How did Solid not differentiate between Naked Snake and Venom Snake during Metal Gear 1...

How did Solid not differentiate between Naked Snake and Venom Snake during Metal Gear 1? Venom had a piece of metal sticking out of his forehead. There's no way he thought they were the same person.

I doubt Kojima thought the Venom thing through very clearly

Misdirection. He probably never saw Big Boss' full face until the end of the game, and by then he was too busy fighting for his life to seriously think about it

Bump for serious discussion

BB wasnt on the front page of newspapers. Most people didnt know if he was a legend or not

But solid knew what he looked like

He had a vague idea.

>*kills Big Boss*
>*it was a clone*

Not necessarily. Anyway if you saw Venom first before seeing Naked Snake, your first idea wouldn't be "Hey these are different people" it would be "That piece of shrapnel is gone, wonder how he did it." The only reason we think to doubt it is because we know there's a body double.

haven't played most of the mgs so maybe i should keep my god damn mouth shut but why wouldn't he say yo where'd that big black block go

Because Kojima didn't think that far ahead and it was a retcon to explain why/how Big Boss went into a coma every 2 weeks and never died. It also serves as the proof to the player on Big Boss being the villain we always heard he was, using faithful soldiers as decoys and throwing their lives away carelessly.

Wasn't Naked Snake training Solid at foxhound before Operation intrude?

>Venom had a piece of metal sticking out of his forehead
As far as I remember, there was something on the sprite of Venom in MG1 that looked like a hat. Maybe he covered that piece of metal with a beret or something?

why are their rex tier metal gears running around in the 60s?
why are their nanoparasites biological weapons without being acknowledged again while a shitty bipedal robot that does it's job worse than submarines causes global panic?
Why is their holograph technology and complex AIs being used by the US army yet their big Rex project uses shitty outdated computers for virtual testing?
Why does Rex need to be manned?
Why is the top secret Cyborg Ninja experiment shittier than the nanomaparasites which was known about?

Oh yeah, hack writing


>talking about a retconned character

I challenge you to see the difference between the face sprites of MG1 Big Boss and MG2 Big Boss

well at least that last parts cool

It's also wrong because Big Boss was acting under the assumption that Solid Snake would fail to kill Venom or stop their plans. He underestimated his abilities.

I don't remember anyone telling Solid or Liquid the difference.

He had it filed off. The hospital he was staying at in Cyprus didn't have the expertise or equipment to do it.

Snake couldn't tell between them the same reason he couldn't tell that Liquid was obviously impersonating Master Miller; because of game limitations.

MG1/2 had pixel graphics, so he couldn't see they were different people. He had never actually heard Master Miller talk before because Miller was never voice-acted up until that point. It's like why he never went non-lethal until MGS2; technology didn't support it.


It's just a guess. What other reason would they have for leaving it there untouched for 9 years?
unless Kojima is a hack

Reminder that the real Big Boss has a scar.

Reminder to you that was a wire disguised as a scar so he could communicate with Kaz.

it was a saw you mong

it's a fake scar, turns out it was a saw

MGSV was non Canon fanfic lore rape far worse than MGS4.
HOWEVER, "big boss" was wearing his green beret, worn properly, would cover his faggot horn

I still don't understand why they thought that was a cool or neat idea

In MGS4 Solid states that he learned CQC from Big Boss himself, but then Kojima just retcons everything anyway.

Because it's a bad retcon, bobby.

No shit. BB did not die in Outer Heaven. He clearly states post credit that he will return.
But then again his whole backstory got rewritten starting with MGS3 so fuck it sosaith Kojimbo

How did Solid not think something's up when big boss and him look identical? Why did it take him until 2005 to realize he was a clone?

I didn't finish Peace Walker yet.

The game is nearly or is over a year old. Fuck off if you don't want spoilers.

We're not going to -not- discuss a game because you're slow as fuck, you ridiculous cunt. Kill yourself.

>nearly a year old

Phantom Pain.

I don't know if counts, but i played Ground Zeroes which has a resume of Peace Walker, so, i don't know dude.

The green beret covering the horn is probably answer.

>i don't know dude.

I'm fairly certain I told you to kill yourself. Please get on with it.

I'm on it.