Any progress to report on that game you're working on, user?

Any progress to report on that game you're working on, user?

...You are making a game, aren't you, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, making it a porn game.

Bout the only way to make money these days.

I'm forever trapped in a tank tutorial... FOREVER!

last thread died (like, an hour ago or something) for a reason, no one's got progress to show

did a decent bit this evening with my game though

Everytime I go back to working on art I just get upset and quit.

working on an infinite scroller shooter. I just put together a computer from some old parts for my artist so he can get his ass in photoshop since I've been working with place holders for the last week.

I don't know what to make.

I could probably make a platformer in GM:S, but I don't know how I'd make it fun.

I've been inspired to make an RPG similar to Dragon Quest, where the skills and spells are more utilitarian and status effects actually mean something, but I'm certain that's out of my scope for right now.

I was even hoping to make a top-down RPG platformer akin to many of the Mario RPGs, but if I can't make one fun I can't even imagine how I'd go about making the rest fun.

use placeholders for now. art should be just about the last step which is shit for me because it's the only step i can into, i have no idea how to program at all

I only just started getting into coding. Eventually you realise it's literally like playing with Lego, except you are blind and retarded and have to memorise every single individual block before you can build anything.

yeah i know really basic HTML and CSS from being a graphic designer and working with front end web devs, and that's essentially a more basic version of programming in something like c#

the problem is memorizing it.

penis rockets obviously

>Bout the only way to make money these days.

Flow chart coding is the future

Always wanted to make a majoring in game design seemed like a shitty idea so i opted for compsci, hoping I get the hang of programming and could one day make a game on my own. Shit was piss easy at first but now, coding classes are kicking my ass, if this stuff isn't clicking instantly for me does that mean I'm not suited for programming, especially for games? Should I throw in the towel?

what is not "clicking"?

Been at it for 10+ years, still learning new things every day man.

The winning formula is still addictive gameplay + tits and ass

Or anything furry

Made cold weather versions of the my 2 MCs.

I just recently moved all my work to my new computer, and realized how washed out they were from working on a shitty old screen.

Going to have to fix all of the stuff I've made so far.

nah nothing comes instantly. its about building a foundation then practicing the shit out of it. i'm a photographer and a video editor, and the same philosophy applies there. you start out with basic shit like adjusting exposures (or in coding, basic code) and build upon that to make more complex things, for example when i started taking photos i was getting the hang of exposures, but now that i've mastered exposures it freed me up to take on advanced lighting techniques and different things of that nature. Same thing with coding. Build a solid base and expand on it, advanced stuff is going to take longer to get down but it's impossible not to learn it if you stick with it.

Currently class is going through some "basic" data structures. I haven't been able to follow along since the semester started. I get the idea behind them, but the actual coding part is much more thorough and complex than anything I've had to deal with up to this point and its making my head spin.

this is why macs are superior for art. every screen is the same. you do the built in light calibration so it looks how it should in your lighting setup and everything is going to be 1:1 on every mac you ever use.

inb4 i get crucified for that

>get a new job
>take over spot from the last guy who left
>his code is back bone of the company aka he is the web presence for this company
>it's just ONE file
>open it,
>surprise motha fuka.jpeg, 60k lines
>that's not even the worst part
>it's just one big IF ELSE statement comprised of other IF ELSE statsments within
>no classes, random global variableseverywhere
>quit job next day

oh yeah

(x = true) ? y = true : y = false;

Everything worth doing in life is hard, user.

gotta jump in head first man. i assume you're feeling burnt out after trying to learn it and take breaks or something? you need to push past it and just keep doing it until it finally does click.

often the best part is to take the sample code they provide to illustrate the lesson and just dick around with it and poke it in many different ways. one of the simplest excersises is to make a deck of cards with an array and sort it using the provided operators.

Alright, I'll try my best to turn this around. I really do want to make games.

times like this it makes you wonder if it's better to just start from scratch

Eh, back in the animation school (LOL) I was in, we used both.

So I can say they have pros and cons, but I can't really afford both.

What language dude?

If it's C++ or JAVA then make sure your foundations (classes, anonymous classes, inner classes etc, inheritance) is strong enough to understand what the scripts doing.

