Doom Mods

Why aren't you playing Doom 4 right now? :^)

Because multiplayer at launch was dogshit garbage. Has it gotten any better?

Look at the image, video, and thread name very closely user.

Yes i can see D4D looks very fun. However I was answering your question
>Why aren't you playing Doom 4 right now?
Please try to stay on topic


You forgot the :^)
The joke was I was referring to the mod.

D4D is a recently-made mod, based off a recently-released game. That makes it relevant to Cred Forums.

Hey guys im going to make a mod quake based on fallout 4 and post it on v lol.

I get it. You're a funny guy. Liked, commented, subscribed.

I'd say that's relevant, yeah. Because it's a recent mod. Unlike Brutal Doom.

its still a old game. a good game but still a old game. even if it has a great moding community its still a retro game.

Except, D4D essentially makes it into a different game.

It uses the Doom engine as a base, but all the monsters are different, all the weapons are different, you have upgrades and alt fires the same as Doom 4.

It's not like Russian Overkill where you're just adding a million different guns. The base gameplay has been switched up, making it into, essentially, a different game.

Lets then talk about guncaster,trailblazer,spacepirate,doomrla,demonsteele,Gmota,Mortal Kombat doom,psychic,reelism,hideous destructor, and so on, D4D is a fantastic mod but its nothing special in terms of turning doom into a totally other game.

Yes, let's talk about those.
Literally read the thread title, please.

I don't get why you're being so autistic about this.

Oh sorry i also forgot the total conversions that came out. like mm8bdm or nocturne in yellow Why don't we talk about them?

Because you can talk about them here

Yea, Deathmatch mode isnt bad.

At least link it correctly

Yes, why don't we talk about them? Very few of them are as old as Doom itself, and could not be considered retro mods despite being built on a retro game. Many of the mods make it so completely different of a game that it's pointless to even call it Doom at that point in time, rather just a game built on Doom.

because i'm playing LegenDoom on the Japanese Community Map Project Megawad

and, man, is it fun

This mod looks fucking awesome, its basically doom but designed with verticality in mind and the new weapons. Cant wait to give it a try

Mods are bottom tier. Plutonia 2 is the best Doom game.

The mod doesn't come with its own maps, though. For reference, he's playing Scythe 2.

I can't think of any that have actually been designed with verticality in mind.