What's the first thought that comes to mind?

What's the first thought that comes to mind?

Other urls found in this thread:




NeoGAF is a nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers. This is a neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation.

Some sort of Pepsi villain or something

>resented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation


A place where limp wristed faggots go to talk about the horror's of boobies in videogamess


Elitist faggots mixed with the A team of shilling, all served with a dressing of SJWs.
Cred Forums blatant shillers are kids compared to their shillers.

A handfull of forum avatars that almost always get first post and decides the opinion of the thread.

The battle against social justice on this, what is it, "4channels", is toxic indeed, very problematic.


The Tumblr of videogames.

Fucking SJWs coming out of every orifice.



A place where Kotaku journalists post when want to be fellated by Real Gamers

The average post is even more pointless and meaningless than the average Cred Forums post

It's kinda amazing

every time



>In a lot of threads about a news topic regarding a developer or game controversy someone brings up gamergate

Its like Godwins law but for gamergate


"ANOTHER thread?"

Boogie was banned too because he was neutral on GG.

One day theyll turn on Jim Sterling too.


Basically a left-leaning Cred Forums with awful moderation. Hilarious what a hypocritical tool their admin is (And a legit fucking creep, too).

Also a very small handful of insiders/advertisers who occasionally leak something worthwhile.

Go away tumblrina

How do people even post on neogaf when in constant fear of saying something that will get them banned? There's no way to hold a discussion like that



Neogaf is basically a small glimpse in our future if we don´t stop leftists, feminists, nu males, cucks, trannies and other menthally ill people from hijacking society.



it's a shitty sjw hub.

It's gay as fuck.

"Thank god I have Cred Forums."

>menthally ill
minty fresh


By selling their souls to SonyGAF and becoming another shill to spew garbage everywhere.

In reality, neogaf is so incredibly toxic that most devs and communities actively warn people away from using it as a legitimate source of criticism or news.





How retarded are you?

The minute Jim Sterling does an episode mocking the PS4Pro is the minute they turn on him.



Go back to your safe space

Looks like somebody got triggered.


Where, user? All port begging is banned unless its PS4 port begging on neogaf

the fucking irony

Don't do this


can a triggered admin throw a tantrum any bigger than that?

No way. Isn't it super turbo sexist and objectifying?

Evilore needs to buy Cred Forums

>Do keep in mind that PMs are private

Remind me, is this the site that banned a user over what they said in a private message to a seperate user?

Hardcore sonyggers. Its almost hilarious how droning these people are. No fanbase on Cred Forums, not even our own sonyggers, matches up to them.

Years ago I went there for a peek and I saw serious discussion how Phil Fish is greater and more influentical game designer than Miyamoto.


The fuck happened to google chrome?

Sonygger please

Bunch of kids that trigger anons on Cred Forums simply by existing

>"It's a good thing this happened now everyone will buy the PlayStation® VR!"


John Hardin exists solely to trigger Cred Forums.


Spot on. Full of late to the game trannies too.


How they can trigger Cred Forums when there are the same users.

GAF and Cred Forums overlap is bigger than you think

>Years ago I went there for a peek and I saw serious discussion how Phil Fish is greater and more influentical game designer than Miyamoto.

Well guess what they are still sucking his dick after his brave move of not supporting the Occulus anymore. Take that Gamergaters and Trump supporters!

Honestly, I browse there just to find actual news quicker.
Whenever I try to find news here, the only things I find are shitty consolewar threads and forced Pepe/Wojak memes.

>Gamergaters and Trump supporters

No really everything wrong with the world according to them is Gamergate and Trump. Maybe straight white males also.

talking about vomit on a date and autistic thailand adventures

What did they mean by this?

This is art.

look at all these trumpers complaining they got banned, boohoo

Australia is a hateful country. This is not incorrect.

Their error is assuming this needs fixing.

>implying the PS4 doesn´t objectively shit on the XBone

Xcuck please

And the Crew depicts that the US is like 200 miles wide, it's a video game.


"Anyone who disagrees with me is a Trump Supporter!! xD. Ban him Evilore!!"

You safe space nu-males really need to be gassed


>How do people even post on neogaf when in constant fear of saying something that will get them banned?
As far as I can tell, these screens generally all come from dedicated gender politics threads. Those threads on gaf function as an echo chamber for the same few familiar faces to virtue signal to one another. Anyone with a dissenting opinion knows to stay away. Which isn't actually so bad because wouldn't you rather be discussing videogames anyway?

Are they trying to say a fucking racing game doesn't have enough social commentary?

zig zag

A friend of me once got banned for what he said in a Twitter DM

"Who the hell goes to an HTML message board, in 2016?"

Looks like a legit ban for once. Kinda surprising.

>Implying they both aren't complete shit and Sonyggers on gaf are just easily triggered cucks who freak out at any sort of banter from the xbone side, Nintendo's continued existence producing significantly better titles than Sony ever will or the complete superiority and unmatched dominance of PC Gaming with better Framerates and resolution and better exclusives and multiplat support

Sonygger please. Neogaf is half the reason you are a laughing stock. Never mind your equally as shit as the xbone console.

He's been known to throw a few around every once in a while. The maddest I remember him getting was when he got called out on groping a woman in Spain.


He still bans people for even so much as bringing that up. Same with that story about him getting ripped off by the stripper.

Same with Lowtax if you even mention that time that he got the shit beaten out of him by Uwe Boll.

i think of the ps4pro and winning all the console wars ever and BTFO christian pcucks ALL FUCKING DAY LONG. and playing some new exclusive shit like 'shinobi ghosts' high on weed. shinobi ghosts is the most exclusive shit not possible to be emulated on pv EVER and the game is deep as fuck with loud footstep soundeffects and the combat is not mediocre overhyped shit

Don't the mod/admins ban someone if they even admit they have adblock on the site? Fuck, how pathetic.

>Go to neogaf
>First thread I see is a safe space thread


Don't forget the reason he doesn't like Microsoft is because Major Nelson "Didn't shake his hand properly" at E3

Calm and resolved from a thousand fights. Kek

great moderation and self-aware members

Echo chamber where new users are afraid to express honest opinions in fear of hair trigger perma-bans, and instead fill thread after thread with banal and unconstructive head nod comments and flattery.

>its been 2 months since i sent in my member application
>i will probably not get in

and all i wanted to see was how fast id be banned without getting banned for the member submission itself

it tries to be a persuation portal. where people get these super saucy nigger feelings about some shitty cheap sony game and they all try to project these feelings to dumb impressionable niggers and LGBT trans women across the internet

this is the science of neogaf

I don't know whats worse, the actual sjw circlejerk on neogaf or Cred Forums lurkers who actually spend time browse there saving 100's of screencaps to post on here

at least if its the latter option we can have fun


he was defending the japanese culture like idols
and the neofags all went
and banned him

neogaf has good stuff on it, in the hidden corners, but sometimes you want to vent about everything else without losing access to the good stuff.

He definitely shouldn't be banned for it, but he should be ostracized and branded a weird paedo

She's just eating a taco