Yooka-Laylee Physical release confirmed


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for the manchild that wants to display his game case in his parent's basement for all to see


What an antiquated insult.

Rarefags must be the most pathetic fanbase in all of videogamedom

and that's saying a lot what with the visual novel nerds

I hate to break it to you, but Rare was never good. You should have outgrown them at some point and realized, wow, kids sometimes have shit taste. No wonder Nintendo allowed them to get sold to Microsoft.

>villain is literally gru fused with a minion

Well this thread went to shit pretty fast.

just like the game

>not Jew

He's a business bee

>plans for backers to upgrade digital version to physical copy


It's incredibly pathetic that you don't have any (you)s by now so here

Makes sense, they think it will sell it to casuals and kids as well as nostalgia-fags.

I'm interested to see how well it sells. I imagine it's already profitable thanks to the Kickstarter, but 100k would probably be good for such a small team.

It's been getting way better impressions than Mighty No. 9 tho.
PR has been handled very professionally.
The only controversy about it since the Kickstarter was Shovel Knight being in it, announced recently, but that was small in comparison to that game. Nobody gave two fucks about Shovel Knight soon after that.

Wasn't a boxed release one of the Kickstarter goals? As in, something backers already had fucking pledged for before funding had even concluded?

0.05 rupees have been deposited into your account

Boxed release was for PC only.

I just want that soundtrack


This is still one of my favorite vidya songs

To be fair, it's a bunch of veteran Rare devs essentially retreading what they've done before and they sought out an established publisher for development/PR support (Team 17). Smart decisions where they didn't over-scope it.

I think the end product will be solid but slightly disappointing, but this sort of market is under-served and people have wanted this for years, so will still do decently.

Wasn't it was a collectors edition thing, not a retail release?

I don't believe so. There was a "replica n64 cartridge" that was actually a usb drive. However I'm pretty sure it was just digital copies all around.

But like I said earlier, they are working on the ability to increase your pledge to upgrade from digital to physical. I'm going to absolutely do that because my wii u is out of memory

Is this game using Banjo as a base or Tooie as a base?

If its the latter, I'm out

Around the middle of those two. Levels start off small but will get bigger the more Pagies (Jiggy Equivalent) you get.
They are also streamlining the collectibles to be less tedious. Don't expect DK64 levels of fuckery,

Kazooie, by nature of you having to learn all yoir abilities from scratch

>wanting to pay out the arse for digital

I can get games for £10-15 cheaper at launch from online shops than what they sell it for on the PS store

Faggot publishers keep on pushing preorders to secure day1 sales, but the thing that convinces me to buy stuff on the first day is physical editions.

Bought Shovelknight WiiU physically too. I want to see more like that.

>Those faint chants/humming in the background

>Half a year at most until Yook-Laylee's out

Hope they have all those neato multiplayer modes at launch