Can we have a Disgaea thread?

Can we have a Disgaea thread?

Posting best girl

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That's not Desco


What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

Knowing who her eng dub was made me go jap.

seraphina is worst disgaea girl

disgaea 2 PC when?


Jan 30 2017

Her english dub in the demo almost made me not buy it until I noticed there was a jap option.

It wasn't that bad compare to some of the other characters like Adell

>Losing the Killiabowl against literally Artina 2.0
>Best girl

Why do you love losers, user?

>mfw his new voice in DD2

Oh god why.

Send in the bully squad.

Buit user, she's Mako

Giving Magic Knights an elemental version of the sword skills in 5 was one of the best things they ever did. They are so much fun to use.

But I just want her to be loved.

I love Seraphina's voice, but her laugh is just not okay.
Her VA cannot do the OHOHOHOHO right.

Wew I did not think that through, maybe I shouldn't skip sleep?

Best Girls = Pleinair, Pram, Prier, Rozalin, Desco and Usalia

Everyone else is okay tier.

Disgaea 5 is only a good game if you skip the entire story and only use generics. The characters were absolute garbage of the highest degree. You have to be a newfag to like her, there's no other way.

La Pucelle Tactics PC when?

Great list, but if your going to include Pram you should also include other characters like Priere

Literally right after Pram, senpai.

>La Pucelle Tactics PC when?
Very unlikely. Mastiff still has the rights to it.

>You have to be a newfag to like her
What do you mean by this particular part? You have to be new to the series, or new to Cred Forums?

Seraphina's not that bad of a character.

>The characters were absolute garbage of the highest degree.
The character's were no different from any other Disgaea game, relatively simple likeable people with 1-3 running gags and amusing interactions between them all.

>Disgaea 5 is only a good game if you skip the entire story
The story was also just about the same as any other. Nothing spectacular, but good enough to not drag down the rest of the game.

Disgaea 5 was perfectly okay, but the post game was sadly not that great.

This. It made me actually use one in a playthrough.

Best girl confirmed.

That tiny glimmer of hope within me tells me that NIS/A will make everything right in the world, and give us La Pucele: Ragnarok and the updated Makai Kingdom for PC.
I know better than to listen to that glimmer anymore.

>Makai Wars never
>NIS instead just selling bunch of avatars on JP PSN

Seeing as they skipped Makai Kingdom and went straight to 2, it doesn't look good for those two games.

Red Magnus was alright, and Usalia was on-par. Christo was wasted potential: The Character. Killia and Zeroken were literally who, and Seraphina was the bastard daughter of Rozalin and Artina, without the former's character development or the latter's ties to the plot.

Probably the worst cast overall, I agree, but there are good parts to it. The large story is kinda meh, but some of the smaller stories are quite good. Usalia's story in particular was pretty good.

did anyone ever beat whole game using just prinnies in his first run?

Not Disgaea, but I did it for Makai Kingdom. I got a bunch of prinnies with different weapon skills, too. Shovel, Gatling, Rapier, and Rifle prinnies worked the best of what I tried.

I dunno. The Double Fake storyline brought us really close to Asagi. If there was ever a time for them to nut up and do it, it would be soon.

That's not Yukimaru.

So, I've always wondered. Given that the eyes on her face don't really have pupils, is it safe to assume that those are false eyes, and she really just sees from all the other ones?

>until I noticed there was a jap option

[email protected]

what are the chances we'll get a Disgaea 6? or the franchise kill?

maybe a VR version so we can upskirt Etna

Should I start reading Spice & Wolf or screw around aimlessly on Disgaea 5? I can't decide, help me.

So, what are all of your favorite generic monsters? I'm quite fond of related myself, though I also really like the Nether Noble.

It was just not his style.

NIS has been unusually quiet lately. I don't think 5 would be the last one, though. I feel like NIS is the type of developer that if they knew their time was coming, they would let everyone know it, and make it the most ridiculous entry, jam-packed with absolutely everything they have created over the years.
Either that or Makai Wars.

>JP voice of an actual idol?
>ENG voice is a middle-aged woman presumably same VO as male .

That lying glimmer of hope tells me that they skipped them because they still had to work on them. I know better, but still.

Succubus though the new Ninetails is nice too. The one I want to see return is the Vampire. He would be so much better now with the magic monster weapons.

