God what a fucking mess, reminds me of that Zack Snyder film sucker punch

God what a fucking mess, reminds me of that Zack Snyder film sucker punch

It's like 10 different juvenile fantasies ejaculated on a pile of sword art online mangas and adventure time episodes

>bad ass
>bad ass
>bad ass

Other urls found in this thread:


>Secret Sauce Studio
Thanks, I was wondering who did the intro. I really liked the artstyle, though the animations themselves could have been a little smoother.


Post your face when you lived long enough to see Gearbox get what they deserved

>10 seconds in
>fucking cliché ninjarun


Feminism is awesome!

The only good thing that intro has going is deltron 3030's new album single.

I like the style it's amazing how much better the characters can look with a simple style change and it's also amazing how much better the game looks when the characters are not spouting forced memes every few seconds and the game takes itself a little more seriously.

As an intro it fails though for all those contrasts between it and the actual game though.

>Try to be Gurrenn Lagann and Gorillaz
>Fail miserably

why would you try and combine those things

It wasn't even a good cliche ninja run.

Battleborn should have just delayed an entire year because it probably would have looked like an amazing breath of fresh air if it didnt come out on the same day as overwatch.

>Super gimmicky FPS/MOBA gameplay premise
>Plebbit(TM)-tier writing and aesthetics
>Lack of quality advertisement
It's already dead on arrival. Queerbox shoulda given up ages ago.

Teenage boys don't understand that some flavors can't be mixed together.

I mean, It could work. This is my animator talk talking here. While some scenes work, The main issue is that the designs don't look appealing except for the robot with the cane he's pretty neat. oh and the CGI looks a tab bit jaring.

Apparently its unskippable ingame too

So its 5 mins you just have tosit there and watch

Because League of Legends did better scenes:


3d cg>>>>>>>>>gay looking anime shit

Lemme add to it, There's a weird lack of perspective in some of the more lax scenes. It looks really weird.

The only scene that i liked was when face tattoo girl jumps out and does "actiony" things.

I mean yeah. But i don't see the combination. It feels like both Gorillaz and Gurren Lagann. Gorillaz because Del and Gureen Lagann because of the "art" style.

As a amateur animator this disappoints me.

They invested everything into it.

Tiny legs
Nice quality

Sunk cost fallacy.

Thank goodness Gearbox is stupid enough to fall for it.

>have a nigger make a song for you
>nigger music for the most part rhymes
>this song doesnt

Absolutely. I'm not saying its a good idea, its just the reason they are doing it.

i can dig the bridge scene with the paladin lookin motherfucker. but thats only because of my biased love for anything paladin-esque

Have you ever listened to Del's music?

One to each's taste i say.