher, dr. 7
Combine that with vitality totem diluting tuskarr's drop pool and you have a meta where his value is diluting due to the meta hard countering him and there being no good totem synergy (now the 055 means that you can just drop tuskarrs and get a free large taunt)

I think people didnt realize how hard it is to grade with split body minions. look at the new 1/3 spider. 2/6 stats. I warned people about call of the wild as well. Can you believe there were people that didnt think this would be massively broken?

Totem golem isn't a game winner by any means. Stop being melodramatic.

No, THAT'S stupid. What they should do is make it so every minion has a classification and build off of it. This is the only card game I know of where creatures can just be of no tribe or typing. It's fucking stupid.

remember when people creamed their pants over a 3 cost 3/4 spider mech? this is a 3 cost 3/4 and a 3/2. Maybe it doesnt win games by itself but it gives you a wide safety net.

>he doesn't instantly concede whenever his opponent drops a minion

No wonder you're rank 20

Shaman shitter detected

Yeah IF you hit the luck roll

Otherwise you get shit so what's all the butthurt for

your opponent a 3/2 and a 3/4 on turn 2 or 3 is gonna put you so far behind that winning is not likely.

Totem golem is 1 in 10 chance drop you fucking pussies

You babies can't even handle a single 3/4 once every ten games, you shouldn't be playing at all

not really. 3/2 0/3 is good too. opponents have to focus on the 0/3 and risk leaving the 3/2 alive to prevent your 3 cost 3/5 cantrip from become a 3 cost 3/5 arcane intellect

The nerf will not hurt shaman that much. They hav plenty of other cards in 3 mana slot. You'll still see them a ton, and you'll definitel see 4 mana 7/7 since it's an even bigger autoinclude.

Boo hoo I have to board control instead of face.

I think that a lot of decks have counters to Flamewreath Faceless, so they won't be that popular or hard to deal with.

1 in 7 for standard. with the inclusion of spirit claws and the new arcane explosion, the value of the spell damage totem is on par with the non-basics as well.

>you will never be hardcore enough to post on Cred Forums without a monitor

1/7 of totem golem
1/7 of mana tide
1/7 of flametongue

So 3/7 tuskarr drops puts your opponent so head on the board that coming back is a chore and a half.

It's a card like yogg where it is uninteractive as fuck, just "does the RNG fuck me or not?"

Yeah, and now every time you play tuskarr you are absolutely guaranteed to get a shit drop because getting something good isn't even an option

But apparently that's what it takes to get these babies to stop their tantrums

>SD Totem
>Not fucking god tier

Are you retarded or something?

>3 golden legendaries

right you got memed hard not even worth the dust

dont think about getting goldens until you have every card in the game

no, its 'I have to control board to prevent face.' when you do eventually deal with the board, the shaman fails back to emptying out his damage from hand spells, and doomhammer rockbiter. its the same deal with mech/tempo mage but with bigger minions

The card isn't even that good. I run only one in my midrange shaman.

>Playing opponents stupid enough to leave up totems
>wasting a 3 slot on a 25% chance to get a 0/2 that might possibly maybe have value if you have the right cards already in hand and the right situation on board for them to be useful

Yeah no get fucked


>minion of the deep
>uses fire
What were they thinking?

the point of tuskar whining is that he never goes under value. stat wise, the lowest he adds to field is 3/4 with an added effect. That's very slightly above the average. He can only randomize into a higher value drop

Because 1 drops and zoo is already gay enough

There's this little thing called using tuskarr before you're down to 3mp so you can mix him with things

There's this little weapon called spirit claws
Maelstrom portal

SD totem is something that demands instant answers due to middy shaman.
Yeah, SD totem is totally something worthless.

i needed to have golden ragnaros

>everyone says priest is garbage
>my current favorite deck is N'zoth priest with a pretty decent winrate

I'm convinced people are just afraid to play decks they like and feel forced to play whatever decks have already hit legendary.

A 3/2 and a 0/2 maybe have the same numbers as a 3/4 but that does NOT make them equal value, if tuskarr gained the totems stats and effects, then you'd be right. The split makes him weaker, not stronger.

There are many, many easy ways to kill a 3/2 that wouldn't take down a 3/4

I play a lot of dragon priest, but I recognize that it's a pretty trash deck. I would be better served in nearly every situation by playing dragon warrior or dragon paladin.

And that leaves a 0/2 on the board that can have totem buffs, rockbiter buffs, flametongue buffs

So no, you did not deal with that 3/4 of stats

How are you not running Sylv+Tirion+N'Zoth at this point
That Priest should be getting fucked in the ass so hard if he entombs some low-tier mobs.

Good on him. Fuck murloc pallys.

HS needs some better card art.

Don't forget that Spirit Claw and Maelstrom Portal increased the value of the Air Totem to be on par with those.
So 4 out 7 are good drops that the enemy has to focus to remove. And even then, the taunt totem and heal totem aren't bad depending on your earlier board. So only 1 in 7 is objectively a bad drop that even then can be of some use.

>that nerf its getting

Post useless OC

Cool but way too slow

this entire board is dedicated to people who are entertained by pixels, a lot of them buy them.

t. thrall

ok, post some

I got more, made most of these back in TGT-release though

Why post that when you're talking about better art? That's on part with Kill Command.
Here, better art and 100% on topic.

Would you play

I can't fap to that.

How is your awful taste relevant when discussing good art?
Or are you honestly suggesting that generic anime girls are good art?

Oh shit, I never looked at the full sized large image of huge toad. I always thought he had a cigar in his mouth.

I just realized that's a foot sticking out of his mouth and not a big goofy cigar.

Yeah, that's the standard reaction I get when i post this.
Also there is a cute tiny toad next to it.


See? This is why HS needs better art.

2 slow

I already has fucking great art for most cards.
All it needs is an in game gallery where you can look at the images in the cards at a bigger resolution because they cards are small.

Your Shittyverse needs better art and not just ding dongs.

They need to release more completely shit useless cards or cards that are harmful for you if you play them so that it spices up the random shit you get.

Hey, you can insult me all you want but keep the fuck away from dingdong-chan.

Like Blingtron equipping Cursed Blade. To the enemy.

>fun and interactive
>It turns itself into a chicken, buffs my minions and destroys itself
>It was the enemy's Yogg


And it will be after the patch.

Blizzard just made Shaman even stronger in the midrange.

rate my sh*tty OC

I bet, when they made this drawing, Totem Golem was an 8/8 with a cost reduction per totem played. The name and artwork suggests something bigger than a 3/4.

hah, I like this one.

