Dota 2

Now that the dust has settled can we agree that dota is dying? It's a bad torture program of a game that gets people hopelessly addicted. Now people are finally getting smart and quitting.

>Near to 1 million people playing in the last 5 minutes
Are you fucking retarded?

>It's a bad torture program of a game that gets people hopelessly addicted
Well, that's something I can't deny.

It's not dying though. The numbers may have dropped, but they'll get up as soon as they release a major patch, event or new hero, and two of those are basically confirmed for this year.

numbers peak because of major events and stuff, its just natural

like in august they had the international, so it's obvious that average amount of players would go up during then

I really want to play this game again, but it's too much of a pain.

Only a surrender option would make me come back to it.

>surrender option

We've been stuck on this patch since before manilla. It will keep dropping till 6.89 drops. That will be anothe everything changes patch. Till then people are tired of 88 even if it has the most balance of any patch.
This is Cred Forums. A game is dead if it doesnt have LoL numbers where you quickmatch in 30 seconds.

It has gained over 1000 players since Feb 2015. That's pretty good progress.

It's gonna attract players once the Monkey makes his business this Fall.

>Over 100 viable heroes


>want to get into Dota 2
>all my friends are like 4-5k+ MMR
>total scrub

how do I get better at this game? i'm tired of getting my heavy ass carried every game

Oh France.

haha, trying to make it to r/Cred Forums, fellow redditor? :)

Read guide on basic stuff, get more effiicient at farming, raise your map awareness, learn every spell interaction in the game, watch high mmr players play... And learn to play mid heroes because they have the most impact on the game.
It takes a lot of time and effort to git gud at dota but in my experience it never feels grindy.

Why are people against a surrender option ? What fun is there being forced to play a lost game ?

>b but, you can always turn the game around!

No, it's not true and you know it. Even the pros surrend when the game is lost beyond recovery

You suck and therefore cannot judge when a game is over or not. Many games can be salvaged, specifically because you do not play against pros.
And pros do stay in games that look very unfavorable. They gg out when there's no buybacks on the cores and it's just a matter of opponents clicking their base. Only EG ggs out early.

There IS a surrender option available on the main menu. Nothing forces you to keep playing a lost game. If you surrender often Valve even put you in a special queue for people like you who prefer surrendering so you don't have to play with us tryhards.

>random draft

Specially when your 4 russian teammates feed and do nothing, and tyou have to wait 30 mins for the othe rrussian team to stop farming, even when you told them to finish, because ))))).
Say what you want, but this game needs a surrender option, specially in low prio games.

MOBAs in general are dying.
Interest in LoL is shrinking fast. I wonder what will take the throne

Wanting to be stuck in a match for 10-20 extra minutes so the enemy can circle jerk

But DotA2 is perfectly balanced. There has never been a better version of DotA than current DotA2
Gameplay wise DotA 2 is either at its peak right now or still hasn't reached it yet

Unlike LoL where snowballing is really common and it's really hard to make a comeback in DotA 2 is really common to make a comeback

I see, so when a team camp my spawn instead of finishing the game and just wipe us over and over, while Icefrog screams at us " come on, don't stay still in your base or you'll get a leave, go out there and get your ass kicked until it bleeds, you don't want to steal the opponent team's fun do you ? " it's supposed to be fun right ?

Growth of 100000 concurrent players in a year is dying?
I'll not even give you a (You) for this bait

>school year starts
>people stop playing dota and go to school
wow dead game

I get that, but if the ennemy team IS BETTER, why can't we leave it at that ?


why dont you see dota2 on 3x3 threads or top5 threads if they are so popular and people sink so much time in it?

Because it's mostly Russians, Chinese, and Peruvians that play DotA

Nobody likes it. But they can't stop playing because nothing else can fill the void. Nothing else has the complexity, depth or instant gratification that dota does.