Na, I'm making a virtual tour app for a non profit.(for Free)

started of with a c++ class, but every subsequent class has been java.

how much c# should i try and learn before diving into unity? It seems so fucking vast, i feel like if i did a c# tutorial or course it may end up covering stuff I wouldn't even use in making my game and leave out things I would. How much should I learn? Or should I go in blind and stick to the unity tutorials?

I need to learn how to dick around with turn based RPG systems. Any good tutorials anyone knows about? I'm not particularly picky on the subgenre.

what do you mean? what engine are you looking to work in? if you mean extremely basic stuff I'm sure you can use RPG Maker?

I would just check out the tutorials, with the understanding that tutorials aren't gospel truth. If you already know how to program then you know what sort of features to expect from C#, and you can look them up as needed. If you don't know how to program, then learning C# will burn you out before you get to do anything game related.

You'll probably learn the most by trying to develop something simple (i.e. add features to a tutorial game) and solving problems along the way.

at least have an understanding of C#/C++ from beginning up until class and object management.

GameMaker. I'm just looking to see if I can dick around in both SRPG and regular turn based gameplay and see what I can make from it that's playable.

cool, thanks. I'm doing the basic first unity "Roll a Ball" tutorial right now, and while some of the c# bits are making sense it's still pretty confusing about how to manage and remember what to call on and when.

has anyone here heard of brackeys on youtube? they appear to have lots of c# tutorials based around game making, and lots of in depth unity tutorials with full games, but Id like to know whether they're good at transferring their knowledge before i sit down and invest hours upon hours into them. Anyone used them before?

Ramps are a punishment from god.

I completely gave up

Never heard of them. but I attempt to fix my own problems first before finding help online. it has been a mixed bag since I learn more but end up with janky ass code at the end. try that first. you never know when you try to make a quaternion transform to direct a bullet on another direction and end up making a wrong horizontal transform making an effect like the fire shot from Contra 1.

Mistakes into Miracles.


how come user

That's the best way to learn anything. Attempt to solve a problem, then go learn how to solve it.

Something something normal vectors

I am dumb, i can't draw to save my life and i am tone deaf.

Or, you know, y = x;

I've been following some tutorials in game maker and have a pretty good understanding of the basics. I have a friend willing to do art with me and were making good progress. Just wish I had someone I could ask questions to / review what I've made to help me improve codes n stuff.

Pic related it a sketch im working on for main characters

I appreciate that but I have literally 0 knowledge on any coding whatsoever, I need a base level understanding to know what I'm experimenting with when I'm trying to fix the problems, so I'm looking at some entry level basic tutorials that will give me the tools I need to understand how to think in the language and find my own ways to fix things, if that makes sense.

then ignore music and art for now, use default assets, and work on your gameplay.

(x = true) ? y = true : y = false;

wait, wouldn't that literally
>set x to true (no ==)
>since the result of that is always true, set y to true

Forgot to add friend of mine offered to make the music. here some of the stuff hes made. Would really appreciate some other opinions. I think it sounds nice but not too sure what others think.

completely makes sense. there are plenty of books and resources online to get you working on the bare basics.

this has an overload of information

it should provide you with a good footing on basic concepts though. take your time and learn slowly so that everything gets enough time to settle in your head.

awesome, thanks

what's the difference between c# and c++? should I be learning both?

I honestly don't know a professional answer to this question. but on the last couple of weeks I been coding on C# I found that it's a little easier to code with than C++. they both take about the same syntax and logic. learn C++ and C# and Unity will be a breeze

>learn 2 almost completely different language
Learn 1 and master it. I suggest learning c# because it's popular right now for indie gamedev and there's shitton of c#. They may share the same common syntax but they are completely different in functionality and compiler.

look in that website I gave you. here is the C# part if you don't wanna learn C++.
probably the best you can do since you won't have to re-learn some crap

I've added a feature where ships can be grouped into fleets.

i'm gonna join the ranks of anons making paper mario clones, except unlike bug user i'm going to make a legit 100% paper mario clone, just with OCs.

what do any of you guys working in unity use for modeling? should i use blender?

I give up. I'm turning on precise collision detection exclusively for slope tiles. I know that's admiting defeat but at this point I don't care, I just want to work on another problem.

yeah, it's free. it would be great to use more "professional" software though but blender do the job just fine.