It doesn't look like a 3 mana 3/4 but it certainly is terrifying on turn 1 with coin as the art suggests.
Coin Golem -> Trogg -> Spooky Puppies is one of the best openings in the game.

>7 cost 5/8

The fuck

Come to think of it, the art for totem golem and thing from below should have been swapped.

>deal damage randomly split between enemies
>summon a random totem
>cast a random spell
>deal 8 damage to a random enemy
>take control of a random enemy
>add a random spell card to your hand
>summon a random minion from your deck
>summon a random n cost minion
>resurrect a random minion
>random random random


I really wanted to avoid hearthstone, and finally broke down and downloaded it. Just something fun to play in between my trips to the infusion center. I sit there for hours, and do not like having a smartphone, but had a tablet for other things. It wasn't till a few weeks ago I finally got frustrated with the game because even on the low end of ranked battles you have faggot with all these legendary card, and combos off other legendary card. Everything you could only get through buying packs. I spent a few months just playing and completing quests to be the adventure packs in segments. Its just not fun anymore, and became more of a chore just to complete daily quests to earn gold to buy more packs and for cards that don't even help your deck.

So it actually killed my interest in card games. Seeing as you can only get the best cards randomly through packs, or going on ebay for the rare bits you want. I never knew a bigger scam than 40k charging hundreds of dollar for a single plastic mini.

People are stupid.

I thought that too, but
>get 5/5 taunt
>which reduces the cost of your OTHER 2 5/5 taunts

There are better digital CCGs out there.

That one I like. Shaman needs more spell stuff like mage has.

They stole our bloodlust we steal their spells.


You know what's Hearthstone's main problem? It lacks good comeback cards. It's unreasonably hard to fight back if you lose board control.

Hahaha, no. That is tumblr-tier shovelware.

>3 cost 3/2+3/4
But that's gone too now.

Honestly at this point I want there to be a card whose effect is just

Random:Has a completely random

I'm not saying something like Yogg where he selects randomly from a list, I mean you cannot predict what the fuck will happen, like it replaces your opponent with somebody else or it crashes your game.

>6 mana get out of jail for free card

Reno decks are specifically designed for comebacks.

Reno is a great card. But it's one fucking card. There should be dozens of cards like Reno in the game. Dozens.

Just play arena for cards fool

How do people not get this

Use all your gold on arena runs and git gud


>tfw healbot is gone forever

They should've grandfathered that shit in man

>Milling a minion card doesn't qualify it as dead
>Instead, it is removed from play
This never made sense to me. Another thing that never made sense:
>Play C'Thun
>Enemy transforms it into a sheep/frog/whatever
>It dies
>8 Mana 7/8 Give your C'Thun 2/2 and revive if it's dead doesn't revive it, cause your C'Thun no longer exists when transformed
Even though your Frog/Sheep'Thun is dead, your C'Thun just doesn't exist. I always found this retarded as well, Hearthstone and any other Digital TCG is capable of so much more than a physical TCG, yet uses FAR LESS mechanical variety, Removed From Play literally means "it doesn't exist." Instead of being an artificial second graveyard with unique mechanics. Literally the only "unique" mechanic you can't reasonably use in a real game it does is card transformations having a visual impact instead of replacing a card with a 1/1 token and sending it to your graveyard or whatever.

>Enemy plays BLOOD MANOS
>And before you can stop it, it's already dead

J-jesus christ, how can I compete?

>Just play arena for cards fool

A valid strategy if you're actually pretty good at the game. But if you're only average, you'll average three wins, and you don't get your money back for three wins.

Also, grinding Arena takes a lot of time. Then again, doing ANYTHING in Hearthstone takes a lot of time. Game is slow as fucking molasses.

>They should've grandfathered that shit in man

Blizzard definitely should take key cards like Reno and Lightbomb and add them to the Classic set after they rotate.

Transform is a way to remove a minion from play and prevent any sort of action from either bringing it back while simultaneously avoiding deathrattles and other such effects.

What do you not understand?

>destroy all enemy minions for 6 mana

>TFW barely play anymore and just play Brawls
>They keep putting up the worst fucking Brawls like Mechazod (FOR THE THIRD TIME) and Tiny Mech
>Can't do basically any of my quests with this bullshit

The fact that people look at this and think it's OP is what's insane about this card game. It relies too much on hard, hard momentum

t. thrall

thank god you fucktards are going to become irrelevant tier again.

>What do you not understand
Why C'Thun cannot be put into your deck despite being gone.
I wouldn't be complaining if it didn't also give your C'Thun in the little void portal on the left 2/2, but it does, meaning it registers you have a C'Thun, but it is not in your deck, hand, or field.

What's there to not understand?
If the minion never entered play, it never died.
If it's transformed, it's not that minion and your c'thun never died. So the battecry can't trigged.

That's how HS works. In games like Magic, cards forget all that's happened to them after they change zones because the players would have to keep track of it all manually and that would be a chore. In HS, cards remember everything that happens to them, including if they're transformed into other cards.

If your Cthun is Hexed, your 7/8 should revive him as a Frog.

>Why C'Thun cannot be put into your deck despite being gone.

It's not "gone". It just no longer is a C'thun.

>That's how HS works. In games like Magic, cards forget all that's happened to them after they change zones

We shitty OC?

Because it didn't die, a frog or sheep did

>Why C'Thun cannot be put into your deck despite being gone.
Doomcaller's battlecry specifically says if puts it in your deck if it died. Transformation doesn't count as death and if the transformed minion dies, it's that minion that died, not C'thun. Your c'thun is gone. It literally doesn't exist anymore.

If something doesn't trigger the deahtrattle of a minion, then that something is not "death". That includes milling, discarding and transformation.

>Why do you play hearthstone?

I honestly don't know. The only class I enjoy is Rogue and she's almost borderline unplayable.

Added to the fact they clearly have no intention of ever fixing her and I honestly struggle finding a reason to launch the game.

No she doesn't need anymore "play this class instead" cards you fucking fucks.