To the best of my knowledge, Barbara Goodson does in fact do both Laharls. I'm fond of Barbara Goodson, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about whether or not that is a good thing.

I have a feeling that they mostly focused on Witch and Hundred Knight 2 now.

Maybe. I wouldn't hold my breath but it would be nice to see them get released so others can try them out. La Pucelle in particular would be fun just to see Cred Forums talking about getting the different chapter endings.

nice, I never tried, but nice to know that someone did.
they are pretty good unit type, as long you don't toss them.

>they knew their time was coming, they would let everyone know it, and make it the most ridiculous entry, jam-packed with absolutely everything they have created over the years.
>Either that or Makai Wars.
So Makai Wars or Makai Wars.
I'd won't say they were quiet. They got some bar night with Witch 2 stuff, finally released a Coven, do tons of collaborations with other JP only mobile games.

Best Disgaea girl period coming thru.

That's a really unfortunate sentence, user.

Engrish is fun like that.

But how do I convince her to make out with me, a measly human?

2D girls are only for platonic love, user.

So how can Disgaea overtop Wormhole in terms of ridiculous specials? I was actually left speechless for a few moments the first time I saw that one.

Except for Flonne. You should open yourself up to agape, just for her.

easy, just ask banpresto

>The Succubus and the Zombie, alongside the Prinny, are the only monsters to have been in every Disgaea.

why didn't you post Flonne then?

I never realized that until now. It makes sense that Prinnies make the cut since they are a mascot character but for the other two, I guess they are just the devs favorite units.

Seraphina is good, but Pram a best

>Banpresto and NIS collaboration game

Well, just fuck the world right now.

in your dreams

sadly disgaea not /m/ enough of franchise for that to happen.

I like Fuka better without her hat.

Why not both?

>without a hat
too bad she can't take her off cause that thing keeps her soul from vanishing

So. How 'bout that Witch?

But Fuka has literally the best hat in all of videogames. I'd kill a dood for that hat.

it was for sale at some point

I know but I missed it.

It's probably still findable, on second hand market.

Soul Nomad on PC when?

I don't have good experiences with that sort of thing, but I guess I can give it a try.

Playin this right now on PS4, about to get the Platinum. She is by far the best of all best girls.

this delinquent

most badass D3 character

Built for sex.

Don't sexualize delinquents, that's for honor students
delinquents are pure

Why did people told me Disgaea 3 was bad?.
I got into the series this year and had a blast with it.

I have no idea why people say this.
I started with 1 and really liked 3.
4 was a massive disappointment for me and 5 is pretty good.

Dunno, I liked it too. Never understood the hate it's getting.
I blame Disgaea 2 fans, those who liked super boring main story of D2 couldn't deal with goofiness of D3.
They probably don't even like Axel, crazy people.

I got 4 on the Vita after playing 4 on the PS3.
>can't transfer save data
>no ability to save edit
End me.

what for? I guess you never bought any DLCs for PS3 ver if you gone for Vita.
So you just need to do main story once more, big deal.
mechanics are different anyway, also there is a cheat shop and shit.

Impulse buy, and I also didn't buy any of the PS3 DLCs.
And I figured it would help keep me busy waiting around at college.
And I feel frustrated that I have to rebuild my save from square one, I can only deal with so many hours of grinding.

just use different characters and generics, game will feel different enough
>I can only deal with so many hours of grinding.
>still buys disgaea
>same one he already played
nigga you what

Why is D4's item world soo boring? I don't have this problem with any other disgaea.

I think it's cause of huge size and fps drops of 10x levels, and maybe overly huge amount of enemies, so if you don't have massive AoE attacks you are screwed.
Maybe overdone with random events too.
>here are pirates,
>and more pirates
>and even more pirates
>also 6 characters need to be on that panel
>and here is mystery gate which will not advance you on next level.

I heard that some of the dlc characters for 5 can REALLY speed up grind(like metallia) is this true?

>>here are pirates,
>>and more pirates
>>and even more pirates

I was about to reinstall the game, thanks for reminding me why I shouldn't

I've been playing DD2 again and having a blast in item world, but D4 on the vita feel horrible. The stages all feel the same, the same fucking pirates come every stage and the characters I like don't unlock until later in the story but I only like playing disgaea for item world, I hate havint to play the story.

