So what's the general consensus on the Mass Effect series?

So what's the general consensus on the Mass Effect series?

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completely demolished the sci-fi identity on the xbox platform

The side by side fist bump is so fucking retarded

One of those great trilogies. And eagerly awaiting andromeda.

Anyone who buys andromeda after 3 is an idiot.

A genuinely good game sadly hampered by modern day simplification and game design. Can't full blame it though, virtually every RPG released nowadays is hampered by similiar things.

It'll always be a personal favorite series of mine purely due to the setting. I've played RPGs since the Baldur's Gate days and High Fantasy has fucking killed me. Playing ME1, listening to that Noveria soundtrack whilst cruising around a frostbit planet is something I won't forget.

Sad what happened to the series though, ME3 while deeply flawed is still a good game and better than ME2 imo but seeing as how shot up Dragon Age became, I can only express concern for ME:A.

Maybe if the series never became as popular as it did (similar to the Elder Scrolls series, or even to an extent the Fallout series and more recently Witcher games) it would be more appreciated around here but apparently only dated, poorly written, clunky isometric trash gets Cred Forums's respect.

>That pic
That's fucking stupid

Not only is that pic stupid, it's also such a shitty redraw. Look at all thefucking random blue bits hanging in the air

The book series it stole the concept of Reapers from is far better.

Why? ME3 was a legit 8/10 game with all DLCs included and its GOAT Online.

Sorry that you suffer from autism.

ME2 > ME3 > ME1 tbqh

remember when there was a vote for the canon look of femshep
and the blonde won but they went with the red hair tumblrite anyway

I'm cautiously optimistic about Andromeda and 3 wasn't that bad with the Extended Cut.

You're the conceptfag on the /meg/.

Do you have the Concept art of the Cowboy looking space station? That shit made my dick diamonds

>The book series it stole the concept of Reapers from

Dude the Reapers are just standard ancient evil badguys. It's not such an original concept that it needed to be "stolen."

Not a space station but is it this? Most cowboy looking thing I have.

3 comes out in about 6 months or so and we've seen 1 minute of shit scripted "gameplay" with no RPG mechanics, conversation, or combat systems

we've gone through 3 E3s with nothing but generic "devs hyping their own wank and are super excited"

if they had anything of substance they'd show it. it's going to be a flaming pile of that will sell a million copies it's opening week though because EA will trick casuals and this generation is starved for games

Yup that's it. Now that got me somewhat hyped for Andromeda. Too bad the story is already fucked up with "need to save da galaxy" but I fucking hope that they will incorporate some bounty hunter elements to it.

It's shit. Babby's first sci fi opera.

It's pretty solid, would recommend all three games.

1 was fun space opera that was dangerously close to being a gopd rpg, so everyone was fired and then casey hudson happened. rip.

They rarely show much gameplay for their Mass Effect games. We're getting a huge dump on N7 day (November 7th) like they have always done.

Don't act like this is anything new, they did the exact same shit with ME1, ME2 and ME3

imo a really good Sci-fi setting that's just been absolutely demolished by a Jewish publisher and circlejerking SJW devs and fanfic tier writers. A fucking shame.

That would be KOTOR.

Very good first game despite what stupid idiots online will tell you.
Very good second game despite what Cred Forums contrarian shitheads will tell you.

The third game sucks big fat wieners, but it has a multiplayer mode that is way better than it should be, and the interactions with / conclusions for the following characters were well done:

Andromeda is going to suck on swollen testicles. It was written by the chucklefuck who ruined Halo.

Mass Effect 1 suffered from serious flaws but presented genuinely interesting concepts that showed great potential for improvement.
Mass Effect 2 streamlined too much and dropped several of the things that made Mass Effect 1 unique and interesting. A fun cover shooter, not a very faithful sequel. Moment-to-moment gameplay was improved at the expense of near-everything else.
Mass Effect 3 stepped back a tad on some of Mass Effect 2's streamlining but took a massive dump on the writing. If you only care about the shooter aspects of Mass Effect 2, it's a fun but ultimately mediocre game. If you cared at all about the RPG side of the series it sucks massive donkey balls.

Literal perfection up until the last 20 minutes which completely undid everything in the last 3 games.
But I love it so much I got me these pants because it's one of my favorite series :3

played the first one and a little bit of the second.
while i had some fun with it didn't felt like a good game at any point.
the maps were to small with the same buildings in them,space buggy felt clunky as fuck to control,planets were really lackluster,animations were kinda crappy especially in "cut scenes",writing was pretty cringy at points.
the second game actually felt like an improvement until i reached the part where you need to scan planets for resources and never came back.

A perfect summary of the rise and fall of the WRPG and what happens when devs take the easy way out.

1 startsout very promising, with a rich and exciting universe and lore, and a great combination of tps and rpg mechanics. People seem to disliek the Mako's controls and the copypasta planets, despite the amount you can explore in the game

2 comes out with EA now spearheading the series' direction. Strips almost all rpg aspects of the game making the game a glorified GOW and cuts any degree of explorability. The plot also feels like massive filler. But the game gets by due to the ingame universe, gunplay and characters

3 needs no explanation

A great idea made by passionate rpg and sci-fi fans that didn't have the stable business environment to see it through. It starts as a janky shooter with with an interesting world and characters, but thanks to corporate meddling each game gets progressively less ambitious and interesting, eventually turning into a ham fisted and sloppily rushed finale without the touch of anyone who worked on the original.

How anybody can say Mass Effect 3 sucked is beyond me. It's that type of hyperbole that makes really awful games lose all meaning. ME3 had by far the best combat of the series, the best actual build variety (because unlike ME1 and ME2, the builds actually felt diverse) making it feel more like an RPG and it also had (imo) the best DLC/Set piece moments.

Where it completely failed was in its writing inconsistency. The writing went from top tier (Mordin, Thane, Garrus, Wrex scenes were all extremely well written) to completely abysmal (Ending, That Deus Ex looking ninja fuck etc and how simplistic they dumbed down the dialogue options.

Everything else was significantly better than the first two games. Well, they also comepletely fucked up the Side Quests but the game has enough content in it that makes it not too much of an issue.

Andromeda has some real promise and given what the devs have said (more focus on Exploration and RPG elements without turning it into an outright MMO/Fetch quest shitfest like they did with Dragon Age Inquisition) i'm cautiously optimistic.

Inqusition underneath all of the disgusting padding, fetch quests and grinding, had a extremely strong RPG imo and it seems like they're learning from that fuck up.

Call ME3 a big fat disappointment and I would agree but bad game? You clearly haven't played many games if you honestly think that

1 was fun

2 was also fun but had shit gameplay but a pretty good story

3 was alright then meh then bad

The dialogue options are incredibly limited, there is a complete and total lack of real sidequests, and the levels are all boring corridors, and overall a glaring lack of technical polish (fucking SPRITES lmao)

I mean yeah the shooting is fine but I can play a multitude of better shooters if that's all I want out of the game

Overall the series is trash.

1 was fun but flawed game that showed a lot of potential that they completely pissed down the drain by casualizing it.

2 was pretty much a pointless entry in the story. Why bother gathering a crew in the second game if almost none of them are going to matter worth shit in the third

3 - Completley shat on the idea of your choices mattering.

Andromada is going to be shit!

It was a decent concept with the first game that had more praise than it was worth due to the potential it had, then ended up being a massive wet fart the second they tried appealing to the Gears of War crowd with ME2.

People trick themselves into feeling smart for liking the series since it has logs upon logs of stereotypical sci-fi shit filled in it that would make a Tolkien-fantasy setting with orcs and elves feel fresh again.

How did you get a picture of me?

Source, please.

3's ending undid the story buildup of the whole trilogy.

I really like it, even if the third game is basically fanfiction it's still pretty great. It had flaws but they aren't any worse than the flaws the first two games have.

I think it gets shit on because it just happened to kickstart the consensus of everyone being sick and tired of overhyped AAA games failing to live up to their promises. ME3 really just got released at the worst time.

I can only think of two or three other series that work so well together and form a cohesive whole story.

Fun series but also one where every entry has several flaws


so like any game franchise ever?

>ME1 was great but had issues, really excited for it ME2 and keen to see what it'd do to the sci fi genre
>ME2 comes out, more gameplay, fixed a lot of the issues 1 had
>Decent dialogue, game play and ending.
EA with every franchise ever.