>play against Mage/Shaman/Priest as a Druid
>I know they have their fucking Poly/Hex/Mind Control ready
>play fat C'thun
>Innervate + Youthful Brewmaster him back

And yet, it doesn't.
There are several more mechanical interactions like this that don't make sense, usually involving Battlecry triggers.
>Some trigger before a minion enters play and some after
>Paladin's Sacred Trial "when your opponent has at least 3 minions, destroyt he next one played" will destroy a a Mage's Faceless Summoner even if it's the third minion summoned instead of the minion it summons, meaning it triggers BEFORE Faceless enters the field
>But Yogg'Saron triggers after it enters the field because it can destroy itself

I mean, it's obvious Blizzard has no idea what it is doing, but it still should be consistent across the game's mechanics.

>In games like Magic, cards forget all that's happened to them after they change zones because the players would have to keep track of it all manually and that would be a chore.

What about OP OC?

>cards in HS remember everything that happens to them
Then why doesn't a dead C'Thun turned Frog count as a dead C'Thun?

Even Yu-Gi-Oh solves this by just having a "normal" type, literally no reason why blizz couldn't do the same.

How old is your toaster? I'm running HS fine on a 10 year old laptop with a C2D

Here's a question, if you give a Baron Geddon Stealth until start of your next turn or just stealth in general, why does he lose it when his end of turn ability triggers?

>giving priest a 6 mana bail out card that's countered by the crazy amount of single target eliminating spells

For real, though. If you are tired and frustrated of playing Hearthstone, you should try some other game like Shadowverse for a change. It will make you realize what kind of dicks the Blizzard devs are.

Stealth breaks when the minion deals damage. In any way.

I fucking love you Cred Forums

Gee, that's a nice boars state you have.
Would be a shame of something... happened to it.

>Why do you play hearthstone?

I don't anymore. I stopped playing it after they announced the rotation system that makes all your advances in card collection temporary. Lost all interest in the game.

Nerfing Patron Warrior and the Druid Combo to dirt also happened around the same time, and made me realize the game was only going to get worse, because Blizzard considers strong synergies and combos to be wrong and removes them. They only want people to play efficient minions and attack, and if you do anything even slightly more clever, you're a problem.

I'm playing Duels now and it feels so much better. Every deck is based on synergies and combos, as it should be (except Superfriends, but there are counters to that shit). I'm constantly running into weird decks that kill me in ways I've never seen before. And I get to keep my cards.

It would be a shame if you silenced, destroyed, transformed or returned yourself to hand by the first spell you cast... after the patch.


>after your each turn

You can just say "At the end of your turn" and it'll work out.


Is this a good game?

Yogg is the only exception to the summoning stages and that was an intentionally decision in order to allow it to destroy itself. Otherwise even in the worst case scenario, you would be left with a 5/7 which is better than no board.

Every other minion is summoned the exact same way.
Summoning starts, battlecry triggers, summoning ends. The reason why Sacret Trial kills your Faceless Summoner instead of the minion is summons is because the summoning stages happen like this.

>FS Summoning stage starts
>Battlecry happens
>>>>Summoning stage of the new minon starts
>>>>His Battlecry stage happens
>>>>He enters play
>>>>Summoning stage finishes
>>>>Sacred Trial checks if it should trigger
>FS enters play
>FS Summoning stage ends
>Sacred Trail checks if it should trigger

Basically the summoning stage of the 4th minion ends during the battlecry stage of FS. Therefore it entered play first. Then FS's summoning ends and it's the 4th minion.
HS handles its stages depth first. So it goes the deepest it can get, then slowly goes backwards and finishes everything.

Here is a nice infodump for all the advanced shit that you can abuse.

Lots of examples, lots of videos in the references that show stuff off.

>returned yourself to hand

Actually that's a great scenario as long as it happens last.

Because his ability is coded as him dealing 2 dmg to all other characters.
Stealth breaks when a minion damages another character.
Thus his stealth breaks.

>not killing your own warleaders against Priest
What's it like at rank 10?

Not worried at all. Due to the way cards are worded there is actually a relatively small chance of Yogg killing himself.

The game mechanics are great.

Oh I know exactly what kinds of dicks Team 5 is.
I just find HS more interesting, it has a PC client and it doesn't look like shit.

But I do agree that Shadowverse is great as far as gold gain and rewards go. Blizzshits are pure jew mode in HS.

>actually a relatively small chance of Yogg killing himself
Yogg LOVES to clear the whole board, including himself.

Did Blizzard ever explain why they took out the adventures and packs that are no longer in standard out of the game? I would still like to have the option to buy those. Even if the adventures aren't anything spectacular, thy are still fun content, why cut them out?

He also has mind control and sd:death.

>In any way
That is retarded.

How many spells are there that clear the whole board?

I do understand why rockbiter was hit though. It was one of the main reasons pre spirit claws that shaman could protect their early game shit (read tunnel trogg) without losing much if any tempo. A coin rockbiter could take any threats off the board that could contest the trogg before it grew out of control and unlike lightning boat, wouldn't overload you.

people still play this shit outside of twitch retardery?


Been running this Rez Priest deck I made last night.

Card that's cut off is Yogg

~45% - ~55% win rate.

Last night was getting crushed, but today doing well. Hard vs Mage and Priest mirror. Wrecks anything else.

>Did Blizzard ever explain why they took out the adventures and packs that are no longer in standard out of the game?

I don't think they ever gave an official explanation for that.

Why didn't you kill your own Warleaders as part of Pyromancer combos when playing against a Priest? Did you suspect he was indeed NOT running two entombs?

yogg is interactive because you have to play spells to make him effective. Id you drop yogg at 8 spells he may not do very much but if you drop him at 12+ hes going to clear the board put out some secrets draw you some cards most of the time. For a 10 mana cards that has an additional tech activation for him to be good that you have to design your entire deck around hes extremely balanced. People like to whine and shit because its not the same mechanic as C'thun.
Nerfing Yogg is a big mistake by blizzard or at least this nerf is fucking stupid and completely ruins a very fun card.

Adventures are still in the game, just that new people can't buy them. I can still play first wing of Naxx and buy the rest with gold.

But my guess would be because of money.
You want to play wild? Give the money goy! You must craft all the needed naxx and gvg epics and legos.
And the excuse if asked would be either the technology isn't there yet or it's too confusing to the player.

Favorite game from last night

>Elemental Destruction
>Twisting Nether
>Circle of Healing if you have an Auchenai on board
>Excavated Evil
>Under extreme circumstances Shadow Word: Horror

If it was any other way, the meta would be dominated by stealth Ragnaros.


Post your stats

You forgot Brawl which might as well be a board clear. So really 6 our of a shitload of spells.

>And got a Xaril off Paletress
So many wonderful poisons!

That's not the reason Rockbiter was nerfed.