I liked story enough to stomach that stuff, but yeah, it's a bit overdone.
I honestly didn't like item world at first, when was playing Disgaea 1, but Disgaea 2 nailed it way more, got hooked there. 3rd seemed like logical development, but item world in 4th just overdesigned if you can call it that.
I yet to play DD2 but nice to know they come to their senses and realized mistake

I don't know about REALLY but yes some of them have useful abilities. Metallia, Valvatorez and Fuka were especially helpful in my opinion.

I sunk over 500 hours in disgaea 1's item world and found something new every time. Same with D2, sure they had the problem with some stages being unbeatable but you literally never knew what was coming. D3 and D4 were steps back from that and it ruined item world for me. D1 still has the most interesting item world for me.

>D1 still has the most interesting item world for me.
That random world generation was fun.

I plan to get back to the D1, cause I only got 2 ending and beat Etna's side story. I guess now after playing other games I'll appreciate D1 item world better.

The shit that world generation can pull still cracks me up. I remember the levels that were essentially long straight single file corridors with the exit on the opposite side. The new ones have no charm.

yeah, I now remember them too.
Or insane height differences which make you confuse where the hell are you or enemies are standing.
Now it seems that they just not generate tile per tile but more like using limited amount of presets with minor variations.

D5 made me realise just how much portability benefits the series. It's something I want to pick up and put down every now and again and slowly grind out. I've not done too much past unlocking Carnage in 5 but I bothered to do pretty much everything in 4vita

>like using limited amount of presets with minor variations.

That is EXACTLY what it feels like, and it ruined the game for me. DD2 is only enjoyable because of the visuals and having my favorite characters. I only wish it had 5's ost and skill system and 1's item wold. Then it would be perfect.

There is no decent porn of her user! She can't be the one. I wish she would though

Remote play is a thing you know I use it all the time. I just want DD2 on the vita with 5's mechanics and 5's characters as dlc.

Sadly I doubt that'll happen. At this point I start to doubt when and how Disgaea 6 will even happen.

I've never been a fan of the remote play, the back touchscreen use is irritating and the quality is never any good.

It's nis's fault for trying to lock all the good end game content behind a paywall. Also if they wanted to print money they just need to make a game with the original cast again. They keep trying to recapture the charm and chemistry of the original cast but it keeps coming off as goofy.

What if D5 get's ported for NX

Remember the abomination born last time disgaea went to nintendo? Some mistakes don't need repeating. Also I don't want to wait until 2018.

Still wouldn't make me cave and get it, in fact I'm not sure what would. Except maybe a console quality Mon Hun.

>It's nis's fault for trying to lock all the good end game content behind a paywall
I think that's just reality of current situation for niche games if you want to keep overall quality up. They need all this stuff just to survive, so I don't mind that too much.
I'd say dumbest thing was releasing on same day as Bloodborn in Japan.
>Also if they wanted to print money they just need to make a game with the original cast again
Well they did so with DD2, no?
>They keep trying to recapture the charm and chemistry of the original cast but it keeps coming off as goofy.
it's not like making completely original characters and going in new directions works for them tho. I'll take recapture tries over Disgaea 2 main cast.

Mon Hun might be the only game I buy and NX for.

Honestly disgaea is just a plus for owning sony consoles, it's not the kind of game that sells systems.

that was mostly hardware and card space issue tho, aside of sound quality and lack of VA it was ok port. well and aside diagonal throw "bug" fix. I really liked that you can see map for, especially cause of some huge heights in some generated levels.
they need to reveal the damn thing already before, to have something to cave in for.

>I think that's just reality of current situation for niche games if you want to keep overall quality up. They need all this stuff just to survive, so I don't mind that too much.

They didn't do that with D4 and it sold twice as well.

If it weren't for Disgaea DS I may have never gotten into the series since I was one of the DS over PSP faggots and tried it out during the R4 craze

>They didn't do that with D4 and it sold twice as well.
It was way earlier and for PS3 after PS3 already had one Disgaea game, so market was there.
Also HD sprite transition helped way more to sell the game, while people don't see why D5 can't be on PS3/Vita, cause of 2D visuals and HD sprites being a norm.

Disgaea DS was the one I played first too, cause didn't have PSP at that time.
I still in the end have choosen PSP version later when got it, cause I'm sucker for full voice acting which means way more Etna VA.

