Punch Club really sucks

Started playing yesterday, reached the abrupt, anti-clamactic bullshit ending 10 minutes ago.

Strength build, way of the bear. Lost only a handful of fights, almost never had to use different skills.

This game is so fucking simple to beat, there's no point in using strategy or tactics because if you build strength for straightforward KO wins then that's all you need to do; line up your hard punching skills and keep clicking "FIGHT". Anything more complex is just handicapping yourself.

Then there's the ending, which comes out of nowhere and is just a confusing bad punchline to the joke that is the rest of the game.

I was glad to see this game got pirated to shit.

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Is it better that a bad game gets pirated over just nobody playing it?

>game about punching people
>the punching is boring as fuck
Why'd you ever buy it, OP?

Who said I bought it?

It frustrates the developers more, maybe?

> steamspy.com/app/394310
> ~361,005 owners on Steam

I'm sure they're really frustrated :^)

Seriously, this game was so shit. No real challenge, just grind. No real tactics, just choose one strategy and stick with it. No real humour, just pop culture references. No real climax, just a "what a twist!" ending out of nowhere.

It was different, I had fun with it, but a ton of things just ended abruptly. I picked it up in the humble bundle so, yeah.

Wasn't this the dev who cried something about "illegitimate" copies or am I thinking some other no-talent hack?

Apparently 5 times more people pirated the game than paid for it.

Because once you've played it past the first hour, you realise it sucks and you don't want to pay for it.

There's multiple endings

But why the fuck would you want to go through that again

What are the other endings?

The biggest profile one would be 2DBoy (World of Goo) back in the day.

Personally I think better designed games are more likely to be hit by piracy (pirates generally have good taste, and people with good taste know how to pirate), but as a developer it's not something worth worrying about.

I still can't fucking believed they added severe stat decay to a fucking character raising game.

End game grind was horrible
Whoever wrote the ending should quit video games forever

It sold well, it had some good PR before release, IIRC they had some twitch stream where chat could control the game and if they met some goal the game would release earlier. But it didn't really review well after release, with people complaining about the simple gameplay and extreme late-game grind.

IMO this game is missing true combat

A first I really liked it.

But then the grind.
Ho my god, the fucking grind.

I pirated it and thought it was shit

I buy a lot of games that I pirate and like i.e. Rimworld

It's the Dracula the best ice cream ever?

Source on pirated copies?

Thank god for steam refunds.

Their asses

How the fuck can they even KNOW how many pirates there are?

Isn't this also the game where the devs refused to release it until streamers skilled it extra hard, or something?

Yeah, GOAT