Rockbiter was chosen for the nerf because Blizzard ALWAYS nerfs Basic cards before cards that come from a pack. Even though Basic cards are supposed to be the foundation what a class can do, and almost every Basic Shaman card except Rockbiter is unplayable trash. Clearly it was the expansion cards that were the problem, but Blizzard's policy is to never touch those if they can avoid it at all. They couldn't avoid it with Yogg, because there was no other card to nerf.

>play this game for 3-4 months until April of 2015
>hit Legend with midrange paladin and control priest
>needed to grind out gold a while to get Sludgebelcher and Loatheb, thankfully they were the first part of the adventure

>fast forward a few months to when Goblins vs Gnomes came out
>playing Arena doesn't yield vanilla card packs anymore, only the GVG ones
>okay, I guess it's nearly impossible to reliably get vanilla staples without paying or grinding away needlessly, which I don't have the time to do
>keep playing anyway, hit legend again but less handily than before

>BRD comes out
>every wing has a card that breaks the meta of each class in some way, it seems
>quit the game forever because I can see the pay2win trajectory

>present day
>made an advanced rotation which probably necessitates buying/grinding and makes previous grinding obsolete

Whew, got out just in time. At least in MtG or Pokemon you can sell your cards and make back a little profit.

>6 under normal circumstances
Assuming a late-game Yogg, like most people do, it's very likely.

seems pretty shit for a legendary


is there any way of getting tyrande outside of amazon prime

>Whew, got out just in time. At least in MtG or Pokemon you can sell your cards and make back a little profit.

Anyone who buys a card (digital or real) they can't sell later is a fool.

Well I mean you get the code for trying Prime so just start the trial and get the code, right?

That sounds incredibly unfun.

>all that arena
>never won 15


This is a terrible card.

Which he absolutely loves to cast. And even if he doesn't clear the whole board, you can count on him to cast a Fireball or something on his very sorry ass.

Which is my problem with the game.

I can't justify spending tons of time grinding out cards, especially if I'm not able to select the specific packs I want at the end of an arena run.

On the flip side, I can't justify spending any money on it because it's digital and has no real value, which I am firmly against doing in any context.


Just did this too.

Feels good man.

I forgot discover can't get you other classes' cards.

>Enemy uses Flamestrike on their turn 9+ ping
>Play this and Flamestrike for 10 Mana total

Sounds like you're playing him wrong. I never drop him unless I'm at at least a 3 minion disadvantage. At that point the odds are absolutely in your favor.

The last time I played this game the meta consisted of Oil Rogue, Control Warrior, and Freeze/Mech Mage

What is the meta now?

Finally managed to get my first 12 wins arena run

Assuming the enemy's deck isn't exclusively class cards, you can do that just fine.

>not on PC

good job, i had maybe 10 runs total in two years and got to 8

I have never gotten an "OH SHIT AMAZING" draft.

I'm due.

5 Kinds of aggro warrior, Zoolock, Aggro Shaman and Midrange hunter

The rewards were really meh

The murlocs are cute and Powerful

Face Warrior, Face Shaman, Control Shaman, Cancer Mage, Control Rogue, Zoo Lock and Rez Priest.
And C'Thun Druid.

The odds are always on the side of Yogg killing himself regardless of the board position. He spams so many spells that one of them is going to hit him. Remember that even shit like Power Overwhelming is a kill (and Purify will stop him from casting more).

Unless it's 1 spell Yog or something.

but it is

It runs perfectly on an Android emulator and there is a steam client in development.

it is something to do while I wait for the bus and all of the other phone games are even worse.

Sounds... fucking awful tbqhwyl

>Basically every deck runs Princes of Darkness and is shit if it doesn't

It's not even the point if I play him or not, just how he behaves. The nerf hits him pretty hard.

The meta is 5 or 6 shitty, unfun decks. Same as always in this cursed game.

zoo isnt aggro

Who is the most fun Old God and why is it N'Zoth?

>I have never gotten an "OH SHIT AMAZING" draft.

Don't mean to be a dick, m8, but if you play it properly, you should be able to eke out 15 wins with 7.5/10 decks once in a while

>prince of darkness
Nobody runs that card anymore.

>tfw N'zoth is the only golden lego I've ever gotten

>The odds are always on the side of Yogg killing himself regardless of the board position

But that's wrong. If there are 6 enemy targets and only 2 friendly (counting you) then the odds are he will live.

Zoolock is nonexisting right now.
It's either some kind of Handlock/Reno deck or people trying to make discardlock a thing and failing horribly.

Pretty much everything played right now is an unfavorable matchup for Zoo except hunter which wins often because CotW is idiotically strong.

You're probably right.

Been watching streams because i will never have all the cards and i've never seen this guy get played, and he's the strongest old god by lore

C'Thun is the most fun one because he's the only one who enabled a legitimately new deck type (Well, Barnes combo with that 10/10 but that's a meme deck). Too bad that that deck isn't very good.

Count yourself lucky. I use him in my Priest deck and nothing turns around a late game faster than suddenly dropping an entire board of minions.


>tfw got Golden Thalnos and Mal'Ganis in the same pack

>get absolute garbage deck
>still get 5 wins
Could be worse.

How do you even get 15 wins in arena when the run ends at 12?

priest really should have a way to overheal

would at least give it more survivability

No. Even if there's a full board with 7 minions on both sides, Yogg will still kill himself. Yogg always kills himself.

>this deck is amazing!
>2/3 because of turns 1-3 RNG/curve

every fucking time

How to consistently not suck at arena?

too op.

Oh he ALWAYS does? Is this an unwritten ability in the game? Can you cite a dev who has said that "Yogg Saron will ALWAYS kill himself no matter what happens"?

>going on the internet and lying
Why would you do that?
Thalnos is classic, Mal'Ganis is GvG. You literally can't get them in the same pack even if your dad works at Nintendo.


They wanted paladin to be the only class with healing apparently

>create a second warrior for even more durdly fatigue games that last 40 minutes


I thought so too, but Reno fucks that idea.

pay very close attention to your mana curve, and limit your spells.

Keep track of the cards you've played and imagine the curve you have left. Make about 1/3 of your creatures late-game ones, 1/3 good-value 2-3 mana, and the last third should be 3/2's mixed with 5-mana.

Obviously take the best staples regardless of what your deck looks like. There must be some videos explaining how to win in arena explaining tips and strategy, I recommend watching them and applying the skills.

Same goes for standard except it's easier to determine the best possible option given how many times you'll play with the same deck.