I'll always miss Hour of Darkness because we're never going to see Galactic Demon ever again. Best monster

Why the Ps3 versions of D3 and D4 have to pay for content but not vita?


Because that, plus the extra content is meant to be an incentive for buying the games again, for those who already had them on PS3.

check releases dates.

always counter panels are fun too

I miss those guys. That Defense, man. Just one of those guys soloed Baal at about level 1500 for me. It took forever, but it slowly chipped Baal away while taking 0 itself.

>Always Counter!
>Reverse Damage
what do

put two of your beat-up allies on 'em and have them duke it out until they reach full health. Then they will be best buds forever.

Phantom Brave We Meet Again wasn't too bad. If Atlus can shift so much of their stuff over to Nintendo, it can't be that hard. Plus the work they are doing on the PC games might be giving them more experience with making their games more welcoming of other platforms.

but isn't reverse damage works on fully healed characters too? shouldn't they be stuck in endless counter?

I miss the Horse Wiener. All the time we shared. It was a Rare Horse Wiener, and I got to about level 40 of the Horse Wiener World before the end of the game. I remember that it was equipped to my Serpent who dealt the finishing blow on Lamington.
Ah, memories.

To my knowledge, all counter chains stop at 20. I don't know if that was implemented in the first one, but it certainly was by the second.

first game didn't have either reverse damage or always counter geo panels

Then that settles it. Getting stuck in a counter wasn't a possibility in the first one, and by D2 they added the cap.

Do they always announce a new Disgaea game at TGS? Kinda bumped they didn't announce a new one or a spin-off.

I don't think NIS announced anything at all during TGS.
Did they even had booth there in a first place?

To be fair they're busy with D2 PC, and by the looks of it they'll keep pushing PC ports.

Also a lot of the team that worked on the series is gone.

The problem with these is that there are too many best girls.

It's making me indecisive.

>Also a lot of the team that worked on the series is gone.
Honestly, this doesn't get brought up much, but I think this is a huge part of why NIS/A has gotten kinda weird lately.
Does anyone know more details of it? I just remember hearing that people left.

And we haven't even gotten to generics yet!

Anyone on this is probably a good pick.

First post best post.

But that is so unbecoming of a final boss! The real way it needed to go was a bunch of other, lesser ladies to be put forth, only to be smashed aside when Desco got dropped. You can't just START with the last boss! By that logic, someone else will sweep in and knock her off the spot, just because it would be more dramatic!

Oh, goodness, I didn't notice that there. I fixed it.

I gotta say I loved Desco's English voice.

Valzy, Desco, and Fenrich were all fantastic in English. Really, everyone was good, but those three were great.

they left to join compile heart and made trillion, a decent game, and meiq a shitty dungeon crawler.

>when she sputtered and coughed after Valvatorez totally called out her not-final-bossish entrance
Really tickled my heartboner.

I had heard the name Idea Factory floating around, but really? Either they knew something about NIS that we don't, or else IF/CH was offering one hell of an incentive because as niche as NIS is, they are even smaller.

So, who is the better Final Boss? Desco, or Darkdeath Evilman?

Obviously Desco. With a name like Darkdeath Evilman it is blatant that he would be a "final boss"
Where in reality one, like Desco, should give off the feeling that they are a Darkdeath Evilman.

>Disillusioned young man is never saved by heroes, so he builds a giant lion-man mech to prove to the world that heroes are a bunch of liars and frauds.
>Man-made bioweapon, created by genetic experiments, fueled by a deal with demons to be the ultimate, final weapon. Her creator had a few of his own plans in mind, so she came out with unusual priorities.

Just from this, Darkdeath Evilman seems like the main villain type, as he has a sympathetic backstory, an abstract, yet villainous goal, and is clearly a thinking villain.
Desco seems more final bosslike, in that she probably gets released as the last resort by the main villain as his dreams are being crushed. Desco has no motive other than to destroy, and has basically no backstory. She shows up out of nowhere, with only a single, vague audio log even hinting at her existence until the final boss fight itself.
Plus Desco has more forms. When in doubt, go with what has more forms. Darkdeath has 2. Normal, and Giga Drakdeath Evilman, which is just a reskin with a 50% power upgrade. The Giant forms weren't his doing, remember. Desco has normal, giant, and Yog-Sothoth, alongside other wacky combinations of size increases and tentacle formations.

this thread is not flat enough

Pringer X

eh she's alright, I'd put her in mid-tier category.