Gameplay that showed promise but eventually evolved into bland cover based shit. World building and characters with a lot of potential that the writing team had no idea how to handle


It was okay.


Honestly from a writing perspective I thought ME3 had some neat shit going for it, but since the very last chunk of plot was irredeemably terrible it's hard to even appreciate what came before it.

1 & 2 = GOAT
3 = literal shit

That is false.
We saw more of the original trilogy a good year before those games launched. Andromeda launches in like 3-5 months and all we have seen is a 2 minute tech demo for the PS4 pro.

>sequel that takes everything from the first game and flips it upside-down
>go from high ranking military officer and the arm of the central galactic government to the puppet of a terrorist organization
>entire game is about meeting people who never showed up in the first game and getting to know them through personal missions
>next game comes out and all those new characters show up for one mission each and maybe a couple of small encounters afterwards if they're lucky

Honestly Mass Effect 2 felt so fucking pointless and it drives me insane. It was like a sidequest they added to pad the series out.

>ME3 had by far the best combat of the series
The enemy variety and AI was absolute dogshit.

>Best DLC
Lair Of The Shadow Broker wants to speak with you.

>Where it completely failed was in its writing inconsistency.
Exactly. And having an autistic ninja jumping around the whole game, having the game's ending be tremendously awful, SO tremendously awful that it implied your chosen love interest was going to fucking bang Garrus/Tali and become Adam and Eve, and doomed most species to death by starvation during space flight back to your planet, not to mention having totally simplistic dialogue choices, having a fucktarded handfisted sacrifice with the Quarian and the Geth, making Tali a fucking half-assed photoshop, throwing the Miranda romance out the fucking window, and having you learn all side quests by fucking eavesdropping people- That shit is enough fucked-up as to completely sour the few VERY well done character arcs.

>I'm cautiously optimistic
Yeah, me too, but don't fucking say ME3 wasn't shit.

>Higher than anything, including literal shit
How? The writing and gunplay were better in 3 and the setting and story were better in 1. The only thing it did better than the other 2 was the final mission and that lasted a grand total of 20 minutes.

Started us down the shitty conversational wheel trend that every rpg has to have now.

>best character in ME3 was day one DLC

Yeah nah fuck off EA

Still a more enjoyable sidequest than either of the other games. They were at the peak of their character writing during ME2 imo and that more than made up for the Collectors being obviously way less important than the Reapers.

Just think of it like Star Trek. They go on different adventures, even though they know the Borg are the real threat.

>Honestly Mass Effect 2 felt so fucking pointless and it drives me insane. It was like a sidequest they added to pad the series out.
i feel the same in an objective sense but i just cant muster any anger because i enjoyed the shit out of it. Its totally pointless to the story in the grand scheme, and generally creates far more questions in the story than it answers, and i loved every minute of it.

I always hated Mass Effect. I liked the idea of it but everything, the characters, the story, the art, the gameplay, was shit from day one. I never managed to finish 1 or 2 and never bothered with 3. I'll never understand how this series became so popular.

It helps build investment with Shepard and his crew. It helps add sympathy so the emotional build up in 3 would be higher.

I don't get how people never understood this. It's literally the same as Witcher 2, a pointless filler story where jack shit really happens


>It's literally the same as Witcher 2, a pointless filler story where jack shit really happens

still enjoyable as fuck delicious juicy fuckin' filler

i'd play that filler all fucking day
I DID play that filler and that shit was tasty. Ate that shit right up.

>The enemy variety and AI was absolute dogshit.

Compared to ME1 and ME2? You're outright lying, variety and AI was objectively better.

>Lair Of The Shadow Broker wants to speak with you.
Literally the only decent DLC whereas ME3 had Citadel, Levithan

>Yeah, me too, but don't fucking say ME3 wasn't shit.

It objectively wasn't shit, shit games don't score in the 90s metacritic, shit games aren't huge financial successes, shit games don't win a fuck load of GoTYs.

Call it disappointing, but calling it shit just highlights your shitty contrarian jaded faggot opinion

Infiltrator > Vanguard > Adept > who gives a fuck

Witcher 2 was complete trash. QTE shitfest with a boring as fuck convoluted plot and complete dogshit combat even compared to Witcher 1.

Witcher 3 > Witcher 1 > power gap > Witcher 2

I only played Vanguard, what makes Infiltrator better?

A marvelous series ultimately undermined by bioware's gradual regression

Really the modern state of the company is sad.
>gameplay director is a literal anti-white racist
>literally bankrolling a program to block twitter users who have different opinions

how they went from humble nerds making fantastic games to incompetent and hyper-political fuckwits is beyond me

Mass Effect series > Witcher series

Tbqh senpai. At least 2/3rds of Mass Effect weren't complete bottom tier trash

>ME1 gameplay better then ME2

Oh yea, i love sitting in an elevator doing nothing for 2 and a half minutes. I also loved being forced to use the god awful glitchy mako that handles like shit, and who could forget the completely broken combat system? Having an infinite explosive assault rifle rape everything in sight sure was exciting!

I fucking love ME1 and it got me to buy ME2 day one, but ME2 completely shits all over it gameplay wise. Other then the Citadel being way to small, some weird story changes and the EA Jew DLC bullshit ME2 was fucking great.

1 is great
2 is pretty good

Thats it

2 is the best one
1 is tedious, but good if you can get over the gameplay
haven't played 3

3 had better gameplay and far more variety, but I am still, and always will be mad.

>complete bottom tier trash
>his image shows both the critics and audiences thought they were very good

>Compared to ME1 and ME2? You're outright lying, variety and AI was objectively better.
There is objectively less enemies, you're just wrong.

>Literally the only decent DLC whereas ME3 had Citadel, Levithan
Citadel is fanfiction-tier horseshit, and Levithan, while good, is basically the only thing that makes the entire conclusion to the series not a total fucking disaster, and should've been in the main game.

>It objectively wasn't shit, shit games don't score 90s metacritic, shit games aren't huge financial successes, shit games don't win a fuck load of GoTYs.
This is the most wrong thing you've said. Final Fantasy 13 is a shit game. It is a bad fucking game, with a really gorgeous, but really boring and melodramatic anime in there. And it did all those things you said it can't. And that is a shit game. I don't care how much fucking flair they want to put on it, it's still a pile of shit. It's a competent and mostly smooth pile of shit, but at it's core, as something any human would ever care to spend time with, either for it's monotonous gameplay that takes fucking forever to do anything remotely interesting, or it's story which is not only dogshit, but unintelligibly dogshit- it sucks. The whole thing just really sucks. It is not remotely pleasant or inviting in any way. The only time I felt legit nautious while watching anything in mine life was trying to sit through Lightning's goddamn flashbacks about Serah. So you're just wrong. Shit games do those things.

>It's literally the same as Witcher 2, a pointless filler story where jack shit really happens

Did we play the same game?

Oh I'm such a fucking idiot I forgot to post the picture to back up my "You're objectively wrong" thing at the top. God damn it.

>Female armor
>Cups perfectly around the breasts.
When will this garbage end?

ME1 had issues but also great potential. ME2 would've been great too if everything you did wasn't made irrelevant by ME3. ME3 was an obvious rush job that started to fall apart some time after Tuchanka and became complete garbage-tier once that plot-powered cyber gook showed up.

It felt more like it was class-based. Is there really a depth or breadth of variety to the gameplay that is really comparable to most WRPGs?

oh look. another AAA studio buying reviews

I thought this place was where gamergate started.....
whats with you fucks ignoring userscore?

>base entire game around humans being a young society in a much larger and older galactic community full of aliens
>most characters and NPCs are humans, titty aliens, or occasionally palette swaps of a couple other races

I hope Andromeda at least tries to make the aliens more diverse and interesting

Fucking idiot, learn your goddamn ME lore: It's future armor that is perfect at absorbing impact, and it will bend along with the shape of your body as to best protect you from powerful collision so it needs to be quite close in conforming to your body's I'm just bullshitting I just like titty armor.

>It's a Biodrone defends ME3 episode

You know, there's a reason it's almost universally agreed to be the worst game in the series by far

Well, there's literally three humans in the entire fucking Galaxy, so I'd imagine we'll be seeing more aliens.

