Hated this game when i played this on my game gear. i kept dying to the stupidest things...

hated this game when i played this on my game gear. i kept dying to the stupidest things. that music is burned into my brain.


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This is relevant to my internets.


I hope they bring back the shmup elements from WB3

Tina looks more like miku now.
Twin tails and eyes look similar. Before she just looked like an 80s girl with puffy blue hair and a headband.
Not sure who decided on that to happen.

Wonderboy's going to town on that penguin.

Has a "3" mouth and everything. Goddamn.
That said
>trailer shows skateboard in the snow/ice level instead
Surfing on a penguin would be tight as shit.

Why does this look like a ripoff of Super Adventure Island?

Because you can't do your own research.

>that snake
>that octopus

Because Hudson aquired the rights of Wonderboy but then decided to go "fuck it" and changed Boy for Master Higgins, from then on they went with their own thing since you cant copyright a genre.

Shit dog, this is common knowledge.

No, user.
The worst thing is learning that "Tom-Tom" was originally just called "Boy" in Jap.
I mean, yeah, Boy is a name, too, I guess, but, eh...

whoa... didn't this used to be some top down game where the screen just continuously move upward?

I... As much a as I have good memories of this penny muncher arcade game, I find the animation very...eerie.

I mean, I know a lot of game use Flash animation, but Shantea should be the standard and it's way below it.

It didnt, what you see is the old game with updated graphics, new mobs and bosses.

Not sure what you're thinking of.
The 2nd game had more vertical platforming though and a timer. I guess you could get confused by that.

I think it's a legit sequel, not a remake.

Then again, telling sequel from remake apart for such a simple game-concept is not that evident.

It's a "remake", but has new content.
I guess it's like how Super Castlevania IV was to Castlevania 1.

They updated the artwork but everything still has 2 frame animations for some reason.

>that shitty flash style

There's your reason.

Why is it that my brain has no issues with 8bit sprites having tow frames of animations, but don't give a pass for more detailed graphic.

Is 2D game condamned to look like ass because no one is ready to put the effort that was inveted in Wario Land Shake it?

Shake It's animations were outsourced to an animation studio. It's not really a fair comparison, but it still doesn't excuse the crap in the OP.

Well i dont really mind, i'm hype for a game that i havent seen in 30 something years.

The sound effects are really, really off putting to me.
They've got that chinese plug-in-play console feel to them hardcore.

>whoa... didn't this used to be some top down game where the screen just continuously move upward?
You are thinking of ice climbers, that throw things too.
On this one you continue fowards and throw things too.

Now we just one where we move sideways and throw things

>ice climbers
Nah, man. Pure melee attacks. No projectiles.

>See OP
>Thought for a sec it was some new Wonder Boy 3 remake or Monster Boy footage

Those 2 I'm looking forward to. This maybe not so much.

What is the best Wonderboy game?

Dragon's Lair onb

>draw a girl
>call it a boy


Dragon's Trap for me. Played the ever loving shit out of that on the SMS.

I personally enjoyed MW3 the most, but MW4 has better bosses, dungeons, and swordplay.
Too bad 4 has NO SPELLS

I'm going to support all of this shit purely in the hopes that it could lead to the MW IV team getting back together to make a true sequel.

His name is Bocke Lee Tenjin.

Bocke Lee Temjin*

I'm really only interested in the dragon's trap remake. I really hope it ends up as well animated as the "gameplay" in the trailer looked


Just a pity we can't really hear the music.

oh fuck there was actually a playable build? hell yes, it wasn't just a bullshit trailer

looks like a flash game

Lets start a petition for them to turn it into a gritty, brown'n'bloom FPS.

That's absolutely retarded. you wanna know why?

He can stop running during stages.

In the older versions, he won't stop running because he vowed to never stop until he had Tina in his arms again.
It was a design decision justified with a hint of romantic story.

And now they've killed it.

Tina isn't even in this one. It's a blue haired chick.

there's still pretty games that don't look like a flash you defensive faggot

That's only in 2.
And I guess "3" (the shooter, not Dragon's Trap), since he gets mentioned and you're finding his armor.
The dev diary had music in it.
They also said that The dungeon theme will be in a different style (instruments and tempo) for each dragon

He only went non-stop when you had the skateboard, you dingus maringus.
How do you justify the Dolls?

That spoiler sounds nice.


I can't tell if that's IGA in the video or not. Definitely looks like him playing the game at the convention.

I, for one, am highly anticipating the obligatory "YOOOOOO" for the samurai dragon stage.
Then again, maybe they won't have it.
How the fuck are they going to do the Final Dragon though?