I can cite a dev that says you're a fucking faggot.

What were you expecting, the first box already netted you profit why are you complaining?

>120 max health on your hero without any brewmaster effects
Yeah alright. Even though you have to heal up, that's crazy.

Sorry bb, I haven't played the game in a year and forgot it was 12 and not 15

I accept your apology.

its a priest card, even if it made cotw look like dogshit it still wouldn't make the class top tier

just wait to give overheal enable cards until reno is gone

Pre-Kharazan I was averaging ~6 wins with Rogue.

Gonna get a run in like 4 games. Not sure what to pick. I can never get good Mage synergy.

I'm thinking Warrior or Pally if offered.

Best was 9 wins with Pally pre-WotOG

confused Mal'Ganis and Jaraxxus, sorry

>this card

focus on curve and card quality
hope to get mage
know when to play control and when to race

thats all i can give you. i average around 6 wins id say. pre heartharena i averaged around 8 but then my deckbuilding advantage was lost.

Do you even play the game? Yogg is fucking suicidal.

warrior has infinite maximum health and warrior has a hell of a lot better tools than priest to reach it

Please excuse me just taking the WC3 model for card art.

That's fucking terrible.

I had the most success with Warrior and Priest for some reason, probably because the weapons and control spells suit my style more

Just pay close attention to the moves you make and triple-check what you're going to do, matching it against other good moves you could make. I treat it like chess, sort of.


>2-mana that adds 30 health to your hero
>not needing to be Legendary

too specific. wont ever be good enough


Your card is even worse.

Reno doesn't heal Warrior for up to 119. You can just run a normal deck with Reno for when you hit fatigue, and it's now completely impossible to lose.

You just play into board clears and assume they don't have them, right?

Or try to bait them out beforehand?

That's pretty terrible.

we posting demons?

that's why I said wait until reno is rotated out before including it

At 10 mana its almost pointless because everything is going to be a topdeck war at that point. I guess now you can concede 3 seconds earlier when they draw the card, rather than use it.

You can't make a 10 mana tech card.

>10 mana situational card

Gives me an idea.
>4 Mana 2/4 Mindbender Priest card
>While this is on the field, both players can play cards from each others' hand (note, cannot SEE each others' hands, only playable cards are lit in green)

>4 Mana 4/2 Soulbender Warlock card
>While this is on the field, both players draw from each others' decks

>play N'zoth paladin
>most games I don't even draw my deathrattle cards because there's really not that many
>even if I have N'zoth turn 10, I only played 1 or 0 deathrattle minions

>Infinite 7/6 for 7

Yeah, that's fair.

>only bookfags will get this

well to be fair, there is silence and he might not have another minion

>Play 2 of them
>Can't "Heh, Greetings" as Priest with your 120 HP

What about HU?

Both are gonna absolutely wreck your gameplay because your blademasters won't be able to die or trade. The auchnei combo is great, but when running rez and PoF you have a very high risk of having insanely dangerous situations via rez.

Rez priest died shortly after it released for a reason.

Battlecry cannot be triggered from a card's "summon" text. It's a 14/12 for 7, which is still kinda OP

Depending on how the triggers are ordered he could summon himself then give himself the ability, we've never seen a card with two Deathrattles.

I always played as if a mage had Flamestrike at 7 mana. On the flip side, if your board control is kind of weak, and you don't expect to be able to sustain very long, sometimes you need to take a risk and drop your hand before they can gain board control and finish you off.

Making those types of decisions usually is what makes or breaks an arena run. Knowing when to play tenatively or when to be aggressively, and in what situations choosing a certain style of play will benefit you the most is probably the most important skill to have.

Anyone can meticulously pick through a draft to see which cards are the best options - the key is to play smart and use what you're given to its potential. Sometimes you'll realize that in order to have the best shot at winning, you'll need to just drop everything and get just enough damage to finish them off. If they flamestrike or brawl your ass, then win the game, it's bad luck or you played it wrong.

You can play it right and still lose, just like in poker or any other games of chance, but the key is to limit the chance of error - with repeated arena runs, decent drafts, and knowing when to put your foot on the gas and when to let up, you'll probably be able to hit a dozen wins within the space of a week.

maximum health not current health
you play 2 of them you still have 30 health, you can just heal up to 120


Uh user


Where is there a Battlecry?

Anyone use any add-ons? Do they have any cons?

Discover random beast is a 2 mana 1/1.
Having a 2 mana 2/3, which will yield better results pretty much every time, is a bit of a POWER TRIP.
Make it 3 mana, or make it 1/2 or something.

For shaman you hold onto circle and hope or excavated evil to clear on turn 5.

Flash heals, priest of the feast, and other healing cards make shaman a pretty easy win unless you get screwed absolutely and they get really good RNG


Oh right, sorry, too busy sucking dicks

That's broken as hell.

card was designed so it only takes effect when balnazzar isn't the only friendly minion

so to get rid of him you need to
1 silence it
2 move it to hand/deck
3 kill all other minions first

its a play on balnazzar pretending to be like 5 people by now

here's a similar one

Thank you for the insight, user.

What possible add-ons could a person need?

>9 Mana win the game if you have any board presence in many situations
Are there ones of the other 8 heroes?

Yeah I know, just wanted to post it. If its any consolation that card is also ancient, being made before GvG, intended for use in a Master of Disguise meme deck.

He's talking about deck trackers.

Make it 2/8, so it can have the same stats as Doomhammer (thematic), and so priests can steal it and it can be Kodo'd (balance).

>Battlecry: If you have any minions on board, win the game

Hey, at least you can't Rockbiter it for a FREE extra 6 face damage.

That's so broken, as expected of Green Jesus.

>baddies still memeing about this while a 0 mana 5/5 taunt is the actual backbone of shaman

Okay guys, what if.....

>shaman card
>6 mana 4/6 minion
>at the start of your turn, cast BLOODLUST

Its balanced, because the enemy has a whole turn to do something about it, it doesn't work on an empty board, and it doesn't empty the enemy's board.
Its actually kinda weak, if not for the stats being okayish considering its situational effectiveness.

warlock's all about quick power at horrible prices and discard
so why not combine the 2?

So are you playing against the retard parade?

Shaman hard mulligans for hex against priest and that holds back a good number of its cards unless you don't have AoE so it can do instant board refills for free.
Your rezzes will be all frogs and you can't really clear the board all that well when you only have 2 types of clears, one of which is a 2 card combo that can fuck you if you've got PoF out.