>Boy is best girl in the series
Every fucking time


deep down you all know who best girl is

>Look for it
>Get this

tits confirmed

I'd give this to my daughter in a heartbeat if I had one.

you can always get mediocre cosplay costume instead

just realized it has frontal lights just like a car, the top ones

I'd actually unironically wear this if it was blue baseball cap with yellow peak and the eyes

I loved both Disgaea 1 and 2 but when I played 4 on ps3 I didn't really like it that much.
Maybe it's because it wasn't on a handheld but maybe it was really because I didn't care about the protagonist.
Sardines here isn't really that fun but that's just me.

what is this wormhole you speaking of?

Wasn't it NIS was being shitty and not paying people? I'm pretty sure the bunch that left went to IF/CH or Marvelous.

>Sardines here isn't really that fun but that's just me.
>not liking sardines
But they are great

didn't seem that it impacted D5 all that much, so whatever.
probably tons of games you enjoyed prior that had issues within dev team, doesn't matter as long end result is ok.

Oh yeah definitely, but both NIS and NISA are on pretty thin ice right now, especially the latter.
NISA used to be a paragon of localizing niche titles, but now there's a plethora of other publishers who can do that in this age and NISA is bottom barrel now.
Meanwhile NIS are only releasing what look like extremely indie games (Money princess) and titles that don't get localized (Hayarigami) nothing to get too excited from coming from them, sadly.

So wait, the original Disgaea team is gone? Then who's making Disgaea anymore? The few that stayed behind?

either way I'm somewhat worried seeing as this is a PS2 RPG that still gets made today.

I'm a little disappointed that Nisa didn't take the plunge on this one, especially since they made it so that newcomers to the series could jump right in.

But isn't Coven did really well? for dungeon crawler in overly saturated jp market that's a good thing for company I guess.

I wish NISA stopped fucking around and localized it already.

Aren't CH/IF in the same situation? The Neptunia flow has stopped and their recent outputs are games that they'll probably pass on for localization, then Aksys handles their pretty boy VN titles so they're mostly fucked in the future unless they start pumping out west friendly games.

if something will go wrong and we won't see any more Disgaea games, you can always go and 100% every one of them
but yeah, aside of SRW and Disgaea, there are no more alive sRPG series, just few small games here and there

>you can always go and 100% every one of them

Can't even imagine how long that would take, yeah you can play any Disgaea game forever but you never get any new content (besides the stuff you haven't seen in the game)

Either way if this really is the end it had a decent run seeing as they made more than enough for a lifetime.

>search disgaea for PC
>torrents are all for the initial release
>not even one patch or updated version

man, time to play the psp version again

>Either way if this really is the end it had a decent run seeing as they made more than enough for a lifetime.
too early to kill everything off, Disgaea is one of the their most successful series, I doubt they'll just let it go without putting at least one last shot.
After all they are still making games, still publishing, I doubt NIS will go anywhere anytime soon.
Just please never fire Harada and give everything he asks for.
Even tho PC version is technically definitive, I'll never get over how does disbalance between character sprites and rest of the game looks. PSP version is great and everything there looks nicely together.

Disgaea 5 on steam when

Best girl
Best mage
>those unique evilities
>3 slots for being a monster type
She is so fucking strong in the vita version.

also best sidestory/DLC trailer in existence of videogames


Raspberyl is stupid overpower on 4
and only fuck in DD2 she is powerfull

Etna a shit!

Please tell me you didn't stop playing the game after beating the story once...

Disgaea 1? I beat story twice, I literally had 1 (one) ally kill when beat it first , then Etna mode and that was it for Disgaea 1, switched over 2 and so on.
I really wanted to try later games in series at that time.
Plan to get back to every game later to play them more.

is she any good in d5? I've been playing through it and the sheer number of dlc packs is overwhelming me

delicious, delicious shit.

No, D5's balance is fucking terrible though. You have Sages which can hit everything on the map for ridiculous amounts of damage with the right set up, enough to one shot pretty much anything other than like 20* LoC Baal, and then a couple of the unique characters as single target boss killers, the big ones there were Killia and Adell if I remember right. All other units are just completely outclassed when it comes to offense and are only really at all useful for the support and the buffs they provide.

>wearing nothing under her cape
oh my

>Val will never ravage that angel pussy
Maybe next cameo they'll get a bit closer.