Why complain about titty armor when you could complain about Jack not wearing a shirt in the vacuum of space.

>Fucking idiot, learn your goddamn ME lore
Triggering intensifies.

>This is the most wrong thing you've said.

It's not wrong, it's an opinion backed on data as opposed to your opinion backed on nothing more than it being your opinion.

Based on every conceviable metric out there that is used to help illustrate something success/quality, Mass Effect succeeds. Your evidence of it being a quote, "bad game", in the same vein as "Ride to Hell: Retribution" is just a hyperbolic fallacy based on nothing more than "Well, I think so".

It's typical Cred Forums in a nutshell.

The ability to read is truly powerful.

>I'm just bullshitting I just like titty armor.


I enjoy ME3 but if you follow the development of Andromeda you'd know they hired people who aren't writers, ignoring the fact that they are PC people. Just knowing they aren't writers and will put in some PC agenda type characters and badly written storylines is retarded.

They already turned reapers into regular "destroy the galaxy" bad guys compared to the mysterious ME1 reapers. I andromeda will most likely have an even simpler storyline than 3

A flawed gem that was hijacked by EA


This, wheres the screen cap of the "writers" they hired? It's such a shame the game will be a game that caters to the tumblr audience.

>It's an opinion backed on data
"Total retard reviewers who call frustrated players 'entitled' for wanting what they were promised agree with me!!!!!!" is not data. And even if it were, there is just as many people if not more who all agree that it is indeed shit. So don't fucking try to back up your shit opinion with an army. We're two people talking here, and we both have opinions. Don't try and fucking turn it into a numbers game you pussy.

>Your quote of it being like Ride to Hell
Where did I fucking say that? I think we just have different definitions of "shit". To me "shit" is a game that nobody should play, nor could conceivably have anything close to a pleasant time playing, and actively ruins things that were previously enjoyable. That's enough for me to be called shit. Ride To Hell is fucking broken and awful, and way way way worse. Why even bring it up.

>everyone's retarded, i'm the only one who has it all figured out

Like I said, Cred Forums in a nutshell. ME3 was a huge financial success that won numerous GoTYs and has an extremely respectable metacritic.

It is by no means (based upon these metrics) a bad game, no matter how much your fedora tipping ego is triggered by this fact

what the fuck is wrong with you dude

1 = GOAT
2 = Above Avg.
3 = Avg.
3's Ending = irredeemable dog shit


Amazing samefag

I'm saying that reviewers opinions aren't automatically fucking smarter and more valuable than player data, and most players hated that shit.

>Why? ME3 was a legit 8/10 game with all DLCs included
What the fu-
>ME2 > ME3 > ME1 tbqh
Oh, poor thing's retarded.

nice try fag, you're actually that retarded

>first two replies

So you can't even into samefagging? If you're going to act like the typical Cred Forums edgy contrarian then at least don't expose yourself as a newfag

haha holy shit desperate idiot photoshopped the picture. what effort for a silly argument.

phoneposting, dumb-dumb.

>He further proves what a child he is

You seem really booty bothered friend, relax. Go outside for some fresh air, it would do you good :^)

Pic related, it's how you sound


I still objectively won the enemy argument, and the DLC argument, which you conveniently ignore. So overall that's 2 for me, 0 for you, and 1 contested.

I Win.

>play female shepard
>she sounds like an overdramatic tryhard so i restart
>play male shepard
>he sounds like a canadian robot with a head cold

Voiced protagonists were a mistake.

>I AM SILLY comic

I wasn't even part of the original argument. I was however part of the discussion about how autistic you are.

>general consensus

I wish people would stop spouting this redundancy


No, the only argument you won was the enemy variety one.

I still have the

-DLC Argument (every stat out there fits my argument. More sales, higher metacritic etc)
-Game is not shit Argument (see above)

When they ask about my story...

Just tell them:

I Did It For The (You)sâ„¢


>More sales, higher metacritic etc)
Again, not a stat. Saying more people bought something is the dumbest metric you could possibly quote. A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass. So you can fuck right off with that shit.

And your metacritic bullshit goes right to the "I don't actually want to defend the content of these DLCs, so I'll just say that OTHER people thought they were good! I don't need to make any real argument when I have numbers!"

ME3 is honestly the best in the series. It got hated on by a lot of bandwagoners who were ready to take the Bioware hatetrain (including myself), but after replaying all three games you slowly start to realize ME3 was just straight up better than the rest. The ending isn't even that bad, I don't like the missed opportunities with the story though.

Enjoyed 1 and 2 but the design made me want to throw up. The whole tacky 'clean, white super future' shit does not appeal to me at all. Especially the weapons which look absolutely repulsive. Make it resemble a gun instead of some stupid shit like MUH CARNIFEX.

>Again, not a stat

It's objectively a stat, a statistic is merely a collection of facts and figures that comprise a piece of data. You might not like the stat, you might disagree with the stat or you might even outright think it's dumb as you're stating right now but saying it's not a "statistic" is just not an argument.

Okay whatever, wrong phrasing, are you going to acknowledge the actual shit I said?

> A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass

I can't even begin to explain this logical fallacy. Holy shit, what is this analogy even alluding to? Is there a specific statistic that implies Vietnam was a good place to go to during the war or something?

Your mental capacity is really getting challenged in this brief back and fourth.

as is yours with your inability to respond to everything I said in a single post.

No, because none of it was an argument. You brought up a non statistic relative to the Vietnam war in reference to my metacritic/GoTYs and sales.

It was a blatant false equivalency that only further highlights your inability to argue your point in a coherent manner.

>A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass.

It's what happens when idiots use an analogy the same morning they found out what an analogy was.

>user is bringing up Reviews/Sales
>user counters that by talking about how the Vietnam war wasn't a good place to visit

This really sums up Cred Forums quite well

How about fuck off

you too fucker

>It objectively wasn't shit, shit games don't score in the 90s metacritic, shit games aren't huge financial successes, shit games don't win a fuck load of GoTYs.

What about Skyrim, though?

>getting this mad over getting BTFO

Not a shit game. I don't personally care for it (haven't cared for any Elder Scrolls game since Morrowind) but calling it outright shit is just being intellectually dishonest.

You might think it was shit and I would imagine quite a few people would think it was shit but just like the people who claim Witcher 3, Mass Effect 3 etc are "shit" despite them being extremely successful (both in reviews and sales) makes it a pretty baseless opinion formed purely on preference.

>A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass
I'm struggling so hard to understand what you were trying to say here

No ones expects anything from Andromeda. It's time to shine, lads. It will either elevate Mass Effect to be one of the greatest franchises ever or be just forgettable enough to completely bury it. It's corn time.


It's why I avoid arguments whenever I can on this shit hole.

Don't worry you're still anonymous, and you could just leave the thread. No one will know.

Multiplayer was fun as fuck

>A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass.

I don't know if you're baiting out (You)s, but you made my day.

>A lot of people died in Vietnam, that doesn't automatically make it a nice place to go you dumbass

>It objectively wasn't shit, shit games don't score in the 90s metacritic, shit games aren't huge financial successes, shit games don't win a fuck load of GoTYs.

>it's popular so it can't be bad
>putting literally any stock in professional game reviews
>after Bioshock Infinite

It was one of my better experiences in gaming.

I'm partial to the second game: I got to see my favorite characters (Tali and Garrus) from the first game get some character development.

I missed the RPG elements they stripped from 1 though. 3 is the low point in the series.

I have zero expectations of future installments, and have no intention on buying Andromeda.

Bioshock Infinite also wasn't shit m8. By what metric is Infinite considered shit? You're the type of guy to watch a movie, think it was "meh, average" and then tell everyone it was the worst thing you've ever experienced.

There's a retard over here. Somebody get it out of here before it starts eating glue.

That is all you need to know.

>Is arguing why Mass Effect 3 isn't shit with the user using its success as an argument
>user he's arguing with starts talking about the Vietnam War

This.... This is why I come to Cred Forums. The anonymity genuinely gives legit retards and mentally handicapped people a voice.

This is a real interesting thread

I have a dark secret and I could never share it, but I will now. I'll make it quick and simple, basically I bought ME1, 2, and 3, all the day each of them released and I have all the DLCs for them, both on Xbox and on PC. I have more playthroughs than anybody else in the internet in each of these 3 games. I think they're all 3 perfect.