Make it 2/8, remove charge.
A 2/8 minion that gives everything windfury, and summons a 2/8 weapon with windfury is fine.

Approved by the late Chris "Hoodie and Shorts" Metzen.

So you insta kill yourself. Smart.

>That everything on Tyrande
Literally the only thing that's keeping her from being the best designed hero in the game so far is the yellow hero power icon

My greetings.

If you have 9 cards left, and 3 in hand, you might want to get everything so you can win right now or next turn.
Also discard works with some minions, right? Discard from deck counts as well?


y tho

>fatigue warrior's face when

Destroyed due to full hand is not the same as discarding.

in hearthstone you don't die if you run out of card, you just start taking fatigue damage which starts at 1 and is multiplicative
it doesn't kill you outright but if you can't finish off the enemy with the 10 cards in your hand you're done for

About the price, i have been botting for a year now. Couldnt be happier. Blizz has no anti bot (or only an extremely basic one) and rely only on reports, which never happen.

I have a shitton of gold and cards and can mostly enjiy the game. I dont recomend anyone start this game without a bot. Just let it run for a few months then start playing with real cards.

I agree, that's pretty cute.
Also, when are they gonna fix Discard garbage and make at a bare minimum Succubus not a random Discard?
>Changes cost of all cards in hand to 0
>When you play it, it does nothing and gets removed from play, reverting all card costs to their prior value
>Discardlock could actually become a thing with not random Discard cards added in

Stormwind Librarian
2 mana 1/1
Battlecry: sort your deck in alphabetical order.

>play yogg
>it consistently destroys your hero and your hand
I don't get how people can pull these 33 charge windfury yoggs out their asses.

Came up with this off the top, lads.

does Brann trigger reverse-alphabetical order?

>9 Mana deal 20 damage
That's retarded and hyper situational revolving around keeping your opponent around half, then blowing them up after stalling all game.
Freeze Mage version 2 is not a good thing.


Animefags at their finest.

ah yeh forgot that
maybe add in a "destroyed cards are discarded instead" to it to allow it to trigger discards?

Never, blizzard is not good at smart things.

Right now discolock is this weird deck that can be good but it relies on you playing like a normal zoo until you draw a discard. Then you're forced to just start dumping your hand because the second you get back to back discard cards, it's fucking over.

It's a shame, but normal zoo is just shit because it can't compete with the tier 1's without the massive tempo swings that shit like 1mp: deal 4dmg and summon a 3/3 cause.

Wouldn't work because Hearthstone doesn't track your deck order. Your "Deck" is actually just a pool of cards you draw from at 100% random.
And the Developers cannot be assed to completely rewrite their tracking systems for decks just to have one new card work.
Just look at Sideshow Spelleater.
>Doesn't work in Brawls or Solo Adventures

"If its already alphabetical, reverse it" is too many words for Hearthstone, sadly.

Rogue spell
2 mana
Draw a card from the opponent deck. It costs 2 less.

Should help some stupid fatigue rogue, maybe.


>Draw cards until your hand is full, then discard your deck

Not true. There is top of the deck cards like in some adventures.

tower spam needs a representative

I am 99% positive that the Battlecry would trigger first.


That's surprisingly not shit.

They fixed that, it works now.

Well it shouldn't in this case.

yeh that's better, thanks

Literally only works against Yogg.

Pretty hilarious idea, probably broken as all hell in practice

Secrets do trigger after battlecries, yea. It's a pointless card if it doesn't have other text.

>ten mana cast 3 random spells max

What kind of deck would be overpowered with it?
The only Mage deck that relies on combo has cards with varied names needed for it.
This would put cards with "arcane" in the name first, which you will probably run .


Three max? I didn't realize that the devs put a hard cap on the number of spells he could cast.

Help me balance this card
I always wanted a minion like this to exist

It's because he usually destroys himself in 3-5 spells.
4 Mana 2/1.

Reduce his damage to 2 and his health to like 5.

Freeze Mage

Arcane Intellect
Frost Lance
Frost Bolt

Literally kill you are self leddit.

yogg surviving more than 3 spells is exceedingly unlikely

I made these a few months back

Quit the game when the wild/standard system was announced. How bad is it now?

Not broken in the sense that it's currently overpowered, but if someone created a deck that worked extremely well with an alphabetic card order, it could potentially be broken

You know the exact order of drawing and can build a sick deck around it.

These look fun.

would be neat to see the RTS buildings become a tribe

I love it, would play with Bolster.

>That last one
Inspire Mage would be a thing simply known as "Choke" Mage.
>Chokes up your hand with higher cost cards
>Coldarra Drake, Arcane Tower, and Maiden of the Lake are staples

Arrow tower is a very good idea for a card. Arcane tower would probably need to be a 3 mana with 2 more health and maybe a +3-4 mana cost to the card specified, but even then would probably be useless.

Corrupted Blood in this instance would lower the persons health by 2 at the end of each turn.

Cannon Tower looks OP with that health for 4 mana.

Warrior minion
Master Blacksmith
5 mana 4/5
Inspire: Add a random weapon to your hand.

8 total stats for 4 mana isn't much at all.
We had tournament medic at 1 attack 8 health for 4 mana, and it even had a healing aspect to it, which is normally very expensive.

Could work as a tavern brawl,

I figured since it was so cheap, you could combo it with Coldarra Drake and MotL across a turn or two to really fuck up your opponent's hand.

Did they ever fix the Mistcaller bug where if you put a card from your deck into the game it wouldn't have the 1/1 buff?
Or the bug where Thoughtstealing/Mind Visioning a Mistcaller buffer card didn't give it the 1/1?
Or make Mistcaller not shit?

I'm really bad at Arena which means I lose gold which makes me not wanna play more Arenas which means I keep being bad at it.

I'll take it


>29 health
>everything is going well
>alright i got him

n-need a friend?

Being able to run your minions into it with zero retaliation is a big drawback. The vanilla stats for a 4 drop is 9, with +1 for class cards. So I dropped 2 stats for the Inspire effect.


Help me make this a card

Battlecry: Select an enemy character. This minion can only attack that character.

I assume it just applies the Warlock Corruption effect to them?

The effect is pretty powerful, especially for classes that like to spam their hero power. It's 5 damage without counter attack.

1 Mana 4/4. Hard countered by Taunts because then it can't attack unless the target is a taunt, which most of the time, it won't be.
Also, cannot be stolen by a Priest outside of Entomb, because it can only attack a char on his side of the board.
That said, unless it's set to Face, it's basically useless after killing the target assuming it didn't break.

