So, I went to uPlay and downloaded the free version of The Crew. When the game launches, it says "The Crew Wild Run"...

So, I went to uPlay and downloaded the free version of The Crew. When the game launches, it says "The Crew Wild Run", but today as I went into the game, a pop-up showed up offering for me to buy "Wild Run" which included better graphics, cars, etc etc.

So, I ask you knowledgeable people; is the free version on uPlay just the vanilla game? Or is it actually Wild Run?

Driving model is also shit.

It's just vanilla, you still need to buy wild run if you want to use drag/drift spec cars etc outside of the "tryout" missions you can do

this game is comfy as fuck
could use some more jdm though

Oh that's fucking gay. Goddammit I knew I couldn't trust Ubisoft to not be a jew. Thanks guys.

It does feel comfy, but not enough to make me want to shell out money for Wild Run. I might as well just buy FH3 and enjoy a newer game.

>Not giving away a whole AAA game + DLCs for free = jew
I wonder who could be behind this post.

It really isn't, I like the game but making such an ambitious game while putting so little effort into the driving aspect is retarded. The physics and collisions even makes you wonder if the game is still in beta.

Yeah, the physics are trash and all especially compared to the likes of AC but it just hits my niche perfectly I guess

It's basically watch dogs physics.

OP here, not shilling. But with all the disappointments I've dealt with from Ubisoft (Siege, WD, The Division), I was hoping for the best and thought Wild Run was included, since they put Wild Run at the start screen.

Kinda confusing to the user when the game launches as "Wild Run" but it's the vanilla version



Maybe if they didn't have WILD RUN at the start screen, I wouldn't feel so entitled

But it has the better graphics

Has some one who actually bought the game and the (((DLC))) all i can say the game is great until you finish the story line after that all you do is absolutely nothing just race pvp and drive around the map to be honest this game ins't worth buying also it was better before the shitty wild run update.

>I DOWNLOADED THIS GAME DEMO BUT IT ONLY INCLUDES 3/10 MAPS??? GIVE ME THJE REST FOR FREE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck off ubi shills? how many rubies did you get for these posts kek

but it's not a demo, sperglord. it's the entire game, free, the entire game which shows a DLC on the start screen but... that DLC is not included.

Guess I might as well do myself a favor and get rid of it. Looking forward to their free game in October, hopefully it's something worth installing.

look dude im just trying to straw man you fuck off

The Crew is shit. It's just grinding for parts and races you can't possibly win if you're underleveled. It's not a driving game, it's an RPG

I agree with you, and that dude is clearly autistic, but I think it's in a similar vein as say a new WoW expansion dropping. If you don't buy the new expac you can still play, and it's all up in your face, but you don't just auto-own it. Kinda confusing for people who just got the base game for free this month for sure.

>racing MMORPG
it's like an rpg wtf guys :/

Vanilla with Wild Run patch, which improved graphics and lets you try out some Wild Run features.

>I'm stupid and don't know how to troll
>fuck off

Exactly. I wouldn't be so bothered if Ubi was in my face asking me to buy Wild Run every 5 minutes, but to present the game like the DLC is included then out of nowhere "Sorry, it's the vanilla version" is pretty shitty.

It's a litle ridiculous, the base game was turned into essentially a demo after Wild Run came out. Ubisoft is just acting like it's a full game, it's really just a demo.

>hopefully it's something worth installing.
>After Rayman and DA CRU
Doubt it, but who knows. Personally I'd give away Shootmania so the game stops being dead.

Ah okay. So these are the "new and improved" wild run graphics?

Last time I played the crew was when the beta for it was released, it didn't seem interesting so I never bought it and completely forgot what it looked like with its vanilla graphics.

How the fuck am i a shill ? all i'm doing is giving my honest opinion on this game otherwise you sound like a butt-hurt ubi shill baka senpai.

Why was Siege a disappointment to you?

There are video comparisons.

I didn't play prior to the free month, so I can't comment on it being like a demo now, but... is it so bad that after the demo they want you to buy more content? I've played maybe 5 hours, and I have no idea how much is left, but it's gotten me more playtime than a lot of AAA $60 single player games I've bought the last few years. Honestly I don't even see myself buying any DLC after I'm done with the base, because the game is fairly lackluster, and I'm getting bored of the repetitive races anyways. Comfy to drive around tho

It's trying to pass as an MMO, WoW does the same thing

nothing is comfier than driving through snow in a stock vw at night

>the default handling settings
Who the hell greenlit this shit? It's not the best handling model out there to begin with, but at least it's serviceable with the proper settings, too bad the game defaults to unbelievably weird settings that really shit on the good bits. It's incredibly disconnected and feels like playing a video game about playing a racing video game. Even better, the game doesn't even hint at the existence of such settings, unlike certain other racing games which make you tweak the handling to your liking before letting you drive a single yard.

WR gives you the bikes, which don't really handle too well at all according to the test drives I've done at the dealer. You also get three new specs and access to the Summit event which is basically the only place to use those specs in, and from what I've heard it's basically faceless races against the leaderboard anyway. Some guy I know got the expansion and said it's not really that spectacular.

it actually wasn't. Idk why I even mentioned Siege when I didn't play anything more than the beta. I just wasn't interested in it, but what I got to play was fun.