Just finished the fight with this chick. Man that was wild...

Just finished the fight with this chick. Man that was wild. I only had two bullets left in my tranq gun by the end of it. When do I get to bring her on missions? Also - Konami doesn't fucking deserve the Fox Engine. I swear they sacrificed a virgin to get their games running this well and looking this good.

Metal Gear Thread

Yeah, I just did this mission last night as well.
>mfw I just ran up to her when she was on the grass and shot her in the head with the tranq. sniper

>not CQCing her
>not taking her out with supply crates

This. I just used supply drops

came here to post this.
Doesn't work the second time around, but the first time it's funny.

Why does she dress like that in the middle of desert fighting terrorist.

Can you actually CQC her? I came really close to sneaking up behind her at one point but she teleported away when I got to her. Also, didn't think of using supply drops, but either way that shit costs money. Running motherbase is fucking expensive, man!

>Episode 16
>any mission Guest Starring The SKULLS Parasite Unit

You'll get that previlige after 4 missions.

There's actually no special animation, you just gotta mash the CQC button and hit her with the kick. But that takes out a huge chunk of her health.

Because it's a video game and I like having a boner?


Yea, well I HATE having a boner!

>I swear they sacrificed a virgin

>Miller has both his arms and legs


It's more Ground Zeroes than Phantom Pain

The first time I fought her I sniped her with a tranq gun.

I don't think I had sniper rifles developed at the time.

Why couldn't all boss fights be this good guys? Why couldn't there be more of them?

>Have nearly 200 hours in the game
>Always thought it was dumb how you had to destroy three comms towers scattered on every corner of a base to prevent a call for reinforcements
>tfw doing all the mission tasks for C2W and finding out you can just destroy the fucking transmitter

I always fucking wondered what the fuck these were for outside of the three missions you can read intel files.


When will you faggots just die? Every fuck up that is related to the MGS series is Kojima fault alone.

Fuck that pretentious gook.

You get her like 20 missions later.

Actually, it's from Peacewalker

No it's because she breathes through her skin


I expected The End 2.0 when I met Quiet
And I was disappointed.

Volgin and Liquid were better. But I do wish you could fight Skullomania or Code Talker.