The Alarune always had a soft spot in my heart because of the trap NPC one in Disgaea 2

Also its got surprisingly good stats, one of them and valvatores went through the entire storyline game of disgaea 4 as an unstoppable duo.

All you waifu's are shit


I heard the sages were OP nonsense, so I have been avoiding using them just to keep things interesting.

I like the vampires from 1 Kinda sucks they weren't back in DD2

Out of the ones that showed up in multiple games I'd probably go with the Mothman. I've always liked those for some reason

>vampires from 1
I can't even remember D1 having Vampires. Were those exclusive to the remakes or something?

I miss the D1 and D2 Succubus designs.

there were no vampires, he confuses them to something. Maybe with Majins

I'm almost certain they were in the PS2 version also.

They were. One of them was even a plot character that revealed Laharl's weakness to boobs.

fuck, I'm forgot about them. I blame horns

Must have been, I completely forgot about them and Maderas.

psotan best girl

Best girl has already been posted.

best girl since Gen1

So did NIS.


Rozalin gets better only after main story, in other games DLCs and such, when they are already a couple with Adell
During main story of D2 itself, they both are insufferable

>not liking insufferable girls

You are telling this to person who LOVES Fuuka.
Rozalin is just weaksause in comparison

>they both are insufferable
I don't know about insufferable. Boring? Definitely.

>ctrl f "armor knight"
>0 results
What the flying fuck.

well it's combination of boring and insufferable cause of "muh father" thing.
Being irritating as character trait is quite common for Disgaea characters, yet only Rozalin and other main cast of D2 irritates me the most.

Best girl you say?

>loves Fuuka
>complains about Rozalin being irritating

Does she count?

as other user said, Rozalin is just boring. Adell too. They have more character in little DLC dialogues in later games than during whole game of D2.

DLC or not, if it's playable in the game, I count is as one of the game's characters.

>make a Metallica thread
>it dies without replies
Not fair.

Somehow I thought about his nose when I read "that part"

>you'll never get that Pleinair dodjinshi artbook Harada published himself, which had a lot of illustrations he did for various magazines
the suffering
unless go second hand Mandarake tho... I wish he just sold it separately.

Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.

Guys, I have a question regarding the Witch and the Hundred Knight. Revival Edition.

HOW the fuck do I beat this? How can I even get a weapon strong enough to actually hurt those monsters?

And/or best new D5 story character.

what's wormhole? my google skills bring up nothing

Etna is unironically the best girl. She's the only girl who isn't reduced to a shitty moeblob, has an actual personality and does whatever the fuck she wants.

she's more of a moestick, or possibly a moeplank

More like the only personality you acknowledge, right?

I prefer this adorable delinquent instead.

>She's the only girl who isn't reduced to a shitty moeblob
Have you played DD2?
Cause they went full geiger counter on her character there.

The only good etna is in Disgaea 2

yeah, get it from Mandarake. Jap second hand books are usually pristine, I gotta say.

I just yet to buy anything from there, also learned about that store just recently and I'm in a middle of moving. After settle down should go for it while they have copies.
Tho honestly I wish he'd just included them in Takehito Harada Artworks 4.

I haven't played Disgaea in months. DS2's endgame grinding really burnt me out.


DD2 is one of the least grindy ones.
With the cheat shop you can gradually increase the levels and benefits easily. The hardest part is first grinding the initial statistician gear

I don't understand how you can prepare for Baal without intensive grinding then.

Why did they remove the spell book in 5? It was very helpful for INT based units that don't learn magic.

you grind, but less than other disgaeas. you can max you stats without maxing all percentages and shit.

I still don't know how to min-max in Disgaea 5 with the item world.

I think all you have to do is kill everything you see.

Doesn't work.

>max your stats
So you have to, what, reincarnate the character 250 times, have equipment with 3M in each stat on average assuming you get a Heart's Shadow and you have 300% aptitudes everywhere, or something like this?

>Heart's Shadow and you have 300% aptitudes
useless in DD2.
You farm for hidden stat in LOC then ransetsu(?) mode it's more reliable and can be done as a secondary goal while upping your gear.