Kill me.

never played any of them, but 2>3>1.


>"But user, you might think Mass Effect 3 was shit but pretty much every piece of data out there suggests that it most likely wasn't complete shit"


Why is Mass Effect, as a trilogy, so divisive?
This is why. Fuck the Injun lead dev.

the fact that everything apart from the visual design was terrible has a bit to do with it. It's far below average, it sinks to the point of being contradictory with itself in terms of game design, story and pacing. Some concepts, like the Songbird or the Boys of Silence, seem to have been introduced with the express purpose of being disappointing to the player.

There is literally not a single thing Infinite does well besides serving as eye candy, and this fact is aggravated considering the massive resources they had making the game and their pedigree of consistently decent titles.

Probably because each entry feels like a completely different game. Some people feel more attracted to either one of the three games.

Below average fine, nice opinion. But shit? Again, I repeat, by what metric?

Alright, I can understand that.
In the end we're all just expressing our opinions, though, since unlike, say, a resource, assessing the value of a piece of entertainment in an objective manner is pretty difficult given that the results one may derive from it (enjoyment) can vary wildly from one individual to another

And many people make the mistake, especially here, of presenting their opinions as facts, which can lead to some arguing, yet they're still opinions and should be treated as such. But still, I'd argue that something being popular doesn't intrinsically give that something value in itself, after all, overrating is a thing


by holding the game to the standards it sold itself on.

If the game is sold as a shooter but the shooting is bad and have an arbitrary gun limit, while simultaneously having an upgrade mechanic that assumes you're constantly holding on to several guns, followed by replacing the current guns you find with worse counterparts. It's a bad game

If the game claims to have a powerful, thought-provoking story, but ends up being simplistic and downright senseless, at the expense of the player's patience and the game's pacing. It's a bad game.

If the game is led by a competent team which has produced good games, and is based on the architecture of a good game, and still turns out bad, it's shit because beyond the massive waste of money and time, it served to kill the series and prevent possibly good games from following it.

Because despite being made by the same studio, all three games had vastly different developmental direction and writing.

Out of curiosity, how did Cred Forums flip so much on Mass Effect 2?

It used to be fucking loved on here to the point that it essentially had a huge hand in creation /vg/ due to the constant Tali and Mass Effect 2 threads that were spamming the catalogue.

What changed? I'm replaying the series now and Mass Effect 2 just has something about it, the feeling of developing a true rag tag team of Mercs and going through Omega. It's just a blast

Maybe everyone who rabidly defended 2 fucked off to /vg/ for good where they could masturbate to their waifus all day every day.


>by holding the game to the standards it sold itself on.

Ok, what metric is that, do you have a citation so I can see it?

If you want to use sales as evidence of game being shit, fine. I can easily observe that. You want to use metacritic, user scores? Fine, also observable.

But some abstract arbitrary "The game deceived me" metric isn't really something that can be observed and frankly, it's not even a bad thing. MGS2 was so good because of the perception it intentionally deceived.

I just don't think Infinite can be described as "shit" with any sort of "weight" behind the actual statement. If you want objectively shit games then look up Big Rig Trucks, that game is undeniably shit due to it's lack of functionality, sales, user score etc etc. Numerous metrics allude to it being shit.

But Infinite? It's one of the most awarded games of all time, I just don't see much of an argument.

On a side note, I agree with a lot of what you say, the game was a pretty by the books shooter with some interesting elements (and I liked the story personally) but I don't think any of that can be used to describe it as shit.

Mass Effect got popular. That's literally it.

Exact same shit is slowly happening to Witcher 3.

>ME3 had by far the best combat of the series
Yes and it was still mediocre

Mass Effect 3 negatively colored peoples opinions and memories of Mass Effect 2.

No it wasn't. The online was so good based on how good the combat was.

The combat was pretty great in ME3

>play a dude who watched his family get slaughtered by slavers and then later watched like 50 other marines get fucked up by thresher maws
>practically no mention of it past the beginning of 2
>act like a jaded renegade who shoots up people at the slightest provacation
>but some random kid gives him constant nightmares

Would it have been too hard to divert some resources to tailor the PTSD dreams to the background you chose in ME1 or something other than some kid who is supposed to represent loss despite nobody giving a fuck about him

1 set the precedent for an amazing sci-fi universe rivalling Star Wars in terms of intricacy and unique and original races.

2 while pointless to the story set by 1, introduced new characters and new plots to the mix, and further built up the climax that would take everything you have worked for in 1 and 2 and resolve them in 3. Every quest, every choice, and every NPC you talked to would have an impact to the world you created in 3.

3 did none of that and retconned all your choices in 1 and 2. Now pick a favorite color.

>i love sitting in an elevator doing nothing for 2 and a half minutes.
Well now you can watch a shitty orange loading screen for the same amount of time!

>I also loved being forced to use the god awful glitchy mako that handles like shit
git gud

>and who could forget the completely broken combat system? Having an infinite explosive assault rifle rape everything in sight sure was exciting!
Now you have a just as broken combat system that doesn't let you do fun things!

In a mediocre series? Wowzers.

>Not knowing Suzuka-Sama

>Oh yea, i love sitting in an elevator doing nothing for 2 and a half minutes.
I always spent it jerking off to my team's asses.

>100% correct: the post

We'll just agree to disagree, then, I'm way too tired to sift through reviews and interviews. I think you're too hung up on the term, though. Would you agree with "massively underwhelming"? Or, perhaps more violently, "Better to have never been made"?

1. decent
2. bad
3. wish they would've made a third to redeem themselves but they never did

The amount of time that's gone by and the complete reversal of opinion on bioware. Still love it even if I wish it didn't have a gcd.

you forgot the part where 1 and 2 had clunky, unbalanced gameplay the entire time

I played Me2->me3->me1 because i arrived to the party late
Fell in love with me2 and gave the first one a crack a few times but i was too used to the "improved" combat that the game felt too difficult with my controller
this year i finally decided to do a trillogy playthrough and fuck me the first is the best
by a long shot
Thermal clips are gay, liara is QTst in the first but shit shes good all the way through.
I severely hate how they handled Legion in 3, hes one of the more intriguing characters of the series.
I think in terms of over all rating ME1>ME2=ME3 but the latter two are level because the third has easily the best combat and a servicable, downright good story at some points mordin genophage, whilst ME2 has a bit of both worlds,goodish writing and okay combat but falls short on both accounts.
Whole series rating?
Shit probably 8/10 for creating this fucking brilliant universe filled with actual varied believable for the most part alien races complete with their own societal structures and what is essentially space magic allowed by some technobabble.
I dont recall who did the video but mass effect going talky techie over pew pew man was so huge.
I don't even get sad at the thought of me3 anymore, i get sad at how the original writers vision got fucking sharted on so hard

I agree that it was overrated yes. Not that it was shit.

I also don't see why it shouldn't have been made because a lot of people clearly enjoyed it. If everything I was impartial too was never made then I would never know what I might or might not enjoy.

>tfw shiala never showed up in 3

I just wanted to stick my dick in indoctrinated

you fuck gay lmaos

I'm of the opinion that it ripped off revelation space pretty hard, which is perfectly fine, I just wish it had kept an actual motivation for the reapers/inhibitors that made sense.
Also, bioware switching teams doesn't help either.
I just want a game where I have a lighthugger crew and I go around exploring weird new planets.

Kinda shit.

Average series that flies everywhere with its strengths.

>he seriously thinks the ME series isn't scrapped from the bottom of the barrel
Mass Effect's quality was understandable when it came out it was probably even high tier. ME 2 dumb down the series considerably, but at least it still tried to make things look pretty. ME3 from a build-up and design perspective is atrocious, the graphics is shitty especially for the time it was released. The locations and areas was shrunk and gameplay devolved into a railshooter , the writing finally went to shit and all the other parts of story the designers couldn't be asked to put in was hamfisted into a journal entry. I'd not talk about the ending cause i think we all feel the same about it.

2 was a major step in the wrong direction. The design philosophy seemed to be to just remove features people complained about in 1 instead of reworking them.

Mako handled like butt? Remove it and replace it with a minigame that sucks.
Interesting idea for ammo being heat based because your setting allowed a clever idea? Gone because it needs to be like Gears to make money.
Inventory management was shit? Completely removed because who wants options and choices in an rpg? Just make everything an direct upgrade because thinking is too hard for the Gears audience.