>all these lol babbies vouching for a surrender option
Stay in lol we don't want your kind here

Yes we do.
You know want valves excuse was for not adding it? " it would be a robbery of fun". They only care about the fun of the winning team. The losers need to be kicked in the face, again and again. The only reason I haven't quit is because I stack with my friend and I don't mind losing anymore because he'll always play with me no matter how low my mmr.

>Losers shouldn't have to face consequences for losing
I bet you think people saying fuck should be chat banned too.

peruvian? is that some crazy donkey breed in syria?

South Americans
You know people from Peru

umm starcraft?

This is like saying WoW is not dead because they still have subs. Let's face it, WoW is fucking dead.

A game is dead when the population is decreasing constantly, and nothing is done to stop it.

it isn't dead then, it's dying

its not dead, however it is slowly dying.

waw so losers deserve to be punished ? Because they lost ? losing mmr isn't already the consequence of a defeat ? Are you fucking stupid ?

MOBAs in general are dying because of genre-fatigue. There are only so many people who play videogames and most of the people who'll ever play Dota 2 or LoL already have.

Now both Valve and Riot are trying to make the tired, old games feel fresh again to lure older players back in.

>people stop playing dota and go to school
When has this ever been true? If anything kids will play more videogames since they're coming back from summer camps, the countryside, etc.

t. i didn't even look at the picture and/or have no idea of this shit works

the punishment of losing is the loss of mmr, there's no other punishment to it
the game isn't lost until your ancient is done for

No retreat, No surrender. Fight to the death like a man you spineless French croissant.

It's you who didn't look at the chart. Pro tip: the one that shows player count from Sep 5 '12 to Sep 15 '12 isn't the one you should be looking at.

DotA is more addicting. But yes, there's a very large overlap between DotA players and (former) SC2 players, especially in the pro scene

I know. It's been a long time since a major patch and the numbers have grown a lot in a year. Point being?

>the numbers have grown a lot in a year
My point is that you didn't look at the chart and apparently still haven't.

>"lol im so witty with a completely retarded and not working analogy"

this is pure cringe right here.

Are you implying February 2016 is where I should be looking?
Maybe you should find a reason for that spike instead, senpai

>"I have nothing of value to do so i am ready to waste 30 minutes"

Not really giving your opinion any credibility valvedrones.

>the game isn't lost until your ancient is done for

Why are people allowed to surrender in custom lobbies then?
They need to play them out.
Once we at it.
Bot games should also be played out completely.
I mean, you never know...

because custom lobbies are custom lobbies, dummy
and can you forfeit in bot games?

>Game has a surrender option Since the fucking closed Beta
>Pubs are too bad at communicating to even use it
>He thinks a votebox will improve it

>Being to bad to make use of comeback mechanics
>sitting in the corner pissing yourself because someone fed first blood

Stay in your 2k pleb

Look, you're retarded, so let me enlighten you.

Comeback mechanics exist. If you can't bother to try to turn a bad game, uninstall the game. There are enough.

>No, it's not true and you know it.

There are some games that are impossible. Problem is, if you'd offer surrender for those 10-20% of games that are lost, you get the lol babbie crowd, that has it enrooted deep in their mind, that they can just surrender vote anyway so they don't have to keep trying and poisoning winnable games with their retardation.
Sometimes you have to take it up your ass, so epic comeback games are allowed to exist.
Try to suck less and you can reduce games where you get buttraped.

>Even the pros

Pubs are not pros, you aren't a pro, you're just a pleb. Don't compare yourself to people who literally get paid to play the game, they can best decide when a strategy didnt work out compared to your average pub where you have 5 retards dicking around in the jungle.

game died when they took out skeleton king

>Accidentally get queued into a game of VERY HIGH SKILL in All Random Deathmatch
Jesus. That was a good experence.
Sure i got outplayed
Outwarded and dewarded
But it was good fun
Except for the part where we had 20 respawns left when they killed our Ancient

What happens in February and March that the population spikes like that?

Spring Major and its Battle pass, happened in China this year