Aptitudes gets maxed when you farm for other things anyway.
LoC stat absorption gives 99G for HP and 99M for other stats at most. That's nowhere near enough to scratch Baal and not be one-shot by his auto-attack in my experience.
To get max stats you'd need to get 99M from basic stats and reincarnation bonus, 99M from LoC bonus, and the remaining 800M from equipment (which I'm not sure is even possible without a Heart's Shadow and 300% aptitudes anyway). unless I missed somehting big.

you are supposed to abuse evilities transfer and get those special items to be invincible one turn out of two.

Well let's just say I had no idea what I was doing then, because although I tried several evilities combinations, I still kept getting wrecked at the second turn in the best scenario.

Did you guys send in applications?

>playing on PC what I can comfortably play on consoles
nah, if I have time and will for PC gaming after 12 hours working on same PC - I'll go with 4X games instead

Did Asagi really kill one of those Jack-o-lanterns just to hold her candy in it's head?

I really liked the horsemen. Hatted the zombie dragons, so this new form made them useable for me. The 3 personality options were also all pretty cool

the best way but most boring way to do it is watching a video of someone who does it.


internet really can take whole enjoyment from games.
I'm not that user, but I specially never read or ask anything about game mechanics of Disgaea games especially, cause that feeling when you figure out how to get the best out of game mechanics is really damn satisfying


Has any of you ever replayed a Disgaea game? Is there any reason to? The story isn't good.

Good taste

If there's a 6, I hope we can truly color our units however we want. 5's is so fucking restrictive.

Wormhole? Why have I not heard of this? Your comparing it to disgaea, and I never played anything as similar to it as itself.


Why is Pleinair so great? I just wish I could sit her down on my lap and hug her.

Honestly at that point I doubt I'll go back to the game, so I don't care about spoiling myself. Though from what I usually see, people doing videos look like autistic farmers with every single stat and modifier possible at the max, so it depresses more than anything.

just learn to enjoy the game. It's total freedom, as long you abandon mindset about being as optimal as possible.
Make useless characters, give archer a sword, finish story missions by throwing prinnies at enemies, create harem out of generics - it's your game, not someone else's

Aha, I do, don't worry.
But damn, I'd love to beat Baal once more (haven't done it since D1) without needing to grind like a super turbo autist.

don't grind like autist then, grind like you usually do. exploit game mechanics.
I doubt there is only way to beat Baal.
like one user earlier in thread said -

Even playing on the ps3 is tedious, would rather play on psp/vita.

If I hated D4's item world will I like D5's item world? I hated that every stage had pirates and looked the same.

yeah, game works better on handhelds.
>If I hated D4's item world will I like D5's item world? I hated that every stage had pirates and looked the same.
I yet to play D5 so no clue, judging by what I heard it becomes slightly bit better than D4

>I yet to play D5 so no clue, judging by what I heard it becomes slightly bit better than D4

That isn't high praise. D4 had the worst item world tedious, boring, and worst of all it never threw you any curve balls all the stages are the same.

well at least there are no framerate drops on 10x levels

>would rather play on psp/vita.
O jesus you are still alive with that muhvita nonsense?

disgaea works well on handhelds, that's common knowledge.
that doesn't mean that anyone who thinks so doing so with D5 port begging in mind.

Only because my psp no longer has access to the psn store. The vita's OLED screen is perfect for sprite based games like D1-D4. I have been pure digital since the psn store launched so I still have all my old psp games like Joan de arc and FFT.

You can just remote play, it's what I do. Works perfect for turn based games.

I just watched a video of a guy clearing high level item world with a single character that AOE'ed the whole stage for several million damage in a single hit. How is that fun?

nah, I'm okay with playing on home console. just saying
I also can't stand even little feel of input delay.

It's not for everyone. I think it's because I played MMORPGS in the dark ages of the internet but I am used to input lag.

It's fast, and if you're going to be doing a lot of grinding you need fast.

Because taking your time to clear each floor with a team takes time while a single character nuke does not.

I just don't see how it's fun. I actually enjoy taking a party to the limit of item world. Is there even a point to grinding more when you can AOE a whole stage for several mil? It's like people that spam 1000 unopened sodas for levels. What's the point?

To get your shit strong enough to handle the real fight with Baal. Your free to do it your way though if you want.

user, realize that you comparing regular playthru to someone who clear item worlds for hundreds of hours already.
after reaching 100th floor for few dozens of times dispatching whole team get really boring already, but you want some legendary items leveled up anyway to beat post game content.