The thermal clip bullshit almost made me quit ME2 desu

the heat system was a really cool idea for a far-future sci-fi series and then they suddenly say that guns are somehow better when they aren't self-sufficient

personally always preferred Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2.

It's probably why i'm cautiously optimistic for Andromeda (Bioware have essentially said that Mass Effect 1 is the game they are looking at the most for inspiration. They want to bring Role Playing and true space exploration to the forefront of the game)

Mass Effect 1 just had an atmosphere that is unmatched in RPGs. It's pretty sad that for every Space RPG you get 20+ Tolkien tier high fantasy RPGs

The one thing that stayed consistently 10/10 throughout the games was its setting and music imo.

>Oh yea, i love sitting in an elevator doing nothing for 2 and a half minutes.
The elevators were way better than the loading screens. At least they had dialogue between your party members

They are the exact same thing, only ME1 disguised them as elevators

Honestly that was the ending, if mass effect 3 had got a okay ending, people would not care all that much about the flaws, but the endings being just a recolor of each other destroyed any good will and made all the flaws in the game uglier by comparison.

Its actually a amazing thing, dragon age origins had a fantastic ending, those story slides telling how your actions affected the world were really nice, and made you want to play again and walk another path, mass effect 3 original ending before the extended cut was so fucking bad, I dont even understand how the man in charge approved that shit while thinking to himself "this is good enough to go".

I played Mass Effect 2 with no outside influences on my opinion of the game. I still think it's fucking trash compared to 1

It was one of my favorite dating sims.

Gameplay sucked ass but I really liked the first two for their stories. Third one just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Can't fuck Shiala, Samara, Aria T'loak, and Liara in 2 without dlc. Asari Consort doesn't return after encouraging words, I dropped the franchise after 2 because it was trying to be cinematic where as 1 is an actual rpg.

I just wanted to fuck ayylmaos because Liara was cute.

Ive finished ME1 and 2 over a year ago. The first one was pree meh, especially the Mako exploration. ME2 was so much better, loved everything about it. Ive heard some pree bad comments from a friend about Me3. He cant seem to explain why, namely because he forgot after all those years ago playing the game. So I modded the crap out of the game. And lemme tell you the game is a 7/10 without mods but a solid 9/10 with the added material from EGM and Mehem mod. Gameplay wise its less of a chore and you could do everything from doing Spectre controls to testing weapons all in the Normandy. All who say otherwise probably never touched the game in the past year and are basing their opinions off their memory alone.

Top tier franchise that no matter how much Cred Forums bitches and moans about it, will always be remembered as one of the hallmark RPG franchises.



1 was pretty good
2 was watered down and lost it's heart but improved on basic mechanics and was still decent
3 was terrible. bought it day one and expected more of two. I got about 8-10 hours in and couldn't bring myself to play anymore. it was just so terribly bland.
ME3 and FFXIII were the only games I've fallen asleep while playing. didn't even get to see the ending and still don't know why that's considered the worst part other than it has no variation other than color.

>watching Razorfag

ME3 is still better than ME2.

>don't know why that's considered the worst part other than it has no variation other than color.

Think on this, fallout new vegas had a nice ending where the game would explain how your actions affected every major faction in the game, your companions also got slides telling you what they did after the game was over.

Mass effect 3 was the last game of a trilogy, by all rights we should have gotten something better than new vegas, a ending where you can see how your actions affected the world, instead we got just a recolor ending that lasts for 30 seconds.

Its no surprise that bioware got such massive hate for mass effect 3 ending, that thing was beyond lazy.

jesus christ you're such an idiot, but its so entertaining

Mass Effect got EA'ed hard.

>member Sim City?
>member The fucking Sims themselves?
>member when FIFA wasn't shit?
>member RTS in general and C&C in particular?
>member Star Wars Battlefront I and II?
EA ruined something for everyone

If theres one thing I hate more about ME3 its how they try to push that gay agenda. Do i really want to have sex with a widowed gay husband? Thats pree wrong. Also ME2 had a better squad lineup, we didnt need Ashley to be honest wish there was a Krogan and a Salarian on the team, Javik was a good addition but most firefights play out almost exactly the same depending on how powered up your squadmates are. Thats what im seeing so far in my game. Also team commanding is less responsive than previous games.

trips of truth
fuck Gears of Mass Effect 2

I've been playing through the entire series the past week for the first time and I'm half way through ME3. Right now,
>ME1 has the best RPG elements but everything else about it is clunky as fuck, story and world building stuff was great
>ME2 is the best overall game so far. Everything about it is so fucking good and it took all the right steps forward except in the RPG elements
>ME3 so far has the best gameplay but they took a lot of steps backwards everywhere else, especially in the convo system

I know of the 3 color meme ending so I can't wait to be disappointed and hate the game to the ground, but right now, gameplay being the biggest factor, it's ME2>ME3>ME1.

Also Femshep is objectively superior to Maleshep in every single way. Garrus is my sexy turian husbando.

First one was 7/10. Rest of them are total shit. The whole dating sim bullshit was terrible. If they had any sense of humor at all if you tried to date Tali when it came time for you to fuck she should have pulled off her mask revealing a lovecraftian horror thay was all tentacles and horror. The shit storm would have been legendary. What pussies.

All you fags that keep saying ME3's combat is mediocre/bad, what is the best third person shooter game with the best gameplay you've ever played? I'm genuinely curious what you think makes third person gameplay good.

>Lair Of The Shadow Broker wants to speak with you.
That fucking fight with Vasir while going full charging retard as Vanguard was more enjoyable than most of ME3

ME2 is fucking dogshit that ruined the series. It scrapped the plot, horribly railroaded your PC into working for Cerberus, got rid of the overheating system, gutted the RPG mechanics (it's almost impressive that they managed to handle that worse than they did in ME), implemented some of the worst, most heavy-handed C&C I've ever seen, and through "daddy issues: the character" at you time after time after time.

>Honestly that was the ending
No it wasn't. It was the entire game and atmosphere shift. The flaws were glaring and even if the ending was perfect I'd still be mad. I played it and aside from the gameplay being okay-ish and one or two points of the story it was a huge letdown. Fuck you for being one of the Bioware apologists who spread the lie that "it was just the ending that's bad".

the one thing ME2 had on ME1 was accessibility and polishing some of the rough edges of gameplay. the writing and worldbuilding was a lot worse, and from the first 10 hours of ME3, I'll say it was even worse. the relative change in combat was slightly better, but the consistency in lore and quality of writing was much worse.
I can understand this, but I think a game with a solid focus and the majority of the game is decently thought out then the ending doesn't have to be and end all to the quality of the game. I didn't see anything ME3 that was worth the investment.

ME1 > ME2 > ME3
ME1 > ME2 > ME3
>Bit writing
ME2 > ME1 > ME3
ME3 > ME2 > ME1

>got rid of the overheating system

I will NEVER understand this critique

>ME1 has the best RPG elements
>ME2...took all the right steps forward except in the RPG elements
>ME3 so far has the best gameplay but they took a lot of steps backwards everywhere else
>still rates ME3 over ME1
I can understand ME2>ME1 even though I don't agree with it, but what the fuck? why do you even play RPG's if the elements that make it up are your least valued components of the game design?

>let's take an interesting, albeit unpolished, mechanic and replace it with universal fucking ammo, shitting all over our lore in the process
Are you dense?

The setting and music was top notch.

It really entranced me when I first played.

1 is amazing.

2 is good.

3 is kind of a let down.

Give Mass Effect Happy Ending mod ago, its easy to install and it should help you.

>ME2 is one of his favorite games
>Prefers it to ME1

I guess he does have good taste after all

Har Har Har. Ye gave me a hearty laff, matey.

>weapons can be fired virtually endlessly if used and modified correctly
>replace that mechanic with finite ammunition that you have to keep collecting in the middle of battle

Yeah it's really hard to grasp.

Not that user but I'm guessing the single player sights that slow time while using the sniper scope along with the massive damage buff from Cloak, which was also good in MP.

I think Vanguard is massively OP in ME3 due to Biotic Charge->Nova spam though, at least for PCs.

What was unpolished about it? It made literally every assault rifle feel the same and made spamming bullets ridiculously easy.

