Are synths people?

Well Cred Forums?

Are anons people?


Are they soylent green? Then no.


Are tacos Mexican food?

people: human beings in general or considered collectively

synthetic: (of a substance) made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product

I don't even consider half the human population as people.



But while we are on the topic, neither are people.

I bet you're dying to know which half.






The gen three ones are. They are just people who were assembled as adults, outside of a womb.

Mornin', Truman!


Good morning! And if I don't see you again, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Why is this allowed?

Are you Scandinavian?

The way you ordered the words in that sentence reminds me of the way my Finnish friends type.

Specifically that you said
"population as people"
instead of
"population to be people"

Fuck no

Why did they develop free will and personality to begin with?

Even Valentine realizes he's not a person at all.

We're going to come to a point where we really have to ask that question as a species.

It may sound dramatic, but I think that we're not going to be the ones with the answer, There's this odd impulse in our character to find humanity in objects. Hell, we've done it since we were very small.

Did you have a security object when you were very little? Well, we were just prone to answer this question in the worst possible way.

More like I'm living to know which half

It's not incorrect grammatically.

If 4 I am a robot and I didn't even know it.

They arent "people" as in human

They are intelligent sentient life etc, but they aren't human

If dogs suddenly became very intelligent, they still wouldn't be "people", just another race

Reminder that Synths are just fancy robots, stay away.

No, they are machines that have simulated free will and thinking.

I'm not saying it's incorrect but you have to admit it's far less idiomatic.

They literally do not experience mortality the same way a living creature does.

This moment you are experiencing, I came upon it when I was in the 8th fucking grade. I call it the protagonist epiphany, although I'm sure its already been named by some one else years ago. Essentially it is when some one realizes they are not the center of the fucking universe and that other people consider themselves that important.

Years later my brother was in his room watching a youtube video where a college professor at yale or some shit gave the same speech. I laughed and I also thought of him a pompous fuck, the concept in itself is pompous.

This is shit humans talked about years ago while they beat rocks together. And coming up with the concept to beat your own chest or pat your ass is comical. Colleges have failed because they've become a breeding ground for memes and not actual study. And I believe in the past 10 years I've seen more philosophical progress on this collective image board than any where else.

I also know this, the moment we make synthetic people to fuck will be the end of our species.

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