Literally the reason I stopped playing again after 3-4 games.

>play my hand perfectly, counter everything he does perfectly
>maintain control of the field with minimal overextension of my hand
>get him down to 3-4 health
>Reno Jackson is played
>full health, next turn wipes board, gains control of the board purely based on the fact that he had the write luck-sack combination of cards in hand

Idiotic anti-fun and anti-strategy

I make thing.

Found the real Blizzard employee.
>You know what this video game needs? Hot potato mechanics. That's fun. Kids like that shit.

wonder what the theme of the next xpac is going to be

>That said, unless it's set to Face, it's basically useless after killing the target assuming it didn't break.

It can be given taunt, or silenced. But yes, the idea was that this only fights one minion, and then its dead weight, so it has to be given generous stats.

>free removal of any minion
>not only that, any copy that might be in the hand, leading to further minuses

= /

literally a better assassinate for less cost
completely op

No, you just played right into their gameplan.

Reno decks are very easy to identify. Once you know you're fighting one you should be preparing to either burst them down hella fast once and then twice again, or preparing to go for a slog game. You played like a retard and got punished for such.

Well, EXCEPT the targeted minion. All other cards with the same name.
And you should be able to target your own minions too.

>next xpac

>Play this
>Then Pyroblast next turn
>Turn after Coldarra Drake into double Pyroblast
>Or if you want to troll, Tree of Life

>played like a retard
>had no idea the dummy, dumb-dumb card existed


the cost of the hero power becomes the cost of the card, so no pyroblasting 2 times

You don't even have to wait a turn, the cost is 0.

>still no graveyard
>still no DK class to utilize said graveyard

Fucking Blizzard. Just fire Brode and get someone who cares more about the game than fucking memes to work on it for fuck's sake.

Now see, that's good to know.
Still insane.

Misty Pandas

>implying anyone at Blizzard cares about any of their games anymore

I'm hoping trolls.

Zul' Gurub

We posting OCs?

>Inb4 Troggs get a "reprint" as well and Troggzor makes a return

Treasure Hunter
4 mana 3/2 minion
Battlecry: summon a treasure chest for your opponent.

Treasure Chest
2 mana 0/4
Deathrattle: your opponent draws 2 cards.

ZF would be great, that's still my favourite WoW memory.

I remember this one. Seems worse than I remember.
Either way, that fucking sucks.
>Trade biggest first into smallest
Most heroes don't have a weapon and/or can not have it active.

>The game is ridiculously costly
Have you ever played a CCG before?

its why its a 10 cost card
but yeh pyroblast hero power may be a bit op even if the effect of the battlecry only lasts 1 turn

maybe reduce the cost by 5 instead of just to 0


What the fuck. Why would anyone play that.

>Put it in Shaman with Ancestral Spirit
>Can kill it twice for 4 cards
Sounds fun.

>7 mana 8/9 that summons a 5/5 and equips a 5/3 weapon
you're not very good at this

Because its a card that draws? All cards that draw see some play. And this one draws 2, given you have something on board to hit with.

There is nothing in the description preventing the effect from being permanent.

>Swiftwing doesn't have charge so you can blow up the enemy board for a total of 7 damage plus 5 face

The goal isn't to make a card two times better than the current best card in the game

he's just a MTG player and isn't used to stat budgeting, because hearthstone doesn't have 20 years of power creep yet

But you'd have to waste 8 damage to do so.
Still valid, but not as good as you may think.

All that splash damage too.

>HS needs more card art that panders to weeaboos.

Ah, I read it wrong. I thought your opponent would get the cards.

>inb4 destroy your own sylvanas, steal the enemy sylvanas, heal for 10 for 2 mana

Other than that, I think its fair. Maybe reduce the heal to only the creature's health?

always liked this one

I suggested a card that prevents automatic drawing while its up, and everyone told me its anti-fun and would never be implemented.

Its retarded

Finally, some Purify synergy

Restore health to what?

Except that it costs 4mp to summon a minion with 4 hp on the opposing side that you have to kill to get the cards.

You are paying 4mp to get 2mp on your side and give your opponent a minion.

You take a huge ass tempo loss for playing it, as a 3/2 on turn 4 is almost the same as THE LIGHT SHALL BURN YOU, pass.
You are giving up the board while giving shamans, warlocks, warriors, hunters, and paladins more tools to kill you with.
Hell the minion doesn't even OHKO the chest.

Hell mana wyrm -> arcane intellect accomplishes the exact same thing, but iwth a better stat layout and does it without having to waste dmg, sure it's 1 more card, but you'd be wasting at least 1 more card to kill the chest.

It's a terrible idea.

To your hero, of course.

>I would play a Shaman card with a Warrior card

Then write that.

Wouldn't it just die instantly? What are the exact Immune rules?

>tfw missed out on getting that sweet Khadgar skin

fuck my ass

also Warlock skin when?

But Immune just means it can't take damage, not that it can't die.

Who would it even be?

yes it does
unless you find a way to increase its health before or during the summon

see if you can figure out all of them

Off the top of my head, that 2 Mana 2/2 Druid card give all minions summoned 1/1.


Ner Zul.

Stormwind champion
addled grizzly

probably others I don't remember


I'd vote Putress but his not very well known.

Knowing blizzard it'll probably be Fizzlebang or some shit.

I know Fizzlebang is already a card, but that didn't stop medivh card/hero

Great, more orcs.

Is Putress even a warlock?

That Paladin sword that buffs summons.

sword of justice as well

eh I looked it up, his not even a warlock I see. He just wears warlock armor. Eh disregard it I guess.

So would it die when Stormwind Champion dies?

it would

>I'm colourblind lel

Seems like a card thats very hard to set up, yet doesn't automatically win the game if you do.


Fuck no

Why doesn't blizzard let community make cards and have a community vote on what cards that should see print?

The cards blizzard make are always so bland or just garbage, or blatantly broken or OP.

The Kara cards were really disappointing, well most of them.

No, HS needs more card art that panders to people who like pretty girls.

Honestly whats stopping me from playing it.
If it had the kind of presentation that the Elder Scrolls card game has for example, I'd be all over that,
But the voice, visuals, everything is too fucking weeb for me.

in addition to the others mentioned barnes could summon a 1/1 copy

Like it

Post cards that never EVER see play because "blizzard balance"

I'm suprised no priests try to play Hogger like at all.