It's partly why playing on Veteran on ME1 is laughably easier than Insanity on ME2.

Ammunition will forever be a better mechanic because it adds a layer of strategy to the combat encounters. Literally git gud you scrub

m8 be honest, W1 handled like total ass and 2 wasn't that much better.

Amazing setting tho.

>scrapped the plot
Ya mean the one that ended with Sarren dying. The Reaper threat was still in ME2, instead of the geth being used its the collectors.
>you work for Cerberus now
Well that's a lot more interesting because they're all shady and shit. It makes you a lot more cautious with your decisions than being with the boring Alliance.
>got rid of overheating
lol sorry you have to worry about ammo now
>gutted the RPG mechanics
Yeah that's true.
>command and conquer
I never even noticed that's a thing. I think you're thinking of ME3 maybe?
>daddy issues Miranda
That was completely a loyalty side quest and it was fine. At least she had a top-tier ass.

Gameplay was better, shooting was better, exploring the galaxy was better, mining was a neat mini game, level design was a lot more fucking detailed instead of almost empty rooms and corridors.


Seriously, post 2010 Bioware was cucked HARD by EA. Pandering to the fast paced crowd rather than the deeper RPG styles of old. Good example of this is DA:O. Game was a good spiritual successor to Bauldurs Gate. Then we got the abomination that is DA2 and DA:I.

>daddy issues: the character
The loyalty missions pissed me off so much, because I did Garrus first, and then did the others expecting them to be more cool shit like recreating Hot Fuzz in space with a cat dude. But no, fucking daddy issues, daddy issues everywhere! Didn't even touch ME3 because of that shit.

Yeah, the shitstorm of great porn.

-3 wants that bad
-ME3 ended it all
-ME3's ending was hinted back in ME2
-The end was the death to reapers
-ME3 ended with the death of reapers

honestly, WUT THA FUK... did u gamers expect to happen in the end. Shepard rides off into the sunset on a rocket with Liara in his lap? Femshep forces reapers to bend to her will and make her a god to rule the galaxy as an immortal? Reapers to kill sheppard and fuck it, thats the end folks humanity loses?

>Femshep forces reapers to bend to her will and make her a god to rule the galaxy as an immortal?
Isn't the control ending literally that

Dropped it when they introduced the Chinese samurai.

The game play and parts of it like Tuchanka are really good and a definite improvement over everything else in the trilogy.

It has a shit opening sequence and the ending is literally retarded. "Yo dawg, I heard you organics don't like being exterminated by synthetics, so I made a bunch of synthetics to exterminate you before you could invent synthetics that would exterminate you" is just incomprehensibly stupid.

If I'd been in the meeting where someone suggested that I'd have slapped them so hard their grandchildren would be born with my handprint across their face.

Holy fuck, I can't even.

Fucking love ME3, including the ending, don't care what anyone thinks.

It's a very flawed game but it's also a goddamn good game.

ME1 is good. It has strong world building and exploration, okay, but clunky combat, and based Saren.

ME2 is shit. It has a couple of good characters but you barely interact with them outside of their Loyalty Missions, combat is the most dumbed-down in the trilogy and it's progression is crap. It's plot is also mostly inconsequential to the trilogy.

ME3 > ME2 >>>> ME1
ME1 > vast majority of ME3 > ME2 >>>>> ME3 endings

This is an objectively correct ranking.

>Loved the ending of ME3

Why? The ending was shoehorned so hard that it's vomit inducing. The star child was going absolutely NOWHERE... It was just one massive dump on the buildup from the previous two titles. ME1 was designed to build you up in a massive narrative that expanded the entire milkway. ME2 was designed to finally draw you into the overarching narrative of the reaper threat. ME3 was suppose to end it. But what did it do? It gave us some half-assed ending of "THE REAPERS MUST COEXIST WITH US HURR DURRR"

ME3 literally taints my experience of ME1 and ME2... It's hard for me to replay the series knowing that shitstain of an ending is coming...

The switch makes absolutely no sense lore-wise since thermal clips are one more thing you have to carry on you

lore is important in an RPG series

The best ME3 ending is shooting the holographic PTSD child to spare yourself the color coded endings and just fucking right off forever.

ME3 ending had a ton of flaws but I still loved it because it gave proper closure to the series and had some very high moments.

>TIM was right all along
>all the interaction with TIM
>Star Child gave closure to Reapers
>all the visuals are gorgeous

Keep in mind I played only the Extended Cut. I played the trilogy long after ME3 was released.

No game is going to be without flaws, it would be delusional to expect otherwise, but a decent ending can wrap things up nicely and allow people to walk away at least a little content instead of burning with rage.

>mining was a neat mini game
You can't seriously be defending planet scanning.
That awful crap is what prevents me from replaying ME2, it was so excruciatingly tedious and boring, I even prefer ME3's sidequest system to that shit

Originality of universe: 4.5/10
Story: 6/10
Character: 6/10
Gameplay: 4/10

By the third installment the gameplay may be considered as high as a 6/10, but it's not enough to warrent playing the whole trilogy.

Game is over-hyped by casuals who have never read a sci-fi book in their lives.

> No game is going to be without flaws, it would be delusional to expect otherwise.
I didn't say that. I said even if the ending wasn't shit the game would still suck.

>user read his first Asimov book
>expert on sci-fi

Enjoy your dry writing styles.

How euphoric

you have horrible taste

Better than your taste

Enjoy your babbies first sci-fi.

Alright show of hands who thought Admiral Hackett was a VI before ME3

Enjoy your euphoric Sci Fi

ME1 was an RPG.
ME2 was a cover shooter.
ME3 brings back some RPG elements.

That's all there is to it. Shooters are the worse genre in videogames, RPG the best.

not him but ME3 DLC was fucking amazing

the start of the game is shit and the fact your playing diplomat across the galaxy whilst your planet is being raped and yet somehow they manage to survive for some unknown amount of time as you build up an army,
and ofcourse the ending cannot be defended but the big moments or curing the krogan and getting peace between Geth & Quarian we're pretty great and again the DLC was topnotch.

Oh I do

I loved it, it was my favorite series ever.

Mass Effect 1 was probably the most ambitious RPG I'd ever played even though it didn't deliver in a lot of areas and it had an awesome story. It was at the time my favorite game ever.

Mass Effect 2 was less ambitious and its story was all over the place; but the combat provided a great combination of tactics and skill, it had some great stand alone story moments and the final mission was freaking great. It was at the time my favorite game ever.

Mass Effect 3 was the most disappointed I've ever been in any piece of media (including Star Wars Episode 1 and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). The combat had been sped up and dumbed down to remove any strategy from it, there were less squadmates and they were less interesting than the ones in ME2, the story largely ignored my past decisions and the ending was an insulting slap in the face. The Krogan and Geth missions were alright at least.

TLDR: Fuck you Bioware, you broke my heart.

Would kill for a remaster and a revival of the horde mode

>favorite series ever.
I like the series, but that is disgusting.

Getting rid of Grunt was a mistake I love those ayylmaos.

Grunt=Wrex>Garrus>Liara>Samara(not fuggable)>Tali>Miranda>Ashley>Kaiden

I don't care about any of the others and I haven't played ME3 so I don't give a fuck.

Today I will remind them.

For those who say 'only the ending of ME3 was bad'.

>I like the series, but that is disgusting.

I was really into it at the time and Mass Effect 1 just really made me nerd out over it because I like a game that sparks my imagination for the possibilities of what could happen in that setting, even if the writers don't always take advantage of it (I like Fallout and KOTOR for the same reasons).

So, since I really liked the characters and the setting I turned a blind eye to a lot of its flaws.

You're absolutely 100% correct. The only ones who praise Mass Effect for it's setting have limited exposure to the wider world of science fiction

the series is so different from ME1 though.ME1 was great, it's the other two that make that statement so deplorable.

The first one was mediocre but definitely had potential for a great sequel, potential that was never used.

Go on then, enlighten us.

>the series is so different from ME1 though.ME1 was great, it's the other two that make that statement so deplorable.

And it took me till ME3 to realize that.

