You have been given the power to permanently remove one character from Overwatch

You have been given the power to permanently remove one character from Overwatch.

Who do you choose and why?

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So no one in my team can pick it ever again.


Because giving a character an aimbot as a standard ability is retarded

Hanzo because he's literally garbage



Lucio. The game is 100% more interesting.

>12 player server
>1 player leaves after a game
>server can't find a replacement within 5 seconds
>exits to menu

Real tired of this shit


Roadhog. Nothing in the game feels more cheesy than being hooked through objects, time and space without the Roadhog even aiming at you and then insta-dying without being able to do anything about it.

Mei. She has been fine tuned to be the most annoying fucking character in the whole game.

Came here to post this. Fuck that no-skill cocksucker.

Y do people hate hanzo

I want Roadhog removed so I can play a game that has a suitable fucking tank in it, jesus christ.

Because he's garbo

I wish Roadhog had a stale place where to be at instead of being the highest hp "tank" that instakills squishies.

Zarya. Her character feels like a fucking afterthought and spergs in competitive go apeshit if she's not in the team.

1 hit to the head or 2 hits to the body kill. That's not really garbo


Probably genji. Everyone that plays him is cancer personified with no intention of helping the team, capturing the objective, or anything, only fishing for Q of the game and yelling at teammates for not treating them like the world revolves around them. As a whole he's not terribly effective without his ult anyway.


It's nigh-fucking impossible to kill her as Pharah.


I just wanna see the tears honestly.

Genji because I'm shit at countering him

Hanzo and Widowmaker because I feel their kills are often cheap

McCree and Tracer because only pussies play them

Removing Reinhardt would change the entire meta of the game more than any other character; for better or worse. I would like to see how competitive matches play out when his character is removed from the roster.


So the game can be fun again and I don't have to switch to Reaper and chase her across the map.

McCree because kids use that stun + fan the hammer shit too much

Tracer because that smug fucking cunt makes me mad when she talks after a cheap kill

>can negate most ults
>can hook people around corners
its annoying as hell

This guy is right

Junkrat because he is literally the easiest character to play

People only hate Roadhog because his hook is so broken. If they could just fix the hook it wouldn't be so bad.


Bastion because he's OP in low ranks and never used in high ranks.

I don't honestly give two fucks about some faggot "metagame".

This game is awful.

I just wanna see the butthurt tears of having the character everyone can use taken away so they don't have a fallback character.

It'd be fantastic.

>the world revolves around them
This, was playing Hanamura, attacking point B.
>three of us took the lower bridge
>two took the high flank on the right
>Genji took the balcony
>team fought for a solid minute
>eventually get picked off one by one
>by the time he got in there, he got fucked instantly
>mashed into teamchat "WHERE THE FUCK WAS EVERYBODY"

Fuck off he gets rekt by zarya and gets wrecked by anyone who misses his hook and starts jumping around
You must be a shitter if he gets you with his hook

Holy fuck everyone itt is shit at this game.

Soldier 76 because he's low skill trash

t. Meishitter

It would be between zarya and pharah
on one hand, SJW-pandering character that I have no real grudge against gameplay-wise
on the other, this character is so stupid overpowered its amazing she got into the game without serious overhauls
inb4 "but the rockets are really hard to land and she needs to land a direct hit to do serious damage"
fuck pharah

but Lucio is the only fun character in the game

One thing is for sure.

They would not remove any of the female characters, and you all know it.

Zenyatta. Autoaim lock garbage is antifun

>Literally the most racist character in the game
>SJW Pandering
>Zarya not being OP with her free damage mitigation and damage
confirmed for being an absolute shitter also being triggered by pink hair.
Also Phara is okay. perhaps her rockets need a little bit more splash radius.

roadhog, because he's the tank for people that don't want to tank and just promotes unskilled gameplay more than other heroes. the only counter to him 1v1 while playing a 250 hp or less class in close-mid range (the only ranges that matter objective wise) is to hope he misses his hook and dump any extra dps or cc skills you have on him

Overwatch is a great example of a game being diverse without also being SJW as fuck

Simply having diverse characters does not make a game SJW

really tough
either mei, hanzo or widow

deleting hanzo would just shift the pick towards widow, and vice versa. mei has to be then

So, a big chunk of the roster?

Maybe you just fucking suck, faggot

Git gud

Shit character, and it would get rid of autistic muh thick fags, not to mention fat cosplayers.

Roadhog. No explanation needed.

Who is "high skill" in this game then?

Do people really think Mei is hard to play against?

Mei, she fucking exists for no other reason than to be annoying, both to the enemy team and her own team.