Because the community is retarded and I am glad they are not part of the balancing team.

I could see hunters play it now Cotw is 9 mana

Which of the community cards posted here would you include in the game?
Because they aren't bland and generic, its hard to judge if they are balanced.
For some its hard to judge if they are unplayable garbage shit, or overpowered game breaking autoinclude.

Why don't people use Medivh? I think he's great.

Steam release when?

Because he is too slow. Compare him to Call of the Wild, a card with the same mana cost. The instant impact is so much stronger.

>priest actualy spends his turn 6 dropping hogger, absolute madman
>you didn't have a 2/3 and a 4/5 ready to attack

I've actually seen a bunch of community cards be included in a slightly altered form

wouldn't be surprised if blizz actually looks at some community cards for inspiration

>Opponent Renos at 3 health
>Brewmasters him back to his hand

No one should have to do over 100 damage just to win

I haven't. Name a few.

Probably the same reason most people criticize OC cards: "interesting but too slow." Everything needs great value on the same turn apparently.

i realized after I posted hogger is a 6 mana 4/4. Fucking disgusting.


dumb weeb.


>Everything needs great value on the same turn apparently.
When all the broken cards that make up the top tier decks every single patch are made of up of cards that give great value on the same turn OR are part of an OTK, yes, good cards need to be as good as other good cards, otherwise they're shit.

Nothing can compare with cotw lel.

He is a bit slow but he's a solid minion on his own. When he works he wins the game, firelands portal works incredibly well.

may just be a coincidence though but I saw that previous one pop up quite a bit

Make it a 3/3 and a combo and it's cool

Alright, deal.

I don't know. The theme is different, the balance is different, and thats an effect that already existed in the game, not one of the creative community ideas.
We already had the 3/3 which equips a 2/2 axe from vanilla.

mech synergy is dead so its a fairly pointless card

and even if it wasn't it'd still be a 4/3 without effect so not worth playing in either deck

that feel when you want to play shadowverse, but its not on peesee.

Decks like Aggro / Midrange Shaman or older ones like Mech mage etc all work so well because of the factors involved:

>Low cost minions that synergize very well
>Often trades up (example trading in a 1 drop into a 3 drop)
>Often have no drawbacks (unless you get god awful RNG)

Even look at malygod druid right now. Every card in the deck is useful in some way and synergizes with another card. Insane card draw, insane mana pool, insane burst potential, insane sustain.

Blizzard needs to rebalance WAY more cards then what they have been.

Mech being dead is exactly the reason we need more mechs. It needs to be a thing again, just not as bad as last time.

Don't forget cards that don't work as described.

I can assure you that is a shaman card he posted

Did they ever change that text?

Don't mind me.

>blizzard nerfs molten giant
>now never played
>adds an even better card, arcane giant later

blizzard balance everyone

Why balance it? S'cool.

theme is a fairly minor thing, the 1/1 cost, pirate tribe and the 1 attack weapon are similar

also saw this one

and like I said I'm not entirely sure if blizzard looks at them or not but I honestly wouldn't put it past the devs to occasionally look at the reddit hearthstone threads for inspiration

It runs perfectly on the new android emulators, though. Almost better than on my phone, to be honest.


ITT People who pay money for digital cards

why the fuck isnt there a private server with all cards unlocked lol....

I fuckin love this and I don't even play that type of rogue.

its balanced because warlock can't use it

Thanks bro. I didn't mean to redtext.

See, this is a new mechanic, that wasn't in the game.
So I can agree Blizzard might have taken that from the community.

I'm trading in my golden Yogg for a golden N'zoth once the nerf hits. Can't wait to destroy Wild in style


How would the wall have attack?

>All this fucking disgusting, unbalanced shite OC

OCfags are the worst.

Nope, the minion you targeted has the same name as the minion you targeted, so it does remove the target minion.
Or, you just need to reword it you fucking retard.


Nice comeback, I like it.

post meme decks


Shouldn't you be posting this back in hsg?


effect feels more like a priest card than a shaman one


Yes but turn 8 is endgame for most decks
If you just spent turn 8 dropping a 7/7 that does nothing on its turn then you're either so far ahead that this is just BM, or you just gave up the game.

Looking at community cards is more fun than playing the garbage game.

Which one?

>Literally a king krush with 3/3 less stats.
It's complete garbage

They can always un-nerf it, make it work like it says on the card, and claim that it was a "bug".
Like they did with Bane of Doom
Or Warsong, when they released Patron

I once made this as a "custom card".
Shameful, even at 8 mana it was insane.

What was I thinking

Well, Shaman has Earth Shock, which silences and then does an additional thing, also Evolution. Dunno, its easy to change cards to fit thematically with another class. Mechanics matter.

It's offensive

Barbwire and marines.

Oh hey its that kid that cheated at magic.
lol he went to hearthstone.

Are Shaman and Paladin the only classes that didn't get on the C'thun train at least for a while?

Play a healer.

>Reposting unbalanced shit from people who don't understand the game is fun

Kill yourself?

Battlecry: Summon Lady Sacrolash

The end of each player's turn, if Lady Sacrolash was destroyed, resummon it.

>i dont like thing

>5 mana 10/10

Yeah that's perfect.

That would be a really nice card for rogue
I hope that when burgle gets rotated out they get a class card generator that involves discover, maybe just burgle but you discover them instead

You mean 5 mana summon 1/1. It can easily be controlled, and I don't even think its a good card.

>Kraken doesn't have Deathrattle: Summon a 9/9 Deep Titan

>I'm a retarded faggot who makes fake cards for a game I don't understand in the vain hope that Blizzard will love me :)


I disagree with you.

The 9 Mana's picture with the stats of the 6/6 for 6.


>add stats together = the same as real stats
Tip top kek you probably think razorfen hunter is as good as spidertank.

Or that Harvest Golem is a 3 mana 4/4 mech. Whoa, these crazy stats!!!

sad part is I could see blizz do something like this

>they actually made an achievements [Did someone say...]

Fuck you and fuck blizzard for riding the meme train

>Not a 3 drop

Too slow, desu

At this point its all flavor, might as well add it. Not like the chain will go that far, playing a 5 mana 1/1 will lose you the game before you can suicide it enough times.

>Coin double Pick Lock or 1 and a Bladed Cultist


in the new xpac, they made a SAO refence to one of the paladins legendary rings. I think its call Heathcliffs immortality

>rogue will never get AoE again

Get spelldamage FoK.