The story in ME2 pissed me off in a lot of ways, worst of all forcing you to join Cerberus and that scene where Ashely or Kaiden bitches at you for joining them when it was a decision the game forced you to make. But there are some really entertaining side missions that work independent of the lackluster main story and as I said I really liked the combat. So I still loved ME2, despite its flaws and the obvious decline in the quality of the writing.

Mass Effect 3 on the other hand was just inexcusable and permanently destroyed any faith I had in Bioware.

I will never understand why a sidequest faction that's only mentioned once in ME1 became such a power. After DA:O they went to shit and I liked ME2 but hated the gutted features of planet exploring from 1. I wish Jade Empire would have gotten a sequel before EA got involved but they would have fucked it up.

1 - Awesome game
2 - Fucking terrible, not even an RPG, action-adventure.
3. Didn't even play due to 2.

There's 2 consensuses (consensi?)



Hardcore consensus is
First game is a great RPG/TPS hybrid set in an exciting new sci-fi universe

Second game is a fucking abomination that took a franchise that had limitless potential and immediately nosedived it straight into the ground

Third game is far better than the second game but that's not saying much. At least the multiplayer was actually fun as fuck.

I agree with this.

This, with the addendum that 3 did have some fantastically written segments (the ones that wrapped up plotlines introduced in 1) which made the shit ones stand out even more.

The first one is really but a bit clunky but overall still better than two shitty games that followed.

this except the first was also awful and no amount of ambition makes up for what was ultimately a failure of a (promising) tps/rpg hybrid

>hardcore consensus

Cringe levels are off the charts captain!

>Hardcore consensus

>I don't recall who did the video
That's mrbtongue, he knows his shit.

>my personal opinions are a consensus
pic related, it's you.

Capslock dont make you right, retard. Guess im in the minority then because back last year when i played ME1 I got out a notebook to explore all the side quest planets the game told me to explore before diving into the main story. That took hours upon hours of driving up hills. How much of an rpg do you guys even want? Go back to Ultima if you love Rpgs so much.

Was a clanky RPG with cover-shooter gameplay, solidly-soft sci-fi world building and attention paid to immersion. Rough around the edges but had low-budget charm. Was a great babby's first scifi.
Was a cover-based shooter with RPG mechanics. World-building & immersion were diminished in exchange for a larger-yet-shallower cast and more focus on streamlined action gameplay. Player romance options were nearly tripled. Roundly lauded by GOW plebs and starving 'critics' alike. Top-10 on many a fag's GOTYAY list.
Didn't play lol, but the ASS PAIN when nu-bioware buckled under the pressure was legendary.

There is no general consensus on Cred Forums, just shitposting.

On the whole, Imo the series really isn't very good.

>anything to do with Thane
Pick one

Gears of War is a way better shooter and romance options were fucking retarded. I can bang Miranda,Tali, and whatever the Secretary's name was but no Samara and only fags care about the guys for romance.

Mass Effect 1 suffers from that weird mid 00's mixture of old school RPG games and modern RPGs and thus is the worst in the series and the story was preictable as hell
Mass Effect 2 was simply amazing
Mass Effect 3 was just Mass Effect 2 lite

It should be noted I didn't play ME until the big collection of the 3 came out

>Cerberus spends billions of dollars just to bring you back to life
>Then billions more making a brand new Normandy filled with high tech shit and any supplies or crew you could ever possibly need
>Send two of their best agents to travel alongside you
>Nobody else is willing to do jack shit about the Collectors, Alliance and Council kindly tell you to fuck off

>hurr why am I forced to work with them!?

I fucking wonder. Also, you can tell Ashley/Kaiden that Cerberus works for you and not the other way around if that's the way you feel. They deny you because they don't trust that shit

I liked how they made the second game completely irrelevant to the plot

Do you realize how ass-backwards your taste in weapons is?

No issues with it except that it's not fucking RPG.

>the only long-lasting consequences are in DLC
really makes you think


The Reaper plot was reasonably resolved at the end of ME1 and should have been dropped at that point.
>let sleeping Reapers lie and let's go explore some more interesting things instead
I actually wish the Collectors did not tie back in to the Reaper plot at all.

Threadly reminder that the story of military people arriving in a new galaxy is being told by a brown, aggressively anti-white SJW in an SJW company which is owned by soulless corporate robots.

I hope you like white human males genociding misunderstood non-CIS natives!

Genociding aliens is always a hoot

>The Reaper plot was reasonably resolved at the end of ME1
How does killing one reaper reasonably resolve the programmed purge of all sentient live from the galaxy?


>the Reapers live in the middle of fuck nowhere and need the Citadel Relay to get back to the galaxy in a reasonable amount of time
>stop the Reaper opening the Relay and blow it up

Problem solved until ME2 revealed they were just really fucking lazy and could fly back inside a year if they have to

Or how about we DONT fill the ship with singles like some goddamn floating space-harem?
How about we keep the dating-sim shit to a MINIMUM?
>but why not samoora
Is just as bad as
>muh robo ass


>3 wasn't that bad with the Extended Cut.

Remember how mad people were about the ending to ME3 back in 2012?

Honestly, this. They kind of painted themselves into a corner by sticking with the whole reaper plot after the first game.

Another rpg crap made by shitty writter from Bioware.

Andromeda is going full tumblr

>they did the exact same shit with ME1

they didn't, but you weren't posting here back then.

In general i liked the mass effect games. And as a fan of galaxy spanning high octane space opera... it's literally the only fix you get.

Most other sci-fi games stick to a nice safe uncreative post apocalyptic earth.

Because according to what we knew at the time the purge was based on a trigger that never went off.
Sovereign was the failsafe in case the trigger fucked up and we destroyed him too so Bioware could have easily just dropped the Reaper story from that point on.

First one was great.

Second one had okay story but the gameplay was not good because it wanted the CoD crowd, and the exploration bit with having fuel was silly. Also they turned Tali into blueberry 2.0 and everyone loved her while people complained about Liara for the exact same reasons.

Third one's story was annoying with the sudden forced PTSD, Mary Sue guy who is SOMUCHBETTER than you in cutscenes even if you rip his ass apart in the fight leading up to the cutscene, Reapers didn't seem as big of a threat because you were taking them down with shoulder mounted rocket cannons. Gameplay was pretty okay, but the game didn't really take your past choices into account and the end was basically 3 choices that were all the same bland BLAHfest. The endings were so bad and so many people complained about it that Bioware actually put in an alternative 4th ending where you can walk away from their choice and the game chides you and tells you that everyone died because of your decision.

That seems to be the consensus from most gamers I talk to about the game.

revisionism on this board will mark it as "good" while at its release everybody knew that it was shit-tier in every regard except for maybe grafix
one of Biowares worst game series to date with some of the worst companions(fuckdolls or generic dudebros with generic wannabee-tearjerk-backgrounds) and basically non-existant RPG

ME 3 was a bad game. Fuck off.

ME games weren't classics, but they were pretty solid. And now every competent person who worked on them is gone.


A perfect example of why Art can never flourish under Capitalism.

1 - A simple enough story, with great care and love put into the worldbuilding and characters in it.

2 - Oh, Mass Effect was successful. We need to make this game accessible to newcomers, however, otherwise we won't appeal to as many people as possible. Fire the guy who wrote the story as well, and change gameplay departments even though they were responsible for Mass Effect success. You have 2 years to get this game done.

3 - Shekels! The third game in the series should be the perfect starting point for newcomers! You watch RotJ first, after all, no? Lets make it so that none of your decisions mattered from the previous games, since we need to save time. The ending doesn't make sense and is rushed? Who cares! Look at all these pre-orders!

>dem clear false flags
either you're a shitposter or a shill but your opinions are giving me IBS

A perfect representation of the decline in quality seen across the video game industry beginning roughly in 2006.

>entertainment for children

Hey fuck you the dudebros in the first game didn't have tearjerk backgrounds.
That was all that faggot Thane.

1 is fantastic.
2 is good, but relies heavily on a sequel to wrap up loose ends.
3 is a monumental disaster and it actively makes 2 worse by flopping on all its loose plot threads.
Anybody hyped for 4 is simply insane.

ME 1 is to ME 3 like Diablo 2 is to Diablo 3

2007 was the objective start date for the decline of vidya and civilization.
>Modern Warfare
>Big Bang Theory
>beginning of Obama campaign and SJW era
>Virginia Tech shootings begin the Elliot Rodgers era

>artertainment for entren

Jesus, its been a while since i saw a genuine retard on Cred Forums.

