Why am i having so much fun with a game Cred Forums said was shit and which i bought for 4 dollaritos...

Why am i having so much fun with a game Cred Forums said was shit and which i bought for 4 dollaritos? 31 hours and counting

Shadow Of Mordor 2 when?

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It's good up until the final boss, and it looks amazing.

Because it's just another generic open world game with some unfinished, fun gimmicks.
Other games you might enjoy
Far Cry 3-4
Mad Max

Oh yeah, and the BamHams
These are all generic open world games with side stuff to unlock, different ways to approach each mission and skilltrees/unlockables
This is just another modern trend that the devs realized attracts the big crowds.
In theory it's good, but because everyone does it now, only either the very first, or the very best games are liked here
And this is not one of them. It's like comparing most modern MMOs to wow. Sure, they offer some fun little gimmick, but in the end the're just inferior version of that one game, or that one game already did it before, so I have no interest to replay the consept

Most disappointing boss ever

It's a steal at 4 dollarydoos, but it really is just a gimped Bamham game.

I do really enjoy the BamHam series so that could be it
Something about that rythmic combat makes my dick hard, man

There's nothing wrong with combat in Mordor, but it doesn't really have anything except combat.

you cant chop dudes heads off in bamham so thats a leg up

It's great, and I want more LoTR games in general.

Far Cry 3 and Mad Max were two of the best games I played last year. Hated Watchdogs and MGSV, though.

only real complaint i have is how shitty the player controls sometimes
the jumping is fucked
>stand on ledge
>clearly able to jump to a specific spot
>character either jumps to another rooftop 20 meters ahead or drops like a stone right on top of the uruks when im trying to stealth

because it sucks


>liking western games
>not thinking western made games are trash by default

because Cred Forums is full of crybabies and weeaboos.

that game is fun as fuck

Yeah, since JRPG combat is so innovative, and MGSV was a good game, right


So what you're trying to say is that you're a normie who likes games that pander to the big crowds
Nothing better than filling that skilltree and seeing that numbers on the side activities go up (Warlords killed 15/24, vantage points climbed 5/45)

>It's good up until the very last thing you do
>this ruins the game somehow

Because messing with Orcs is fun

>sex was good until the part when you were denied orgasm
>this ruined the night somehow

>Muh lore

Better than Assassin's creed. And the whole "mind control orcs" thing gave a nice twist & gimmick that had a decent amount of room to play around.

>that one orc I never killed but kept throwing into fires until his face had melted bandages stuck to it in the final battle.

yeah both boss "fights" were terrible. It feels like it was building up to a fight with Dark Talion but then it was the easiest fucking QTE ever

the graphics are okay but the single character model and skin for the slaves fucking annoyed me tho

the riding controls were fucking atrocious

must suck to have autism

>buzzwords: the post
fuck off faggot, call me a normie one more time and I'll teleport behind your mom and kill her with my Katana dick

yeah some of the models were fucked too
the protags model doesnt fit at all with the rest of the game
i mean the orcs look fantastic but humans look like garbage

Are you saying pandering to simple tastes isn't a thing?
That's the whole reason why cods were so addicting, the feeling of always achieving something with the reward system

yeah it's the vidya equivalent of a brawl full of ultras after a euro league match

>why do you like what I don't like!
>there's no way that someone else can genuinely like something that I don't like
you self centered fucking under aged fags are hilarious

When did I say it's bad if you like something I don't like?
I'm all for any type of media, because people don't seem to understand that everyone aren't meant to like everything, but stuff are made to pander to certain tastes.
You can't flame Pewdiepie because he used to pander to children and innocent people, and now he panders to watered down Filty Frank fans with the random stuff.
You can't say cods are bad because they know that people wanted more of the same, before it became a meme to hate on it for doing the same thing all the time, and thats when they tried to change it up a bit.
You can't say all these modern open world "choose your own approach" games are bad, just because they pander to the new generation of players who dislike linear, storydriven games and want to roam around in the world, deciding what to do and when, just doing le cuhrayzee stuff.

well glad that i am not only one who loved that game

The story is fan fic garbage.
The game is a lot of fun though.

Fucking hell, you must be a riot to be around. That's why you get invited out with friends all the time, right?


Storyline = utter shit. I seriously can't remember the main characters name.

Gameplay = fun. Go into it thinking less stealthy and more of a ork murder simulator and you'll have a blast.

Also why the fuck didn't they start the game with area 2? Seems like they mixed them up at the start.

Some value the overall experience over the conclusion, different strokes.

I actually do. Being passive aggressive in a way that people find funny, while not being autisticly "savage" or attentionseeking gets you a long way

>Why am i having so much fun with a game Cred Forums said was shit
You really opened yourself up for any kind of abuse, I hope you know that.

Because everyone expects Mordor to be a barren wasteland. The fertile areas next to the inner sea are unknown to the general public. And the second area was supposed to have a minor wow factor on the average player.