
Is this the greatest FPS game of all time?

You can run fast behind trees and punch guys.

The only other FPS that comes close is HL2 because of the gravity gun. But it doesn't let you run fast.


>See that tree? You can shoot it.

just passing through

>that guy who doesn't "get" Crysis
>that guy who never got to the alien ship part
>that guy who never did the finale

>that guy who pays to shitpost

can you break trees ?

>Pass user since 2014
what the fuck, KEK

nah but you can rip and tear

Nomad can fight and survive against Doomguy by simply jumping on a building.

You can run in HL2

OP said "run fast", not "go from slow to slightly less slow".

>Is this the greatest FPS game of all time?
No, but it's very good

>HL2 coming close to Crysis

>everybody praises the portion of Crysis before you fight the aliens
>the goto defense for Crysis is "you didn't get to the aliens"


I wish that more games would embrace level design that is between corridor shooters and open worlds, just like in Crysis, Hidden and Dangerous, Project IGI or MoH:Airborne

Crysis is a shittier version of first Far Cry. It's only pupose was benchmarking.

>Project IGI

Okay gramps, time for bed

I played both of them at the release and Crysis is better in any quantitative way

I bought this game at pirate stall when I was 11, because it had cool cover.

The homemade translation made by Russians who didn't knew Polish was particularly amazing.

>Released 2000
>Add 3-5 years for it to arrive in bumfuck eastern europe

You're nearly 30 you old fuck

Yes, I am.

But unlike your savage country, people here doesn't have grandchildren at 30.

Hell, I am father only for 2 years.

At least in my country people have a life expectancy above 40
Maybe when you're gone the kids will lol at your old games

>Maybe when you're gone the kids will lol at your old games
They will, I am sure of it. Even know I have some issues with playing some games that I loved when I was younger.

Except one.

Fifa 98 indoor games. Still better than any modern game.

No. Pic related is the greatest FPS of all time and the pinnacle of the FPS genre.

Oh hey, an actual post in this thread that I can actually agree with.

>speed, stealth, armor

It's just the game allowing you to cheat. What's so good about that?

Crysis is Farcry 1 with shinier graphics.
>set in a tropic locale
>very wide but still linear corridor
>loose stealth mechanics with noise and detection meters and radar marking
>optional vehicles that don't amount to much because of the linearity
>story starts ostensibly as tacticool military action but goes snooker-loopy with sci-fi monster enemies at halfway point
>radio support cast barking orders at you
>comically evil human villain
>whiter than driven snow male protag with military training, has a voice but no defining personality

It's not a bad game per se, but you need to get a clue if you think Crysis wasn't just a second shot at the same Farcry script, by an intellectually bankcrupt (and self-important) Cevat Yerli.