Only reason to be hyped for 4 is because they keep name dropping 1.

But then again, And they have a track record of ham-fisting by now.

3 words


i havent seen this in years

I have no faith in Andromeda


Who the fuck is this down syndrome looking Asari and why do I keep seeing her?

When patched fully and with the expac,both good in their own way?

She's hot

The future of Bioware.
Shepard's kid.

One of the lovable companions you will have in Mass Effect Andromedaâ„¢

My eyes just rolled out of their sockets at the thought.
Unfortunately, Humans only for the protag confirmed.

>underaged us american

Get off the internet gramps, SSI cancelled your benefits last week. Don't you remember?


You won't be doing the genociding, just witnessing it and then picking a response to it.


>muh false flags
>shill for a game that nobody including me ever wants to touch again because it leads into the dogshit that was ME3

Either you're a mad ME1 fag or a retard. Either way you disgust me

>0.5 bitcoins has been added to your account

>being straight is a renegade action

Sure. if you can stand the abortion that is post patch Diablo 3.

>Completely shit on both ME3 and ME1 in this very thread
>Genuinely have very few problems with ME2
>Implying shills would ever be allowed to do anything but praise the series as a whole and hype up Andromeda

Come on my man you gotta do better

It's not. That's just the default highlight for your current selection.

Why is it impossible to take anyone that spams Cred Forums meme faces seriously?

The worst thing about ME3 is that the main story is garbage, while the sidequests are really good. If it was the other way around, I would be satisfied.

But no, fuck the Reapers who are INVADING THE ENTIRE GALAXY. While not sticking to their best plan (wreck the citadel and destroy the rest), instead attacking Earth because MUH FEELS. Ok, sure, but at least Humans get their asses handed to them.

So we are supposed to gather all the fleets to help EARTH for some fucking reason (even though literally everybody is getting attacked, and even combined fleets of everybody are not enough to stop the REAPERS). Who is the enemy you literally fight the most?

Fucking Cerberus man! The Illusive Man knows shit even before you do. His "Pssshh, nothing personnel...kid." chinese assassin and an ARMY of heavy duty warriors are literally everywhere for no fucking reason. Their sole motivation is to fuck shit up for humanity, even though IM is supposed to be a human supremacist.

It just felt like the people who done 3 didn't want to do Mass Effect at all. They wanted to do a space shooter. That is all fine and dandy, but you are making fucking ME.

No matter the fact that Bioware rotated the writers around every installment.

>It just felt like the people who done 3 didn't want to do Mass Effect at all. They wanted to do a space shooter.
This is basically true because they needed humanoid enemies for the multiplayer, because those are easier to design in shooters, so they had to shoehorn in some kind of human faction to oppose you and they went with Cerberus because otherwise they'd have to make one up.
The reason they didn't restrict this faction entirely to the multiplayer was for cost saving reasons. They made the best enemy AI they've ever had and didn't want to let it go to waste on multiplayer alone so integrity of the plot was sacrificed for that.

I love the series but I didn't even know it was possible for an ending to take a huge steaming pile of shit upon the rest of the series until I played Mass Effect 3. I've personally vowed to never buy an EA game ever again. After the CnC game that does not exist and ME3 I'm done with EA.

Mass Effect 2 is easily the best of the three

>That awful crap is what prevents me from replaying ME2

You can just cheat the resources in, you know.

maybe, ME3 did combat better, shown that the new story direction heads to abyss and made ME2 events irrelevant.

I think this image sums the series, and Bioware up

>being dumb

No one says "Mass Effect's setting is good because it's original." It's good because it is a not-Star Trek space opera.

My problem with them is that I wanted KoTOR 3 and got Gears of War.

Also, I wish I could have had the option to kill Mordin myself, the genocidal bastard.

>I hope you like white human males genociding misunderstood non-CIS natives!

Sounds cool.

Genociding the rachni, krogan, quarians, and geth in ME3 was pretty fun.

Went downhill rapidly after ME1.

i honestly cannot tell when a twitter screenshot is a shop anymore

needed more gay robots






He was actually intended to be bisexual from the beginning, but Mark Vanderloo had issues with his face being used in gay sex scenes.

They must have paid him a load of extra money for Mass Effect 3.

Funny how the gay Kaiden romance was finished, cut and can be restored entirely to the point that they recorded extra dialogue for 3 if you use a save with the restoration mod to acknowledge that they've fucked before

At what point did he actually figure it out and object?

If you didn't play standard default male Shepard you are an Untermensch and need to GTFO this thread at once.

Tali's dialogue in the extended cut ending literally made my stomach wrench with emotion. It ALMOST redeemed that shit.



The name's SHEpard. Not HEpard.


A great example of EA'S uncanny ability to shit all over a good thing.

Another example: DA2 was only supposed to be a small sidestory DLC for DA:O. EA wanted to turn it into a full-blown AAA game but didn't extend development time.

ME1 wasn't even an RPG, why did anybody expect ME2 or 3 to have """"""rpg elements""""?

ME1 is as much of an RPG as Witcher is, which is to say it's not


People just wanted a real inventory and item system, more customization and decent dialogue options. "RPG elements" are a meme.

It has denuvo iirc.

First game lacked polish, but it was still highly engaging with a lot of potential and room to grow.
Second game was very well received at the time of release, but opinions soured somewhat as time went on, especially after the trilogy was completed and the context which the game was then fit into.
Third game was highly disapproved of by a lot of people, though mainstream critics and many fans were generally positive, and it was looked at as indicative that Bioware had grown bloated and self-important. It caused great damage to the brands of both the Mass Effect franchise and Bioware.

then why does the asari have such a fat ass and jump over things in lewd positions?

>can't use weapons for shit unless you put points in them
Sounds like an RPG.

Why does everyone own this hoodie?

best girl forever

>tfw can't enjoy a Mass Effect thread without constant pestering by waifu fags
I love Mass Effect but I can't comprehend all this obsession over Liara/Tali/Garrus/whatever. Fuck this specific Bioware demographic.. just let us enjoy a nice fucking sci-fi game and stop your love simulator pandering, Bioware

ME 1 : Great game (despite the shitty exploration on random planets) which set up for a great story. Let's enjoy the RPG aspect where you can make some choices like letting the council die and help the Humans to become a dominant race.

ME2 : Glorified DLC. The start of the game doesn't make any sense with the end of ME1 (we were after the Reapers, not the Geths) and the new ennemy appears out of the blue. Plus, beating them doesn't mean anything on the grand scheme of things contrary to the end of ME1 where the Reapers fail their surprise attack. That being said, this opus starts an interesting theory on the Reapers (dark matter).

ME3: A game that should be divided in two. (Re)uniting the armies and finding the catalyst, then counterattacking. They squeezed too much in one game, not allowing us to enjoy each part as much as we should.. The ending is a disgrace in term of choices (red, blue, green) and scenario, abandonning the theory of ME2 in favor of : Reapers don't want the organics to kill each others so in order to protect them they kill almost all the organics (they don't even make one Reaper per race).

All in all, pleasant series but the writing drops already in ME2 and the final is underwhelming.

Friendly reminder that the EA marketing squad is here to shill their game and shitpost the competition.

>if I say motherfucker a lot, the kids will never suspect a thing!

Why would I do that when I can play as a stone cold bitch and indulge in my yuri fantasies.

>Mark Vanderloo had issues with his face being used in gay sex scenes.

Was that the actual reason? There's dialogue for femshep and Ashely romances that's cut as well. I figured they either didn't have the time to fully implement it or just didn't want to deal with the shit storm of having actual gays instead of one fake gay romance with Liara.

but there was only one game

>playing as a shaved monkey with a nasally canadian accent

I'll pass.

>We did a good job, right me?
>Damn right, me.

>arrived to the party late

Get the fuck out.

You are the reason ME was casualised for the filthy scrub masses

>"we'll introduce a segment at the start of 2 and 3 for new players to just jump on board!"
>"they'll be able to pick the choices they would have made in the previous games in a 2 minute comic."
>"Who cares about the players who were excited about the franchise before the first game was even released?"

You are the reason Ammo was added to a game that had an in-universe reason for not needing ammunition. You are filth, get the fuck out of here.

it isn't good enough for the whole build up they made.